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Laying Pipe (Getting Serviced Book 1) by Kate Allure (5)

Chapter Five


After his sleepless night, Joe arrived at the beach house the next morning exhausted and grumpy.

He found Lexie bent over trying to get an old lawn mower started, but it didn’t appear to work. She looked different again. Every time he saw her, Lexie morphed into a slightly new version of herself, always more enticing. Today, she wore light makeup and had styled her hair into two cute pigtails. She looked adorable in a skintight tank top and hot-pink short shorts that didn’t quite cover the crease under her buttocks. He tried not to notice that her thighs were bare all the way to her crotch. He tried not to notice the shape of her breasts in the tight top. He ground his teeth against the onslaught of lust that threatened to unman him.

Then Joe noticed her girlish flip-flops.

“That’s your first mistake,” he groused.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re wearing flip-flops. Do you want to slip and slice off your toes?” It came out way too gruff, and Lexie flinched.

“Yes, I’m sorry. How stupid of me.”

“I expect you to wear proper shoes and pants when using dangerous equipment.” This time he sounded too domineering, and Joe opened his mouth to try again.

Really. You expect me?” Lexie snorted and crossed her arms, which drew his eyes back to her breasts, their sexy shape outlined in her stretchy top. His mouth ached to latch back onto one of her tits; yesterday’s aborted feast had been too brief.

“It’s just that—”

“What are you? My daddy?” Lexie marched up to stand nose to nose with him or, in her case, nose to chest, but her contemptuous stance and expression made up for her short stature.

It also fueled the grumpy in Joe. “No, I’m not your daddy, but that tone of yours makes me think you could use one. Or a good old-fashioned spanking.”

“Ha!” Lexie laughed, looking amused and angry at the same time. “Do you think I’m one of those obedient women who’ll do whatever my big, strong, alpha male tells me? And be spanked if I don’t?” She was breathing hard, and Joe fought the distraction of her chest.

“You’re the one who reads those BDSM novels. You tell me.”

Lexie’s eyes narrowed. “Are you really going to put down my reading choices?”

“I’m not doing that, but you obviously like them for a reason. Think about it, and when you’re ready to play time-traveling slave to my Roman general, I’m all in.” He threw out the challenge half-jokingly, but mysterious images in his mind of Lexie submitting to his dominance made his hands itch, whether to spank or caress or both, he wasn’t sure.

The cool morning air did nothing to lower the heat that simmered around them, neither willing to back down. Neither ready to risk moving forward.

They stared at each other, both breathing hard.

Lexie whispered, “Well, are you going to help me?” It sounded more like an invitation to fuck than to fix her lawn mower.

Joe sighed and kneeled next to the lawn mower. With effort, he ignored her shapely legs next to him and focused on the starter. It took him a few minutes and he got the machine started.

When Lexie stepped forward to start mowing, Joe said, “I’ll do it. You’re not dressed appropriately for this task.” If she were interested in a different sort of activity, she was good to go…or rather, he was.

“You don’t need to do that. I can change my clothes,” Lexie argued, but he shook his head, feeling obstinate. “I mean it, Joe. You should spend your time working on my pipes.”

I want to work on your pipes, all right, just not the ones in your house.

Another pornographic image of them, together, flashed through his mind, and Joe began to turn away. “I told you, I’ll do it.”

“Well, if you insist.” Her ruby-red lips made a little moue that could be irritation or flirtation or something else altogether. Whatever it was, it unsettled him, because he wanted those lips on him.

Joe pushed the mower away from her on the grass, not giving her a chance. Lexie called out another thank you before leaving him to the chore. It’s fine, he told himself. He needed strenuous labor to get his mind off fucking her or he’d happily fuck her out of her mind. Business scruples and good intentions went only so far.

At lunchtime, when he was back working on the plumbing repair, Lexie brought him sandwiches and a beer but didn’t offer to eat with him.

In the late afternoon, she came out with lemonade and freshly baked brownies. “A peace offering, although I have to admit they came frozen from the grocery store,” she said. “I’m sorry I was stupid about the shoes, and thank you for mowing the yard for me.”

“Hey, ah, sorry I was so grumpy. I was worried about you hurting yourself.” Joe knew it wasn’t the real reason he was wound tighter than the spring in his Roto-Rooter.

“My fault,” she replied.

Ignoring the voice inside him that advised staying well clear of her today—for both their sakes—Joe said, “Why don’t you join me?”

“Okay.” She smiled, and Joe returned it, the thrill of having her near worth the pain of not having her near enough to do what he really wanted.

Lexie pulled out some ancient lawn chairs, and they sat on the cliff overlooking the lake, sipping cold lemonade and eating her tasty brownies. Joe downed one in two bites and reached for another. It was peaceful, relaxing, here next to Lexie. They enjoyed an easy camaraderie, at least when his dick wasn’t making a nuisance of itself.

“So, how’s the book coming along?” Joe asked in a teasing tone.


“The one that had you so engrossed the other day at the library…” he prompted.

“Oh! That book.” Lexie now wore a charming blush. “It’s okay. Nothing special,” she mumbled.

“I think I might check it out from the library when you’re done with it.”

Lexie’s gaze jerked to his, and Joe was almost certain she was on to him.

“Guys don’t usually like romance novels. I think they find them too…”

Lexie stopped talking. Staring at him from under lowered lashes, she opened her mouth and took a slow bite of her brownie. Her wet tongue slipped out to swipe deliberately across her upper lip. “I think guys find romances too passionate to handle,” she purred. “At least for the average Joe, anyway.” She popped the remaining bite into her mouth. “No offense intended, of course.”

A rock-hard boner struck him with the speed and force of a tsunami. Joe managed a hoarse, “None taken,” but he was locked in the grip of full-blown arousal, his jerking dick consuming all his synapses and leaving none left for adult conversation.

He took a deep breath to try to regain control of himself. So much for “easy” camaraderie. It would soon be impossible to be in Lexie’s presence with his rampant lust constantly flaring. Joe crossed his legs.

He sat there for a long time after she went back inside, until he could stand comfortably.

Later, Joe accepted Lexie’s invitation to stay for dinner, telling himself it was just about getting more work done. They ate a quick meal of sandwiches, and afterward Joe worked inside for another two hours. Around nine p.m., Joe called it quits and began loading tools into his truck, not looking forward to the drive home.

Lexie came out with another cold beer for him. “It’s still really hot out.

“Thanks,” Joe said, taking a swig. With unspoken agreement, they moved back to the cliff and sat down.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “Today was one long steamy sauna. No lake breeze at all, and I’m sure it was worse inland at my family’s farm.”

“I love it at this time of night. It’s so peaceful and quiet. My nearest neighbors are elderly and they go to bed early. It feels like I have the entire world to myself.”

Slowly drinking their beers, they gazed at Lake Michigan, which looked as large and mysterious as an ocean in the dark night. The quarter moon hung low in the air, and stars twinkled. The lake gleamed with shadowy lunar light reflected on the almost black surface.

“Hey, would you like to go for a swim?” Lexie suggested, watching a fish break through the surface to send out a circular ripple on the glassy water. “I bet the water is perfect. Refreshing but not too cold.”

“That would be great. But unfortunately, I don’t have a swimsuit with me.”

He glanced over to see Lexie watching him and sensed indecision. Joe returned his eyes to the water, giving her time to work through whatever she had on her mind. The atmosphere hung thick as if they were on the cusp of something momentous.

Realizing how stupid that was, Joe shrugged and brushed the feeling aside as no more than the effect of his constantly humming libido.

“Well…” Lexie spoke almost too quietly to hear. “We could go…skinny dipping. Maybe.”

Not sure he’d heard right, Joe turned to Lexie, rampant need surging through his veins once again. It was too dark to see her expression, but the rigid way she held herself suggested she was nervous.

“Are you sure?” He sounded hoarse, even to his own ears.

“Only if you promise not to look.” She laughed, breaking eye contact. Lexie downed the remainder of her beer in one long gulp.

With his whole heart, Joe hoped she was for real, that she wouldn’t pull another disappearing act.

Too stimulated to speak normally, Joe nodded. He stood and silently reached out to her. Hand in hand, carrying two beach towels, they walked down the two flights of stairs, their mutual excitement a tangible thing, making the moonlight glow brighter and the small waves sparkle like midnight diamonds. The heat in the air had morphed from oppressive to intimate, bringing them closer together so their shoulders almost touched.

On the beach, Joe slid off his shoes and socks, and the fine sand, now cool and moist, slipped between his bare toes. After the desire that plagued him through the long, sweltering day, he felt invigorated. Even if nothing happened beyond a naughty naked swim, it would be great spending time with Lexie. Happiness filled him, making him realize that there had been something missing in his life. It took meeting Lexie to see that there was more to life than building his business.

They stood facing each other, holding hands in the darkness. Joe squeezed Lexie’s hand, wanting to ease her nervousness.

“I’ve never done anything like this before,” she whispered.

“Now I’m almost disappointed,” he teased.

“What, why?”

“Because you’ve just shattered all my fantasies of you swimming nude during all those morning practices in high school.”

Lexie laughed. “Nope. Never. I really was a good girl back then.”

“And now?”

“We’re here, aren’t we?” She giggled, and Joe knew she was more relaxed.

“Last one in is a rotten egg,” he joked. Joe let go of her hands and pulled his T-shirt over his head. To give her privacy, he turned away before stripping off his jeans and briefs to stand naked in the dusky moonlight.

The rustle of fabric told him that Lexie was taking off her clothes, too. Without thought, Joe glanced over his shoulder and his breath stopped. She faced away from him clad only in a bra and panties, the moonlight behind her illuminating her silhouette. The soft light glowed around her lithe body, making her pale skin luminescent.

Not thinking, Joe rotated quietly toward her and watched as she reached behind and unclasped her bra to slip it off her shoulders. He held his breath as she hooked her fingers inside her panties and slid them down, something Joe had wanted to do when he’d watched her on the beach. When Lexie bent over to pick them up, her ass aimed directly at him.

Joe took a step toward her. His dick, hard and ready, became an almost irresistible force dragging him to her, wanting to plant itself between her luscious pale globes.

With a forceful jerk, Joe whirled away from Lexie and raced toward the lake, diving headfirst into the shallow water. It was cool, just shy of cold. He wished it were icy. It would take that much to extinguish his burning lust.

“Don’t look,” she called over her shoulder.

Much too late for that.

The sexy images of Lexie removing her clothes would be fixed in his mind forever.

After he’d swum out to chest depth, Joe stood and turned outward to gaze at the dark water that stretched as far as the eye could see. He looked upward toward the stars. They went on vast and forever in the cloudless night sky, the Big and Little Dipper prominent, the constellations easy to pick out.

A tinkling splash told him she’d jumped into the water. Lake Michigan was huge, billions of gallons of water, maybe more, but suddenly it turned small, intimate, like they were the only two people in the world sharing this private pool. Joe’s gut clenched. Lexie was naked, wet, glistening, and so near and accessible.

“It’s lovely,” she murmured, swimming over to him.

Joe didn’t want to rush things, or do something Lexie would regret later. Instead, he wanted to build on their budding friendship so that she knew she was safe with him. Almost reluctantly, he turned toward her, determined not to look at her too closely, thankful the surface was an inky black.

“It’s refreshing,” he said tightly. “Let’s swim out farther.”

Joe didn’t wait for her reply but started moving deeper with strong, firm strokes through the freshwater sea, stopping when they were well out over their heads. He waited for Lexie to catch up. The need to tread water would keep them apart, the reason he’d gone deep.

“I thought you said you were in the Seabees, but you swim like a SEAL.” She laughed after catching up to him. Lexie seemed energized and more comfortable around him than any time before. Her past as a competitive swimmer must be the reason she seemed at home in the water, and he liked seeing this different side of her.

Joe rotated toward her, swimming in place, and was relieved to see that the water revealed nothing below her collarbone.

They treaded water facing each other, and Joe purposely turned the conversation back to the ongoing repairs, to a topic he hoped would douse his libido. Lexie hesitated in response to his question about the need for new toilets. In the moon’s glow, he saw confusion sweep across her expression, quickly replaced by something akin to craftiness, probably an effect of the fuzzy lunar light.

“It’s such a relief,” she replied after a beat, “that all you need to do is clean and plunge my pipes. That will cost much less than replacing them.” Lexie smiled at him, her teeth white in the darkness. “But, I think to get the best results, you’ll have to be really forceful.” Her voice had turned into a breathless whisper, and again he doubted his instinct, deciding it was probably due to her treading water.

Joe stifled a groan, his dick reacting no matter how innocent her words.

But were they innocent?

He studied Lexie as she acted unaware of anything amiss, continuing to tread water and smile pleasantly.

The cold water’s not working, he bemoaned silently. His dick throbbed harder and hotter. “Yeah,” he managed through gritted teeth. “A good plunging should work wonders.”

“Will I get to see your big, powerful snake in action?” Lexie sounded sweetly sincere.

Cold water be damned!

Joe wanted action, ready to plunge his rock-hard snake into Lexie’s inviting pipe. He could almost feel it already, feel himself surging in and out of her tight, wet pussy.

Joe swam closer, trying to read her expression, but it was too dark.

“I…uh…” He had to clear his hoarse throat—twice—to get the words out. “I might have to use my snake, but first I’ll need to see how wet…I mean how tight. Shit. Never mind.”

Joe swam away to the sound her ringing laughter. It was clear that Lexie knew what she was doing, which excited him. Two could play that game. He had many years’ worth of hard physical labor and endurance training in the navy. She didn’t stand a chance, and Joe grinned wickedly.

“Lexie” he called amiably. “You may not be aware, but I have a powerful, special tool at my disposal waiting for a needy pipe.”

“Really?” She sounded intrigued…playful. “Is Joe the Plumber ready at any time to provide good service?”

“Anytime, baby. Anytime.”

Joe dove under the surface to the sounds of more tinkling laughter. He swam toward Lexie through the dark water and caressed a hand across her backside before moving off. Joe was sure he heard her muffled shriek through the water. He popped up to see Lexie splashing, twisting and turning, and trying to find him.

Laughing, Joe called, “I’m a trained professional with a full plumber’s tool kit. I have a variety of specialized implements for handling even the most troublesome situation.”

“Do you now?” she called and dove under the water.

Joe laughed and floated backward, watching for her.

He felt her presence a second before she swam by, a rush of the water along his body followed by one delicate hand dragging down his back and across his ass. An electric jolt scorched him when her hand fluttered across his scrotum, lighting a hot fire in its wake.

Joe treaded in place, waiting to see if she’d glide by him again. Both relief and disappointment hit him when she swam off to pop up a few feet away.

“It sounds like all talk to me,” Lexie teased. “What kind of tools exactly?”

“Well, let’s see…hmmm. A skilled plumber needs to be able to drill, baby, drill, and of course, forceful plunging requires a strong motor for deep thrust.”

“That sounds…useful.” She laughed, bobbing playfully in the water. “Tell me more.”

“For especially tight holes, I have a superior tool that fits snugly to ensure maximum friction as well as special implements for bending even the most intractable piece to my will. Tools for clamping and tightening. And, of course, rods for plunging stubborn, wet, slippery holes.”

“Ooh. Bending to your will. Clamping,” Lexie cooed. “It sounds like you’re the one who’s reading BDSM novels.”

Joe chuckled. “Me and my wrench are truly masters of dominance.” He paused, floating closer and lowering his voice. “My most important tool, however, is a powerful jetting machine with a special nozzle. It has an ultra-sensitive head that requires a special touch for optimum spray.”

“Ha.” Lexie laughed, before adding saucily, “Those are extravagant claims. Unless I see for myself, I won’t believe you’re that well-equipped.”

Joe dove toward her again, hearing her surprised shriek. Lexie flailed backward, attempting to paddle away, but he was too fast. Joe swam up from underneath and pulled on her leg, tugging her under the water before letting go. Breaking the surface, he watched Lexie emerge next to him, spluttering and shaking wet hair from her face.

“No fair,” she cried.

“All’s fair in love and war.”

She laughed. “More war than love, if you ask me.”

“Let me remedy that.” Joe grabbed her to him, pulling Lexie until her naked form pressed against the hard length of him. His strong arms slid around Lexie’s waist to lock her to him. Skin to skin, her perfect breasts and warm peaked nipples pressed against his chest. It felt right having her in his arms. Like she belonged there. But still Joe wanted more. He swept a leg between her thighs. Lexie was wrapped within his embrace, his thick rod nestled against her pussy, and he kissed her, hard.

She gasped in surprise before melting into him, pressing closer. His tongue swept into her mouth to tangle with hers as they slowly slid under the surface. His dick throbbed and jerked against her warmth, wanting deeper contact, but they were sinking down, down, down.

Joe pushed Lexie free and shoved her upward. He kicked up and broke through the surface, tossing his head and shaking the water from his eyes.

Nearby, Lexie treaded water and panted. Even in the faint moonlight, he could see she looked dazed and aroused. And happy.

“While you didn’t get to visually inspect the hardware,” he quipped, “I hope the physical review was sufficient to reassure you as to the size of the tool in question.”

“I’d like to see more.” She reached out for Joe, and he swam away.

“I think one inspection is enough for tonight.” His tone was teasing, but he was one caress away from fucking her on the beach.

“I disagree. I want a full inspection and immediate servicing.” Lexie sounded both tentative and playful.

Did he hear her correctly? Joe shook his head to clear any remaining moisture from his ears. “Do you mean what I think you mean?” Please, please mean it!

“It’s a night of firsts, and I think we’ve mastered skinny dipping. Why not try another new thing?” Lexie swam a little closer, her voice dropping, less confident. “But maybe it’s not new for you.”

Joe chortled, gleeful. “Oh, honey, if I’m understanding you, it’ll be a first for me, too. I promise.” He swam to her and grabbed her hands.

“Are you sure?”

“If you’ll kiss me like that again, then I’m absolutely sure.”

“That will be my pleasure, but I think we should swim in to where our feet can touch the bottom so we can keep our heads above water.”

“There’s that and…do you have any protection?”

“In my truck. If you really want this, I can run up so fast, you’ll hardly know I was gone.” Please, please say yes!

Lexie let go of his hands and circled her arms around his waist. She kissed him quickly on the lips before they started sinking again.

“Do it,” she whispered in his ear.

She put her hands on his chest and shoved him away toward the shore. “And hurry or I might have to find something else to occupy my evening. Like maybe a nice stroll down the beach.”

Joe swam briskly toward the beach. “Not if I take your clothes with me. That should keep you in the lake,” he called.

Lexie’s laughter rang loudly across the water, the only sound beyond the mild lapping of the waves in this quiet night. “Touché.”

Having reached the shore, Joe looked back to check on her, and saw Lexie swimming leisurely on her back. Joe wrapped a towel around his waist, hurrying up the stairs as fast as his erection would allow, which unfortunately wasn’t going to win him any speed awards.

Arriving at the car, he grabbed a couple packets from their hiding spot in his glove compartment, then raced back to her.

In chest-deep water, Lexie stood watching him come down the stairs. As Joe drew nearer, she came closer, although she kept her good parts under the surface even in the shallows.

“Hurry. I’m wet for you, Joe,” she purred. “I’ve never been so wet in my life.”

He chuckled. “Ha, ha.”

Joe stopped at the water’s edge and saw that her gaze was fixed much lower than his eyes. While the waves caressed his feet, her eyes washed over him with the force of a tsunami, nearly knocking him to his knees, his slackening rod doing an about-face to stand again at full attention.

“No fair,” he challenged, still holding tight to the towel about his waist. “I don’t get to see you naked.”

“All’s fair in love and war,” she chimed. “Or, so someone told me recently.”

“You know that I’m coming out there to get you, don’t you?” he quipped, giving his teasing tone a dangerous sharpness. “Not to mention I can still take your clothes away.”

Lexie swooshed backward away from him, snickering. “I’ll still get the better bargain.”

“What do you mean?”

“I only have to make it back to my house without my clothes. How will you drive all the way home without yours?”

“Huh?” Joe took a few steps into the water toward her ready to end this silly banter, but then he stopped and looked over his shoulder.

He turned around to face the shore.

Not an item of clothing remained in the spot where he’d left his things. “What did you do with my clothes?”

Lexie laughed with glee and sashayed even farther out.

Hindered by the waning moon, Joe scanned along the shoreline for his clothes and found not a single article. Lexie continued to surprise him, her sneaky but bold move firing testosterone in his blood. She wanted to play and he was ready. His dick would tame the naughty water nymph in that most basic way of man.

Eager for the chase, he grinned in the darkness.

Then, with lightning speed, Joe whipped off his towel, throwing it and the condoms onto to the sand, and whipped about to face her. Shooting forward, he dove headfirst into the lake, hearing a feminine cry before water covered him.

Joe popped up to see Lexie giggling and plowing through the water away from him, running at waist depth parallel to the coastline. He surged after her and she saw him and squealed again as she increased her stride, using her arms to help push her through the water.

He dove under again, stroking toward her, using every iota of muscle to power him forward. Lexie might have been on the high school swim team, but he’d undergone weeks of intensive underwater training to earn his Underwater Construction Team credentials. No one on his squad could match him for endurance and speed. He stayed under as long as he could, following the noise and feeling the water disturbance she made.

Bursting up again, sucking in lungfuls of air, he was just short of reaching her.

“Joe!” she cried, still laughing, “Okay, already.” But she kept rushing away from him.

“Then stop running,” he called, tearing after her.

“Not a chance.”

Using the bottom as a springboard, Joe pushed off and flew through the air like a breaching whale. He came splashing down practically on top of Lexie, his arms sliding around her waist, thrilled to have caught her. Tumbling under the water, he dragged her down with him. She struggled to break free as the water closed over them, but he held on tight, pulling her against his body.

Joe found his footing and stood up, lifting Lexie fully out of the water in his arms. He felt all powerful, having won this beautiful woman.

She spluttered and wheezed—and giggled in between.

“You. Put me down,” she ordered with mock indignation, squirming and pushing on his shoulders. And giggling some more.

“Not a chance, and stop wiggling. It’s like holding on to a wet weasel.”

Carrying her easily, he started back toward the beach. With ease, Joe hefted her by the waist and flipped her around to face him, dragging her against him. Lexie wrapped her legs around his hips and slid her arms around his neck.

“I caught a water nymph. Now, what should I do with her?” he asked, his timbre husky as the night.

Joe’s dick nestled against her warm center. He stopped walking and strummed Lexie back and forth along his hard shaft, aching to be surrounded by her.

“Yes. More,” she begged in a voice thick with passion.

Pulling her tighter against him, Joe moved more forcefully, loving the mewling, needy, sounds she made and the sexy way she rubbed her tits against his chest. Water sloshed around them, slipping between their tightknit bodies, the cool temperature a titillating contrast to the heat that steamed off him.

Joe resumed his slow stroll toward shore, hardly believing that the amazing woman in his arms wanted to fuck on the beach. Lowering his mouth, Joe claimed hers, and Lexie kissed him back fiercely. His tongue sought entrance, and she welcomed him in. He thrust in and out, and Lexie sucked on his tongue, trying to pull him in farther.

Joe slid an arm around Lexie’s waist to support her, freeing his other hand to explore her curves. He caressed her skin, from her shoulders down her back until he reached her ass. He cupped a cheek and squeezed it, and Lexie moaned. Reaching farther around, his fingers traced down the crease between her buttocks, and she squirmed in his grip. He reached all the way under and found her pussy, stroking his hand across the both of them and marveling at the contrast of his rock-hard erection and her soft, inviting folds.

Lexie rubbed against him, whimpering and breaking contact with his mouth. “Please, Joe.”

“You’re beautiful like this, honey.”

Her shadowy face lit up with happiness. “You are, too, but I need…” She hesitated, seeming suddenly shy to say want she really wanted.

“What do you need?” Joe wanted no half measures. He needed her full commitment.

When she didn’t respond, Joe tilted her backward and gazed down at her pale breasts glowing in the moonlight, the peaked nipples looking like sweet berries. He bent down and latched onto one tight bud, sucking it deep into his mouth.

Lexie moaned, her hands squeezing on his shoulders.

Joe grinned around her breast. Then he bit the bud.

She cried out, a sharp rent of the quiet night, but Lexie grasped his head to hold it in place.

Her response thrilled Joe. He wanted her to forget the outside world, to forget even herself. To think only of him. He ramped up the onslaught, fondling her body and sucking on her tits until Lexie writhed and whimpered incoherently. “What do you need, Lexie?” he questioned again, compelling her complete surrender. Needing it.

Lexie’s eyes opened. She looked dazed and dreamy. As if under a spell, she smiled at him and said, “Just you. Joe.”

He moved back to her face, trailing tender kisses across the line of her chin, wanting her to feel treasured. They were just steps from his towel now, the water only waist deep. It was late and the privacy, absolute.

Joe lifted her away from him and carefully placed her onto her feet. He let go, making sure she was stable on the sandy bottom, the eddy of gentle waves rocking her gently.

“Wait. Here.” Authority and ownership resonated strongly in his tone, but he didn’t care.

Lexie grinned, the teasing glint in her eye suggesting he was crazy if he thought she was going anywhere.

“Wait!” he ordered again.

Joe raced the few steps to shore and snatched the packet from the sand. He had the condom on in record time and plunged back into the water.

Lexie hadn’t followed his command, instead following him closer to stand in thigh-deep water. Like the goddess Cassiopeia come down to play, she looked glorious in shadowy relief, the moon behind her creating a glowing halo around her.

“Beautiful,” he groaned, reaching for her. Lexie rushed to him, arms outstretched and beckoning. His hands grasped possessively around her waist, and she lifted a leg to wrap it around his hip. Joe took a hold himself and placed his dick at her entrance. With a single urgent thrust, he pushed deeply inside her.

“Yes!” Deep, throaty, and urgent, she moaned the single syllable, bucking her hips forward to meet him and driving Joe crazy with lust. He grabbed Lexie’s ass, lifting her, and she wrapped both legs around him. Joe walked them into deeper water.

Using all his strength, he began thrusting into her, the tight push and pull of her like heaven. She grabbed his head and planted her mouth on his, and he plunged his tongue inside in time to the driving of his shaft. She began to move in tandem with him, and the rightness of it filled him with wonder.

Lexie moaned into his mouth, intensifying his need to bring her pleasure. Make her feel as good as he did. Faster and faster he drove into her, edging them toward a fiery climaxing. Her hands frantically explored his shoulders, back, anywhere she could reach, and he broke free of her mouth to plant a frenzy of kisses across her face and shoulders. He squeezed her ass and bucked wildly, the water sloshing around them. He drew close but needed more, always more, the white-hot peak of pleasure just beyond his reach.

Then Lexie came apart in his arms, screaming her climax into the night, and Joe exploded in a supernova of sensation. Like a thousand stars raining down around him, he was awash in brilliant ecstasy, the night no longer dark but radiant. As if in this giant empty universe, something right had slid into place. And he held that something right in his arms.

Panting and overcome, Joe nuzzled her neck, enjoying the sound of her deep breathing. Still wrapped together as one, he walked to shore. Easing Lexie down, he tossed the condom aside to be retrieved later. He dropped to the ground and pulled Lexie down to lie on top of him, cushioning her from the gritty sand. Soothing gentle waves washed over their legs. It was perfect.

Lexie raised up on her elbows and smiled down at him. Joe brought her face down to him, and they kissed, a leisurely moment of gentle exploration.

When he released her, Lexie lay her head on his chest. “I could stay here like this all night,” she whispered.

Feeling right with the world, Joe wrapped his arms around her tightly.

“Me too.”




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Ruthless Hero: A Military Bodyguard Romance (Savage Soldiers Book 6) by Nicole Elliot

Playboy in a Suit (Cockiest Suits Book 2) by Alex Wolf

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Barefoot Bay: Shelter Me (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Elana Johnson

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Apple of My Eye by Claire Allan

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Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1) by Virginia Wine

Misfortune Teller: Sasha Urban Series: Book 2 by Zales, Dima, Zaires, Anna

Shameless Kiss: A Billionaire Possession Novel by Amelia Wilde

Picture Perfect (River's End Ranch Book 45) by Cindy Caldwell, River's End Ranch

Crave To Capture (Myth of Omega Book 2) by Zoey Ellis

Jaded Billionaire (Sweet Mountain Billionaires Book 1) by Jill Snow, Annie Dobbs

She's Mine: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance by Kira Blakely

The Sheikh’s Tamed Bride (The Sharif Sheikhs Series Book 2) by Leslie North

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