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Flirting with Fire by Piper Rayne (24)

Chapter Twenty-Three


You need to leave.” I grab one of Luca’s friends by the shoulders and push him toward the door. “Luca, the gang needs to leave.”

Cristian comes in fresh off shift, his uniform still on.

“Shit the cops are here.” Luca pretends to weave like he’s about to run.

Cristian tosses his keys on the side table. “Funny asshole. I’m beat.”

“Great, then get changed and head to Mom’s. I need the apartment tonight.” I grab the empty beer bottles off the coffee table.

“Hell no. I want my bed.” He walks down the hall.

“All of you.” I circle my finger to the guys. “Out.” I point to the door.

Luca laughs. “Are you bringing a girl home?”

I give him my fuck off expression. It’s one he knows well by now.

“Go ahead, guys. We’ll have to watch the fight at the bar,” Luca says to his pack of followers.

His friends whine and complain in response, but I don’t give one shit.

“Here’s an idea, why don’t all of you get your own apartments.” I toss the beer bottles and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Seriously, Cristian usually does all this shit. He plans the night before I’m taking Madison out to act like a slob.

One of Luca’s friends flips me off and the other one makes a comment about how I used to be fun and then they shut the door behind themselves.

“I’m not joking, Luca, this has got to stop. This place is not a frat house.”

“I agree.” Cristian reappears in a pair of athletic pants and a t-shirt that says, I’m no hero, but I’ve walked beside a few. He buries his head in the fridge, pulling out a Vitamin water. “I’m done with this shit. You made a huge-ass mess last night.”

Luca holds up his hands in the air. “What is this ‘pick on Luca day?’”

Cristian blows out an exasperated breath. “This is ‘stop using our damn apartment’ day. We kicked you out because of your parties, why are you bringing them to us?”

“Jeez, can’t a guy miss his brothers.” He flops down on the couch and props his feet up on the table. “Let’s talk about Mauro wanting the apartment to himself. Do I hear bells?” He inches his head toward the window like an idiot.

I smack him on the back of the head as I pass.

He holds it like I really hurt him. “Hey, that spot is exclusive for Ma.” He rubs at it like the baby brother he is.

“Is all this for Maddie?” Cristian peers into the brown paper bag with a box of condoms in it that I left on the counter.

I walk over and snatch it away. “Just go so I can set up, shower and get ready for her.”

“Oh, are you doing the deed tonight? Man, you move fast,” Luca says, who’s now relaxed with his hands behind his head and his feet on our coffee table.

“Right. Should I use your timetable? Wait two grinding songs and four shots?”

Cristian smiles over his bottle. “So, things are good if you’re going to this much trouble.” He checks out the apartment. It’s cleaner than I’ve ever made it.

Luca jumps over the back of the couch. “Oh, I bet he’s planning some kinky—” I run over, but Luca gets the fridge open before I can. “Someone’s planning on making breakfast in the morning. Cut up fruit, eggs, bacon. I think those are bells I’m hearing.”

I shut the fridge door. “Stop with the wedding bells shit.”

He claps me on the shoulder. “It’s not wedding bells, it’s warning bells. They’re trying to warn you this path you’re headed down is the wrong way.”

“Stop being such a commitment-phobe.” Cristian hits Luca in the head with the top of the bottle.

“I am not. I’m a realist. One who says I’m much too young and much too attractive to settle down with one woman yet.”

Cristian rolls his eyes. “Whatever. Anyway, you’re really going to sleep with Madison tonight?” he asks me.

I look around and glance at my watch. “Did I just warp back to two thousand and eight where I would actually discuss my sex life with you?” I deadpan.

The two of them share a look and shrug.

A smile forms on Cristian’s face. “That means he’s serious about her.” He gulps down the rest of his water.

“None of your fucking business. Now leave so I can set up.”

“Where are you taking her for dinner?” Luca leans back, snagging a chip before I can take the bag away.

“Eddie V’s.”

“Pulling out the big guns.” Luca chomps down on his chip. “You’re willing to max out your credit card for her. Mama’s going to be so proud when you pop the question.” He claps me on the shoulder and steps closer to Cristian. “I’m just going to head over here because I don’t want whatever you caught rubbing off on me.”

“You’re an asshole.”

Cristian glances at Luca and then to me. “I think it’s awesome. I’ll go pack a bag and get out of your way.”

“Seriously, you’re not going to give him hell for this?” Luca calls out to Cristian’s back. “You guys should thank your stars that Ma and Pa had me because otherwise your lives would be boring as hell.”

“You do know you were a mistake, right?” Cristian calls down the hall.

Luca’s face pales slightly, Cristian having hit his Achille’s heel.

This is really a topic no one knows the answer to for sure because my parents would never admit it, but who plans to have three kids back to back? I’ll let you ponder that for a minute while I razz my brother.

“I was not. If anyone was, you were.” He points to Cristian’s bedroom.

“Keep telling yourself that,” I say.

“Either that or you were so ugly, Mom and Dad didn’t want to take any more chances,” Cristian says, popping his head out from his bedroom door.

Luca narrows his eyes. “Mama loves me the most anyways.”

“Everyone knows I’m her favorite. Firstborn.” I thumb at myself.

“I’m the baby. I’m the favorite. She hugs me tighter.”

“Whatever, I’m the one who goes over there and checks on her all the time,” Cristian says. “I go to the deli almost every day for lunch.”

“Sorry, but I’m not sitting on my ass in a car my entire shift. I’m busy saving lives, not ruining people’s days.”

I purse my lips because Luca’s got a point, but Cristian is doing me a solid by leaving so willingly so I don’t say that out loud.

“You know who her favorite will be?” I say instead.

They both stare over at me.

“The one who gives her the first grandchild.” I hold up my brown paper bag. “I’m a lot closer than either of you, so feel free to invest in a plaque with my name on it.”

“Shit, you’re going to make Luca take a redeye to Vegas and marry the first girl who says she’s ovulating.” Cristian laughs as he comes back down the hall, swinging his duffle bag over his shoulder.

“Fuck that. You can have the title then.” Luca grabs his coat off the back of the couch. Standing by the door he pretends to rub his eyes. “It’s just so hard, our boy is growing up.” He opens the door, smiles and leaves.

“He’s so competitive, I hope he doesn’t take it as a challenge,” I say.

We both laugh. I don’t think either of us will be surprised if in nine months the first Bianco grandchild to be introduced to the world belongs to Luca.

“Let’s hope it’s the first time he can let a challenge go.” Cristian’s eyes find the bag in my hands. “I’ll leave you to it. I’m on shift tomorrow so I won’t be home until dinner. If for some reason you need more time, text me.”

“Nah, I’m sure we’ll be heading to the house in the morning. Thanks for staying with Mom and Dad for the night. I owe you one.”

He heads to the front door. “Who said I’m staying at their house?” He waggles his eyebrows.

I tilt my head in confusion, I didn’t think he was seeing anyone. “Then I don’t owe you one.”

He laughs and leaves but before the door can shut I hear him say hello to Mrs. Peterson. He just got stuck in that hallway for at least fifteen minutes.

Not wasting any time, I get everything set up for when I bring Madison back here tonight, then quickly shower and get ready.

This is the first time I’ve been really nervous for a date. This revelation should probably concern me, but instead it makes the smile on my face grow wider.

And just like that, I realize that I’m all in.