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Holiday Face-off (Puck Battle Book 1) by Kristen Echo (18)












A fter Theo left, Carly wasn’t sure what to make of everything that had happened. Part of her was elated to have him in her corner, but she was nervous. He was everything she wanted in a man, and everything she hated.

“Theo seems like a really nice young man. It was very generous of him to get us a hotel so close to the hospital,” her mother said, taking a seat in the uncomfortable metal chair next to her. They waited for the doctor to sign her release papers.

Her mother’s words weren’t enough. Nice didn’t fit Theo. He was so much more than that. Her love for him was all so new, but it felt right. “Theo’s a wonderful man, Mom. I’m damn lucky he came along when he did.”

That much she knew for sure. If Theo hadn’t come out of the diner when he did, she’d have ended up in a worse way. Those men could have done anything to her. Then he saved her life by bring her to the hospital. He saved her from years of loneliness. She swallowed and closed her eyes.

Her mother took her hand and squeezed. “Your father and I couldn’t thank him enough. But you never should have been in that situation. Not to mention all those pictures of you two online. Goodness gracious; this city is full of horrible people. Won’t you come home?”

Carly rolled her eyes at her mother’s plea. The moment Theo left, they had pounced on her to return back to their small town. Where things were safer. Where people didn’t spread gossip. She disagreed. Bad things happened everywhere, and she loved her new city, her school and Theo.

“I belong here. And I think I looked pretty good in most of the shots.” Her smile was met with a stern eyebrow lift. The kind only a mother can deliver.

The pictures had indeed gone viral just as Theo predicted. Except, she didn’t care. He went out of his way to get his team on it, trying to stop sites from sharing and posting. But once things are online and out in the world the damage is done. Carly joked about it being their coming out announcement. Theo was officially off the market and now the entire world knew it. She couldn’t be upset about that.

She also didn’t hate that Theo stayed at the hospital with her all day, missing his practice. Her new boyfriend had refused to leave her side. They talked for hours. He would have spent the night, but he had a plane to catch. Saying goodbye had been much harder than she expected. In a short amount of time, Theo Montagne, had wormed his way into her heart.

Her father stepped next to her, holding papers in his hand. “We are good to go. I’d prefer it if you came to the hotel with us. At least for tonight.”

“Please, Carly,” her mother begged. They didn’t want to leave her alone, and truthfully, she was happy to be near them. She might not have wanted to go back home with them, but she had missed them terribly. Family meant everything to Carly.

The concussion was mild, but her head still hurt like crazy. Bruises covered most of the right side. The silver lining was that she was alive and would live to see another sunrise. “Sounds good. Let’s get out of here.”

“Are you Carly Saint?” A young nurse wearing pink scrubs ran up to her. Carly nodded as she rose to her feet with a little help from her dad. “This package came for you. Have a great day,” she said, handing her a white plastic courier bag, before taking off down the hall.

Carly ripped it open and found three tickets to Theo’s next hockey game. The away game that was taking him away for the next few days. Behind those, were three return plane tickets and a box of chocolates. She hugged the contents against her chest. His generosity blew her away, but it was too much.

“What’s inside?” Her father leaned over her shoulder.

She couldn’t contain her delight. “Tickets to tomorrow’s NHL game for all three of us. In New York!” She’d be seeing Theo sooner than expected.

Her parents were taken aback by his kindness and they spent the short cab ride to the hotel discussing the upcoming game and Theo’s hockey prowess. The man had many talents and Carly was eager to explore them all.

When they got to the hotel, her parents changed into their bathing suits and headed down to the hot tub for some relaxation time. Carly figured they were leaving to give her some time to rest, but she was too excited to sleep.

The moment the door closed behind them, she picked up her phone and called Theo. His clean-shaven face appeared on her screen. He looked handsome as always, but she missed the scruff. “You are amazing!”

He chuckled at her greeting. His brown hair covered his left eye in a disheveled yet sexy way. “You got my gift I take it, or am I amazing for another reason.” He waggled his thick brows.

Oh, there were many reasons, but she didn’t need to inflate his ego. “I love my present, and my folks are excited to catch the game too. They can’t stop talking about playoffs and how this is going to be the year. But you didn’t have to do this. I mean it’s way too much. Once they come back from the pool, we’ll look into hotels. I bet—”

“Don’t. It’s all taken care of. My assistant looked after everything; a car will take you to the airport first thing tomorrow morning and another will take you to my hotel. I like that your folks have confidence in the team. Playoffs are still months away but if we keep playing good we’ve got a shot. I know it’s a little much, but I couldn’t wait till New Year’s Eve to see you again. Please don’t think of this as a big deal. This is my way of getting to know my future in-laws and spending time with my girl. How are you feeling?”

He was so damn thoughtful. And he said in-laws?

Carly couldn’t wait to be with him again too. “I feel like kissing you. That’s how I feel.”

Theo laughed again. The sound tickled her insides. Then, he covered his screen as she overheard him, excusing himself from those around him. A minute later, things got quiet and his handsome face reappeared. “Sorry about that. I’m at the rink, waiting to see one of the trainers. There was too much noise to hear you properly, but I’m alone now. Can you tell me again how you feel?” His voice took on that deep timber she loved and his blue eyes sparkled with desire.

“You heard me. I want to be kissing you right now. I miss you. Is that strange?” She chewed her lip, waiting for his response.

“Are you alone, Carly?”

She tilted her phone to show Theo her surroundings. The beige walls and brown bedspread weren’t fancy, but the hotel was clean and had all the modern amenities you’d expect. “Yes, I’m in my parent’s hotel room, lying on the bed.” She rolled onto her side.

He growled and her insides quivered. “I wish I was in that bed with you. If you haven’t already, put the phone down cause you’re going to use your hands for me.”

She liked where he was going with this. “Okay.” Her voice sounded breathless as she propped the phone on the pillow.

“Take your clothes off. I want to see your gorgeous naked body. Are you wet, Carly?” His voice alone made her panties damp.

“Yes. Where are you?” She ran to the door and used the chain to lock it in case her parents came to check on her. Then she made sure Theo got a good view of her taking off her top and bra. He raked his teeth over his lower lip, and over the small scar she loved. So sexy.

Carly removed the rest of her clothes and lay facing him on the bed. She draped her arm over her side, trying to cover the bruises. When she looked into his eyes, she observed nothing but passion and love. She moved her arm and let him see all of her. She had nothing to hide.

He moved the angle of his phone so she saw more than his face. Theo was in a private bathroom stall and his jeans were open. She watched him reach inside and pull out his thick, long cock. It was hard. “If you were here, I’d have you on your knees sucking this right now.” He stroked his length as he spoke. “Instead, I’ll use my hand and watch you use yours. You’re so damn beautiful. Pick up your phone and show me how wet your pussy is.”

Carly would have liked nothing more than to be with him, pleasing him. So, she did as he asked and moved the phone between her open legs, giving him a perfect shot of her arousal. He did that to her. She watched his eyes widen, and it turned her on even more.

“You are so damn hot. I wish I was touching you right now and licking that moisture from the tip of your cock. What else do you want me to do?” She was panting already, and she’d barely done anything.

He smiled. A devilish grin that made her legs quiver. “You like my cock. Don’t you, Carly?” His hand moved faster as she nodded. “Good. Use one hand to pinch your pretty pink nipple. If I were there, it would be in my mouth already. Then use your other hand to make yourself come. Dip two or three fingers inside that tight little slice of heaven.”

Carly followed orders and moaned when she felt her arousal, coating her fingers.

“That’s perfect and I can hear the suction of your pussy begging for more. Pump those fingers to the same speed as my hand and use your thumb against your clit. My balls are tightening, remembering how good it feels to be inside you.”

The faster she worked her body, the closer she came to the brink of ecstasy. Carly remembered how great it felt to be filled by him too. “I love you, Theo,” she said. Those words, and the sight of him nearing his release thrust her into an orgasmic state of happiness.

They spent the next fifteen minutes talking about the most deliciously naughty things. He made her blush in places she hadn’t dreamed could turn red. And best of all, he made her come again before he shot his load all over his hand.

She didn’t want to let him go, but he had people to see and hockey to play.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart. I love you.” Theo hung up and Carly counted the hours until they would be together again.

Phone sex was new to her, but she had a feeling they would have many more moments like that in the future. Theo would be busy trying to win the Stanley Cup but she knew he’d make time for her. His team needed him but so did she.

It was funny to think about having a future with a hockey-superstar because Carly had been adamant about staying away from men who played the sport. But as with most things in life, she could adapt. Carly was a smart girl; too intelligent to let the best man walk out of her life. Theo was a keeper, and she intended on making their relationship work.

Loving a hockey player would have its share of drawbacks, but a strong woman like Carly could handle any situation. In hockey, there’s no such thing as a perfect season. When she looked into the future, she could see her happily ever after, and it was damn close to perfect.




Can’t get enough of Theo and Carly? An extended epilogue is available if you head over to my website and check out the bonus area. Click .