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Embrace by Crissy Smith (8)

Chapter Eight




Dakota choose her favorite pair of jeans as well as a black V-neck T-shirt to wear for the day. Kieran’s gaze hadn’t left her since she’d woken up. He hadn’t said anything about her going into the office and she was glad. Dakota did not want to fight with him and, if Kieran insisted on her staying home, she wouldn’t be able to let his overprotectiveness pass. Not that she didn’t understand his concern—she still felt a little worn. Nothing she couldn’t handle, though.

“Do you want breakfast?” he asked. Kieran had dressed in his customary jeans and Henley. He looked like a tall and muscular Greek God.

“I want a kiss.”

He brightened. “Yeah?”

She finished tying her boots then motioned him closer. “Come here.” As soon as he was close enough, Dakota grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him forward.

Kieran was laughing when their lips touched. Once she’d gotten her wish, Dakota allowed Kieran to pull her up.

“So, breakfast?” Kieran asked. “I’m thinking we could stop in the café downstairs.”

“Really?” They rarely ate in the café. Kieran preferred avoiding the crowds and ordering room service or getting something on the go.

“We have time.”

“And you want to be out in the open.”

“Maybe I just want to make sure you eat properly,” he countered.

Dakota laughed while shaking her head but strolled out of the bedroom to gather her bag. “It’s fine with me.”

Kieran caught her by the hem of her shirt, yanking her back.


“Thank you.” He lowered his head before running his tongue over her bottom lip. “I know you don’t like what I’m doing.”

“I’ve thought a lot about it overnight,” Dakota admitted. She’d only managed to sleep off and on. Every time she’d closed her eyes, Dakota had seen the faces of the two men who had attacked her. It wasn’t what they’d done to her, though, that was troubling. Marcel and Elijah Argent had tormented Kieran. After dinner, Kieran had given her the file that the Organization had collected on his family. She’d been interested in seeing more on Kieran’s parents, but now she wished she hadn’t read it. “I’ll support you. I just want you to be careful.”

“I will,” Kieran promised. “I’m not going to let them hurt anyone else, though, if they can’t get to me.”

“Let’s do this, then,” she told him. “But once we have your cousins taken care of, we’re going to talk about taking that vacation.”

“Sounds good to me.”

It didn’t take them long to be out of the suite and into the elevator. Mitch was planning on working in their suite during the day so he’d be on location, but also guaranteeing that no one got inside their place. It had been Alex’s idea and, Dakota had to admit, it was a good one.

“I take it we have our shadows?” Dakota asked as they rode downstairs.

“Yes,” Kieran answered. “Jackson texted me.”

She’d finally consented to being followed—the only reason being if she hadn’t, Kieran would be worried about her. Dakota didn’t want to be the reason that Kieran let his guard down. It had taken Caspar explaining how Kieran would worry if she didn’t allow Alex to watch over her to make her understand. “Good. You’re buying me a latte and a muffin.”

He grinned.

The door opened. Kieran stuck his head out to check the area before motioning Dakota forward. She strolled out confidently in case anyone was watching. A small hallway left from the elevator. To the left stood the door they’d take to the parking garage, but to the right was the main floor of the casino.

Kieran slipped his hand into hers.

It being late afternoon, the main floor was crowded and loud. Even though Kieran wasn’t fond of the mass of people, Dakota enjoyed watching the unique assembly of the crowd. This was what Vegas was all about, after all. Being able to let one’s hair down and have fun. She might not want to take her vacation there, but she understood why others did. It was her job to make sure the tourists were safe while doing so.

“Of course, there’s a line,” Kieran bitched under his breath.

Dakota chuckled. She led Kieran to the line, trying to ignore Alex sitting in the corner with a large cup in front of him. Jackson seemed certain that neither Marcel nor Elijah had seen him before. That was what made him safe to tail Dakota.

The baristas were well trained and, even though they were busy, the line moved quickly.

Dakota ordered a large black coffee for Kieran and a large vanilla latte for herself. She also got him a breakfast sandwich and her a cranberry orange muffin. Handing over a twenty, she winked at the cute college-age guy taking her order, telling him to keep the change. Kieran snorted but didn’t reply. As they waited, Kieran slid his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Dakota would love it to have been because he couldn’t keep his hands off her, but she knew he was checking out the area around them. That was okay. When she did get him alone, away from town and without threats, she’d get a little public display of affection.

“Here you go!” the barista called.

Dakota accepted their tray, but Kieran took it from her before leading her to the opposite side of the café from Alex. Once seated, Dakota placed Kieran’s food and coffee in front of him before picking up her own latte. She took a deep sniff of her flavored brew just to enjoy.

“What are your plans once you get to the office?” Kieran asked.

Since he already knew, Dakota assumed the conversation was for the benefit of anyone who was listening. “I’ll check in on the kids and see if Luca heard back from his parents. His mom wanted to talk over the decision with the rest of the family.”

Kieran gave her a real smile. “I can’t believe how well that situation might turn out. That’s going to be a real break for the kids. Do you think they’ll accept?”

“I do,” Dakota answered after sipping her coffee. “It’s the best thing for Jeremy so Adam and Carmen will agree. If Jeremy understands the chance he’s being offered, he’ll be excited.”

“It’ll be good for him to finally be around people like him,” Kieran said.

Even though shifters were out to the public, Kieran was being careful with his words. Dakota found it funny that her lover refused to talk about anything paranormal out loud.

They finished their food quickly and Dakota cleaned the table before guiding the way out of the café.

“You riding in?” she asked. Dakota hated the idea that he’d be vulnerable on the way to the office.

“Yeah. I might need my bike later.”

Or he wanted to give Marcela and Elijah a chance to get at him. She stopped at the glass door to pull him into a kiss. “Be careful.”

“You, too.”

They separated at the curb and Dakota didn’t waste any time getting to her SUV. She didn’t want to be too far behind him. She climbed into her vehicle before locking the door. Dakota examined the immediate area but didn’t sense anyone else around.

Slowly, she put the key into the ignition and started the engine. Dakota carefully backed out of her spot and drove to the exit. Kieran’s bike was already gone. She pressed down on the gas pedal, pulling out into traffic.

“Please be okay,” she murmured.

Being alone for the first time since she’d woken up the previous evening gave Dakota a chance to just take in everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours. It also gave her time to think about her own family.

Dakota might not have ever been loved, but she hadn’t been mistreated.

Kieran’s parents had mentally abused him while his father had shunned every bit of love Kieran tried to give him. Dakota’s family had kept their distance from her, knowing that she’d have to fulfill the blood vow to the Organization. Neither of them had the childhoods they should have had, but both had come out on top.

She was pretty damn proud of them and the family they’d cobbled together.

Halfway to the office, Dakota noticed the same dark sedan from the day before. There was no way that was a coincidence. She pushed the Bluetooth button on the steering wheel.

“Call Mitch.”

Calling Mitch, the mechanical voice responded.


“Hey, it’s Dakota,” she said. “Are you logged in to the city’s traffic cams?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mitch replied.

“I’m not going to arrest you,” she said.

“As you’re calling from an unsecured line, I still will not answer that question.”

Damn, paranoid much? Instead of saying that, she grunted. “Well, if you were, maybe you could take a look at the corner of Forth and Falcon? I’m about to stop at a light. Two cars back is a dark sedan. I can’t see the license plate.”

“Anything in particular wrong with this vehicle?” Mitch questioned.

“I’m pretty sure that it also followed me to work yesterday. I shrugged it off before, but now…it seems weird.”

“I’ll pass along your concern and see what I’m advised to do,” Mitch commented.

Since she could hear his fingers flying across his keyboard, she knew he was on his task. She was going to have to get with Jackson about Mitch’s level of mistrust later, though.

“Let me know what you find,” she said. Dakota hit the button to disconnect the call. The red light turned green and she drove forward. Would Marcel and Elijah be stupid enough to go after her again? They had to know if anything else happened to her, Kieran would kill them.

She was never happier having such a short drive. Dakota pulled up to the guard house, relieved that Charlie was on duty. Kieran had spent his first several months antagonizing the young man. Instead of making a complaint against Kieran, Charlie had used each prank played on him as a training tool. The talk around the office still included how Charlie was moving himself up the ranks and would be put into field work education soon. Charlie had even gained Kieran’s respect, which wasn’t easy.

“Hey, Charlie,” Dakota greeted.

“Agent.” Dakota nodded. “I heard you might be bringing company with you?”


“I just received a call from someone who said they were a friend. Wanted me to know to watch out for other vehicles behind you,” Charlie explained.

Dakota laughed. Fucking Mitch. “Yeah. I might have picked up a tail.”

“Kieran already came through. Told me to keep my eyes open. I guess something bigger than just him messing with me is going on?”

“Yes,” Dakota admitted. “And some people don’t care who they hurt, if you know what I mean.”

“I understand,” Charlie said. “I’ll call Caspar about doubling up out here.”

“Good idea.”

“You better go. I don’t want your boyfriend thinking I’m flirting with you or anything.”

She laughed. “No, we wouldn’t want that.”

Dakota waved before driving forward. She parked next to Kieran’s bike, unsurprised that he was leaning against it. He had her door open once she had the engine turned off.

“You think you were followed?” he asked.

Damn, Mitch has been busy. “I don’t know. That’s why I called Mitch. I just find it weird that the same vehicle stayed behind me two days in a row. It’d be different if I left at the same time every day, but I’m hours later than I was yesterday.”

“Why didn’t you say anything to me?” Kieran shook his head. “Never mind. I’m just worried. It makes me sound like an asshole.”

“Hey!” She moved up on her tiptoes. “You are an asshole.”


“But you’re my asshole,” she said.

“You bet your ass!” He gave her a hard slap, causing her to squeak.

“Let’s get inside,” she said. Once they were in the building, Kieran could calm down while she went to check on the teens. Hopefully, Luca had good news for her.

Kieran walked directly behind her, covering her body from the view of the street. She pulled open the stairs door, relieved when the cool air poured out. That meant safety to her.


* * * *


Kieran had said goodbye to Dakota at the medical wing before going in search of his partner. He’d already spoken on the phone to Remy. Caspar should have been in earlier than any of them.

“K!” Remy called from next to the elevator.

“There you are.” Kieran jogged up to his partner. “Did you get with Caspar?”

“Yeah, he’s not happy but he’s sending us out on patrol. He’ll monitor while giving Jackson and Mitch updates on our locations.”

“Sounds good.” Kieran rubbed his hands together. He was anxious to get started. “Where’re we heading to?”

“Mitch suggested staying on the back side of the Strip. That’s most likely where they are. We want them to know that we’re looking for them. It’d be unusual if not,” Remy said.

“Fine, let’s go.” Kieran bounced on his toes.

“This isn’t Christmas morning,” Remy complained. “We’re going after dangerous men. You saw what they did to Luca.”

“Which is why I’m anxious. I don’t want anyone else targeted because they can’t find me.”

“Fine.” Remy spun around to the elevator.

“We can take the stairs.”

But the doors opened and Remy stepped inside. Kieran stomped along to join his partner. As they traveled down, Remy was texting. Kieran ignored the wolf shifter in favor of watching the floors pass.

Once the ding sounded, announcing their arrival, Kieran blocked Remy from exiting. He gazed out, making sure the coast was clear before waving to Remy.

“I’ll drive,” Remy stated.

Kieran normally took the passenger seat in the company SUVs, but tonight was different. He opened his mouth to argue, but Remy held up a hand.

“I don’t want you to jump out of the vehicle while driving.”

I did that one time! It was years ago, but Remy still holds that against me. “You crashed into a tree. You were fine.”

“I could have been killed!” Remy argued. “And I’m driving.”

“Whatever.” They didn’t have time to argue.

Remy hit the alarm on a key fob. Kieran followed the sound to large black truck parked several spots from where Dakota had parked earlier.

“Where’d we get this one?” Kieran asked, walking up to the truck. If he’d known this what the vehicle they’d be taking, he would have argued with Remy more.

“It’s the newest acquisition. Caspar gave me the keys this morning. He says this baby comes fully loaded. We’ll be connected to everyone else.”

“Nice,” Kieran commented after opening the door. Black leather seats in addition to a dash covered in all kind of gadgets. Mitch would bust a nut if he saw this.

“Oh, yeah!” Remy exclaimed. “This is going to fun!”

Kieran climbed into his seat and adjusted it for his long legs before looking over the console. Remy followed his lead. They were both acting like little kids, but the interior of this ride was sweet.

“Let’s see how she drives,” Remy stated.

“You know Dakota would punch you for naming the truck a woman.”

Remy ran his hands gently over the steering wheel. “It’d be so worth it.” He put the key in the ignition then turned it. The big beautiful truck roared to life. Remy practically squealed as Kieran laughed.

Then Remy was driving out of the garage way too fast. Kieran saw Charlie and another unit frowning at them as they sped away. Yeah, Caspar was probably going to hear about this. Still, his boss should know better to give them toys like this.

“Please do not forget I’m monitoring.”

Kieran jumped. Remy barked out a sharp laugh. “I did tell you we’re connected,” Remy said.

“Uh, hey, boss,” Kieran said to Caspar.

“This vehicle is brand-new. It there is even a scratch on it, I’ll take it out of your ass.”

Oh, that’s too good a comment to let pass.

“Not a word, Kieran,” Caspar said quickly.

Damn it. Kieran crossed his arms with a pout.

“I’m bringing in Mitch and Jackson online. Be careful out there,” Caspar ordered.

“Yes, sir,” Remy and Kieran said in union.

“Still so cool,” Remy whispered. Kieran merely nodded. He didn’t think that Caspar had video connected, but he wouldn’t put it past his boss.

“Let’s start on the opposite end from my hotel,” Kieran suggested. “We can make our way over. I think they’d stay close, but not too close.”

“You got it.” Remy took the next right. It was time to get to work.

Kieran cracked his window. It would help not only his ability to hear, but his scent and vision. Kieran was interested to see just how much he could push his abilities. He’d been devastated to learn that his DNA had been messed with by the mad scientist who’d loved to torture him. For too long, he’d tried to avoid even thinking about what made him different. Having his cousins there, for whatever reason, Kieran was rethinking power.

“Have you fed, Kieran?”

“Damn it,” Kieran snarled. “A little warning next time, Jackson.”

“Did you see him jump?” Mitch laughed. “That was awesome.”

Okay, so there are cameras inside. That answers one question. “Shut up, Mitch,” Kieran grumbled.

“Have you?” Jackson repeated.

“Not yet,” Kieran admitted. “I’m good.”

“You know how stress can affect you. If you get the chance, take it,” Jackson scolded.

“Yes, Dad,” Kieran quipped.

“I’ll knock you upside your damn head,” Jackson threatened.

Since he didn’t know where the cameras were, Kieran just held up his middle finger.

“Mature,” Caspar commented. “This is what I miss by not being in the field any longer.”

“Yeah, now you’re getting fat behind your desk, old man,” Kieran teased.

“Boy!” Caspar snapped. “I control what assignments you are assigned, don’t forget.”

“Sorry, sir.” Kieran snapped out a salute.

“I don’t know how you put up with him,” Jackson said to Casper, no doubt.

“I sometimes wonder if it’s worth it,” Caspar agreed.

“Excuse me,” Kieran said. “We’re trying to work here.”

“But this is fun!” Mitch complained.

“Did you find anything on the vehicle following Dakota?” Kieran asked.

“Oh, yeah!” Mitch said. “It parked two blocks from your office. Right in front of the laundry mat. There’s a traffic cam across the street. They sat there for about ten minutes before taking off. I ran the license plate and it came back to a rental agency at the airport. I’m still trying to hack into their records to see who rented the car.”

“That’s them,” Kieran stated. “I know it. Where’s the vehicle now?”

“I lost them around the Air Force base. The street cams are limited there and I haven’t managed to hack into the military ones. But I’m running a program that will alert me if they show back up on the city cams.”

“Good job,” Kieran praised.

“Okay. I’m going to drive by some of the smaller hotels and motels over here. We’ll keep an eye out for the vehicle. Mitch, can you text the license plate and info to both my and Kieran’s phones?”

“Sure, I’ll send it now.”

Kieran turned his attention to the side street that Remy drove down. The neighborhood was rundown but made up of locals. These residents were the heart and blood of the city. It was they who worked twelve-hour shifts inside restaurant kitchens, doing housekeeping, maintenance and more. Without the citizens of Vegas, there wouldn’t be fun to have for anyone. Kieran felt a connection with the community. It was why he hunted in their areas. He wanted them to be safe as possible when they were only trying to live their lives.

“Slow down,” Kieran murmured. He rolled his window down the rest of the way.

“Did you hear something?” Remy asked.

“Not sure,” Kieran said. “Turn into this alley.”

Remy didn’t even ask questions. He followed directions, but Kieran did see or hear anything as they crawled between fences.

“It must have been nothing,” he said. “Go ahead and turn around.”

It would be a long night searching this way, but Kieran had faith in their plan.


* * * *


Dakota grinned as Jeremy and Adam told her about their visit earlier with Luca. Apparently, Luca had gone to check on them as soon as he’d arrived and the shifters were in awe of the Coalition agent.

“Did he tell you about his plans?” she asked.

Adam nodded, but she grew concerned when Jeremy dropped his gaze.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him.

“I… I’m not sure we should go,” Jeremy said.

Adam growled. “We talked about this! We want to go with you.”

“But they’re coyote shifters!” Jeremy cried. “What if they treat you differently? They might say they want us all, but what if they change their minds?”

“Then you call me and I’ll come get you,” Dakota answered.

All three teens turned to look at her.

“What?” she asked. “You think just because you’re leaving Vegas, you won’t see me again?”

“Well…” Carmen responded. “It’s not like you even know us.”

“Wow!” Dakota shook her head. “I thought we’d bonded over cheeseburgers and fries.”

Carmen smiled. “We did!”

Dakota glanced at the boys.

“See,” Jeremy said. “Maybe we shouldn’t leave.”

“Or.” Dakota moved to sit next to him on the bed. “You could give this family a chance. I’ve spent time with Luca. Anyone who raised a guy like that has to pretty awesome. And if you hate it there, all you have to do is call. Kieran and I will be there right away. You’ll have our phone numbers and email addresses. We’ll keep in touch.”

“It would be nice to talk to other shifters, not just coyote, but someone who understands what we’re going through,” Jeremy said.

“I knew my family,” Adam disclosed. “They were great. If my Pack hadn’t been killed, they would have taken care of me and you.”

“Mine, too,” Carmen said. “It’s just me and my mom before she died in the car accident, but she was great. It’s time you had that.”

Dakota couldn’t help but beam at these kids. They’d been through so much in their young lives. Every minute that she spent with them, Dakota was awed. The connection between the three was so strong. The teens might be different shifter species, but they’d formed a family. A strong unit to carry on for a lifetime.

“You’ll be okay,” she promised. “I can just feel it.”

“I hope so,” Carmen said. “It’d be nice to settle down. Have a bed and clean clothes.”

Dakota nodded. She understood the need for a home. Until she’d met and moved in with Kieran, Dakota hadn’t known what she’d missed. Now, she couldn’t imagine her life going back to how it’d once been.

“Who’s hungry?”

They all jumped as Luca entered carrying several pizza boxes.

“Pizza!” Adam exclaimed.

“A kid after my own heart,” Luca praised. He handed over the food to Adam. “Hey, Dakota, you’re looking better.”

“You, too,” she replied. “Feeling okay?”

“My leg’s a little sore, but nothing too bad.”

“You both got hurt?” Jeremy asked. He looked worried.

Dakota patted his leg. “Nothing to be upset about. Just part of the job. Besides, you know how fast shifters heal.”

“We’ll both be back to one hundred percent in a few days,” Luca confirmed. “And I have a question for you three.”

“What?” Adam asked, through a mouthful of hot, cheesy, greasy pizza.

“Are you ready for me to break you out of here?”

“Really?” Carmen asked.

“Already?” Jeremy said.

Luca nodded. “I still have a couple things to finish up here. But there’s no reason for you all to have to stay. A friend of mine is offering to give us a huge suite for the rest of our stay.”

Now things were making sense. “Jackson?” Dakota inquired.

“Yep, and it’s nice. Four bedrooms!” Luca said. “And my mate and a couple of friends are already driving down.”

“Why?” Jeremy asked. “Why do you need your friends here? Is it because of us?”

“Honestly?” Luca said. “Yes.”

Jeremy frowned.

“Now, hear me out.” Luca lifted a hand. “My mate is human but has worked with shifters for many years now. Her partner is Cole, a wolf shifter who is one of our team leaders. I thought he could hang out with you some, too. Abilene is another agent with the Coalition. She’s a feline shifter and really good friends with my mate, Jade. They want to take all three of you shopping. And I’d feel better if you had agents with you.”

“Are we in trouble?” Carmen asked.

“Not at all,” Luca said. He nodded toward Dakota. “But we’ve opened an investigation into the group home that you three ran from. We don’t want any other kids, shifter or human, to suffer. That’s a big deal and people will be losing their jobs. I just want you safe.”

“Your…you…really? You believe us? About how they treated us?” Jeremy asked.

“We believe you,” Dakota assured the boy. “And Luca has a point about keeping you safe. Plus you’ll get to ask the other shifters tons of questions. That’ll be fun.”

“And shopping?” Carmen asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Luca said. “Jade and Abilene are really looking forward to that part.”

Carmen cheered while Adam and Jeremy groaned.

“So what do you say?” Luca questioned.

Both Adam and Carmen looked excited, but Jeremy still appeared scared.

“It’s a really nice place,” she said. “It’s the same hotel that I live in.”

“You live in a hotel?” Jeremy asked.

Dakota laughed. “I know, crazy, right? The owner is one of Kieran’s best friends and we live together. The room service is awesome and there’s a café, buffet and even a couple of stores on the casino level. Although you three have to stay away from the gambling areas.”

“It’s not like we have any money, anyway,” Adam said with a shrug.

“I’ll get you some in case you want to go downstairs, but she’s serious about the casino. Jackson is really being great about giving us a suite for free. We don’t want to get him in trouble.”

“No!” Jeremy said. “We wouldn’t. We’ll behave.”

Oh, good. It sounds like Jeremy’s getting on board.

“Great!” Luca clapped his hands together. The coyote shifter reminded her so much of Kieran. They both found joy in the smallest things. “Why don’t you three finish eating as I wrap things up here? Dakota, you got a minute?”

“Sure.” She jumped off the bed. “I’ll see you three later.” She stole a piece of pepperoni pizza before following Luca out of the room.

He motioned for her to follow him farther down the hall. Dakota quickly ate her piece of pizza as they strolled away from the kids.

“Thanks for backing me in there. I know Jeremy is still unsure,” Luca said.

“Well, I believe this is the best for them. Jeremy will come around. Adam and Carmen will help. It’s a good idea bringing in a wolf and feline shifter.”

“I still have my prisoner to transport. Cole and Abilene are going to take care of that for me so Jade and I can drive the teens to my parents.”

“So it’s a done deal? Your parents agreed?” She leaned against the wall still a little run down.

“Yep.” Luca grinned. “They even got my siblings in on it. They’ll get a good old-fashioned Perez family welcome. Everyone is pretty excited.”

Dakota blew out a breath then slid down. She stretched her legs out in front of her. Luca knelt beside her.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yes, this is just such a relief. I don’t know what I would have done with them if I hadn’t met you.”

“I know the Alpha here,” Luca said. “He would have taken them in. But his Pack is huge and they might have had trouble fitting in.”

“I considered that,” she admitted. “Remy would have been there to keep an eye on them, but we work a lot.”

“They’ll be safe with my family. Can you tell me about the investigation into where they’d been placed?”

“My partners are still working on it. They did make an emergency call and everyone on staff is being held for questioning. A few social workers have been brought in for the time being, but there’s a mess. Caspar has assigned them to the case to see it until it ends. I’ll join them as soon as the whole fiasco with Kieran’s cousins is over.”

“Good. If you don’t mind getting me their numbers, I would appreciate it. I’d like to keep an eye on the investigation,” he stated.

She eyed him suspiciously. “As long as you don’t think the Coalition is taking over.”

Luca grinned. “Would we do that?”

“Yes!” She threw her hands up. “All the time.”

“Hey, I’m not even a team leader. It’s not my call. This is personal for me.”

“Fine.” It wasn’t as though Luca couldn’t get the numbers another way. Hell, Caspar would probably give it to him if Luca asked. Still, she had to protest, out of pride.