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Just Until Morning by Dani Wyatt (7)

C H A P T E R   E I G H T


She sighs.

And whimpers.

She is so fucking small it’s as if she’s a delicate porcelain doll in my grip. Somehow both hard and soft at the same time.

“Drop it,” I order when I finally wrangle my desire and find the strength to break our kiss. I note the slight tremble in her fingers and take a breath before adding, “Don’t be afraid of me, Kick. I’ll take care of you. I promise. I think you know that already.”

After what feels like an eternity, the white sheet she’s been clutching to her chest lowers. I’m standing at the edge of the bed, my dick as hard as iron, ready to tear into her. But I want more than just a fuck.

I want to savor her. In a way I’ve never wanted to before, I want to taste every moment. Fuck, I haven’t even rubbed one out for a couple years. I’d lost all interest. I guess I just figured that part of life wasn’t for me. Because fucking for the sake of fucking lost its appeal long ago.

But her.


There’s something in her that’s lighting up something deep down inside me.

I draw in a sharp breath as the pure white fabric catches for a split second on her hard nipples. The anticipation sends my heart thumping into my throat. More than anything, right now I want those tits in my mouth. I want to suck and taste them, to worship them with every moment of my being. Because they deserve to be on a fucking altar.

The light in the room darkens at the edges, and all I see is a halo of light surrounding her. Like a fucking angel sitting in the center of my bed, sent to me by God or by the Devil as a reward for my sins. I’m not sure yet which payroll she’s on, and I don’t much care right now.

“More,” I grunt as she pauses with the edge of the sheet hovering just above her belly button.

I step back a pace, just to let my eyes linger on her. Her bountiful breasts are offset by a classic nipped-in waist that’s only made more beautiful by the softness of her ripe belly.

Fuck, she has no idea what she’s doing to me.. All that lush softness. Her curves. Hips that cry out to be gripped hard and fucked.

For the first time in my life, I feel a pounding instinct to breed. And it has to be with her. It has to be with this woman. I need to send my seed deep inside her until the world can see whom she belongs to.

To tie her to me for eternity.

She laughs softly. “I bet this bedroom makes quick work of any marks you bring in here.” Her eyes meet mine, searching, needing reassurance, and it pulls on my heartstrings. It bothers her to think I might have been in here with anyone else, and it makes me feel wanted. Needed.

“I wouldn’t know. No one else besides the house staff has been in here. I rarely even sleep here. Sleep is not my friend, I’m afraid. If I get a couple hours a night in my office, I’m lucky.”

My words seem to give her what she needs. Her shoulders soften, a hitching sigh of relief stealing from her lungs.

She pushes the sheet farther down until it rests in a crumpled bundle at her toes. She’s sitting with her legs tucked sort of under her and off to the left. I notice the slight indentation just under her belly button from the elastic of her panties. Discomfort is like a scent upon her. I watch as she fusses with her hands, not sure where they belong

But I fucking know where they belong. Wrapped around my dick. Guiding it into the heat and soaking wetness of her pussy.

I need her to be mine. Forever. And for a split second, that thought darkens the world around me. Because in five days, I’m leaving, and that knowledge turns me to ice.

How can this be happening? I’ve been around this fucking town my whole life. And now this? Just when I have to leave?

I push the thoughts away, trusting that I will find a solution, because I can’t waste one second of this night. I want it all. Not just the sex. I want to make love to her, eat her, taste her, then fuck her. I want to know her and consume her thoughts and her heart. Make her part of me.

Then, when she’s spent and her eyes look to me for everything, I’ll pull her as close into me as possible and listen to her sleep. I want to watch her dream and pray that somehow, some way, I’ll be what she dreams about even if it’s only for one night.

“Lie back.” My voice is low, struggling to come out of my throat.

I see her chest rise with a deep, unsure breath, but her body obeys, arms moving to her sides, shifting against the bed and straightening her legs, laying all that luscious perfection back onto the heap of white pillows contrasted against the heaviness of the carved headboard.

“Jesus,” I grunt, feeling my stomach clench and my dick grow another inch.

There is an ache inside me, a pain of being, of existing, that should be uncomfortable. And yet, I don’t want it ever to go away. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. This woman was born for me.

I stuff my hands down into my pockets, stunned into silence by the view.

I’m not sure how long I stand there, just staring at her, but it’s long enough that her face loses the look of concern and turns into a vixen’s smile.

She’s no fool. She’s reading me just fine and beginning to understand the power she wields.

“Are you going to touch me? Or should I touch myself? Because I need to be touched.”

“I’m going to do far more than just touch you.”

I’m next to the bed in a second, leaning over, kissing her forehead as her hand drops the sheet, hooking her fingers into the waistband of my suit pants. The desire is plain in her eyes, and I know what she wants.

Because I want it too.


This. This connection. Turning into exactly what we were meant to be.

“You changing your mind about not fucking me, Kick?”

The sight of her creamy ivory skin, her tight pink nipples, has me fighting to hold back a carnal moan. I want all of her in my mouth at once.

“Nope.” She toys with me as her fingers move to the buckle of my belt.

“You know this is far more than just repaying a debt to me, Holli. You know how to read people. Something about you. About this...” I shake my head, unsure how to describe what I’m feeling. “It’s just so much more.”

“I know.” She smiles, and I reach down to drag the backs of my fingers down her cheek then back up, feeling how soft she is. Amazed by the innocence of her heart.

She tugs at the buckle, her breath stalling as she waits for my approval.

“Go ahead.” I answer her wordless request and see the relief swim across her face.

She’s naked in front of me. Not a blemish or imperfection anywhere. Her body is soft, full, and she couldn’t be more perfect if I’d created her in a lab somewhere.

My hand drops from her cheek to her breast as her fingers work my belt, making soft clicks as she struggles in her haste to get it open.

“Slow down, Kick. I don’t want to rush any of this. I want to savor every second until morning.”

I see a moment of doubt in her eyes. I’m sure this will not be the only night we spend like this, but I’m wondering if she feels the same.

She works her body closer to the edge of the bed as her fingers run down my zipper. My cock is ready to rut into her like an animal, but I force myself to keep control, watching while she works the button, then with a pop, the pressure from my erection spreads my pants wide.

“Oh my God.” Her eyes light up when my bare cock springs forward and nearly bounces against her nose.

“I go commando,” I say with a quick shrug, loving the way she brings her fingers to her lips to stifle a giggle.

Her nipples turn to hard peaks, and my fingers reach down to pinch them both. She lets out a soft moan at the touch, and my mouth is watering, begging to get them between my lips. But right now, it’s her mouth that wins.

“Holy shit.” I release a few drops of my cum at the first flick of her tongue on the tip of my dick.

Her moan is a reflex action, an involuntary sound at the taste of my pre-cum. “Mmm.” Her eyelids flutter as she takes a second tentative lick at the tip of my hard-on. “I never thought it would taste so good.”

For a second, I’m confused.

“You’ve never?”

“I’m not a virgin. But I am in other things. I’ve only done like the actual deed. I’ve never put my mouth on anyone.” Her cheeks ripen to bright red. “I never wanted to... And before you, no one had ever put their mouth on me either.”

Holy fuck. I never realized how much that would mean to me until right now.

“That is the greatest honor I’ve ever had.” She spreads her knees, both hands wrapping at the base of my cock, and her touch feels like magic. “You’re going to swallow what I give you. Every drop. Because it belongs to you. I’ve waited so long.”

I guide my cock to her lips, and she eagerly opens wide for me to slide inside. The slick warmth of her mouth envelops me in a primal dream. She may never have done this before, but there are some things that must come very naturally because, within a minute, her tongue is dancing along every ridge and vein, sending tremors down my legs.

“Slow down, baby. I want to enjoy this a little longer. You’re fucking amazing.”

She eases her enthusiastic pace, and I take control, slipping in and out of her lips in a baseline rhythm. I look down to see the rim of red lipstick around the base of my erection, her eyes meeting mine as I fuck her face and want this moment to last forever.

But then I stop. Pull out of her mouth.

The disappointment on her face hurts me, but I can’t. I can’t come without her. I just realized that this moment; it’s like a scientific fact. I just can’t.

“Lie down. On your side,” I order in a huff.

For a moment, anger bubbles up. I’m angry at the distance between us. Angry I don’t have her cunt on my face while I enjoy her mouth on me.

In a flash, I’ve disrobed, tossing my clothes onto a chair and climbing onto the bed, my head aiming for the promised land.

“Open your legs.” I shift myself into position, and she opens for me. After a few adjustments, my mouth is where it belongs, drinking in the juice that’s already streaming out of her.

When her lips encircle my cock again, my chest constricts, my throat tightens, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from exploding.

“Fuck, you are so good. Your mouth should be sainted by the fucking Pope.” I kiss my way down her wet pussy lips, my arms slipping around her thighs to hold her open against my face. The feel of my dick in her mouth and my mouth on her pussy has me so turned on I’m losing my mind.

When her body starts to move against my face, I’m already so close to the edge that it hurts, but I need her with me. I don’t think I can come without her.

Her clit is hard and full, and I toy with it before I pinch it between my lips. I can feel the peaks of her nipples rubbing against my lower abs as I growl into her pussy. She’s so wet, and I’m sucking every bit of her essence out of her as she doubles her efforts around my cock.

We both turn manic, each of our bodies telling the other just how close we are to release. I keep up the pace of my tongue and lips on her sex, feeling her slipping, sliding ever closer to the edge, ready to spring off into the waiting bliss.

The first spray of her cum hits my tongue, and I’m gone with her. My cock jerks and my balls heave out in an orgasm that makes me nearly black out.

The only thing holding me to consciousness is my connection to her cunt. I wouldn’t miss one second of her climax..

I shoot so much cum down her throat, I know she won’t manage to swallow it all, but I don’t care. I only care that I get to swallow all of hers. I press my face harder into her as her orgasm rocks her hips and her bleats and moans vibrate through my cock.