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Daddy’s Wild Friend by Charlize Starr (97)

Chapter Nine - Erica


I hadn’t even thought about seeing Kyle Murphy again, let alone standing in his living room, in his plush penthouse apartment, waiting for him to join me.

But did I have any other choice? The media, to which I belonged just a few days ago, was hounding me now. I couldn’t leave my house without a dozen paparazzi following my every move. I wasn’t like every other girl Kyle Murphy was seen with. I was different than all the rest. I had slept with him for a purpose: to get ahead in my career and there was proof of that. The proof lay in my five-star interview.

My editor had fired me, I couldn’t leave my apartment, and I was hiding a pregnancy. I didn’t even want to think about what my dad was thinking of me. He had called me several times, but I never answered the phone, and he didn’t leave any messages. I could predict what he would say anyway: “I knew you’d go and get yourself knocked up. That’s what all girls do.”

So, I had no other choice but to welcome Lewis’ phone call. He said that he had a suggestion to make, for both of our sakes. And I listened to him, to his suggestion that we embark on a fake relationship for only a few weeks until everything died down. The media would be convinced that the photograph published was just a private, intimate moment between a loving couple. And then maybe I would still have a shot at a career as a journalist.

I stood at the French windows, looking at the view. Kyle had sent a chauffeur-driven Mercedes to pick me up from my apartment. His place was decorated in shades of gray and eggshell white, immaculately clean. It was obvious that he was rolling in money.

“Erica.” I heard his voice at the door and I whipped around to find him standing there. His arms were crossed, biceps bulging. He was looking at me, a smile on his face. Unlike me, it appeared that Kyle Murphy had nothing to worry about.

“Hello, Kyle,” I said as quietly as possible. I couldn’t quite understand why my heart was racing. He was gorgeous to look at, there was no denying that. His hair was short, dark and rich like velvet. His eyes were sparkling green, his face chiseled as though cut out of marble. He wore a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. He looked casual and comfortable, like he had no clothes on at all. I was afraid that I would blush and tried to control my nerves.

“I’m glad you decided to take the offer,” he said and took a few steps towards me.

“Do you know who did it? Leaked the photo, I mean?” I asked him, growing increasingly nervous with every step he took towards me. I wasn’t easily intimidated, but I was afraid of him for some reason. Or was I afraid of myself? Frightened of what he might make me do again?

“No, but it has to be somebody from the team. I’ve put Lewis on it. Hopefully we’ll find out soon,” Kyle said as he came to a stop in front of me. I looked away from him, unable to hold his gaze any longer, but I could sense that he was smiling.

“I knew you weren’t pleased,” he said.

I jerked my head back to look at him. “Why would I be? I lost my job because my editor thinks I slept with you for the interview,” I snapped back, but there was no fury in his eyes.

“Didn’t you?” he asked. I saw a smirk develop on the side of his lips.

“Nobody was supposed to find out,” I said, gritting my teeth. I was looking directly at him now, at the soft stubble on his jaw, the way his small nostrils flared, how his eyes sparkled, his sharp eyebrows framing his face. Kyle Murphy was sexy, of course, but even just his face was a treasure to look at. But didn’t I hate him?

“Yes, I know. Nobody was supposed to find out. But, clearly, somebody caught us on camera. Somebody who has something against me.” His voice changed a little and I thought I detected a slight anger. Was he as angry and upset about everything as I was? I couldn’t imagine it, I couldn’t imagine him worrying about anything. Everything came so easily to him.

“And I definitely didn’t want to get you dragged into all of this either,” he added. Our eyes met. His gaze had softened, the smile gone from his eyes. He was serious about this. I lost some of the rage I was feeling.

“It was both our faults,” I said softly, only loud enough for him to hear. I hadn’t admitted it before because I had been so mad at him, but that was the truth; it was both our faults indeed. He hadn’t forced me into anything. He had only presented himself, planted the idea, and I was eager to grab it. I was eager to feel him inside me.

“Good,” he said, suddenly clapping his hands together and surprising me out of my thoughts. “I hope you’ve packed a bag because you’re staying in my apartment for the next few weeks. It’s all settled. I’ve set up the guest bedroom for you.” Kyle’s mood was on high again. I stared back at him as he stated this, no words to add. I had to admit that it was a good plan.