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Lights. Camera. Fiancée. by Elle Viviani (9)



“Cut!” I curse under my breath as I step away from my leading lady. That’s the third time I bungled the same line.

“Tate, what’s going on today?” one of the executive producers asks, voicing my thoughts.

I fight to keep my temper. Losing my cool with a producer is never a good idea. I’m only mad at myself, anyway. “Sorry. Let me study the line again.”

He sighs and then nods to the director. “Five minutes, everyone!” the director calls out.

I’m left alone as the other actors move off toward the refreshments table. I watch the production crew reset the cameras, getting them into position to track my big entrance onto the set. I glance down at the script in my hands. I don’t know why I’m having so much trouble with this scene. I’m supposed to enter stage left, walk over to my co-star, and then profess my undying love for her in front of her parents. It’s the big scene; the scene where the audience finally knows the couple is getting back together and everything will work out. I’ve done scenes like this plenty of times, so what’s the issue?

The issue is that I see Charlotte’s face every time I sweep my co-star into my arms.

I run a hand over my hair and stand up. I get as far as the kiss every time. I’m about to do it, give the audience that sweet happily ever after, but then I picture Charlotte’s parted lips and flushed cheeks, and I choke.

“I never stopped loving you,” I mutter, gripping the script in my fist. “I can’t get you out of my head…” I trail off as my thoughts drift back to Charlotte at the club, her hips swaying and her head thrown back as those seductive curves move to the beat.

Christ. This is going to be a long day.

I’m considering calling Sandra when the director’s voice rings out. “Alright, let’s reset. Actors to your points!”

I give myself a hard shake and head off-camera.

The director and producers settle in their chairs, and the director motions to the camera. “Action!”

I get the nod from the production assistant and start my big entrance. I’m halfway in when movement off-set catches my eye. Who the hell is moving during filming?

I force my focus back on my co-star. A few more steps

“Gary!” she cries, pretending to notice me for the first time. “What are you

“Susan,” I say, my voice tense and gravelly, “I had to see you.”

“But…” she glances back at her parents “…why?”

I take a deep breath and deliver my lines. “I never stopped loving you. I can’t get you out of my head.” I take a step toward her and lower my voice. “Please, say you’ll be mine.”

Finally. A flawless delivery.

I step forward and sweep her into my arms. “Say it—” I blink as Charlotte’s face flashes in front of my eyes “—Susan.”

I fill my eyes with as much intensity as I can muster. We stay like that for a moment, my co-star returning my fiery gaze, until the director calls a wrap.

My eyes lose their hard edge and I loosen my hold on “Susan.” But she doesn’t let go of me when we straighten. Instead, her arms cling to mine, bringing me in close.

“Good job, Tate,” she whispers. “Maybe we could pick up where we left off later?”

I pull back with a frown. I’ve gone down this road before, sleeping with my co-stars, and it never ends well. They always say it’s just for fun, but ultimately they want more, and when you finally ends things, you end up looking like a total dick.

“You know I’m in a serious relationship, Becca.”

She twists her lips into a sexy pout. “I never pegged you for a domestic, Gunner.”

I shrug. “Stranger things have happened.”

Becca gives a musical laugh. “Well…when things go south, you know where to find me.” She winks at me and then motions to her assistant for water. Damn, that offer sounds like paradise right about now. These past two-and-a-half weeks have been the longest I’ve ever gone without sex, and it’s killing me.

I look around for Marcus, wondering why he isn’t plying me with water like he normally does between takes. I get my answer when my eyes find him.

I march over to him, interrupting the tail end of some joke that makes Charlotte gasp with laughter. “And then he

“Marcus, I need water.”

Marcus jerks his head around. “Boss! Didn’t see you. Coming right up.” He glances at Charlotte before hustling over to the refreshments.

Charlotte frowns after him. “You didn’t have to be rude. We were in the middle of something.”

“What are you doing here?”

Excuse me?”

“I’m guessing it was you who walked on in the middle of my scene. Don’t you know that’s a cardinal sin on-set?”

“I…I’m sorry. You seemed fine, though. It was a flawless take.”

“You may have seen a flawless take, but it’s been a long day. That was one of nine takes.”

“Oh. I had no idea.” She bites her lip. “Are you okay, Tate?”

“I’m fine,” I snap.

She scowls at me. “Well, I’m here because Marcus invited me.”

“Did he, now…” I glance over my shoulder to find him chatting up another assistant.

“Yes, he did, and I’m glad because it was clear that you weren’t going to.”

I turn back to her. “Me? Why would I?”

“Because I would have liked to see you on-set! This is my first time on a movie set. It’s good exposure for someone like me—someone who’s starting out.”

I raise my eyebrows.


“Aiming a little high, aren’t we?” I’m spared her reply by the director calling us back to our places.

I give Charlotte one last smirk and stride back to my point. I can feel her eyes boring a hole in my back, but I don’t turn. I know I was an grade-A asshole back there, and that I shouldn’t take out my frustration on her, but I don’t have the patience or time to muster up an apology. Besides, the mood I’m in, it would probably just start another fight.

“Tate, you’re over there—” the director points to stage right “—and Becca, you’ll be coming on stage about halfway through this scene. Tate’s making dinner, getting everything ready for you, so he can propose when you get home from work.”

I roll my eyes. I can’t believe I have to propose to Becca. She’s already throwing herself at me. What’s a proposal going to do to her libido?

“And action!”

I start milling around the kitchen, pretending to put the finishing touches on the grand meal I’ve planned for “Susan.” I look up as Becca walks on stage.

“Oh my God!” she gasps, taking in all my character’s hard work. “Gary, what’s all this?”

I walk toward her with a huge smile on my face. “Susan, I


I falter as the sound throws me out of character.

“Cut!” the director shouts.

I sweep my eyes around the set. “What was that?”

“I’m so sorry. I forgot to put it on silent…”

I clench my teeth. I know that voice.

I slowly turn toward my girlfriend, watching as she fumbles with the vibrate switch on the side of her phone. She swipes the screen and then frowns. I wait for her to put it away, but she just continues staring at the screen.

“Do you mind?”

Her head snaps up and she nearly drops her phone. “Oh my God, Tate, I’m so sorry

She stops as the phone starts vibrating in her hands. “Here, let me just…”

I let out a heavy breath. “Just turn it off!”

A silence settles over the set. I watch her eyes grow wide as they meet mine. Great, so now I’m the bad guy here?

Charlotte’s hurt look sends me over the edge, and all the pent-up frustration I’ve had from today pours out of me. “Just—” I run a hand over my eyes, “be quiet or leave.”

Charlotte remains rooted to the spot for a few seconds, then turns on her heel, rushes to the double doors, and disappears into the white-hot sunlight.

A heavy, awkward pause fills her absence. I wait for everyone to snap back to normal, to get on with work, but no one moves.

Shit. I crossed the line. I’m pretty sure I sprinted past it.

I run a shaky hand through my hair. Should I go after her?

“Okay…” The director clears his throat. “Let’s get back to point.”

I clench my teeth and move into position, ignoring the glare from my assistant. My apology will have to wait. The production always comes first. Always.

* * *


I fight back tears as I dial Kevin’s number. I have to key it in twice because of my shaking fingers. I start pacing the parking lot, figuring out what I’m going to say so I don’t completely lose it.

“Charlotte,” Kevin answers, “how’s it

“I don’t think I can do this!” I burst out. There goes my carefully planned opening.


“Being Tate’s girlfriend. It’s not working out.”

“Oh.” Kevin pauses. “What did Tate do?”

I scoff. He knows his client too well. “He just yelled at me in front of an entire production crew for nothing, and I swear he was flirting with his co-star, too.”

“Okay…” he trails off into silence.


“Uh, well, you have to remember that Tate’s stressed right now. He’s got a lot riding on this movie going well. It’s his last gig until his image improves.”

“I understand. But I’m not some punching bag!” I take a shaky breath and try to regain control.

“No, you’re not, and I’ll talk to him.”

“I don’t think that’s going to do anything. He’s been rude and arrogant and haughty from the beginning.”

Kevin sighs. “That’s my client in a nutshell, I’m afraid.”

“Well, I can’t take anymore!”

“Charlotte, I beg you to reconsider. We’ve already gone public with your relationship and it would look bad if you broke up this fast.”

I roll my eyes.

“I know Tate’s difficult,” Kevin continues, “but he’s stressed about potential unemployment. He’s used to getting what he wants, so you can imagine how he’s adapting to his new…predicament.”

Yeah, but

“Also, I should remind you that you are being paid and that this a job. I don’t want to say this, but you can be replaced.”

My stomach clenches. I knew it would come to this.


“I’m here,” I breathe. “I’m just taking this all in.”

“Try to give Tate a long leash. Remember that he’s not used to having a girlfriend or living with someone else. Besides, we’re only a few weeks in. Things are bound to smooth out.”

I bite back a laugh. Wanna bet?

“I have to run to a conference call. Are we good here, Charlotte?”

I close my eyes, draw in a deep breath, and force out my answer. “Yes. Don’t worry, I’ll handle this.”

“Good. Alright, talk soon.”

He clicks off, leaving me alone to pick up the pieces of my screwed-up relationship. The worst part is: I thought Tate and I were getting friendlier. I’m more comfortable touching him and being in his arms, and he seems to have warmed up to me as a roommate. Well…he didn’t abruptly leave the room the second I walked in, at least. That’s a win.

I glance down as my phone chirps, expecting to see a message from Kevin or Marcus or Kelley—hell, even Tate. But it’s Jay’s name. Again.

Of course he picked today during Tate’s filming to reach out—the first in time in four weeks. I thought he was out of my life since I told him never to contact me again after I caught him with

I push the cringeworthy memory from my mind. I can’t add my complicated love life to my growing list of worries.

I swipe open the text with shaking fingers, reading the first one that got me kicked off the set.

JAY: Hey, Char.

Two little words that pack quite the punch. I scroll lower to the newest one.

JAY: I saw you on Access Hollywood yesterday. Tate Gunner? Never pictured you with him.

I scowl into my phone. Yeah, well, I didn’t picture you between the legs of some

I stop and stare at the screen as a third text comes through.

JAY: I’ve been giving what happened between us some thought. I want to see you. I have things to say

I tap my home key and watch as the one-sided conversation disappears.

Things to say?

How about “I’m sorry for breaking your heart,” or “I’m a selfish sleazeball who never deserved you,” or even “I made a mistake!” Because I still have yet to get an apology for what he did to me.

Yeah, there’s no way any of that’s going to happen.

I sling my purse over my shoulder and hoof it over to Wanda. I vowed to never set eyes on my ex again, and I’m not breaking that promise today.




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