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Guardian Unraveled: Fallen Guardians by Hunter, Georgia Lyn (3)

Chapter 3

Dagan swept the difficult female he’d willed to sleep against him and scanned the alley again. There was no one else in the area except them. But the burning sensation in his back told him differently and had him gritting his teeth in annoyance.

His wound would heal as soon as he got the bullet out. But he needed the evidence and couldn’t do so now. Whoever had taken a shot at the girl had vanished. Yeah, it had been meant for her, because no one would dare shoot at him, not if they wanted to live.

Using his psychic senses, he tracked mentally…and picked up a fast-disappearing trail. He studied it, absorbing the acrid odor of sulfur and fear. Demon. Asshole probably hadn’t expected him to show up. He was going to enjoy the scourge’s death.

Dagan shifted Shae’s slight weight in his arm and picked up her fallen cell phone with his free hand.

Thudding footsteps broke the quiet. “What the hell are you doing?” a male barked. “Let her go!”

He straightened, recognizing the human as the one from last night, the one whom she’d been hugging, and cut him an impassive stare. The urge to wring the man’s neck for leaving her alone with a damn sniper after her took hold. If he hadn’t been hanging around this place, waiting for her, she’d be dead.

“I’m taking her with me.”

“You aren’t taking her anywhere!”

He didn’t have time for this pesky human’s interference. Dagan simply held the man’s gaze and took over his mind. “Go fuck up your life like you usually would” was his preferred directive, but Gaia would kick his ass for that. You’ve already seen her home. Now leave.

The guy’s belligerent expression vanishing, he ambled back to the club entrance. Women rushed him. He put his arm around a brunette’s waist and they disappeared inside.

Date? Right. Dagan glanced at the female in his arms and shook his head. Pushing her cell into his back pocket, he stepped deeper into the shadows, and with the castle in mind, he dematerialized them both there.

A few minutes later, he reformed on the portico, willed the massive front door open, and entered the foyer. About to head upstairs, Dagan paused. With her conflicting psychic vibrations, he changed direction and headed down the marble-tiled corridor to the stairs that led to the basement. The floors there gave way to plain, dark tiles and an unadorned passage leading to the training arena. The once painted walls were bare, gray stones again. Hedori had probably given up on maintaining the surfaces here. At times, their powers escaped, and it did some real damage despite the arcane magic protecting the place.

With a thought, Dagan retrieved a black exercise mat, dropped it against the wall, and laid her on it. This place was safest for now.

“If you’re the one I’m searching for,” he told her sleeping form, “I’m not surprised you have a hit on you.” He moved a swathe of silky hair away from her face, his fingertips brushing her cheek, and frowned at the rough, uneven, Y-shaped scar there. Slightly pink, it stood out on her pale skin. Had to be recent.

Hard to imagine a person this fragile could be a ruthless killer when she appeared to have more damages to herself. But then in his long life, and with all he’d seen, nothing much surprised him anymore.

He glanced at the colorful, wavy strands he’d been caressing between his fingertips, a blend of deep reds, light browns, and hints of gold. She stirred awake. He dropped his hand.

Feline-tipped eyes the color of brewing storm clouds with specks of sunlight blinked at him. She sat up and scrambled back. That stubborn chin rose, accusation flashing in her eyes. “What the hell did you do to me?”

Sent you to sleep and dematerialized with you. No, he didn’t think that would go over too well. He said instead, “You’re safe.”

“Safe—safe?” she snapped, her face a delectable shade of red. Then she glanced around the place, and her color drained. “You kidnapped me? Brought me here because I wouldn’t talk to you?”

“If you want to give it a label, then sure.”

She looked like she wanted to punch him again. Her soft mouth tightened. A deep inhale followed as if she were struggling for control.

No way could he leave a psionic, if she were one, on the loose. Shit would not just rain down on them but explode everywhere, and he definitely could do without that. He scanned her again and, despite her temper moments ago, he picked up nothing, just a slight hum of her psychic abilities that resonated though his psyche.

Hell, he’d rather she was psionic, then he could hand the wildcat over to Michael and be done with this deadly temptation. But he needed answers first.

“Those dead men in the alley last night. Tell me about them.”

* * *

Shae inhaled deeply, counted to ten, and prayed a madman hadn’t abducted her.

He remained hunkered down in front of her, eyes cool, his powerful forearms braced on his muscular, leather-clad thighs. Small scars marred his tanned fingers he kept loosely clasped in front of him. He wore a wide, corded leather band on one thick wrist and several narrow ones on his other. His black t-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders like a second skin, the short sleeves revealing bulging biceps. On his left one, he sported a sword-like tattoo made up of a myriad of intricate designs. It was unusual, like nothing she’d ever seen.

With those clothes and his long, ropey hair, he dressed like an extra from a movie shoot or something.

“You can’t keep me here,” she tried to reason with him. “You have to let me go. My uncle will be frantic and calling the cops by now.”

“Not until you answer my questions. Those dead men?”

She scowled, all thoughts of being calm and rational flying out the window. He’d accosted her outside the club, kidnapped her, and now he expected her to answer his damn questions? “Just what the hell are you talking about? What dead men?”

Sure, he was infuriatingly good-looking, but then so was Ted Bundy.

At the thought of the serial killer who’d charmed and murdered several college girls, Shae sprang to her feet and bulleted for the door. He grabbed her around the waist. Crap, she’d forgotten how fast he could move.

“Lemme go!” She hit him, but he merely swept her into his arms like she was some delicate freakin’ daisy and carried her back. Furious, she bit him. Hard. And hoped her teeth did some real damage to his biceps.

An annoyed grunt escaped him. “Stop that, you little hellcat.”

Like a bag of unwanted grain, he dropped her on her butt, back on the mat again.

Pain jarred up her spine, and she clenched her teeth. But the three angry, red streaks scored on his powerful forearm had her blinking.

She’d done that? Shocked to her core at her dreadful behavior, Shae opened her mouth to apologize but when she met those burning yellow eyes that had taken on hints of orange, a spurt of anger cut through her guilt. “This is kidnapping. I’m gonna have your barbaric ass thrown in jail!”

“Try. When you’re ready to talk, scream. Maybe I’ll hear you, maybe I won’t.” His eyes like flint, he stalked out, shutting the door quietly behind him, only to stride back inside. He crossed to the far end of the room, grabbed all the swords from the stand there, and walked out again. Leaving behind a small fridge. Right then, she wanted to fling the appliance at his arrogant head. Except he looked like he could break her neck with just one hand.

She had to get out of here before he came back.

Jumping to her feet, she ran for the door and tried the handle, not surprised to find the barbarian had locked her inside. Her teeth ground in frustration. She glanced around the barren place. Where the heck was she?

A basement in a warehouse? Another state? This place could demand its own zip code. It was freakin’ huge. But getting that knuckle-dragging brute to tell her anything…hell, it would be easier if she simply wished for wings.

The interior, though well maintained, had high rectangular windows that she had no hope of squeezing through. Recessed lights were embedded in the ceiling and rugged stone walls flowed around her. Yep, trapped.

She paced the slate-colored tiles covering the floor. Sweat beaded on her brow and neck, the heat inside her rising.

Why the hell was she feeling this way? Like a lit detonator about to go off?

With trembling fingers, she retrieved a barrette from her jacket pocket and pulled her waist-length hair into a high ponytail, trying to cool down. Shae hurried to the small fridge and found it stacked with energy drinks and water. She grabbed a bottle of water, unscrewed the top, and drank some, fighting to calm down so the dizziness wouldn’t take over and make her black out.

Wouldn’t that movie-reject be thrilled at how weak she was?

As she stomped back to the black mat, his question bounced around in her head. Dead men? She didn’t recall any, but there’d certainly be one tonight when she got her hands on him and strangled him with his damn hair!

* * *

Dagan left the basement, frustration riding him hard. Sending a telepathic message to Michael that he had the woman, he strode into the empty kitchen. With the other warriors still out on patrol, only their females and Hedori would be around.

To be sure, he scanned and found Echo in the library with her tutor, and Blaéz’s mate in her quarters. Good. Or those two would go poking their noses in his business if they knew another female was here. They wouldn’t care that she could be a dangerous psi. Best the little hellcat remained in the basement. Once Michael confirmed what she was, then he would be done with this.

His thumbs hooked in his back pockets, Dagan stopped at the open French doors and stared out into the moonlit night, inhaling deep breaths of cold air. Yet nothing could wipe out the tightness in his body or the compelling scent that seemed determined to haunt him.

He rubbed his forearms where she’d scratched him. Hell, she’d bitten him, too! He checked his arm. The little hellcat’s teeth had punctured his skin but hadn’t drawn blood.

His pocket vibrated. Pulling out her cell, he frowned at the abridged message. Ash Stiles. This had to be the human who was with her. I hope you’re okay, doll. How about lunch? Call me.

At the shimmer in the air, he pushed the phone back into his pocket as Michael took form, his aviator shades perched on his head.

“I have the female—” Who made me lose control. No need for Michael to know how he’d reacted to her or what he’d done. Or that he’d been on a short fuse ever since to go after an innocent human and break his neck. “Her name’s Shae. She has the conflicting vibes of a psionic and something else I can’t quite isolate. And someone took a shot at her.”

“Where is she?”


About to enter the kitchen, Michael paused, cutting him an amused look. “Yes, it would be safer down there.”

Of course, it was. The Arc didn’t have to deal with the hellcat.

They both flashed to the basement. Michael put on his shades, shielding his fractured irises he never revealed to humans. Dagan willed the locks open and stepped inside. A bottle came flying at his head, drenching him before falling to the floor with a thud.

“You locked me in this damn place, you-you barbarian!”

The urge to gag her grew. His lips thinning, Dagan swiped the water off his face then followed the Arc to where she was, realizing he was no longer the focus of her ire. Her attention had shifted to Michael.

What was it about Michael that made the females go all gaga soft and shit? And not fight and scratch him? The Arc was dressed the same as he was, in leathers, but he wore one of his moth-eaten t-shirts, this one in a faded navy. Strands of hair had escaped his bunched ponytail, and a day’s stubble darkened his jaw.

Suspiciously, she eyed the both of them. “Who are you people? What do you want from me?”

The Arc lowered to his haunches as if that would make him less intimidating. She scooted back, pressing defensively against the wall behind her.

“I am Michael. I’m sorry that you are being held in our training quarters. I’d like to take you to a more comfortable place to talk. Can I trust you not to…throw things?”

A faint flush tinted her skin. Was the wildcat embarrassed? Yeah, right.

She nodded. “Hello, Michael. It’s good to know some of the leather posse has manners.” She shot Dagan a dark look, her antagonism back in spades.

He didn’t react, merely watched her. If she was psionic, then her stubborn little ass was now Michael’s responsibility.

“Good. Come.” In spite of Michael’s relaxed expression, Dagan sensed his amusement as he walked out of the arena. She followed him like some purring, happy little kitten. Claws hidden.

Dagan followed the hellcat.

She’d tied her jacket around her waist, revealing a black sleeveless top that exposed her pale, slender arms. As they took the stairs up, his gaze lowered past her short gray skirt to her long, sexy legs. On her feet, she wore a pair of battered, lace-up, steel-toed boots. Perhaps sensing his stare, she cut him a sharp look over her shoulder. He waited for her to say something, or to kick him down the stairway with those deadly boots.

She did neither. Instead, she simply dismissed him with a toss of her head, her high ponytail flipping back and nearly whacking him in the face.

He followed her into the massive kitchen lined with oak cupboards and a gray granite counter. A center island separated the dining area.

Shae stopped abruptly when she saw Hedori. Only Dagan’s quick reflexes saved him from crashing into her. He sidestepped her and crossed to the open doors, hoping the brisk air would clear his lungs of her fruity spice scent.

“That’s our butler,” Michael said. “Hedori, this is Shae?”

“Ion. Shae Ion.”

Their all-around handyman, butler, and protector gave her a half bow. “I am pleased to meet you, Ms. Ion.”

Her lips curved in response. “It’s Shae. You have pretty eyes.”

Usually quite stoic, Hedori’s pretty eyes glowed, apparently, a goner for her. “Ah, thank you. Would you care for something to drink?”

“A soda, please.”

Hedori inclined his head and went to get her more ammo to fling at his head.

Don’t rush her, Michael telepathed him. She’s on edge. Give her time to relax, lower her guards. She has extremely strong shields.

Very well.

“When you’re done with your drink, we’ll meet in my study,” Michael told her. She didn’t say anything as the Arc nodded at him and left.

Hedori handed her a glass of fizzing, orange drink and was graced with another smile. She sipped her soda, then totally ignoring him, she wandered past him, stepped outside and stared into the darkened garden where insects chirped in dissonance. “This is so lovely, tranquil…”

Her voice held yearning, and her shoulders drooped as if in dejection. Dagan wanted to go over and soothe her.

“You’ll be safe here,” he said instead.

Her back stiffened. She spun around, eyes spitting fire. “How am I safe when you abducted me, brought me here against my will—and where is here anyway?”

“You should be thankful I did, or you’d have had a bullet in you.”

“Oh, right. I’m supposed to believe this…this fanciful tale that someone took a shot at me when you did your mumbo-jumbo and put me to sleep?” She narrowed those feline grays at him. “Don’t ever do that again! And how do you know the bullet was meant for me? With your charming personality, I’m sure there must be scores of people after you.”

Just to shut her up, Dagan tore open his shirt. It was ruined anyway with the damn bullet hole. He felt a small measure of satisfaction at her wide-eyed stare…then her gaze slowly swept down his torso before gliding up again. And wouldn’t you know it, his damn cock stirred awake, not like it ever rested when she was around.

He cut her a flat look and stalked from the kitchen, the bullet an annoying twinge between his shoulder blades. A shocked gasp left her. Good, she’d seen the bloody hole in his back.

Dagan jogged upstairs to his quarters. In his huge, gray-and-black-tiled bathroom, he willed the slug out, and it clattered to the floor. With the ruined shirt, he wiped his back free of blood, tossed it aside, and picked up the bullet.

A prickly sensation slithered through him as he studied the thing. This was no ordinary lead ammunition but a hollowed-out slug with a liquid center made to explode and immobilize the victim. Whoever was after Shae didn’t want her dead, but they didn’t seem to care if she was hurt.

He’d see about that. Despite her annoying the hell out of him, he refused to have her harmed while under his watch.

Snagging another t-shirt from his closet, he pulled it on and headed downstairs. Frowning, he glanced around the silent, deserted kitchen, then at the open French doors.

Dammit! He sprinted outside and came to a dead halt.

She crouched on the porch, stroking Bob, who lay like a furry rug on the tiled surface amongst the potted shrubs, purring and enjoying her touch. More irritation flowed that she’d scared the crap out of him.

Inside the castle, she was safe. But outside? Not so much. Shit could fly right to their doorstep. He’d learned that when demons had followed Blaéz here several months ago, leading to a deadly fight, and Blaéz almost losing his life.

The cat blinked its amber eyes, pinning him with an unwavering stare as if warning him not to interfere in his moment of bliss.

“Are you done?” he snapped.

“In a sec,” she retorted, “I’m petting the cat. What’s your name, my feline friend?”


“Hey, you speak. But you sound an awful lot like him.” She stuck out a thumb behind her. “That’s too bad, ‘cause I like you.” Another scratch under the thick orange ruff surrounding Bob’s neck, then she rose to her feet and faced him. “Are you taking me back after this talk?”

“So whoever took a shot at you can finish the job?”

“You sure are a ray of sunshine, aren’t you?”

Refusing to let her jibes prod a retort from him, which he was sure was her intent, he merely said, “You are in danger. Only a fool would disregard that. Follow me.”

* * *

Shae glared at his retreating back, finding it hard to believe that anyone wanted her dead, but if that were true, then she’d barely escaped with her life. And he’d put himself between her and the bullet. Damn.

Exhaling roughly, she hurried after him, through the kitchen and down a long, winding corridor. Fine, she’d listen to what they had to say, and hopefully, find out what the hell was going on because this year just seemed to grow worse and worse.

Not wanting to think of that, Shae found her gaze drifting over his wide shoulders and down his tall figure. It was his swaying, ropey hair that held her attention.

How long would it be if he left it untethered? Would it caress his tight ass?

Oh, she’d love to see that. Just because he aggravated her like no one else could, didn’t mean she couldn’t appreciate a sexy man. Ugh, she guillotined the thought.

As if sensing where her gaze was, he cut her a narrow-eyed look over his shoulder. She gave him a disarming smile.

Nope, no reaction from those austere features—his face would probably crack if he so much as smiled anyway. He opened a door into a small study and waited for her to enter. She stopped short in the doorway of a room loaded with testosterone and gaped.

Michael was there with three other equally tall men. At her entrance, they turned. Man, these guys all had one thing in common. They were knock-you-on-your-ass gorgeous. Even her abductor fell into that category with his dark, brooding looks. Of course, being Others, they would be.

“Shae?” Michael motioned for her to enter, still wearing his dark shades. “Please, sit.” He waved a hand to a leather armchair adjacent to the stone fireplace.

Um, no way. No matter how good-looking they were, she refused to trap herself in a chair surrounded by these men.

“I’ll stand, thank you.” She remained near the entrance, well aware that escape was an illusion. If her abductor were able to move as fast as he did, chances were, so could these guys. And didn’t that just make her want to—ugh, yeah, stay put—get this over with.

He handed something to Michael then strolled over to the open door leading out onto the terrace.

He hadn’t even told her his name, the louse. And she wasn’t about to ask.

“Dagan, you know,” Michael informed. “That’s Týr.” He nodded to the stunning blond with eyes the color of melting toffee. “Aethan, with the hair. And Blaéz,” he indicated the guy with the buzz cut and deep blue eyes.

Day-gun? Her gaze flickered his way, and she found him watching her, arms folded across his chest. His expression remained cool, remote, but his eyes burned with a dark heat that made her tummy dip… Maybe it was the heat of hate. She hadn’t exactly been nice to him. But then he seriously needed an attitude adjustment.

She greeted the others with a quick hello.

The men nodded. She refocused her attention on Michael, who placed a small metal slug on the mahogany desk. Frowning, she stepped closer. About to pick it up, a callused hand grasped her arm, startling all hell out of her. “Don’t touch it.”

Rattled at Dagan’s sudden appearance, she pulled free and wrapped her arms around her waist. “What’s going on? You snatched me from the club, then informed me that someone took a shot at me—which is highly unlikely, considering I’m nobody.”

“That’s not just any bullet,” Michael said, picking up the cartridge. “It’s one only a supernatural being would use.”

“Supernatural?” she repeated.

“It wasn’t accidental,” Dagan said then. “It was meant for you.”

Shae froze. After everything she’d been through this past year, she didn’t need any more talk in riddles. “What are you saying? What’s wrong with the bullet?”

“It’s spelled, meant to immobilize until retrieval. It’s one demons are fond of using.”

At Dagan’s blunt words, a sickening pit opened in her stomach. She grasped the backrest of the chair she’d declined moments ago. “Who—” She licked her dry lips, taking in the other men who hadn’t said a word yet. “Who are you people?”

“We are warriors—Guardians of this world,” Michael said. “We keep mortals safe from supernatural evil and have done so for the past three and a half thousand years.”

“Guardians of…” she breathed, feeling as if the air had been sucked out of her lungs. Instantly, her gaze darted to Dagan. No wonder he acted like the world owed him a favor. She glanced back at Michael. “Demons?”

“Yes, though not all are evil, at least not those who now live in this realm. But demoniis

“I know about them,” she finally admitted. “They steal human souls to revive their dying ones. My best friend is a demon, he told me. Why me?”

“We have no idea. But we think there’s something about you that caught their attention. We try to protect mortals with strong psychic abilities. And until we can determine why they want you, it will be safer for you to stay here while we handle this situation.”

God, all she wanted was to find her mother. She did not need evil demons after her.

Shae rubbed a weary hand over her burning eyes, wishing this were all some bad dream. But six months was just too long to not wake up. And, yet, despite her skepticism at what Michael had revealed, somewhere deep inside her, she felt the truth of his words. “I can’t just stay away, my uncle will worry.”

“Call him. Make an excuse,” Dagan’s quiet voice cut through her cloud of fear. “Far better than making him a target, too.”

Oh, Lord, if whoever wanted her dead was desperate enough, they could use Lem as bait. She refused to put the only family she had left in danger. “All right. But I have to go back, get my things and leave a note for him.”

“Dagan?” Michael asked.

Those cool, yellow eyes met hers. “Let’s go.” He tilted his head to the terrace and stepped out.

Even though she’d rather run in the opposite direction from his arrogance and archaic ways, he was familiar, and he hadn’t gotten mad at her despite her dreadful behavior earlier.

“Damn pestilence!” one of the Guardian’s muttered. “They should all be eviscerated.”

“Indeed,” someone else added.

“Then we’ll be out of a job,” the blue-haired guy, Aethan, drawled.

Shae hurried past the annoyed warriors and onto the porch. Dagan took her hand, startling her. But strangely enough, it soothed her as well. Obviously, she must have lost her mind. The man was about as calming as a washing machine, all turbulence. Open the door, and he’d probably wreak havoc.

“Wait.” She hastily untied her jacket from her waist and pulled it on.

“Dag, you need company?” Aethan asked.

“Nah, he’s got this one covered,” the buzz cut guy drawled.

The blond, however, watched Dagan with a look Shae couldn’t fathom…remorse edged with pain?

Dagan ignored them and grasped her hand again. “Address?”

She told him. The next minute, everything became a swirling sensation as the looming mansion vanished.

Ohhhh crap! Her stomach heaving, she grasped him tightly around his waist and buried her face against his chest, breathing in his unique and warm male scent.

All too soon, they took form in a backstreet near the chrome and glass building of The Tower. And she was clinging to him like a vine. Hastily, she let go, straightened her top and, evading the reeking dumpsters there, headed for the front of the building, all the while aware of his quiet, dark presence following her.

Harvey was still on duty. His warm smile slipped when he looked behind her, wariness spilling off him. She couldn’t blame him. Dagan was about as friendly as a tiger with his space invaded.

“Hey, Harv,” she called out. She had to find a way to get into town tomorrow evening to meet Harvey, without her shadow, because she doubted Dagan would calmly accept her summoning a broker demon.

At the penthouse elevator, she slowed. Then, gritting her teeth in determination, she stepped into the suffocating steel space. With Dagan there, she really hoped she didn’t lose her shit.

Shae squeezed her eyes shut and leaned against the wall, arms wrapped around her waist as the cage bore them up, claustrophobia making her stomach churn. She tried desperately to center herself like she usually did

“Shae, look at me!”

The urgent voice came from a distance. Someone was shaking her. She blinked her eyes open and found Dagan in front of her. Concern flickered in his bright eyes.

Oh, no. Not again. Embarrassed warmth flooded her face. “I’m sorry, I don’t like enclosed spaces.”

He let her go. “So you create a windstorm to break through?”

She frowned in confusion. “What the heck are you talking about? I don’t create anything. I just shut my eyes and pray it ends, fast. I’m grateful this is the penthouse elevator so no one sees me losing my mind.”

He eyed her thoughtfully as the doors slid open. Shae hurried out of the deathtrap and made for the penthouse at the far end, then unlocked the door and entered the condo. She was halfway across the room when she realized Dagan hadn’t followed.

Spinning around, she found him standing at the doorway. “Well, aren’t you coming inside? Or do you need an invite like a…a vampire?” She couldn’t resist the taunt, or stop her grin when his sexy mouth tightened.

“In a minute.” A cold snap.

Who knew she could ruffle the feathers of this big, bad, uptight warrior?

He cut her a cold stare before pulling out his phone. A hazy memory of lips kissing her throat stirred again. Her smile faltered. But when she found him watching her, she blinked away the images and smirked. “Okay, then. You hang out there and ghost the place, I’ll go pack.”




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