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Fate (Naughty Bits Book 1) by Lea Hart (7)


Monday, April 9th


Willa walked into Encontro with Tia and let out a happy sigh. It was her favorite local restaurant because she loved not only the relaxed vibe but the food and cocktails. “This is exactly what I need.”

“Me too, it was a brutal Monday, and I need a drink and a burger.”

“I’m having the fried chicken and waffles.” They walked up to the counter and placed their orders and then grabbed a table toward the back.

Their drinks were delivered, and they clinked glasses before taking a sip. Willa noticed how tired her friend looked and covered her hand. “Were you on call all weekend?”

“Yes, and I spent most of it at the hospital.”

“That doesn’t happen very often.”

“No, but there were some patients that couldn’t wait until Monday.” Waving her hand, she shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about work.” She leaned forward and waggled her eyebrows. “Tell me about neighbor Chad.”

Groaning, she sat back and sipped her gin and tonic. “He’s just about perfect and the last person I should be getting involved with.”

Leaning her face on her hand, Tia gave her a smirk. “Well, do tell.”

“He’s a soldier, for God’s sake, and has a good chance of dying when he leaves for work.”

“What kind of soldier?”

“He’s a boat guy on the SWCC team.”

“Well, it’s not as bad as being a SEAL.”

Snorting, she crossed her arms. “They are often the first ones to show up and the last to leave. They infiltrate and exfiltrate the SEALs as well and participate in direct action missions, and that’s not a day in the park.”

“Do you like him enough to see where it leads?”

“Unfortunately, I do.”

“It hasn’t been a week, so you have time to evaluate before you get in too deep.”


Looking over the top of her glass, Tia waited. “Go on.”

“We’ve spent almost every day together since we met, and I’ve already slept with him.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my friend?”

“I know; it’s totally out of character.”

“How did you manage to fit him in between work and your ever-present ‘to do’ list?”

“Didn’t get to my list.”

Covering her mouth with her hands, she stomped her feet. “That is so freaking fantastic.”

“Which part?”

“That someone came along and became more important than the list that’s ruled your life for years.”

“I told you I was ready to grow and let go of the rituals that no longer served me, and I meant it.” Draining her drink, she set it down carefully. “And a big super sexy man showed me there is something a lot more fun than cleaning behind my fridge.”


“Don’t be singing any hymns yet because we have no idea where it’s heading.”

“It must be someplace good because you’ve never slept with a man this early on. Either he’s your soul mate or has some seriously sexy voodoo going on.”

“It’s probably both those things.” Their food was delivered, and she spread her napkin on her lap. “As a mental health professional, do you think it’s possible to fall in love in less than a week?”

“I think anything is possible.” She played with her glass and then looked up. “And I don’t say that because I’m a doctor.”

“I thought you might suggest that pheromones and serotonin were to blame for the rush of feelings I’m experiencing.”

“Those facts are all true, but I don’t think facts explain love. I know there are a ton of books that explain the body’s reaction to attraction, but that’s just science. And science doesn’t explain love. Or bravery, tenacity, honor, and the will to succeed. Why can one person make it through a hundred direct action missions and another can’t make it through five without being mentally and emotionally destroyed? They both have essentially the same brain composition, so why does one person find their way out of the darkness and the other is lost to it forever?”

“Human will and resilience,” she responded, studying her friend.

Tia nodded. “Exactly—the unexplainable.” Draining her drink, she took Willa’s hand. “I think falling in love is a lot like that. The question is not have you fallen in love, but what are you going to do with it now that you’ve found it?”

Before she could respond, her phone buzzed, and she checked it. “Speak of the devil; Chad is texting me.”

“Invite him to join us, so I can put him through his paces. As your best friend, I need to see what we’re dealing with.”

“Of course.” She texted back and invited him to join them. Replying immediately, he said he’d be there shortly. “Ready or not, he’s on his way.”

Rubbing her hands together, Tia grinned. “Perfect.”

“I hope he can withstand the BF test.”

“If he can’t, then you have your answer.”

Laughing, she picked up her fork and started eating. “Good luck to him.”




Chad jogged over to his best friend’s apartment and knocked firmly. When Daniel opened the door, he grinned. “Get some shoes on. We’re going over to Encontro and meeting up with Willa and her best friend.”

He slid his hands on his hips and frowned. “Hi, Dan, good to see you, man. I’ve been MIA for a week, but don’t worry about it, all’s good.”

Putting up his hands, he let out a huff. “Sorry, I’ve been a dick, but I met the woman who I’m going to marry and have been a little busy.”

He let out a snort and turned back into his apartment. “This I gotta hear.”

Chad followed him in and tapped his hand on his leg. “Put your sandals on and let’s get out of here.”

“What if I had plans and I’m busy?”

“You’re wearing an old T-shirt and shorts, so the only plans you have is to watch shit on TV.”

“Don’t mock my fucking plans. I was downrange for eight months, and I’m enjoying civilian life.”

“Come meet Willa’s best friend and maybe you can enjoy it more.”

“Who the hell is Willa and where did you meet her?”

“She’s my next-door neighbor and a physical therapist over at the medical center.”

“I’ll change my T-shirt and then we can go.”

“Appreciate it, man.”

Dan walked out in a fresh T-shirt and then slid his feet into his sandals. “This has all the markings of a shit show, and you clearly need some sense knocked into you.” He grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys. “How long have you known this chick?”

“She’s not a chick; she’s a full grown fucking spectacular woman that is more beautiful, smart, and kind than anyone on the planet.”

They walked down the corridor and Dan snorted. “You have lost your mind, friend.”

“Maybe, but it feels fucking amazing.”

“Maybe you injured more than your knee on the last op and your head got knocked around too.”

They walked out of the apartment complex and headed toward University Avenue. “I don’t expect you to understand because if someone told me shit like this was possible last week, I would’ve laughed in their face.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and grinned. “But I knocked on my neighbor’s door and fell the fuck in love.”

Cringing, Dan flipped his phone in his hand. “Did you just use the L word?”

“Yeah, I sure did.”

“I don’t even know what to say.”

“I know it’s crazy, but it’s also absolutely one-hundred percent right.”

“And you know this in a week?”

“Yeah.” They turned on 30th Street and he pulled out his phone and held it up. “Look at her and tell me I’m not the luckiest man in the world.”

Dan stopped and took the phone and then nodded. “She’s cute.”

“Cute, my ass. More like blindingly beautiful.”

Handing back the phone, Dan started walking again. “Hope this works out for you two because you’re as gone as I’ve ever seen.”

Chad slapped his friend on his back and nodded. “Maybe you and her best friend will hit it off and we can all hang out.”

“And maybe I’m the tooth fairy.”

“Anything is possible.” As they walked down the street, he knew his words were absolutely true because a damn miracle happened when the woman of his dreams moved in next door.




Dan followed his friend into the restaurant and hoped he wasn’t in for a horrible crash landing. Love and shit never worked out, and Chad was so far gone that he didn’t know how he was going to survive when it blew up.

And it always blew up.

Not that he was a pessimist.

Seeing Chad’s face break into a huge-ass smile when he spotted a woman at the other end of the restaurant was hard to see. And he didn’t know if it was jealousy or disbelief that was causing the feeling.

Not that he wanted what his friend had.

Following Chad to the back of the restaurant, he saw the back of the best friend’s head and hoped she was a decent gal. If this thing was really on between Chad and the blonde, then they were bound to be in one another’s company, and he’d like it to be bearable.

Standing back once they hit the table, he watched his friend scoop Willa up and lay a kiss on her that was worthy of a damn movie. Sliding his eyes away, he looked at the friend and lost his fucking breath.

Dr. Tia Blanchard, the doc he was forced to have sessions with after his last deployment, was the best friend. He sucked in a long breath and prayed the whole speech she’d given him about doctor-patient confidentiality was real. Because the last thing he wanted was for her to talk about his shit in front of anyone. Including one of his closest friends.

Chad released his girl and looped his arm over her shoulder. “Willa, this is my good friend, Dan.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Dan.” Turning to her friend, she grinned. “This is my best friend, Tia.”

Dan waited and prayed as he watched the woman shake hands with Chad and then turn to him. With a friendly smile on her face, she gave nothing away. “Nice to meet you, Tia.”

Taking his hand, she shook it gently. “And you too.”

Chad looked at everyone and bounced on his toes. “Come on, babe, let’s grab a round of drinks.”

“Great idea,” Willa replied.

Dan watched them walk away and noticed the stupid loopy smiles they were giving each other. Whatever was going on between the two of them sure looked fatal. He took a seat next to the doc and noticed once again how freaking stunning she was. The contrast between her dark brown hair and luminescent light blue eyes hit him just as hard as it had the first time he saw her.

Too bad she was a head shrinker. “Thanks for not letting them know we’ve met before.”

She turned in her seat and smirked. “You must not have been listening when I gave my whole speech about nothing leaving my office. I would never break confidentiality, and that includes letting on that you spent a bit of time on my couch.”

“I heard the speech; I just didn’t know if you meant it.”

“I never say something I don’t mean.”

Nodding, he ignored how good she smelled. “So, what do you think about Chad and Willa?”

“I have no idea.” Playing with her watch, she looked around the restaurant. “My friend never falls this hard or this fast, so there’s a part of me that’s a little concerned, but I’m going to support her no matter what.”

“Same with Chad. I’ve known him for over five years, and I don’t think he’s ever been serious about a girl.”

“God willing, they’ll succeed and have the happy ever after that I’ve read about in books.”

“Don’t believe in true love and fairy tales, Doc?”

“My rational brain tells me no way, but my beating heart says: don’t give up.”

“Bet you can guess where I’m at with the whole idea.”

“People are always capable of change and growth, so maybe someday someone or something will come along and change your mind about what’s possible.”

Turning, he saw the sincerity in her gaze and wished like hell that was possible. But ten years as an EOD tech made than damn near impossible. He’d seen too much shit, and his capacity for happiness was all but non-existent. “I may have to leave the happiness and fairy tales up to you.”

“Yeah, I figured as much.”

Giving her a smile, he wished that he still had some humanity because if he did, a woman like Tia Blanchard was exactly what he’d want.

Chad and Willa returned with the drinks, and he put those thoughts away and decided to enjoy getting to know the woman that had his friends in knots.