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DEFY: The Kings Of Retribution MC ( Novella ) by Sandy Alvarez, Crystal Daniels (8)

Chapter Eight


"Babe, don't forget Dad is coming over for dinner tonight." Logan reminds me as we both stand in our bedroom while getting ready for work.

"I haven't forgotten. Will Nikolai be joining us as well?" I ask sitting down on the edge of the bed and slide my boots on.

"I talked to him last night, and he said he's going to be working late tonight. He and Reid are on a deadline. The guy who hired them to work on the resort has decided he wants to be open two months earlier than planned."

I look up at Logan with my mouth hanging open, "Two months? I hope this guy makes it worth their time. They are sure to be working a lot of late nights and weekends."

Chuckling Logan responds, "Trust me, babe. Reid and Nikolai are coming out on top with that deal. Declan is more than fair with his compensation. I've met him. He's a straight shooter. The club wouldn't do business with him if he weren't."

After pulling on my boots, I stand and make my way over to the closet where Logan is shrugging on his cut. "I'm proud of Reid and Nikolai. They have made their business a success."

Wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on the top of my head, Logan adds, "Me too, babe."

"You ridin' with me this mornin', Angel or are you taking your car to work?" Logan asked me once we have made our way downstairs and into the kitchen for coffee.

This is something Logan, and I have decided to do every morning before going to work. We plan to spend an hour together before we start our day. If that means we have to wake up earlier than usual so we can implement some us time, then that's what we're going to do. Life can get so busy. It's important to set time aside just for us.

"I'm taking my car. I want to run to the hospital on my lunch break to visit the baby. I won't have time after work since your dad is coming over. I'm going to ask Jake for an extra thirty minutes to the hour I already take on my break."

Setting his cup down, Logan studies me from across the table before speaking in a soft tone. "This baby is starting to mean somethin' to you, Angel?"

I swallow past the lump in my throat. With my eyes trained on the coffee mug in front of me, I reply. "I can't explain it, Logan. My heart is drawn to her. I know it sounds crazy and you probably think it's because of everything we have gone through, but it's not. There's something about her. When I'm near her, and when she's in my arms I feel…"

"Whole." Logan finishes for me.

I snap my head up and let my eyes lock on his. The look on his face is a tender one of understanding. "Yes," I choke out.

After a beat of silence, Logan speaks again. "Tell me what you're thinkin', Angel?" He asks even though I'm confident he knows what my answer will be.

This is something I have been thinking about for days but haven't had the nerve to bring it up. "I want her," I confess with absolute certainty. "Everything in me tells me she belongs with me… with us." I add.

"Why haven't you told me how you feel?"

Sighing, I give him the truth. "I wasn't sure what your thoughts on adoption would be, and I was afraid you'd think I was crazy for feeling the way I do about her."

"You should never just assume, Angel. I want you to come to me with everything you are thinking and what you are feelin'. I would never think your feelings are crazy. And as for adoption, I'll admit that I've never given it much thought, but knowing how you feel about this baby girl you've been visiting, I think we should go for it."

Sitting across from Logan I feel my heart pounding in my chest. His last statement has rendered me speechless, and I can't stop the tears from flowing. Standing up from his seat, Logan makes his way around the table before scooting my chair to face him, then goes down to his knees in front of me and cups my face in his large hands. "Bella, I want a family with you. Whether it by us or adoption, I welcome any children we have. If that baby girl means somethin' to you, then she means somethin' to me. If your heart says she's yours and she belongs to us, then we're going to try making that happen. I'm all in, beautiful."

At Logan's last words I throw myself into his arms. I'm crying so hard my body is shaking. After a few minutes my tears subside, and Logan pulls me back and kisses me on the lips. "I love you, Angel."

"I love you too," I breathe out between kisses.

"Why don't you take the day off work. Go to the hospital and talk with Emerson and see if she can help you figure out what steps you need to take when it comes to the baby."

"Breanna," I tell him.

"Who?" He asks with a confused look.

"I've secretly given her the name Breanna," I tell him sheepishly while looking down at my feet. "It means strong. Because she is strong and she's a fighter. I hated referring to her as Baby Doe."

Placing his finger underneath my chin, Logan forces me to look at him. "Breanna is a beautiful name." Standing up, Logan pulls me into him and I wrap my arms around his middle. "Come on, babe. You call Emerson, and I'll let Jake know you won't be in today. Okay?"

With a nod, I kiss him one last time before he heads out the door. Once I hear his bike roar down the driveway, I walk over to the kitchen sink and splash cold water on my face. After taking a couple of deep breaths I walk over to the kitchen table and pick up my phone so that I can shoot off a text to Emerson.

Me: Hey, you at home or work?

Emerson: Home. What's up?

Me: Can I come over. I need to talk?

Emerson: Of course. Everything okay?

Me: Yes. I'm on my way.

I'm not sure where to start with the adoption process, but hopefully, Emerson will be able to lead me in the right direction. I would think working at the hospital she would at least know what happens to children in situations where the parents abandoned them. She did tell me they are turned over to the state and placed into foster care. Maybe that is my first step. Becoming a foster parent.

Twenty minutes later I'm knocking on Emerson's apartment door. When she opens the door, the first thing I notice is how tired she looks. "You okay?" I ask when she motions for me to come in and I toss my purse on her sofa.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got off shift."

"Em! Why didn't you tell me when I texted you?" Shit, now I feel bad.

She waves me off. "Don't sweat it. It always takes me an hour or two to wind down enough to go to sleep. I'm not one of those people who can fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow." She assures. "I was just about to have some coffee; you want some?"

"No thanks, but I'll take some juice if you have any."

Walking over to the refrigerator, Emerson pulls out a bottle of orange juice and pours me a glass. Setting my glass down on the coffee table in front of me, Emerson sits next to me with her mug and tucks her legs underneath her. "So, what's going on?" She asks.

"How are you doing after what happened at the clubhouse over the weekend?" I ask her. "I hope you didn't get turned off by what that piece of shit did. I want you to know none of the guys wouldn't ever let anything happen to you. Especially Quinn." I say with concern. I hate that some asshole was able to drug her and take her outside of the clubhouse. I hate even more that I wasn't paying close enough attention to her. My stomach turns at the thought of what happened to her could have been much worse. Thank God Logan found her in time. Just not soon enough. Emerson still carries a faint bruise on her cheek from where that son of a bitch slapped her. The guy is lucky he's still alive. Logan told me Riggs handled the prospect. But he also said Quinn disappeared from the clubhouse not long after the prospect was sent away, and when he returned an hour later his knuckles were busted up. One guess as to what he did. "I know the guys are feeling like shit about the whole situation too. The club would never stand for a woman to be treated such a way," I continue.

"Seriously, I'm fine. And I know the guys would never allow something like that to happen. I promise I'm okay. It's not the first time I've had to deal with scum, and it won't be the last. Now enough apologizing and let's talk about why you're here." she chides. Though I want to question her further by what she means when she said she's had to deal with scum before, the look on her face tells me she doesn't want me to press.

Deciding to bite the bullet and just come out with it, I tell her. "I want to adopt Baby Doe.” I wait for a second to see what her response is going to be, but when I look over at her, she has a big smile on her face. Emerson does not seem to be the least bit shocked at my statement.

"I knew by the second day you spent with her this was going to be the outcome," she tells me.

"What? You did?"

Emerson smiles behind her cup. "I did. The second day you visited her, I snuck up to the NICU to check on you. You didn't see me, but I watched you. When you were holding her, the way you were looking down at her and she was looking up at you, I knew that you two belonged to each other. You two meeting was meant to be. Her mother abandoned her, you were lost, and you both found each other."

For the second time this morning I'm crying. Emerson sets her cup down on the table and inches closer to me on the sofa hugging me. Pulling away from her, I use the sleeve of my shirt to wipe my eyes. I'm thankful I decided to forgo makeup today. "Do you have any advice as to what my first step should be?" I ask.

Standing, Emerson walks into the kitchen and over to the counter where her cell phone is. "I have a friend that works with Social Services. I'm going to call her and see about getting the ball rolling on you becoming a foster parent. The adoption process could be lengthy and if you were able to foster, then at least the baby would be able to stay with you and Logan during that time."

Suddenly feeling nervous about my chances of being accepted, I ask, "What about the club? No way will the state approve us with Logan being a member of an MC."

"Don't you worry about that. My friend owes me big time. She will come through for me on getting you accepted." Sagging with relief, I wait and listen as Emerson makes her call.

Later that evening I'm preparing dinner and waiting for Emerson's call. When I left her apartment, she assured me her friend was going to pull some strings and get Logan and I accepted. Hearing the front door open, I look over my shoulder and smile when I see Logan walking through. Striding into the kitchen, he takes his cut off and hangs it on the back of the barstool then walks up behind where I'm standing at the stove and wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. His touch sends shivers down my spine.

"Hi, Angel," he rasps into the crook of my neck.

"Hi," I whisper back just before his mouth claims mine.

"You get things sorted out today?"

"I hope so. I went to see Em this morning, and she called in a favor. She said our best bet is to become foster parents first that way Bree could live with us while we file for adoption."

"That's good, babe. When will we hear something back?"

"Em said she'd call me soon. I'm nervous Logan. What if they say no? I can't stand the thought of Bree getting shuffled from one foster home to the next, or her ending up with bad people." I choke out.

"Don't let those negative thoughts creep inside your head. Everything will work out." Blowing out a breath, I allow my body to relax back into Logan's frame.

"You're right. No need in me getting worked up until there something to be worked up about." Glancing around the kitchen and in the living room, Logan asks. "Where's Sofia?"

"She's staying the night with her friend Lucy. They're working on a history paper." I tell him.

A moment later we both turn our heads towards the door when we hear the bell ring. "Can you let your dad in while I finish dinner?"

Logan strides to the front door and greets his father. I'm pulling the enchiladas out of the oven when they both walk into the kitchen. Taking the oven mitts off and setting them on the counter I turn to greet Demetri. That man is a sight. His dark hair with the slightest touch of grey on the sides and those trademark green and blue eyes. I love my husband, but I can appreciate a good-looking man. "How are you doing, Demetri?" I ask kissing him on his cheek.

"I am well, Krasavitsa beautiful," He says giving my arm a gentle squeeze.

"Why don't you two go sit out on the deck, and I'll bring you a beer. Dinner will be ready in about fifteen minutes."

"Thanks, babe," Logan says and kisses my temple before leading his dad out to the deck.

An hour later and nearly a whole casserole dish of enchiladas gone, Logan, his dad and I are sitting by the fire pit with full stomachs while drinking beer. I'm sitting in Logan's lap with my head resting on his chest and enjoying the rumble of his voice as his and Demetri's conversation flows freely. I'm brought out of my daze when I hear my cell phone ringing from inside.

Sliding off Logan's lap, I make my way inside to answer my call. Seeing Emerson's name on the screen, I respond immediately. "Em?" On the other end of the line, I hear her deep sigh and my gut is telling me she has bad news. "Just tell me Em." I urge.

"You and Logan were accepted."

Closing my eyes, I let out the breath I was holding. "Thank God," I breathe.

"But, it's going to take at least six months for all the paperwork to process," she states next, dropping the bomb.

Just like that, my hopes are shattered. "Six months!" I nearly shout, and seconds later Logan is by my side.

"I'm sorry, Bella. My friend was able to get you accepted, but she still has to go through her supervisor. She did try everything she could." Emerson's voice sounds pained.

"It's okay, Em. I know you did everything you could. I am grateful for your help."

"We'll figure something out, Bella."

I don't want her to feel even worse than she already does. "You've done enough Em; seriously, you're a good friend. I'll talk with Logan, and we'll see what happens next."

I let out another deep sigh, "Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

Hanging up the phone, I turn to Logan and bury my face in his chest. "We were accepted as foster parents but will have to wait at least six months," I say through muffled sobs.

Logan runs his palms up and down my arms trying to comfort me, "We'll figure something out, Angel."

"Son? Is everything alright?" I hear Demetri ask.

When I look up at Logan I see him silently ask me if it's okay he tells his father what's going on, and I give a slight nod allowing him to confide in his dad.

"Bella and I have decided to adopt. As I was just discussing with you earlier, Bella has been volunteering at the hospital. She has been visiting a baby girl who was abandoned by her mother. The baby has come to mean somethin' to Bella, and we have decided to see about making her ours." He says.

"That's wonderful news, yes?" Demetri smiles.

Shaking his head, Logan continues. "It is, but adoption can take a while, so Bella's friend pulled some strings and got us accepted as foster parents, only it could take up to six months for everything to be finalized."

"I see," Demetri remarks understanding our dilemma. Reaching into his suit jacket, Logan's father pulls out his cell phone. After taping on the screen, he holds it up to his ear. A second later he begins to speak. "Donovan, find out who the head of Montana Social Services is. Logan and his wife have some paperwork that needs to be pushed to the top of the pile by the end of the day tomorrow. Call me when it's taken care of."

Demetri ends his call, and I'm standing here stunned while Logan has a huge smile on his face. What the hell just happened? "Wh… what did you just do?" I ask barely able to find my words.

"Helping my son and daughter-in-law make me a Deda grandfather."

Unable to hold back my sobs, Logan scoops me up into his arms and whispers into my ear. "You see, Angel, I told you it would all work out."