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Endgame: An Ocean Bay standalone novel by Chloe Walsh (34)




THE MOMENT I STEPPED out of Daryl’s truck and my eyes landed on Six, fighting a losing battle with a keg, I was hard as fucking rock.

After the game tonight, I hadn’t wanted Britt or anyone else. I wanted Six, and not just to touch her either, but to be around her. In her company.

She looked fucking beautiful tonight in a pair of denim cut offs, a fitted pink tank top, and her signature Converse. Her long, black hair was pulled back from her face in a high ponytail that still swished at the middle of her back. Unable to stop myself, I strode up to where she was and pulled her back before spinning her to face me. Ignoring the small yelp of surprise that came out of her mouth, I cupped her face between my hands and crashed my lips down on hers.

The second I kissed her, she went completely pliant in my arms. She moaned into my mouth and that small sound made my dick strain in my jeans.

“Rourke!” Six finally gasped, breaking the kiss. Her eyes were wide, lips swollen, cheeks pink, and it was taking everything in me to stand here and not drag her lips back to mine. “What the hell are you doing?”

“I was kissing you,” I replied dryly. I wanted her and now that I was done denying it, I didn’t want a waste a second with her. “And thoroughly enjoying myself before you pushed me away.” Again.

“Yeah, but…” Six looked around nervously, before locking eyes with me once more. “What if someone sees us?”

“So, what if they do?” I shot back with a frown. I didn’t get where she was coming from. “We’ve got nothing to hide.”

“But aren’t you worried?”

“Why would I be worried?”

Her cheeks turned bright pink. “If people see us together, Rourke, they’re going to talk. And that talk might get back to our parents.” She blew out a breath. “They’re back next week, remember?”

I bit back the snarky comment on the tip of my tongue.

I didn’t care what our parents thought.

I only cared about the fantastic fucking way this girl made me feel and how I wasn’t about to give it up for anyone.

“Screw them,” I told her. I probably should have used more tact, but it wasn’t something I was known for. I went for what I wanted, and I wanted her.

To hell with everyone and their opinions. I wasn’t breaking any damn law here. We weren’t related and, as far as I could tell, Six wanted me just as much as I wanted her.

“I want this, Six,” I said, cupping her face in my hands again. My voice was thick and husky as I added, “I want you.”



“I WANT THIS, SIX,” Rourke said in a husky tone as he held my face between his large hands. “I want you.”

Oh god.

Breathe, Mercy.

In and out…

“I want this, too,” I whispered, looking into his blue eyes. “You.” I swallowed deeply. “I want you.”

Rourke smiled the biggest smile ever, revealing those deep dimples. “Yeah?”

I nodded and leaned into his touch. “Yeah.”

And then, instead of resuming our kiss like I thought he would, he surprised me by stepping around me and catching ahold of the keg I’d been wrestling. “Perks of friendship,” he teased with a wink, lifting it with ease. “Where do you want it?”

“Um, the kitchen, I guess?” I replied with a shake of my head.

“Kitchen it is.” I trailed behind Rourke as he carried the keg into the kitchen, setting it down alongside the table filled with beer and alcohol. “Do you have a pump?” he asked, looking back at me.

I shook my head in confusion. “Like for a bicycle?”

Rourke threw his head back and laughed. “A beer pump.”

“Oh.” My face burned. “No.”

He grinned. “Been to many parties, Six?”

“Nope,” I replied, deciding there was no point in lying. Rourke and I weren’t enemies anymore. There was no need for me to keep such a tall guard up around him. “I’m not a big party person.”

His gaze slid from my face to the table behind me. “Huh,” he mused, reaching around me for what I could only describe as a long steel contraption with a hose dangling from it. “I never would’ve guessed.”

I watched with reluctant admiration as Rourke quickly went to work on hooking up the pump to the keg. He looked amazing tonight in faded denim jeans and a fitted black button down. “Wow,” I said with a smirk when he was done. “Watching you set that up was actually sort of attractive.”

Rourke filled two plastic cups with beer and handed me one. “If you think that’s attractive, wait until you see my dance moves.”

Wait… “You like to dance?”

“I’m full of surprises, Six.” Rourke waggled his brows and grinned. “You’ll see.”

“WHEN WILL I SEE?” I asked several hours later as I sat in the passenger seat of Rourke’s truck. Molly’s imaginary party had turned out to be a huge success, and I had consumed far too much alcohol for a school night – hence why I had to leave my car at her place and was being driven home.

In my defense, I drank because I was frustrated. And I was frustrated because Rourke hadn’t touched me. With the exception of that one kiss in the back yard when he first arrived, Rourke hadn’t laid a single wanted finger on me the entire night – much to my drunken dismay.

“When will you see what?” Rourke replied in a coaxing tone, eyes on the road ahead of us.

“You said I’d see your full bag of surprises,” I slurred, leaning my head against the window. “You lied to me.”

“Bag of surprises?” I heard him laugh softly. “How much did you drink, Six?”

“Too much.” I hiccupped and wiped my mouth with my hand before asking, “Did you win tonight?”

“We did.”

“Did you score a goal?”

“I scored a touchdown, Six,” Rourke chuckled. “Five of them.”

I hiccupped again. “With your hands?”

“With my hands,” he confirmed, laughing loudly now.

“Wanna score again?” I purred, trying my best to sound sexy. “In my goal?”

“Six,” Rourke groaned. “You’re drunk.”

“So?” I grumbled. “You’re supposed to want me.”

“I do,” he promised in that patronizing tone one used when speaking to a drunk person.

“You didn’t want me tonight,” I huffed.

“Because I didn’t feel you up in front of half the school?” he countered.

Yeah. I shrugged. “No.”

“I wasn’t joking when I said I’d be your friend,” he added with a smirk. “What kind of friend would I be if I felt you up in front of half the school?”

“The best kind,” I grumbled. “Asshole.”

“Well this is a first,” Rourke laughed in amusement. “I’ve never been chewed out for being too nice before.”

The truck pulled to a stop then and he killed the engine. I heard the snap of his seatbelt seconds before a car door slammed and then another opened.

“Come on,” Rourke coaxed, unbuckling me and lifting me into his arms. “I’ll take you to bed.”

“Your bed?” I slurred, snuggling into his chest.

Rourke chuckled. “When I take you in my bed, Six, you’re going to be in your full senses.”