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Fury & Darkness (Warriors of the Wind Book 3) by Anna Hackett (17)

Chapter Eight

As they rematerialized back in the villa, Skye took a second to savor the final feel of being the wind. Her power was free now, and being able to call the breeze was amazing, but Aurae couldn’t become the wind like Warriors.

Oh God, her power was free! She still couldn’t believe it. She wanted to dance and sing in the breeze. But her happiness was entwined with sadness.

After today, she’d have no reason to spend time with the Warriors. No reason to spend time with Soren.

He carried her across the terrace and into the house. He didn’t stop in the living area and soon they entered his bedroom. As he set her on her feet, she glanced at the big bed, pain piercing her chest. She looked away and saw he was watching her.

His gray eyes were calm now. No thunderclouds, just a clean, pearl gray that she loved even more.

Loved. Oh, God, she wasn’t stupid enough to fall for this man, was she? A gorgeous billionaire like him would have no use for a shy, quiet woman now that he was recovered.

“I’m so pleased your memories have returned.” The way he watched her made her want to fidget. “And with the Tempest Winds gone—” she cleared her tight throat “—things can return to normal now.”

His eyes narrowed. “Nothing will be normal again.”

She couldn’t work out what he was thinking, but she sensed his dangerous mood.

“What are your plans now, Skye?” His voice was like dark silk.

“Ah—” she plucked at her shirt “—head back to London, I suppose. I’m not sure.” This was cutting her up. She hated the thought of leaving him.

“You’re going to leave me? Just like that?”

The sharp whip of his words cut her. “You have your memory back. You don’t need me.”

He stalked up to her, backing her into the wall. “I need you more than ever.”

The hard heat of him thrilled her and made her heart thump a crazy beat. She wanted to believe his words. “You can have your glamorous lifestyle back.”

“Dammit, Skye. All I want is you.” He pressed his lips to her cheek, his breath hot on her skin. His hand slid down her side and his mouth trailed down her neck. “What do I need to do to convince you of that?”


“You’re mine.” He looked her straight in the eyes. He gripped her hand and pressed it to the front of his trousers. The hard bulge filled her palm and she quivered. “That’s how much I want you.” He moved her other hand to his chest, over the firm beat of his heart. “This beats for you now, Skye.”

Emotion rushed into her, until tears stung her eyes. She was too afraid to believe this was true.

“You’re mine.” He nibbled at her lips. “You’re my Aurae, my savior, my love. You helped me defeat the greed. It was you, Skye, who made me realize that if I give instead of take, I can have far more precious treasures.”

“Oh, Soren.”

“It was you. Your sweetness, your generosity, your courage, even when you’re afraid. That’s what I love about you. That’s what I need in my life.”

She cupped his handsome face, unable to find any words.

“Stay with me?” he murmured. “Forever?”

She gripped his shoulders. “Yes. Yes!”

With a triumphant laugh, he scooped her into his arms. “Now I’m claiming you. So you’ll never forget who you belong to.”

He laid her on the bed and methodically stripped her of her clothes. She watched the man she was falling in love with take off his shirt, baring his glorious, lean chest. Then he shucked off his trousers and she was mesmerized by the sight of his long cock arching upward.

She scrambled up and reached for him. She smoothed her hand up his cock and relished his groan. As she explored him, she’d never felt more turned on. “I want to taste you.”

He groaned again. “I won’t last and I want to be inside you.”

“Just a quick lick.”

His groan this time was deep and long.

Skye dragged in a deep breath. Her man. Her choice. Her desire. She ran her tongue along his length and felt his big body shudder. For her. Then she sucked him into her mouth. He tasted salty. Not knowing exactly what to do, she followed her instincts and his sounds of pleasure.

She was just finding a rhythm when his hands gripped her shoulders and pushed her back on the bed.

When he pressed his palms and knees onto the bed and loomed above her, she was mindless with desire.

“You are so beautiful, cara.” He stretched out beside her, turning her onto her left side. He snuggled in behind her, and she felt the hard jut of his cock against her buttocks. “Just let me love you.”

His big hand slid over her hip, trailed across her belly, and dipped between her legs. When he found the small nub of her clit, she bucked and cried out.

“Shh. Just feel.” A hot whisper in her ear.

His wicked fingers swirled and flicked. She arched her back, pushing into his touch. Then he was lifting her thigh up over his hip and before she realized what was happening, he thrust into her.

“Soren!” Oh, it felt so good. She pressed her hands into the mattress, enjoying the feel of him plastered against her, surrounding her, and the full stretch as he pushed inside her. He started thrusting, his body slapping against hers. She loved this, but needed more.

She turned her head and he was there, his mouth finding hers.

His finger worked her clit. “Come for me, Skye.”

Sensations swelled inside her and a moment later, she splintered apart. She cried out and after another hard thrust, he groaned into her hair, jetting his release inside her.

Their harsh breathing was the only sound in the room. Their sated, sweaty bodies were a warm tangle and she never wanted to let him go.

He pressed a kiss to her hair. “Let me fall in love with you, Skye? You have to say yes.”

She smiled. “Yes. A hundred times yes.”

He stroked a hand down her arm. “Our pasts will always be there.” He turned her to look at him, his hands cupping her face. “They made us into the people we are today, so we can’t forget them. The ghost of greed will always be inside me.”

“And my ghost will always be there, too,” she said quietly.

“But together we have the chance to move on. We can build something new, something stronger.”

She nodded. “Together.” She leaned forward and kissed him.

The kiss was long and slow and lazy. But soon it heated, and turned more frantic.

Soren fell onto his back and gripped her hips. He shifted her firmly astride him. “Fancy another chance to ride the wind?”

Her laughter filled the room. “Soren!”

* * *

Soren held onto Skye’s hand as they walked out through the front door of the villa. The sun was setting, turning the lake to liquid gold ringed by shadowed mountains.

At the base of the stairs, his brothers waited, each of them also holding the hand of the woman who’d crashed into their world at the worst possible time and helped save them.

His fingers tightened on Skye’s hand. Grazie Dio.

Luca nodded to him. “You look…rested.”

Soren saw Skye blush and smiled. “Si, I am.”

“It’s time we finish this.” Dante tugged Samia close to his side. “We plan to take a vacation. A long one.”

“Sounds good to me.” Antonio flashed his trademark smile at Sophia. “What do you think?”

“A white beach, sunshine, and a small bikini.” Sophia winked. “You won’t hear any complaints from me.”

Antonio groaned. “Nor from me.”

“I just want to get back to my island and my horses,” Lorenzo muttered.

Beside him, Riley rolled her eyes. “And not have to deal with or talk to any people.”

A faint smile lifted Lorenzo’s lips. “Except for you, bella.”

Rayne slung an arm across Skye’s shoulders. “So, you Warriors get this ritual done. Then I plan to have a long talk with Soren about taking good care of my baby sister.”

The redhead’s words were light, but Soren saw the fierce glint in Rayne’s eyes. He was glad that Skye had someone else who loved her.

“Let’s do it,” Soren said.

The women moved back and Soren stepped into formation with his brothers. They each moved until they faced their cardinal direction, Lorenzo standing in the center.

Soren’s back was to the setting sun, staring past Lorenzo to Antonio and the darkening eastern horizon. It felt right. It was a close to the vice that had plagued him and almost consumed him.

But the best thing was the promise of a new beginning. A new life with the brothers he loved and the woman who was his.

The brothers reached out and clamped their hands around each other’s wrists. A strong link they’d proven could never be broken.

They summoned their winds and Lorenzo lifted his arms into the air.

They’d never completed this ritual before, but with the memories of their ancestors buried in them, it was easy to follow the faded recollections of past rituals. The cardinal winds roared up, twining together between the men in a strong funnel.

The wind ruffled their clothes, their hair. The combined strength was beyond anything Soren had experienced.

The tornado speared into the air. Around them, Soren heard the vicious whispers of the banished Tempest Winds. Distant whispers of envy, anger, lust and greed. They grew in volume and urgency, until the winds snatched them up and the funnel lifted off the ground and speared into the air.

With a violent churn, the winds wheeled around and flew away to the south. Toward Isola del Vento.

“You’d best get home, Lorenzo. Keep those bastardos locked away.” Luca scowled.

Soren’s lips quirked. Love certainly hadn’t mellowed Luca’s surliness. As one, the men turned and stared at the five women standing in front of the villa watching them.

“I’ve had more than enough of the Tempest Winds.” Soren strode up the steps toward Skye. “Skye and I have far better things to do.”

Antonio laughed. “Pretty easy to see what you have on your mind, mio fratello.”

Soren raised a brow at his brother. “Like you don’t.” As his brothers joined Antonio’s laughter, Soren stared straight at Skye. She watched his approach with a sweet smile and love in her eyes.

He was free. His brothers were free.

Free to live the life they wanted, with the women they wanted above all else.

* * *

I hope you enjoyed all the stories in the Warriors of the Wind!

It has been a pleasure to get these stories polished up and send the Venti brothers and the strong women who captured their hearts back out into the world.

For more action-packed romance, read on for a preview of the first chapter of Marcus, the first book in my best-selling Hell Squad series.

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