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Finley: Rochon Bears by Moxie North (8)

Chapter 8

Finley was looking forward to class. He’d made it through the previous week hoping that every class would have that amazing spicy scent.

None of them did, so his eagerness built over the weekend until his chance came up again. He also was feeling more optimistic now that he’d called his brother.

He’d waited until later at night, hoping he wouldn’t be disturbing any of their plans.

The phone rang twice before Rain picked up.

“Wow, how did I get so lucky to get a call?”

“I don’t know about lucky. How’s Quinn?”

“She’s wonderful, as always. She’s actually out on a call, late home visit for a couple wanting to adopt. She loves those visits, all happiness and hope. But anyway, how are you?”

“Good, going to class, learning. It’s a new concept.”

“You were always good at learning, Fin. I remember you getting straight A’s. That wasn’t your problem.”

“My problem,” Fin said with a sigh.

“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean it like that.”

“No, I’m sorry. I guess after you found Quinn, I felt a little jealous. I broke my promise to you that I would support you.”

“Fin, I don’t care about that.”

“You should care. You needed me; you needed all of us to support you and your mate. I started to and then my shit got in the way. Worse, it wasn’t really shit that I needed to worry about. I mean, what I was going through didn’t compare to what you were going through. I should have been there, I shouldn’t have stopped calling. I—I just felt sorry for myself.”

Finley didn’t want to admit any of that, but his brother deserved an explanation for why his best bud had turned his back on him.

“Don’t get me wrong, I wanted your support. I knew you were going through some shit. Man, we all did. I just had to focus on Quinn first. We are family and clan; our shit would work itself out like it always did. It was just about timing. I wanted you to find something, anything, to grab on to and I felt like if I kept supporting you not making choices for yourself, that I was hurting you.”

“Don’t make my lazy ass as your problem. I could have made those changes and I didn’t. I really didn’t know what I wanted and I was so fucking lost. I haven’t told anyone this, but my bear didn’t talk to me for a really long time.”

No shit?”

“No shit. He was pissed and he had every right to be. I was keeping him from doing what he wanted. I feel like I’ve been asleep the last few years. I talked to Angel about this too, and damn, I really feel like I’m behind now.”

“That’s some craziness right there. I’m happy for him and kinda freaked out now that I have a mate of my own. It’s making my bear think all sorts of things. But you aren’t behind, man. You have always needed to do things in your own time. It’s not a race, it never has been.”

“It’s felt like that to me. I can’t plan my life around finding a mate. I have to plan for the possibility that I won’t find her. I know what I’m going to do now, and I don’t feel like I’m waiting for anything. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, it does. The Fates have their say in things, but you still have to live your life as you see fit. What’s best for you and your animal? This career, this life, it seems right for you. You’ve always liked taking care of people. So, do that. It’s clearly what you were born to do.”

“I think I can be happy doing this, Rain. I’d like to know you’re behind me, and that you forgive me… again.”

“Stop that shit right now. There’s nothing to forgive. We’re brothers and we’re meant to love and piss each other off in equal parts. If we didn’t, the universe would get all out of whack and who knows what might happen.”

“That would be terrible. Thanks for being so understanding.” Finely felt as though a weight had lifted off his chest. He had put off this phone call for too long.

“Damn, this is turning into one of Mom’s phone calls. Cut the crap and tell me to fuck off so I know we’re good.”

“Bossy big brother sheesh. Fine, fuck off.”

“Love you too, bud,” Rain said.

Finley hung up and could feel his bear giving him a mental high five for making a call that he really didn’t want to. No matter what persona Fin had put on the last few years, he still was a sensitive soul, and didn’t like to be hurt or hurt anyone else. It would make him the perfect caregiver for the pack’s cubs.

So what if he didn’t find a mate? He could be content in the knowledge he was making a difference for the betterment of his clan. He’d get to see all the offspring growing up, and he would be there for so many of their firsts. He could really help mold them into amazing little people. That had to give him some good points in the universe.

Spending his days swinging, playing with paints, and watching cartoons, didn’t sound bad either. It wasn’t that he wasn’t tough. He was, and his bear certainly was. They just didn’t need to go around pounding their chests all the time. Finley felt that his strength came from not always having to show it off. He knew that if he needed to, he could be lethal. That seemed like enough for him.

Pulling out his books, he got to work on his assignments. He wasn’t going to give himself the chance to get behind. His class load was full, and he had a meeting with an academic counselor in a few days to figure out how much he could fast track his requirements to change his major and graduate.

There was a chance he had enough credits for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, but he wanted it to mean something. He was going to put the time and effort into making himself, and his bear, happy. The old Finley was gone; the new Finley had plans and purpose. He was all about Team Fin now.