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Finding Leigh: Dark Horse Inc. Book 3 by Amy J. Hawthorn (21)

Chapter 21

Four long hours. Rick sat on the couch and watched his father finally walk Detective Bowie to the hallway leading to the front door. He took Leigh’s hand in his and raised it to his mouth. He kissed her knuckles, savoring his first quiet moment with her since he’d seen Marcus hold a gun to her head.

They’d received word a little while ago that the gunshot wound to Marcus’s heart had proved fatal. Joe had taken no chances.

Rick had checked on Wendell, who was faring on slightly better. He’d made it out of surgery where the trauma surgeon had done her best to repair the damage done by Marcus’s bullet. He was and would be listed in critical condition for some time. Marcus had a history of using hollow point ammunition and the damage from his bullet had been devastating.

He heard the front door shut. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed the top of her head and rose to meet his father.

Rick was smacked with the changes in his father brought on by time. He appeared tired, maybe even a little frail. He’d never been weak. To Rick, he’d always been tall and strong like an old oak tree.

But even the strongest trees weren’t immune to the effects of time.

His father held his hands together over his abdomen as if not quite sure what to do with them. Still, he had manners fit for dinner at the White House. “I would offer you two dinner. I know you must be starving, but I don’t have anything prepared. The moment you called to tell me Marcus was moving, I sent my staff home. We could have sandwiches and soup, if you’d like?”

“No, but thank you, Dad. Here in just a few minutes, we’re going to get Addie. We’ve called her a couple of times, and she knows everything is okay, but she won’t rest until she sees Leigh in person. I don’t want her to worry any longer than necessary.”

“Of course not. You should take care of your family first. Always. I…I didn’t. I made too many mistakes and lost mine. I wouldn’t want the same for you.”

Rick reached a hand out behind him, knowing Leigh would come and take it. When she did, he pulled her into his side. Without hesitation, she wrapped her arm around his waist. “Dad.” The word still felt awkward on his tongue, almost as if it were a foreign word he couldn’t master. “This Saturday afternoon we’re having a barbeque at my house. It’ll be more of a burgers and beer crowd. You’re more than welcome to join us. Bring swim trunks. Addie and Kylie can’t get enough of the pool, so things might get a little wild. It should be entertaining if nothing else.”

When his father appeared surprised by the invitation, he felt like an utter asshole. He had virtually no one left, other than his employees and household staff. The thought didn’t set well.

“I…I’d like that. What time?”

“Four o’clock. There’s no telling how long it will last.”

“All right. Thank you.”

Leigh softly squeezed his waist in approval.

“Mr. Evans.” Leigh slipped out of his hold so she could give his father a kiss on the cheek. “Please come. We’d love to have you.”

Not able to let her get more than an arm’s length away, he drew her back to his side as they walked down the hallway. They stepped into the night air, and he released a heavy sigh. It was finally over.

He walked her to the passenger door of his truck which Noah and James had dropped off a little while ago. He opened the door but before he could help her in, she stopped him with a hand over his heart. “I’m proud of you. I didn’t know we were having a cookout, but I’m so very glad you invited your father.”

Not sure how to process her approval, he focused on the easy part. “The idea came to me a little while ago when I was talking to Joe. He wasn’t too happy with me and the way I hurt you when we found Addie.”

“Oh. I didn’t even realize. I’ve been so caught up in everything. I’ll talk to him and—”

He put his hands on her waist. “I, we know. It’s okay now. We’ve worked it out. He’s still not thrilled at the idea of me taking his little sister away, but he’ll come to terms with it eventually. I can’t fault him when it’s because you two are so close. I’m happy you have that.”

She played with the collar of his shirt. “You’re stealing his little sister, huh? What exactly does that mean?”

Taking both of her hands in his, he held them over the center of his chest. “I know this is not the best time, but I want to make this permanent, you and me, forever.”

The was an audible hitch in her chest. Her eyes widened as if she was afraid she’d misheard him. “Forever?”

“Forever. We don’t have to put a ring on it tonight but, yeah. That’s where I’m headed with this. What do you think? Not that Addie and I will give you much say in the matter.”

“Yes. Forever sounds perfect.”

The End