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Dirty Sexy Scot by Melissa Blue (5)


Mia pulled her rental to the side of the road and checked the directions on her phone. She jumped out of her skin when the sound of bagpipes filled the car. Stupid, stupid butterflies descended in her gut.

“Scot Bae?” she answered.

“We have to find another nickname for me.”

She closed her eyes, letting his accent and deep timbre wash over her. He was so a living, breathing advertisement for phone sex. He could read a bran muffin ingredient list and she'd still be turned on.

Focus, Horny Mia.

She grabbed hold to his light and flirtatious reply. "You don't like being called poo in Dutch?”

“It’s just that I’ve given you ‘M’ which is perfect.”

Just like that she was amused and turned on. How did he do that? “An initial is perfect?”

“Prince was a symbol. An initial has to rank higher.”

She laughed then pondered Kincaid and them. They weren’t a couple. He wasn’t wooing her. They were flirting long distance. “How do you feel about ‘Caid? I’ll only use it for special occasions.”


She closed her eyes, pulling him into focus from memory. His hazel gaze with the green a hard glint, the honeyed flecks warm and his mouth a pink, kissable siren’s call. “You called me after a few weeks of more emails. I can only assume this is the promised phone sex.”

His laugh was low, and God. She slid down into the seat a sex-starved puddle.

“Where are you?” he asked.

“Before you called I was trying to figure that out. I was supposed to be in London, Ontario an hour ago. Hold on.”

She pulled the phone away to snap a pic of her view from the car. She caught the tail end of his chuckle when she put her phone back to her ear.

“All I can see are trees, lass.”

“Me, too. No city in sight, but I can smell water.”

“Then follow the smell.”

“Is that something you picked up in the military?”

He fell silent. Finally, he said, “Plants that grow in and around bodies of water give off a particular scent. People also tend to build civilizations nearby.”

“Follow the scent and I’ll find people?”



“Aye. I like that. Now how can I get you to moan it?”

“Give me a reason.” She egged on a man who could probably fuck circles around her.

He said, “How about I talk and you listen.”


“The last time you had a turn the conversation devolved into disaster.”

She couldn’t say he was lying. “Where are you?”

“On the couch, shirtless, and your voice is caressing my ear. My dick is hard. It’s ready for a little release.”

Mia was blushing and so glad he couldn’t see her. “And how would you give yourself a little release?”

“I can show you.”

She silently mouthed Oh, my God. “What does that mean?”

"Depends on what you want to see."

Everything. She wanted to know how he liked to touch himself, what he sounded like when he groaned. Would he be more handsome with his face flushed and twisted from pleasure?

But wasn’t she supposed to be disgusted with his offer of a dick pic—or rather a dick video? All she could feel was hot and achy.

The only thing giving her pause was if he would want something in return. “And what do I have to do to

“Say please and thank you. That should cover it.”

“Phone sex suddenly feels so tame.”

“Speaking of that...where are your hands?”

“One is definitely on the phone.”

He laughed, and she loved it. “Mia?”


“Where’s my tongue?”

She closed her eyes, breathed, and let go of her shyness. “My neck. There’s a spot right between my collar bone and the tendon—it drives me crazy.”

“Then I’d kiss that spot first, soft as a whisper.”

She could almost feel the brush of his mouth, the prickle of his scruff against her skin. “What else?”

“When you moan for more that’s when I’ll draw my tongue across the spot. Do you want me to use a little teeth, too?”


“What are my hands doing while I'm licking you?”


“Cupping your breasts or something lower?”


“You’d be wet just from my tongue.”

A moan escaped, and his end of the phone fell silent for a moment. “Can you even fathom how sexy you sound right now, lass? That moan.” He muttered a curse. “I could record it, play it on repeat and get off.”

“But how would you touch me?” she asked.

“Slowly, spreading you, teasing your pussy with the tips of my fingers. They’re rough from work, but gentle. I swear.”

She squeezed her thighs. It wasn’t enough for her throbbing clit. She needed to shove her hand into her panties and stroke the nub until she came. That would be the only way to relieve the pressure his words had built.

“What else?” she practically begged.

“I—” Another beat of silence interrupted him. “Fuck. It’s my brother again. I’m starting to believe he was born to cockblock.”

Despite the tension wringing her insides, Mia laughed. “Is this the same brother that pushed us together at the hotel?”

“Aye.” Another beat. “Hold on.”

“Just call me later. I should probably go before it gets dark.”

“Are you sure?”

Mia was sure if their conversation continued, she’d find herself masturbating in her car. “Take care of your family, ‘Caid.”

“Later, M.”

She ended the call and just sat there staring out of her windshield, not focusing on anything. How could she? With a few words Kincaid had her wet and craving a taste of the pleasure he’d promised. Their long-distance flirtation no longer felt light and fun, yet, she didn’t want it to end. Not yet.


I followed the smell and found this beautiful little spot. It’s going to be this week’s podcast feature.

Thanks for the tip.


Finally arsed myself to listen to your podcast. I binged a few episodes with the Baird. We were working to finish up the light renovation in the pub’s main room.

He wants to know if you’ll marry him.


Tell him I’m already shamelessly flirting with one Scot. That seems to be all I can handle, and barely that.

Which shows did you listen to?


I started with the one you did on the Con where we met. I was sad to find out there was absolutely no mention of my good looks and strong muscles.

FYI: You could have taken a picture of me had you asked for one.


I’m still waiting on the naughty video I was promised.


You can always drop in on Glasgow to see me in the flesh. You can have front row seats to how I like it.

Let me get this straight,” Tasha held up her hands as though that would emphasize her point. The computer screen lagged for five seconds.

Mia picked up her laptop and moved to the bed where she consistently got better reception in the B&B. “I don’t know how many times I can repeat myself,” Mia said. “We’ve been flirting for a little over a month and he kind of flirtatiously invited me to drop by. Again.”

“Again?” Tasha’s voice went up an octave.

“He kind of invited me when we first met. It wasn’t out of the ordinary. People invite me to visit them all the time. Sometimes I do.”

Tasha pursed her lips. “Do you want to go?”

Fuck, yes, which was and wasn’t a problem. She had vague plans to compare London, Ontario to London, England for a podcast. She could do that a few months down the line, since there was no pressing need to hop on a plane to cross the pond. “I was just contracted to revamp a website. It’ll take me a week or so. I’m on the fence about going home or staying here until the job is done.”

“That didn’t answer my question, Mia. Don’t think I missed how you dodged it.”

“I know.” She glanced out the window. Summer up North was a treat. Most people felt like ninety degrees was a heat wave. Home had been a steady one hundred and five for the last three weeks.

And all of her reasons to stay in Canada were an excuse and she knew it.

“Okay. Fine. I might also be staying in Canada because I can’t make up my mind. If I go home to California it’s a longer plane ride. It’s more expensive. If I go home, I’ll totally chicken out.”

“What does your gut say?”

Her gut said something more was going on between her and Kincaid. She’d regret it if she let fear be her guide. It’s not like she was packing up all her belongings to live with him. It was a visit. How many people had she dropped in on that she’d barely known then have an awesome time? A lot. It’s why she continued to travel.

Mia sighed. “My head is telling me I’m foolhardy.”

“What does your head know?”

“It knows how to code. Regulates my breathing, blinking and all bodily functions that keeps me alive. It’s a pretty awesome thing, my mind.”

“Mia.” Her friend rolled her eyes.

“I know,” she said on a laugh. “It’s...feels complicated.”

“You can always leave if things become a little too much. To be honest, he sounds a little smitten with you.”

“You’re probably right.”



Tasha grinned. “Okay. I have to head to work. One of my co-workers called in sick and I agreed to take over their shift.”

“How are things for you? We never talk about you.”

“You’re the one with the interesting life. I go to work and come home.”

“When was the last time you went to a club and had some fun? I know I’m not your only friend. You have Karen and Shonda.”

“Shonda got married and found religion.”

“And Karen?”

“Still out there.”

“After you’re done talking to me, call her.”

Tasha pinched the bridge of her nose. “I always have regrets with her.”

“Then she is the perfect person to call. Life should be lived.”

Tasha sat back and blinked. “Oh, is it?”

The downside to best friends is that they called you on your shit. “Do as I say, not as I do?”

Tasha snorted. “Go to Scotland.”

Mia broke eye contact. “I’ll think about it.”

On that note, they ended the call, but it left a lingering question for Mia. Would she go? Was she brave enough to really grab life by the horns and ride it for all she was worth?

Can you trust him?

Her gut said yes, but her head could only remind her of the last time she put her heart out into the world. It had been crushed, and maybe she wasn’t done healing, but how long did it take to get over someone leaving when you needed them the most? Months? Years? Forever? She feared it was the last. Her heart would always hitch with fear. Her mind would whisper this time he’ll leave. If she knew nothing else, the fear, the whispers were not the way to love. Hell, it was why she’d avoided deep entanglements.

She sighed and opened her Internet. What would it hurt to find out the actual cost of flying to the UK? She didn’t have to decide today. She had a week to make up her mind. Hopefully by then her head caught up with her stupid heart.