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Kitt: Stargazer Alien Mail Order Brides #4 (Intergalactic Dating Agency) by Tasha Black (7)

Chapter 8

Honey curled her legs under her and took a sip from the mason jar of sangria Addy had handed her the minute she walked in the door.

The drink was sweet and strong. Ice cubes clinked merrily against the glass and the condensation chilled her hand pleasantly. If only she could lose herself in the lazy enjoyment of a good beverage with good friends tonight.

She studied the other two women lounging on the sectional sofa with her, wondering where to begin.

Addy was leaning back, ever relaxed, her long blond ponytail slung over her shoulder, t-shirt thrown over her bathing suit. She looked like she had already dismissed whatever Honey was worried about as no big deal.

Nikki sat forward, turning her own mason jar in her hands without drinking it. She was wearing her favorite tennis dress, which meant she would be even more keyed up than usual. Nikki loved the idea of tennis, but wasn’t a good player. She was so frustrated with her lessons, that Honey wondered why she didn’t just quit. But Nikki was the determined type.

“So,” Nikki said worriedly, “what did you need to talk to us about?”

Honey took a deep breath and tried to figure out how to broach the unbelievable news. Giving speeches wasn’t her strong suit, but this deserved a soft approach.

“You guys know I’m close with Posey Quinn, right?” It was as good a place as any to start.

“That’s the girl on TV, right? The one that married one of those aliens?” Nikki smiled and smoothed a dark curl behind her ear.

Addy nodded, taking a sip of her drink. “They sure don’t look like aliens.”

Nikki giggled in response.

“That’s her,” Honey said. “We were roommates during freshman year. Anyway, I got a letter from her today.”

“Cool,” Addy said.

“That’s really nice,” Nikki’s bell-like voice sounded relieved, like maybe she thought that was the reason for the big sit down. “She’s not letting the fame go to her head.”

“She needs my help with something,” Honey went on. “Something big, something confidential.”

Addy chuckled lightly.

“They’re coming here,” Nikki breathed, ecstatic. “They’re going to spend the summer in the Catskills. The two of them will love it here, and it’s so private - away from the crowds.”

“Not quite,” Honey said. “But you’re close.”

She stopped and took a gulp of the sangria. It was a shame not to savor every drop, but she needed a little liquid courage for what came next.

“Can I count on the two of you to keep a secret?”

Addy and Nikki exchanged a look.

“Um, yeah,” Addy replied.

“Funny she didn’t ask us that when she needed to be sneaked out of the main house in a laundry cart to avoid her ex,” Nikki said, twirling a curl around her index finger and letting it bounce back.

“Or when we told her mom she was working off-site for the weekend so she could avoid having her mom meet her latest beau,” Addy remarked.

“Or—” Nikki began.

“Okay, okay,” Honey laughed. “I get it, I can trust you.”

Addy leaned back again, grinning.

Nikki shrugged and smiled.

“Posey reached out to me because she needs my help finding mates for three more aliens.” she said. “Here at Maxwell’s.”

There was a moment of silence.

“I’m sorry, what?” Addy asked.

“Are you serious?” Nikki demanded, leaping to her feet, eyes sparkling. “Three aliens are coming here?”

Honey nodded. “Yes, Nikki, I’m serious.”

“That is so cool,” Nikki said, sitting down again and leaning forward raptly.

“Are you gonna marry an alien, Nikki?” Addy laughed.

Nikki sat up straighter.

“Wait. You didn’t mean us, did you?”

Honey paused, wondering if it was worse to admit that she did mean them, or not.

“I wonder if they’re as hot as the other ones, Nikki,” Addy teased.

Nikki blushed deeply and looked down at her hands.

Nikki didn’t talk about it much, but Honey knew she was a Theology and Theater double major at Vanderbilt. Nikki had never had a fling with another staff member that Honey knew of. And she slipped off for an hour on Sunday mornings, when everyone else was sleeping off their staff party shenanigans. Honey assumed it was to attend a church someplace nearby.

If Nikki was a member of a conservative religion, she might not be comfortable at the idea of being set up with someone who didn’t share her faith.

“I just want you to meet them, Nikki,” Honey said gently. “Nobody has to marry anyone.”

Nikki met her eye and gave her a grateful smile.

“I’m not the marrying kind,” Addy declared, “but I’d be glad to meet your aliens and lend you a hand with matchmaking. I’ve been here every summer since I was fifteen. I’ll be able to hook them up with decent women.”

Honey smiled. Well, they were three for three at not wanting to be mated. But maybe when they met the boys, her friends would feel differently. At least she wouldn’t have to bear the secret on her own.

“And of course, there’s you,” Addy added.

“Me?” Honey was astonished.

“Of course you,” Nikki said. “This is right up your alley - the language barrier means no small talk.”

“Yes, but we all know I’m cursed when it comes to relationships,” Honey said.

“No, you’re just picking the wrong guys,” Nikki said earnestly.

“Well, then I’m cursed at picking guys,” Honey said, shaking her head sadly.

“Maybe this time you’ll pick the right one,” Addy said, raising an eyebrow.

“No way,” Honey said. “I’m not going to tempt fate by trying to make an alien fall in love with me. My human ex’s are bad enough.”

“We’ll see about that,” Addy said. “To a summer of love.” She held her glass high.

“Summer of love,” Nikki echoed.

“And hot aliens,” Addy yelled.

“Maybe not so loud with the alien part,” Honey suggested.

Addy laughed and Nikki got up to grab the pitcher of sangria off the coffee table and began to refill their glasses.

“Really though,” Honey said. “We need to keep quiet. If word got out, this place would be crawling with reporters.”

On the table, sangria poured over the rim of Honey’s overflowing glass.


“Shoot,” she said, setting down the pitcher and scrambling for some paper towels. “I’m sorry. I was just… thinking.”

“Less thinking, more drinking.” Addy said, reaching for the pitcher.

“I’ll drink to that,” Honey said.

They shared a laugh and raised their glasses.

A light tap sounded on the screen door.

“Oh,” Honey said suddenly, remembering her invitation. “That might be him.”

“Who?” Addy asked suspiciously.

“Um,” Honey said.

“Is that them?” Nikki’s thrilled stage whisper was almost comical. “Like they’re already here now?”

“Well, I only met one of them,” Honey hedged.