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How to Catch a Kiss (Kisses & Commitment) by Sarah Gay, Taylor Hart (10)


Tori rested her temple into her pointer finger as she contemplated the multiple sets of folded clothes on her bed. Zee had planned an afternoon at an undisclosed location.

It was to be a day of firsts for them. He’d said that the destination would only take twenty minutes to reach, and for her to pack a light-weight t-shirt, shorts, and sturdy walking shoes.

She picked up the white t-shirt she’d worn for the chalk run. With a single wash, it had returned to its original, bright white. How was that possible? And why were children allowed to play with anything other than colored chalk? That rule would have saved the white, sheepskin rug she’d adored.

Tori threw the chalk-run t-shirt and khaki shorts into her new African bag. Every time she used that bag her mood improved. Using it had a more positive effect on her than a bag of chocolates, thank goodness.

Tori’s phone vibrated in her pocket. The school was calling. She wrestled through her bag to find her car keys—in the likely event that she needed to hop in the car and zip over to a burning school to rescue her son. Tori always felt a sense of panic when a call came in from the elementary school. “Yes?”

“Hey, Mom.”

“Everything okay?”


His voice instantly calmed her anxiety. “You still good to hang out with Gussie after school till I get home?”


Tori grew suspicious as the pause lengthened. “Are you sure everything’s okay, baby?”

“Um, can you ask Zee if he wants to play basketball with me after your date?”

“How did you know about Zee?”

“Aunt Gussie.”

Tori scrunched up her face. Gussie was in for a lashing.

Tori slowed her breath to allow her voice to calm. “We’re just having fun today as friends, like you and Zach. And it might be too late when we get back, but I’ll ask him. Okay?”

“K, Mom. Love you.”

“Love you more, buddy. Call me when you’re leaving school.”

* * *

Tori studied Zee’s profile as he drove them down Emigration Canyon toward the valley. If he were aware of her watching him, he didn’t show any indication of that knowledge. She loved how the cleft in his chin grew more pronounced as he smiled. His face was the perfect ratio of beauty to rugged manliness. His aqua green eyes, sporting those long, dark lashes, brought balance to his strong, square jaw. Watching him drive warmed her more than drinking a hot cup of cocoa.

“I could have met you in Salt Lake,” she said. “That way, you wouldn’t have had to drive up the canyon to get me.”

“I enjoy driving, and all the better with you at my side.”

“But we haven’t been talking.”

“True. But, isn’t it refreshing to not have to create small talk for the sole purpose of speaking?”

Tori looked out at the green hills dashing past her window “Never thought of it that way.”

“Do you agree?”

“I’m still thinking.”

Rambo rustled up from his roly-poly sleeping position in her lap and shook his little paws as he stepped gingerly over the center console and into Zee’s lap.

“He likes you,” Tori nearly cooed out. “Thanks for letting me bring him along today.”

“At least somebody likes this ugly face.”

“Self-deprecating doesn’t suit you. And, for the record, you have a fine face.”

“When you say fine.” He shot her a quick smile. “Do you mean tolerable? Or do you mean light my burner hot?”

She had to look away from his insanely attractive face to concentrate on her answer or she’d sound birdbrained, just like she had when she had attempted to explain who he was to her mother. “If I were in the crazy meat market world of dating, I’d say hot, absolutely. But since I’m not, I’m gonna have to go with tolerable.”

“I sure hope you hit the market soon. Then you can tell all the single ladies how hot I am.”

Something about him mentioning single ladies gave her a cramp in her side. She found the knot with her fingers and pushed down to release the pain.

His face showed his concern. “You okay?”

“I just realized that I haven’t eaten today. Its just hunger pangs.”

“I have a few snacks in my jet that should tide you over until we get there.”

“Your jet?” Tori questioned as they pulled off the interstate and traveled onto the airport exit.

“Thought it might be quicker flying.”

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise. I don’t even know the specifics. I gave the never been nor done list to Annie, and she’s arranged the rest. She begged me to let her help. She even offered to dog sit.”

“Annie’s coming?”

“You sound disappointed.”

“Oh. I do?” She was disappointed with the idea of not having Zee to herself, but that was immature. Tori had no right to claim him as only her friend.

“My cousin, Paxton, will be joining us as well. He decided to stay in town until we’ve finished filming.”

“When will that be?”

“Next week.”

“But you’ve only been here for a few days.” This time she didn’t even try to hide her disappointment.

“Salt Lake is a short flight from LA. I could easily spend half the week here.” He shrugged his shoulders with complacency, but the expression on his face matched the questioning look he had given her moments before their lips had almost touched. “That is, if any other projects were to suddenly pop up.”

Annie was waiting outside the plane when they arrived. “Tori! This is going to be so fun!” she said, wrapping Tori in her muscular arms.

“You’re strong, Annie. You nearly took my breath,” Tori said, walking up the last steps into the plane.

Annie nodded. “Country farm girl.”

“You’re a country girl?” Tori questioned. “I would’ve never guessed. My husband was raised on a farm.”

Tori suddenly realized the finality of her situation. She didn’t have a husband anymore, at least not in the mortal, physical sense. In that instant, everything paused. Tori struggled to catch her breath. It was as if the air in the cabin had suddenly been sucked out through millions of minascule cracks in the seams. Tori caught Annie’s glance at Zee.

“Tori, please sit down,” Zee said casually. “I’d love to hear more about the farm.”

As soon as Tori sat in her chair, Zee produced a silver tray with an assortment of fruits and cheeses.

He touched her hand softly. “What would you like to drink?”

“Do you have ginger ale?”

“You’ve come to the right place. I drink it on every flight, exclusively.”

“Really? Me too.”

Zee filled her glass. “It was the only soda that my mom would allow us to have when we flew. I’m not sure my nerves could handle a flight without it.”

As the jet began its climb, Tori realized Annie’s fiancé was missing. “Where’s Paxton? I thought he was coming with us?”

Annie looked up from her laptop. “He’s meeting us there,” she said as she typed.

Tori pointed at Annie’s computer. “How are you doing that?”

“Doing what?” Annie questioned.

“Typing as you talk?”

“Is that unusual?”

“Not unusual. Amazing!”

Annie turned to Zee. “Did you hear that, Zee? I’m amazing, not crazy.”

“Still to be determined, sis,” he said with an exaggerated wink.

Tori perked up, “Sis?”

“I’ve adopted a kid sister. And she plays the role superbly well.”

Tori gained new understanding as to Zee and Annie’s relationship. Perhaps he had been attracted to Annie at one point. What man wouldn’t? She was adorable. But they had formed a bond to be coveted. Maybe he could share an intimate friendship with Tori as well without ever being physical. She relaxed back into her chair and savored the gourmet cheese and crackers. It was shaping up to be a fabulous day.

“Tori,” Zee whispered into her ear. “We’re here.”

“We’re here? But I just closed my eyes?”

“It may seem that way. It was a short, twenty-minute flight, but you were out the moment you sat back in your chair.”

“Are you kidding me?” Tori questioned. “I never sleep on flights?”

Annie zipped up her shoulder bag and smiled. “Me either, until my big brother here started shuttling me around.”

Zee angled his face to look down at her. He had Annie by at least a foot. “Don’t get used to it.”

Tori had never thought about her height compared to Zee’s, until she noticed the difference between him and Annie.

Tori walked up to him, lengthening her back with every step. She wanted the measurement to be as accurate as possible. As he raised his arms to reach for Rambo’s backpack in an overhead compartment, she scooted close without touching him, and ducked in under his arms. She discovered that the top of her head rested perfectly under his chin. Inadvertently, she had positioned her mouth inches from his neck. The peppery emanation that he released was extraordinary.

His breath ruffled her hair as his chest respirations accelerated. Tori could have remained there for hours.

“Zee? Tori?” Annie stood at the top of the stairs to exit the plane with a smile the size of Texas. “You guys coming?”

Zee flashed her a look of warning. “Don’t even think about it.”

Annie shook her head, and, with an air of indifference, said, “Of course not. Besides, I’m more interested in seeing how you respond to raw fish slithering down your throats.”

“What?” Zee croaked out.

“Just kidding! You’ll love it.”