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Elliot's Secret (The King Brother's Series Book 3) by G. Bailey (17)



All the things I've heard about The Cage in town run through my mind as Tristan drives me there. I've heard about the deadly fights, that it looks like a big nightclub with rooms in the back to have sex in. I've heard about the amount of drugs that you can find there and the kind of people who go there to fuck or fight. None of it scares me more than the fact Elliot is the one fighting tonight with his brother at his side. It took me half-an-hour to convince Tristan to take me and he only did because he knew I would go alone if he didn't. Elliot doesn't know I'm going to be here tonight and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with seeing him hurt but I can't sit at home and pretend it isn't happening. I care too much now. 

"Please change your mind," Tris begs me, pulling my attention to him.

"No, I have to be there and I’m sure my dad will like the idea of me seeing more of his Cage. He isn’t in the country so I won’t see him there and if he asks, I will tell him I wanted to see who Elliot really was. I'll tell him Elliot scared me and hopefully, he should leave Elliot alone," I say while he is shaking his head at me, muttering about stubborn women. 

I snort to myself because Tris is just as stubborn as I am. 

It's not long before we pull into a long dirt road, which leads to a car park with a massive warehouse behind it. Looking at the worn down warehouse, you wouldn’t ever think what lies underneath it. It’s the perfect hiding place. 

"It's so quiet," I say but Tris ignores me by getting out the car. I walk next to him through the parked cars and I see how tense he is. He stops suddenly and turns to me. 

"Stay close and don't do anything stupid. Fuck this reminds me of that blonde friend of yours. No wonder you two are friends," he says and I scowl at him, wondering what the hell he is speaking about. I don't get time to ask before he is walking again and I follow.

Tris says nothing to the massive man standing by the big door, who just glances at us before looking away quickly. I stay close to Tris as he opens a door to a small corridor and there is a large metal door at the end. I can hear a slight bit of music as we get near; Tris opens the door and waves me in.  The loud music blasts in my ears as soon as the door is opened, it’s worse than any club I’ve been too. The heat from the room makes me feel sick but I look around anyway. There’s a massive metal cage in the middle of the room that you can't miss and my heart screams then I see Elliot on the floor with a giant of a man straddling him. I rush forward through the crowd, shoving people out the way, forgetting about everything until I hit the metal barrier, with screaming girls either side of me. I can reach out to grab the bars but Elliot is still so far away.

Elliot gets hit in the face twice, while I want to scream but I stand in shock. Luke suddenly appears next to him and kicks the giant dude in the head and he falls off Elliot with a snack on the floor. I was hopeful that's the end of the fight but it looks like the giant has a bigger brother who looks pissed off and is walking slowly over to the boys. Elliot glances at Luke, who nods backing away and I watch as Elliot smirks and gestures for the giant to come here. The giant charges and Elliot pulls back with one large punch into the giants face's that makes him stagger a little but Elliot doesn't waste time and kicks him hard on his right knee. I hear the bone snap as he cries out in pain. Luke comes next kicking the other leg just as hard and he collapses. Elliot kicks him one more time in the face and it's clear who the winners are. The crowd around me goes wild, screaming Elliot's and Luke’s name. I watch as they both walk out the back just as Tris finds me and drags me back to a nearby bar. 

"I told you not to go far, that meant not running into a fucking crowd," he says tensely and then orders himself a beer. I order a large vodka and tell them to hold the ice. As I down my drink for courage, I text Elliot, knowing he is going to go ape but I need to see him.

Me: I'm at The Cage, at one of the bars. I'm going to dance, find me x 

My phone buzzes a little bit later after my second vodka, 

Elliot: Be there soon. You have a lot to explain before I take your ass home, angel x

I tell Tris I'm going to dance and he nods, understanding that in the middle of the dance floor is the only place it's safe for Elliot to talk to me in here. Tris said earlier that he doesn't have cameras on the dance floor and my dad is away anyway but I don't want to take the chance. I start dancing, enjoying the music and moving my hips slowly, hoping Elliot will get here soon. I need to feel him and know for myself that he is okay. Arms wrap around my waist from behind and I go to push them away when I realise it's Elliot's big chest pushed against my back and I'd recognise him anywhere. We don't say anything as we dance and he turns me so I'm looking up at him and kisses me till I'm breathless. His hands stay on my hips, despite my desperation to feel them roam all over me. 

"You’re coming home with me, I will meet you outside. Don't worry; I will be in the car, so your dad won't know it’s me because I usually bring my bike. Tell Tris," he says before he leaves me confused and needy on the dance floor. I sigh walking over to Tris, 

"I'm leaving with Elliot so I will call you, thanks for tonight," I say loud enough for him to hear. 

"Sure be careful, I will walk you out," he says, following me to the car park. I see Elliot straight away in Luke’s jeep, so I guess Luke must have given him a lift. 

"Be careful," Tris says before leaving and I open the door getting in. 

"Hey," I say as I put on my seatbelt but Elliot only nods and drives fast away from the Cage. I glance at him, seeing the bruises on his cheek but overall he doesn't look too bad. I never really noticed but he has a little dip on the side of his nose, where I guess it must have been broken at some point.

"You okay?" I ask but he doesn't reply, he does eventually just nod at me.

I'm worried now, as he seems tense and I would be an idiot not to realise why he is mad. 

"I was safe, Tris was there."

"I know," he says tensely but still doesn't look at me. We pull up at his house and he opens my door for me and takes my hand leading me into the house. 

"Hey, Harley, I bet you will be glad when Seb and Maisy are back tonight," I say as Elliot drags me gently behind him up the stairs. Harley is walking down looking tired with a sleepy Jake on his shoulder. I know their flight was at eleven, so they should be back in a few hours.

"Hey Allie, babies don't sleep do they?" He jokes while I laugh a little, thankful that Elliot has stopped.

"Sorry Harley," Elliot says before he lifts me over his shoulder and continues walking. 

"Bye," I mutter to Harley who laughs walking back down the stairs.

"I can walk," I say loudly and smacking Elliot’s ass. Holy cows, it only hurts my hand with how firm his ass is. Elliot doesn't respond but throws me onto his bed. 

Elliot pushes himself over me grabbing my wrists and I hear the clink of handcuffs snap. He leans back with a frown.

"Right, now you can't move, want to tell me why the hell you came to the fucking Cage tonight?" he asks, glaring at me.

"Why do you think?" I ask, avoiding looking at him. The bastard tied me up and I’m not answering his questions.

"Honestly, I think it was a crazy fucking move. Anyone of your dad’s friends could have seen you and told him. He isn't a stupid man, Allie. He would put two and two together, and work out you were there to see me," 

I glare right back at him hating how he knows he is right.

"I couldn't stand the thought of you hurt. I had to see what happened," I say. I watch as he moves off the bed and stands at the end looking at me. I try not to wriggle under his intense gaze.

“Do you think I want you to see me like that? In that place where I have killed men. I have killed people Allie, sometimes because I didn’t have a choice or sometimes because I hit them too hard. What if I lost that fight? What if you had to watch that?” he rants on, pacing like a caged animal at the end of his bed.

“I would want to be there! I would have killed anyone that hurt you. I don’t care about your past, I don’t care what my asshole of a dad made you do or what yours did. I only care that I’m in your life now and there is no way I am going anywhere when you are hurting!” I shout at him. Elliot walks over to me as I shout.

"Allie, God you make me so fucking mad," he growls before kissing me hard and coming on top of me. We battle with our tongues before I hear the rip of my short silver dress and I feel him pull it away. 

He unclips my bra before ripping that off me too and taking a nipple straight into his mouth before I get a chance to say anything. My back arches in pleasure as he plays with me. The next thing he rips is my thong before he parts my legs and is diving in between them like a starved man. I scream out Elliot's name as I come fast from the pleasure and he grunts before pulling down his jeans and chuckling off his top with his leather jacket. Elliot doesn't waste time and pushes himself inside me in one long thrust but he doesn't move. I glance up to see him looking at me intently and he kisses me gently as he rocks into me again and again. 

"Allie don't scare me like that again. I just can't…can’t lose you. You don’t have any idea what I would do to keep you safe," he whispers into my ear.

"I'm sorry," I say before I kiss him. We try to go slow but we both lose the battle quickly as I cry out as Elliot thrusts into me. Seconds later we both finish together, with me staring in wonder at his face as he finishes. I will never forget what it's like to see him like this, so relaxed and happy. He looks younger and less stern. 

"Are you going to untie me now?" I say with a chuckle, the handcuffs aren’t hurting me, while he lies on my chest still inside me. 

"No secrets, Allie. You’re my girlfriend and we have a lot against us already. You should have told me you were coming tonight." He replies.

"I won't keep anything from you again. I am sorry for scaring you but don’t fight me on coming with you next time. I need to be there for you, I will never be the stay at home girl and if you can’t deal with that…," I say the last part as a whisper.

"Okay, I always knew I wouldn’t be able to stop you doing anything you want but I will be keeping the handcuffs, just in case," he interrupts and grins down at me. He leans up to undo my hands and slip out of me. 

"Staying here tonight?" Elliot asks as he comes back from the bathroom a little later with a washcloth. 

"Yeah," I say looking around at Elliot's surprisingly clean room. Why is his room always tidy, I have the urge to just mess it up to annoy him.

I clean up with Elliot's help and dress in one of his shirts and boxers.

"Did you eat?" He asks.

"No," I say.

"Come on, I can order something from that twenty-four-hour pizza place and see if Harley wants any help," 

I nod following Elliot down the stairs and I think it's sweet when he takes my hand. Izzy opens the door followed by Blake as we get the bottom. 

"Hey bestie," I say with a grin.

"Hey you two," she laughs coming over to give me a hug and then looks at Elliot. 

"You okay? Blake said the fight went well." She asks. I didn’t realise Blake was there but it doesn’t surprise me.

"Yeah, we're ordering some pizzas. You in?" He asks them both.

"Yeah I will grab us some drinks," Izzy says taking Blake's hand as they walk away. Elliot and I find Harley in the living room, feeding a sleepy- looking Jake his bottle. 

"Hey, you want pizza?" Elliot asks taking a seat. 

"Yeah," Harley yawns. 

"Here, let me," I say taking Jake from Harley and I rock him in my arms. I’m lucky it doesn't take long before he is sleeping. I keep him on my shoulder snoozing as I take a seat by Elliot who pulls my feet onto his lap as he talks. 

"Aww, he is so cute," Izzy says coming into the room with Blake holding cans of Coke and some beers which they put on the table. 

"Poor man misses his dad and mum. It’s unfortunate that he has had three teeth come in this week, I may have to apologise to his parents about his new fun game of biting everything," Harley comments taking a beer.

"They’re back tonight, so he will be happy and why is your fault he is biting?" Izzy asks.

“I took him to one of those baby classes they told me to. Anyway, I was a little distracted because baby classes have a lot of single mum’s who wouldn’t leave me alone and a little girl his age was biting his arm. He bit her back as I got to him and they both cried. Since then, he has been biting everything.” Harley says with a slight shiver as we all chuckle.

“Totally not your fault bro,” Izzy says and her phone rings, which she answers walking out the room. 

"Ready for the exams?" Blake asks me.

"Yeah, I think so. They’re a little difficult and my heart just hasn’t been in it," I say thinking of my business class I share with Emilia. We are going to work on it together but she actually likes the class, when I all I want to be doing is teaching dance. I love all the kids and I’m teaching them a dance for a show at the end of the year.

"Oh my god, that was Tilly, her mum got a job as a teacher at the school and she starts in July. That means she is moving here with her family in ten months’ time when her dad’s contract ends," Izzy says while jumping up and down. She then jumps in Blake's lap, giving him a big kiss.

"That's amazing beauty, I know you miss her," he says leaning back.

"I can't wait to see her. She was my best friend for years when I was younger and stuck by me when my mum died. Her family is cool too. She has an older brother and two younger ones, they are coming too." she says and I notice how Blake tenses a little.

"So, your ex is moving here," he says quietly but we all hear and go quiet so we can listen. We are close like that or nosy, but who cares? 

"Yes, but you don't need to worry," she says quietly and Blake pulls her into a kiss that's so passionate it could melt the room. I look away to Elliot who is smiling down at me. 

"It's strange seeing you smile so much," I say tracing his lips with my finger, while Jake lightly snores on my shoulder.

"I have a damn good reason now angel," he says making me blush. Elliot plays with my hair, making me sleepy, while Harley talks to Izzy.

"So what's your friend Tilly like?" He asks.

"She has just turned twenty and is a book editor. She and Devon, her older brother, work together. They own a publishing business. She joined him a year ago after her university writing course was done. She loves her job and well, she is a brilliant person. You'll like her and oh, she has the brightest red hair you’ll ever see and it's real." She tells him and us.

"Are her brothers all red heads then? Boys never look hot with red hair. Except for that guy in Game of Thrones. You know the big wildling," I say and Elliot squeezes my knee, making me look at him with a questioning stare.

He doesn't reply just looks forward making me think it might have been about calling another guy hot.

"No they look like their dad; they all have dark blonde hair like yours. I think I know what guy you mean but there’s only one love for me in that show," she comments.

“Let me guess, Jon Snow?” I ask and she nods as Blake tickles her.

"I can't wait to meet Tilly. I feel like I know her already, from you," I say changing the subject when they guys look like they want to kill us. I guess listening to your girlfriends talk about other guys being hot, is not fun.

"You'll love her. She says anything that comes to her head like you but she is so bubbly. I can’t remember ever seeing her upset about anything; she could just make everything better." 

"I don't say everything, you guys would be scared of me if I did," I say and everyone laughs.

"Last week you commented about my hair after I woke up and told me I looked like my hair had been fucked instead of me last night," Izzy says flatly. 

"So? It did," I say while the boys laugh. 

“Blake’s mum was there, she had come over to make us breakfast.” Izzy says with a playful glare. Elliot laughs next to me and I grin.

"Angel, I like that you say what you think, not a lot of people do anymore," Elliot says kissing my forehead. 

“Maisy just texted me and said their flight is delayed. They aren’t sure how long they will be.” Harley says, drinking a bottle of water.

“That sucks. Let’s hope they don’t lose their suitcases, that always happens when something goes wrong.” Izzy replies.

"Oh that reminds me, I need to borrow an outfit to go home in tomorrow Izzy," I ask her.

"Sure but why?" she asks.

"Elliot had trouble working out how to get my clothes off, once I was handcuffed.” I tell her and her eyes widen.

“You know, you’ll have to remember to get me naked first or I might run out of clothes," I tell Elliot. Harley coughs as he chokes on his drink and Izzy goes bright red as she hides in Blake's chest, laughing.

Elliot belts out a loud laugh and I cover Jake’s little ears.

I sit back and shrug, realising that maybe I am a little too honest and maybe my friends are right.