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Healing the Hooligan (Cowboys and Angels Book 18) by Sara Jolene (3)

Chapter Three

His head was filled with softness. It muffled the sounds. All but the ringing. He could tell people were around him, but even the brightness of the light against his eyelids hurt. He was afraid to open them fully. Instead he listened.

“Has Marshal Wheeler or anyone else figured out what happened?”

“Not that I’m aware of. Hannah will be here soon. She might know more.”

“Thank you, Rachel.”

Dutch wasn’t sure where he was. He didn’t know anyone named Rachel, and he didn’t recognize the man’s voice. He was a bit assured he hadn’t fallen into the wrong hands because the Marshal had been mentioned. Wait, he knew this…Hannah. Hannah was married to the Marshal and she worked with Doc. That’s where he must be.

He wondered what was wrong with him, what had led him to be there. He tried to move his limbs, but they were heavy, too heavy to lift or even think of lifting. Fear rushed through him, taking all the energy he had with it. He drifted back off.

Rachel rushed around the clinic. The Marshal had just brought in two men. One of which she knew. Her heart skipped in her chest as she recognized him as the man who’d saved her a few nights back. She’d been terrified. Huddled against the wall behind the mercantile, praying that someone, anyone would come by. She knew what type of men they were that had her trapped back there. She was young and she’d been sheltered, but she wasn’t that naïve. She’d known what was going to happen to her, and even thinking about it made her stomach flip and bile rise up in her throat.

She stared down at him. His eyes were closed and he looked peaceful, as long as she didn’t look past his eyes. His forehead was coated in dried blood. “Can you clean him up? I need to see what his true injuries are.”

Rachel nodded in response as she hustled to the stove, where she took the pot of water they always had warming and brought it to the bedside of the man. She wished she knew his name. The Marshal was standing in the doorway, watching them all very carefully. She dipped a cloth in the warm water before lifting it and wringing it in her hands. She brought it to the patient’s face and started to wash away the sticky blood.

“I need to know the moment one or both of them wakes up.”

Rachel listened but didn’t look up. She’d learned a long time ago that you learn a lot more when people think you’re not listening.

“I’ll send Willie into town to fetch you. He’s just returned from school for the day.” JT’s voice full of concern.

There was a heavy pause in the air. Rachel closed her eyes as she rewet the cloth. She didn’t want him to say the words they’d all been thinking. Silently she prayed he wouldn’t. That they could just leave the idea out there floating with nothing concrete to hang onto because if they did then it couldn’t take root and grow.

She heard JT get up and shuffle around. He must have walked closer to the Marshal. His voice was low, almost like he didn’t want the men to hear him. “I have to tell you that might not happen though.”

“What might not?”

“Them…waking up.” Another long pause. “I’m not sure of the extent of their injuries as of yet, but I can tell you that they’d already been unconscious for quite some time by the looks of it. Plus, they traveled here and neither woke from that journey down the hill. Look, all I’m saying is I would look for other clues to help you also.”

Rachel continued her ministrations. She’d wet the cloth and wipe the blood, then repeat the action. She’d repeated it so often that as she dipped her hands into the water again it was cool, and when she looked it was a deep red.

“We’ve got a few things but not much. It would be really helpful if we could talk to them.” The Marshal didn’t say anything else, and Doc didn’t respond. Rachel heard him headed her way. She turned towards him. “It looks like most of the damage is on the top of his head.” She showed JT where she’d found a large gash in the patient’s hair. JT nodded. “Doesn’t look as if it needs stitching.” Rachel stood by watching as he examined the rest of the man. He lifted each leg and arm, feeling for breaks. Doc walked her through each step, telling her what he was doing and what he was looking for. She’d been learning a lot from him. He was a great teacher. Finally he stopped and looked up at her. “When you’re done getting him cleaned up, come over to the other one here, and I’ll show you how to splint an arm. He wasn’t as lucky as his friend here.”

Rachel nodded, worry creeping back into her mind. “Doc?” she asked as he was walking away.

He turned back toward her. “Yes?”

“Will they wake up?”

The look on his face told her all she needed to know. His eyes got heavy and his mouth, though it didn’t turn down into a frown but went limp from lack of confidence. He shook his head. “I’m not sure.” He paused. It was another one of those heavy meaningful pauses. “But if they do, I think they’ll be alright. Let’s hope they were just knocked out from the blast. It’s known to happen, and from what the Marshal said, they weren’t right next to the site, so that’s hopeful.”

Rachel wanted to believe that they’d both wake. She had to have the chance to thank the man that lay before her. He’d saved her from certain pain and suffering that night and maybe even many more after that. Lord knew what those men had planned for her.

Nessa was still angry with Kara when she arrived home but not enough so that when Kara flew from the front door yelling for her she didn’t have to push down the anger to see that Kara was in a panic.

“I’ve been waiting here for you. Aedan’s already gone into town. Come on, we’ve got to go now.”

Nessa stayed rooted to the spot she was standing in. Kara was rambling gibberish. “I’ve just gotten home. I don’t feel like riding anymore. What’s wrong? Is Aedan well?”

Kara nodded furiously. “It’s not Aedan. Marshal rode through from sending a telegram, wanted you to know.” Her eyes were full of tears, and her face was turning pink. But Nessa was the one having trouble breathing. If he’d just come from the telegraph office, had someone found them? Had something happened to Lillian or… Henry? When she thought his name, her heart plummeted. She took slow breaths, waiting for Kara to finish.

“It’s Dutch. He’s been hurt in an explosion.” She pulled Nessa in for a hug of reassurance and concern, even as relief washed over Nessa. She pushed her sister away as shame replaced the relief, and she turned back toward the barn. No matter how she felt about anything, Dutch had been there for her. He was a dear friend, and she cared about him. Just not the way her sister thought she did.

Nessa helped her sister saddle a horse and re-saddled her own before they climbed on their backs and took off out of the meadow. The sun was beginning to set. Nessa was thankful they didn’t have far to ride to get to the doc’s clinic. They were quiet most of the ride, but it was making Nessa uncomfortable. “Kara…we’ve got a new friend coming for supper tomorrow night. I hope that’s not too much trouble.”

Kara smiled softly. Nessa had a feeling her sister would have given her anything she wanted in that moment. Just like she had when they were younger. Nessa was always manipulating her sister and their father into doing or giving her whatever it was she wanted at the time. Lillian had been the only one that ever put her on notice and told her no. She smiled remembering Lillian and her sternness. She never thought that Kara and Nessa not having a mother was an excuse for them to be spoiled. Their father had thought differently.

“I’m happy to have friends for dinner. Is it anyone I know?”

Nessa shook her head. “I’ve only just met her today. She came into the bank and opened an account. Said she’ll be working for JT.” She stopped as Kara’s face changed. Then it all registered. They were on their way there now. “Come to think of it, maybe you’ll not have to wait until tomorrow to meet her.”

Kara nodded, though her face was still sullen. “Either way, I’m happy to have new company to chat with.”

Nessa returned her smile, though only partly. She was worried about Dutch, and it seemed to be getting worse the closer they got to the clinic. She cared for him. He was the man her father had chosen to be her husband, and her sister was still pushing her to marry. They’d often been seen around town together, and even though neither of them had meant for it to, it seemed that others in the town were thinking the same as Kara, that it was only a matter of time before they asked one of the preachers in town to perform the ceremony.

Nessa shook her head as the cabin came into view. There were men outside working on the expansion, and after hitching their horses and offering them each a nod of hello, the girls rushed through the door. Aedan was waiting just inside for them. He stood and caught them both. “He hasn’t woken up yet. Neither of them have, but Doc says other than that, he’s not broken anything or in need of stitching.”

“What happened? Kara said something about an explosion.”

Aedan nodded just as the doctor came around the corner, a girl with her head down trailing behind him. She was distracted, rubbing something into her hands. Nessa immediately recognized the dress. “Rachel?”

The girl looked up. “Nessa?” She looked around at the others, first examining Kara and then Aedan as he’d wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “What are you doing here?”

Nessa wasn’t sure how to answer. She didn’t know if Rachel knew Dutch or the reputation he had around town. She didn’t want to scare her off from not coming to dinner or anything. Most of the folks in Creede had realized that, though Dutch wasn’t a completely straight shooter, he wasn’t to be feared either. He was kind and respectful and helped folks out. He wasn’t a thief or a vagrant, just a bit of a hooligan. She smiled softly but didn’t answer as JT went straight to her. “I’m so sorry, Nessa. We’re watching him closely. I’m hoping he’ll wake soon.”

“Do we know what happened?”

JT shook his head. “Not really. Marshal said they know a little, but he’s really hoping both Dutch and Wade wake up soon.”


JT nodded. “Yes. They brought in just the two of them. Seems the mine was empty. All the men had gone home. Matter of fact, the way Wheeler made it sound was like they’d just left. They’d told him they felt and could see the blast and fire from their spots on the hill. They’d all started to race up when Wheeler and the Marshal came riding in.”

Nessa didn’t say much. She just let all the information settle into her mind. “Can I see him?” JT looked at her. Examining her. Nessa could tell he was checking to make sure she had her wits about her. That she wasn’t distraught and upset. She offered him a reassuring smile, which caused him to nod. “Rachel, could you show Miss Dobbs to your patient, please.”

Nessa looked up at Rachel just in time to see the color drain from her face. She was suddenly pale white and appeared to be having difficultly responding. “Of course. This way,” she told her, her voice trembling as Nessa followed behind her.

Nessa wasn’t sure what had spooked Rachel. She obviously could handle herself around those that were injured, otherwise JT wouldn’t have her there. She followed the girl over to where Dutch was lying on a cot. Nessa closed her eyes before taking the last few steps toward him. She held her breath and let it out slowly as she opened them a fraction, afraid of what she’d see.

Shocked, she opened both eyes fully. He looked completely fine. His clothes were dirty, and she could see where there were a few spatters of blood, but she could tell he’d been well taken care of. “Thank you.” She looked up at Rachel, who shook her head while staring at the floor.

“No. Really. Thank you.” Still Rachel said nothing. She stood there quietly staring at what, at first, Nessa had thought was a spot on the floor, but now she realized she was staring at Dutch. She smiled to herself.

“Do you think he’ll wake up?”

Rachel finally lifted her head. She straightened her spine and tried not to look concerned, even though it was evident she was. She nodded. “I believe he will. He’s a good man, and Creede needs good men.”

Nessa smiled and moved to come around to Rachel’s side of Dutch’s cot. She stood next to the girl she’d met just that morning at the bank for the very first time. She reached down and picked up her hand and held it in her own. “He is a good man, and you’re right, Creede does need good men.”

Rachel looked over at her. Nessa could feel the girl’s eyes on the side of her face as she looked down at her dear friend. She waited to feel uncomfortable or feel anything other than sadness that her friend had been injured but nothing came, which told her all she really needed to know. “I think he’ll wake up.” She turned and faced Rachel. “Want to know why?”

Rachel nodded, but it was stiff and hesitant.

“I think he’ll wake up because he knows that there’s a beautiful young lady tending to him. Being kind to him and caring for him. He’ll want to know her.”

Every muscle in Rachel’s body stiffened.

Nessa smiled. “He’s a dear friend.” She shook her head and smiled hugely. “Nothing more. I think it’s wonderful that you’ve taken a shine to him. You’d be good for him.”

Rachel’s cheeks flushed, and her eyes moved over Nessa’s face quickly, making sure that she was telling her the truth, that Nessa wasn’t interested in Dutch.

“People think things, but they don’t know other people’s business the way they think they do.” She looked down at her friend, who could have been sleeping if she’d not known better. “Freddie and I have been through a lot together, and it’s true that my family wants us together, or rather my father did and now my sister does, but I don’t love him, and more importantly, he doesn’t love me.” She lifted Rachel’s hand and picked up one of Dutch’s. She brought them together. “He could love you though.”

Rachel smiled and started to thank Nessa, but then Dutch squeezed her hand. She gasped and looked down as her free hand flew to her mouth and covered it.

“Telling tales are you, Ness?”

Rachel couldn’t take her eyes off the man lying before her, but she heard Nessa’s strangled laugh. The relief was evident in her voice. “Tales no taller than the man whose boots you’re wearing.”

Dutch smiled, and though his head lulled back and forth a little, his eyes remained open. She held his hand tighter as she called out for the Doctor. “JT… Dutch is awake.”

Dutch had kept his eyes closed longer than he needed to. But then again, Holden was once again whispering in his ear. His friend had told him to stay put the moment he’d become lucid. He wasn’t sure how he’d known he was conscious, but he had. He’d recognized Nessa’s voice immediately. It warmed him that she was there but also concerned him. He hoped she hadn’t been hurt and in need of care. Then a warm hand had been placed in his, and it felt like he’d been sucker punched in the belly. Tingles ran up and down his arm and into his back. He’d opened his eyes just a bit. Enough to peek so he could try to gather who it was that was holding his hand. He was surprised to see Nessa standing there. They’d touched before. He’d held her hand. But he’d never felt anything like he was feeling now. Then he opened his eyes fully and realized that it was indeed not Nessa whose hand was in his but the girl he’d told to run off the night before. The one he’d found cornered behind the mercantile. “Told you that you needed to skip whatever else you were doing last night.”

Dutch shook his head. He tried to do it purposefully, but it felt more like his head was flopping around on his neck. He smiled. “Telling tales are you, Ness?” He asked as he gently squeezed the dainty hand within his before the doctor came over and switched his hand for hers. Dutch felt himself deflate. The way she was making him feel had sparked life into his tired and sore body.

“How are you feeling, Dutch?”

He could feel JT checking out his joints and lifting his limbs. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. “Been better, Doc.”

JT laughed. “I imagine so. Can you remember what happened?”

Dutch thought about it for a moment. He remembered being on the hill with Ab, but after that it was a blur other than sound. He still wasn’t hearing properly. Everyone’s voices were muffled. Like he had a pillow over his head. “Nah. Not much. Is Ab here too?”


“Yeah. He was right beside me when the blast hit. I figure he’s here somewhere.”

There was a silence that fell over the room. It made Dutch’s stomach churn.

“I’m sorry, but he’s not here.”

Maybe he was remembering wrong. Maybe that had been a different day.

“It’s just you and Wade. They brought you in together.”

Wade…that was how he knew. None of this had been an accident. Wade was nothing but trouble. He was dim and desperate, two things that made people the most dangerous. Dutch shook his head. He could feel himself drifting off. He tried to focus on Rachel before sleep pulled him under completely. He locked eyes with hers and held them. “Stay?” he whispered. He closed his eyes just as she reached toward him and ran her hand down his cheek.




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