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Heart of the Wolf by Terry Spear (28)

Chapter 6

As the looming hour approached, Serena fought the nervousness she was experiencing, trying not to show it outwardly, but Tanner could smell it on her.

After hastily eating lunch, her stomach in knots, she spread her legs and arms so Tanner could spray the hunter concealer all over her, then she did the same to Tanner.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yeah, let’s do this.” She thought he looked like he’d hoped she might have changed her mind. She wasn’t giving this up for anything.

They drove over in the rental car and parked nearby. “I’ll knock on the door to ensure they really have gone on the stringray snorkeling trip. If no one answers, I’ll use the lock pick and you can join me.”

“When he’s on trips, he always hides his laptop under the sofa.”

“All right. See you in a minute.” Tanner gave her a hug and kiss, and then he walked to the door with purpose. The cabanas were separated by vegetation, and he didn’t hear anyone about. He knocked on the door, and when no one answered, he texted Serena.

He pulled out his lock pick. As soon as he opened the door, Serena hurried to join him. “So far, so good,” he said.

But anything could go wrong.

She quickly checked underneath the floral couch, but it sat so high, it probably didn’t look like a safe place for Harold to hide his laptop. “Not here,” she whispered.

“Checking the bedroom.”

“He wouldn’t have taken it with him. Not snorkeling. So it’s got to be here somewhere.” She looked in the kitchen. “Not in here.”

He looked in the two bedrooms, smelled that both Harold and Velvet were staying together, which was no surprise there, but smelled they’d had sex here, or sexual activity. “The safe in one of the closets is too small for a laptop, unless it’s really small.”

She joined him. “I can’t imagine he would have locked it in the rental car.” She eyed the safe. “You’re right. The safe is too small for his laptop. Unless he bought a new one for traveling. I can’t figure him out. He always had plenty of money. Why would he have stolen mine?”

“Some people never have enough.”

Harold’s clothes were neatly hung up in the closet, Velvet’s piled on a chair, but Tanner noticed the suitcase behind his shoes. “In there maybe?”

Serena grabbed the mostly empty black bag and set it on the bed. An airline security–approved lock protected it. She used her own key that would work on it and the lock clicked open. After she unzipped the bag, she found a leather case, his laptop. She pulled his laptop out and set it on the desk in the bedroom.

Tanner appeared as relieved as she was that it was there. Now if she could only get into his computer. “I’ll watch for any sign of them returning,” Tanner said.

“Okay, good. I’m into his computer.”

“Anything yet?”

“He’s so predictable. He has all his bank account links set up on his toolbar for one-click access. I’m trying the variations of his passwords to see if I can—holy cow.”

“You got into one?”

“Yeah, and boy, has he got the money. I wonder how much of it he earned and how much of it he stole. Over two and a half million dollars. Why would he need my one hundred and sixty thousand?”

“Like I said, some people never have enough. It could be he has an addiction to stealing too. Gets a thrill out of the game. Why don’t you grab your money, and let’s go. Are you done yet?”


Once she was done, she packed the laptop back into his suitcase, zipped, and locked it, then tucked it behind his shoes in the closet. She took one of his tennis shoes and shook it out. Then another.

“What are you looking for?” Tanner asked, glancing over his shoulder at her.

“Looking for his credit card.” She found it and stuck it in her pocket. “He’ll find it missing at some point and have to call it in to cancel it.”

“Then he can’t use it until they send him another.”

“Exactly. He doesn’t have another card and he never carries cash.”

Tanner smiled at her. “Are you done?”


“Did you get your money?” he asked, hurrying her out of the cabana. They locked the door after them.

“Plus, a little extra to pay for the expense of us flying out here and the cost of the accommodations. That way it won’t look like it was me just taking back my money. It would throw him off track. I changed his passwords on the accounts too. He’ll have to prove he owns them to be able to change them himself.”

Tanner smiled at her. “I had an idea, but was waiting until we learned if we could manage this.”

“Yeah?” she asked as they returned to the rental car and got in.

“We’re already here. We can’t get a flight out to Colorado right away either. If we can get one, why don’t we take one of those thirty-minute flights to one of the smaller islands? Cayman Brac or Little Cayman? They’re quieter, but perfect for swimming, snorkeling, and running. Then we won’t have to worry about running into Harold or his girlfriend. They haven’t made any reservations to fly over there or stay there, have they?”

“No. He always has receipts for all his activities sent to his emails, and nothing’s popped up. I like the idea.”

“Okay, I’ll make reservations. First, I need to call and make sure that my brothers and cousins don’t come here.”

When they arrived home, Tanner called Devlyn and put it on speaker so Serena could listen in. “Serena’s got her money, but we can’t get a flight out for a couple of days.”

“She had no trouble getting it back at all?” Devlyn sounded surprised.

“She accessed his bank accounts. We’re flying out to one of the smaller islands to stay out of the way until we can get a flight home. Just so we don’t cross paths.”

“You think you won’t need your brothers? Or our cousins for backup?”

“We should be good.”

Devlyn didn’t say anything for a moment. Then he said, “I’m sending them anyway. A few days on the beach, watching your backs, and then you can all return home.”

Tanner wanted to groan out loud. All his brothers and cousins were bachelor wolves, and he knew, though they would be eager to watch out for him and Serena, they would also be vying for her attention. She might have wanted to experiment with Tanner, but it didn’t mean she had decided to mate him. Yet.

But Devlyn was right. Better to be safe than sorry, though Serena and he could leave about the time the others arrived. Maybe they’d hang around a little longer, then.

“All right.”

“Everything else going all right?”

Tanner thought his cousin meant about how he was getting along with Serena. “We’re doing great. I need to make reservations for the other island. We’ll let you know how things are going a little later.”

“Okay, stay safe.”

When they ended the call, Tanner made reservations for a flight and accommodations to Cayman Brac. “Two hundred feet of sandy beachfront, four bedroom, three and a half bath villa. That will be enough room for the four guys, you, and me. We can enjoy the botanical gardens, Rum Point, blow holes, restaurants, and of course all the swimming we’d like.” Tanner wished the guys could stay somewhere else but he knew they wouldn’t. How could they protect them if they were at some other location? Though Tanner really didn’t believe they needed protection.

“Sounds great. I’m going up to pack. When are we leaving?”

“As soon as we get packed. We’ll head on over to the airport.”

“Do you have a pair of scissors?”

“For a credit card?” Tanner smiled at her. “He should never have messed with you. Here I thought you were going to need me.”

“You never know when a little muscle can turn the tide.”

After they packed up the car, they headed for the airport, turned in the rental car, and waited for their plane.

Tanner wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they sat next to each other in the airport. “I wonder how long it will take him to notice some of his money is gone. As much as he had, maybe he won’t notice right away.”

“He probably will notice. He’s tight with his money.”

“Do you feel better about everything now?”

“I do. Payback can cause some major heartburn—for him. I wonder if now that he’s not as wealthy as before, his girlfriend will want to stick with him.”

“I believe they might be mated,” Tanner said.

“I agree.”

“One hundred and sixty plus some change is only a drop in the bucket if Howard has that much money. Too bad we couldn’t have made more of a statement.” Tanner rubbed her back.

“If I’d known that he’d swindled others like me, I would love to give the money back. But without knowing that for certain, I won’t be a thief like him.”

“He swindled the wrong she-wolf.”

* * *

An hour and a half later, they landed on Cayman Brac, grabbed their bags, rented a car, and headed to the villa. Serena loved the other island and would have enjoyed exploring some of the fun things they had to do there, but now that they’d finished the business she’d come for, she didn’t want to chance running into Harold or his new girlfriend—and she was ready to have some fun.

“Did you want to keep the pretense that we’re just friends?” Tanner asked as they entered the sunny villa.

“You mean as far as the bedrooms go? Nah. Not unless you’re worried about what the other guys will think about us rooming together.”

He laughed. “I would hope they would think they have no chance with the beautiful she-wolf.”

“They don’t. This is really nice. Not that the other place wasn’t also. But it’s nice to know we’re here to just have fun now. Do you want to go swimming?”

“I’d love to. Then for lunch, I’m taking you to a restaurant. Seafood sound good?”

“In the islands, absolutely. They have caves here we could explore too. Right now, the ocean is calling to me.”

Tanner finished removing his clothes and pulled on his board shorts.

She pulled on her bikini bottoms, then pulled off her bra, but before she could fasten the bikini top, Tanner was doing it for her. “Are you worried he might figure out I did it and track us here?” she asked.

“Not here. If he believes we flew out of here, I’m sure he’ll assume you went home with a wolf. He’ll probably be looking for you on Grand Cayman for a while though. They have some flights back to the States, even if they didn’t have the one we needed, so we could have been on any one of those. Did you ever tell him where you were from originally?” He grabbed a couple of beach towels and set them on loungers on the back patio.

“No. I never talked to anyone about it.” They headed out into the tropical warmth, a sea breeze carrying the scent of fish, brine, seaweed, and salt water.

“If he finds us, I’ll take care of him. As to whether he’d figure out you had a hand in this, maybe, since you had his email password. And he might realize you could have seen his bank passwords in the drawer.”

“True.” She dashed for the water. She smiled back at Tanner as he chased after her. “The sand is so white and so soft underfoot.” She dug her feet into the warm sand, then reached the water’s edge.

He swept her up in his arms and ran into the stirred-up surf, the waves cresting still higher than when they went swimming the first night. “Are you serious about not seeing any of the other wolves when we return?”

“After you stayed with me when I was in the woods, carried me to the house when I was injured, brought me here and helped me to break into his place, protected me during a tropical storm, let me beat you at dominoes, and now…this?”

“If you put it that way…” He smiled down at her, still holding her in his arms, braving the impact of the waves as they rolled against his legs.

“But it’s a lot more than that. I’ve never felt this way for another man. A wolf. With you, it goes a lot deeper. I love you and I didn’t think I’d ever feel that way for someone.”

“I fell in love with you the moment you showed up and I began to follow you as a wolf. I was ready to claim you for my own from the beginning. Wolves sense when they’ve found their mate. And I knew I had to convince you in any way I could that I was yours. I love you right back, Serena.” He leaned down to kiss her, but just as his mouth touched hers, a rogue wave crashed into them, sweeping them off their feet, and they were pulled under.

He was out of the water first, grabbing her hand and pulling her from the water. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back.

The waves tugged back and forth at them, but they only broke free of the kiss when they were ready. Then they swam out beyond the breakers and floated together, loving sharing this time on the island before she met the rest of the pack and learned what her role would be.

She would no longer be on her own, but a contributing member of the pack. “I could create a small library, if you don’t already have one,” she suddenly said.

He smiled, and kissed her cheek. “I was thinking about returning to the villa and mating. You’re thinking of going to work.”

She chuckled. “Sorry. I know it’s important to contribute to a pack.”

“A library would be welcome.”

After walking along the beach while holding hands, she said, “I want to come here again sometime. Not just to this island, but to Grand Cayman, to take the excursions Harold is going on with his mate.”


She wrapped her arm around his waist as they headed to the villa. “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?”

“I’m taking you to the seafood restaurant for dinner, but before that, we need to finish some other business.”

“You’re eager to be a mated wolf, I take it.”

“Hell yeah.”

She loved the way he wanted her, as if nothing could please him more. And she wanted him just as much—a new beginning, a return to her lands, and becoming close to her twin sister again.

They rinsed off outside under the shower and then dried off quickly. Then he opened the door, scooped her up, and carried her over the threshold. He paused to shut the door with his hip, and she reached down and locked it. Then he headed for their bedroom.

“Oh heavens, put me down,” she said, as he reached the stairs.

He just leaned down, kissed her, and carried her up the stairs.

Tanner figured his brothers would ask him how he managed to convince Serena he was the right wolf for her. Loving the she-wolf came easy. Protecting her could be a challenge, but he would always be there for her no matter what.

He set her on the floor before helping her out of her bikini. She reciprocated, pulling off his board shorts. Then he joined her in the bed, cupping her face and kissing her mouth, her hands wrapping around his waist, and pulling him closer. “I’ve waited for you all my life.”

She smiled. “I feel the same for you.”

Then they were kissing again, his hands molding to her breasts, feeling her nipples tighten. He rubbed his hard cock against her belly, a way of sharing his scent with her and carrying her scent with him. She was his and he was hers.

“You are one hot wolf,” she breathed against his chest before she licked his nipple, sending shivers of pleasure to his core. She pulled gently on his nipple with her lips, then moved to the other.

She was breathing harder, her pheromones heating and triggering his own.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as he trailed kisses down to her breast and licked one nipple, then tugged gently on it with his mouth, just as she had done to him.

She moaned softly, running her hands over his biceps.

He moved his mouth over her left breast to the right one and licked the nipple, his hand cupping the left, his thumb rubbing the nipple.

He couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

He reached between them and began to stroke her, kissing her belly. He rubbed harder, more vigorously. She clutched at his arms, her face tight with concentration. He could see when the climax was about to hit, smell her sexy arousal, loved hearing her cry out with pleasure.

He began to kiss her mouth, and then she reached for his hips, grabbing hold, and pulled him closer.

“Do it,” she said.

He slipped his cock into her, and once he was seated fully, he began to thrust. She was hot, wet, and tight, perfect for him. He hoped she felt he was just as perfect for her as she gyrated her hips and he thrust harder.

He paused to kiss her throat, her chin, her mouth, wanting desperately to prolong this. Then he drove his cock in deeply. Striving to make it last, he rubbed against her, but he couldn’t hold off any longer and groaned with release.

She thrust her pelvis at him as he finished, then still joined with her, he pulled back enough to coax another climax out of her.

She clutched at his hair, tightening, then let go. “Oh. My. God.”

He smiled, slipped out of her, and pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Serena.”

“I love you right back, you beautiful, big wolf.”

They were enjoying the afterglow of making love, of being mated wolves, when Serena’s phone rang. Thinking Bella was calling, she rolled over to grab her phone off the bedside table and saw it was Harold. Her heartbeat quickened.

“Harold,” she whispered, as if she had answered the call already and he could hear her.

“You want me to talk to him, or just hang up?”

She let out her breath. “I could block his calls, but I think it’s important to hear what he has to say.” She sat up, answered the phone, and put it on speaker.

“When I find you, you’ll give me every cent back. Or you’re dead.”

Then he hung up on her.