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Fake Wife Needed (A Bad Boy Romance) by Mia Carson (15)


Three Months Later

Mia rubbed her hand over her quickly growing belly as she stepped out of the car with Stephanie by her side. Max had been busy all day, working on plans for their new house, so she took the time to work on more wedding plans with his sister and her matron of honor, Gina, who she had reconnected with as soon as it was safe, with Keith now being gone.

“I still can’t believe this,” Stephanie breathed, staring at the ultrasound picture.

“I know. You think Max will handle it well?” She leaned over to stare in awe again.

“He’s going to fall over, that’s what he’s going to do.”

“Nah, he’ll just be pissed you got to be there instead of him, but with so many appointments, I know he can’t be there for them all.” She was a high-risk pregnancy because she wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant. There was too much scar tissue from the accident. What she found out today was only going to up the ante even more, and if Max wasn’t a worry wart already, he would be now. “At least we’ll get free babysitting from you, right?”

Stephanie leaned over and pressed her cheek against Mia’s belly. “Why do you think I’m moving back to Seattle?”

“You and your parents are getting along now?”

Shrugging, Stephanie straightened and they walked towards the front door of the house. “Working on it, though thanks to you and Max’s trickery with the fake marriage, it kind of took the heat off me for a while.”

That night had been a rough one, but she and Max had faced the family together, coming clean about everything. It was a long night filled with a bit of yelling, cursing, drinking on the part of those who could, and ended with hugs and kisses as Mia was officially welcomed into the family. Now, as they stepped inside the Ward’s home, she did indeed feel as if this was her family. They treated her like a daughter; to her, Stephanie felt like a sister, and even Jeremy was the older brother she never had.

“We’re back!” Mia called out. “Max?”

“Out back!” he replied through deep-throated laughter.

“Good sign. He’s in a good mood,” Stephanie pointed out.

“Here we go,” she said. They strolled through the large house towards the back patio. It was January, but the men stood outside, grilling as if it was July. The heaters were on full blast as the sky darkened. Snow was supposed to fall at some point that day, but the weather was not one of Mia’s biggest worries. Max spotted her and set his beer down so he could wrap her in his arms. “How’d the house plans go?”

He kissed her full on the mouth as Jeremy and Dennis hooted and hollered close by. “Perfect. We’ll able to move in at the end of March.”

“Great, I’m excited,” she said and averted her gaze.

Instantly, his face fell and he clasped her chin gently. “Mia? What’s wrong?”

“Well, we went to a doctor’s appointment today.”

“The baby,” he whispered. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, no need to panic. Just another checkup, but I do have some news.”

His eyes wide, he bent lower so his face was level with hers. “And?”

She held up the ultrasound photo in front of his face. “See for yourself.”

He took the photo and squinted his eyes at it until his mouth feel open and he gaped at her.

“Well? Man, what is it?” Jeremy asked as he reached over and took the photo. “Holy shit! You’re having twins!”

“Twins,” Max repeated as Mia nodded. “Twins?”

She leaned in close and whispered, “Twins.”

His mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. Then he leaned down and kissed her hot and deep, showing his love for her again. She laughed in his arms as Dennis wiped tears of joy from his eyes nearby.

“What’s all this then?” Carrie asked as she joined them on the patio.

“I’m going to be the father of twins,” Max informed her proudly.

Carrie squealed and rushed forward to hug Mia close. “Oh, darling, that’s wonderful! Will you be all right?”

“There’s more risk, but the doctors say everything looks good so far.” She held onto Carrie’s hand. “There was something else I wanted to talk to you about, though.”

“Of course, dear, anything.”

Mia glanced to Max as he tilted his head, curious. “I… ah, I didn’t exactly have a good mother growing up, so I never really had any experience or someone to learn from. With the babies, I just… I might need help, and I was hoping that even after all the crap we put you through, you’d help me.”

Max’s eyes softened and Carrie sucked in a breath before she pulled Mia back into her arms and cried against her shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I? Anything you need, you only have to ask. We won’t be far away.” Mia cried with her, realizing how much she’d gained in finding Max. Not just the love of her life, not just a husband, but a family. A whole loving family was there to support her and guide her, and there wasn’t a thing more she could ask for.

After Carrie let her go, Max strolled over and took her hand, leading her back inside. She leaned against his arm, loving the warmth radiating from his body and flowing into hers.

“Think we’re ready for this?” he asked, resting his hands on her hips in the living room.

“No,” she replied honestly with a light laugh. “But with you? I could take on the world.”

Max bent and brushed his lips across hers. “Then let’s go conquer the world together,” he whispered, and she melted into his arms—safe. Finally safe and finally home.