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Love at Last by Melissa Foster (4)

Chapter Four

AFTER THE RODEO, Cal helped Cutter load Wes’s horses into the trailer so he could take them to the dude ranch, and Rachel helped carry tack and blankets. She wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, which he loved. She helped him load Luke’s horses into his trailer, and once they were safely situated, Cal took her hand and led her out of the barn, toward the craft tent.

“The festival is closing soon,” she said, hurrying to keep up with his long strides. “Don’t we have to take care of Luke’s horses?”

“We do, and we will.” He stole a quick kiss and said, “But first we need to get our candles.”

“Oh gosh, I totally forgot with all the excitement.”

They rushed across the fairgrounds and got to the crafts tent just as the candlemaking booth was closing down. They retrieved the candles and put them in Cal’s truck.

On the way back to the trailer, Cal stopped and gathered Rachel in his arms. “I’m sorry our night’s been hijacked.”

She returned his embrace and said, “I’m not. I got to see you doing all the things you love, and the way you jumped in without hesitation to help Luke and Wes? Seeing that was almost as much of a heartwarmer as seeing you with Li’l Hal.”

He brushed his lips over hers, feeling his emotions swell. “Heartwarmer, huh? What do I have to do to turn that heartwarming into an aphrodisiac?”

“You already cornered that market by simply being yourself. No props necessary.”

“Darlin’, that’s about the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.” He touched his lips to hers again, and she pushed her hands into his hair as she’d done earlier, knocking his hat to the ground. They both smiled into the kiss.

“Want to try my shirt next?”

“Maybe,” she whispered. “But I think we need to kiss some more.”

She didn’t have to ask twice.

An hour later they arrived at Luke’s ranch. Rachel helped Cal get the horses situated in the barn.

“Hey, darlin’,” he said as she petted one of the horses. “I know Luke likes to calm his girls down for the night after events, kind of like tucking your kids into bed. Would you mind if I took a few minutes to brush the two that were in the show? It’s a really mellow time for the horses. One of my favorite times of the day, although I don’t usually do it this late.”

“I don’t mind.” She came to him, hooking her finger through his belt loop. “Think you can teach me how? I’ve never taken care of a horse.”

“Really? Sweetheart, I’d love to show you how.” He gathered her in his arms again and said, “You are even more remarkable than I thought you were.”

“Because I want to learn to do the things that you take pleasure in?”

“You’d best be careful choosing your words, because what you just said? Mm-mm. That can be taken the wrong way.”

“How do you know it’s not meant to be taken that way?” She went up on her toes and kissed him.

His entire body heated up.

“Down, boy,” she whispered as their lips parted.

“You’re torturing me, baby. Pure, exquisite torture.”

She giggled as he grabbed a brush and they went into one of the stalls.

“This is Chelsea.” He stroked the horse’s cheek, and the horse pressed her muzzle to his chest. “Hey there, sweet girl. You did a great job today. We’re going to brush you down, nice and easy.” He moved the horse’s mane to the far side of her neck and said, “Chelsea’s a tobiano. See how her base coat is black and the white patches cross over her spine?”

When Cal groomed a horse, he was completely focused on the animal, but as he moved behind Rachel and set the brush in her hand, his body grazed hers. Her sweet scent overrode the familiar smell of the barn, and he had trouble concentrating on anything but her.

“Gypsy horses have thicker coats than other horses,” he explained, needing to take his mind off how soft Rachel’s body was. He placed his hand over hers and brought the brush to the horse’s neck. “They appreciate a good brushing because they tend to get itchy. Usually I’d start with a curry comb to bring the dirt to the surface, but we’re calming her down, not grooming her. You want to use long, slow strokes for relaxation.” Holding Rachel’s hand over the brush, he moved it down Chelsea’s neck. “Like this.”

“Long and slow,” she repeated breathlessly.

“That’s it,” he said as she brushed the horse.

Her every move brought their bodies closer together, heating him up anew. She smelled so sweet, and he wanted her so bad, he couldn’t resist releasing her hand and gathering her hair over one shoulder. As he lowered his mouth to her neck, pressing a kiss there, her hand stilled. He did it again, and her breath left her lungs on a long, nearly silent sigh. She leaned back, and he knew she could feel how hard he was. And damn did she feel good. He felt a little guilty, kissing her when she’d asked to learn how to care for the horse. He reluctantly put space between them.

He placed his hand over hers and continued brushing the horse with her. But she leaned into him again, and he felt her heart beating hard and fast through her back.

“Like this?” she asked softly.


She leaned her head to the side, exposing the creamy expanse of her neck, and he couldn’t resist kissing her again. “You smell like flowers.” He inhaled deeply and pressed his lips beside her ear. “So sweet.”

Her hand slowed again, and she said, “Premiere, by Gucci. It’s my favorite.”

“And mine now.”

He kissed her cheek again, and his body thrummed with desire. He kissed her neck, closing his eyes and watching scenes play out of stripping her down and making love to her right there in the barn. His eyes flew open as reality crashed in. This wasn’t his barn. The last thing he wanted to do was break their connection, but he forced himself to move beside her. She was so beautiful as she concentrated on the horse, stealing glances at him, and blushing with each one. Cal’s hands itched to touch her. He grabbed a second brush and moved to the other side of the horse, needing a barrier between them before he crossed a line he shouldn’t.

“Can you do that?” she asked. “Brush both sides at once without bothering the horse?”

“Sure. We’re supposed to be connecting with her. It’s safer if I’m over here.”

Her pale green eyes filled with desire, and it took all of his concentration not to forget the brushing altogether.

They worked in silence for a few minutes, the heat between them as palpable as the horse. Rachel must have felt it, too, because with a shaky voice, she asked, “Do you groom your horses at night?”

“Not usually. But I like to hang out with the horses in the evening. It’s peaceful, and horses are social animals. They like having me around.”

“I like having you around, too.” Her sexy eyes darted to him.

They stole furtive glances over the horse’s back as they finished brushing her.

“What about her legs?” Rachel asked when he came to her side.

“We’re just tucking her in, so there’s no need.”

They left Chelsea’s stall and went to care for the other horse who had been in the show. “This is Shaley, a real sweetie. Like you.” He pulled Rachel closer and kissed her, long and deep. It was the type of kiss that left no room for doubt of how much more he wanted. And when their lips parted, he didn’t want to let her go. But Cal was a man of his word, and Luke was counting on him. And though Luke didn’t ask him to brush the horses, he couldn’t take care of one and not the other.

He forced himself to take a step back, and they went to work brushing Shaley. They talked about Callie and Wes, and the festival, which made the time pass quicker. Cal finished before Rachel did, and he wrapped his arms around her from behind as she brushed the horse.

He knew he shouldn’t, but he kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear, “Your skin is so soft. I’ve wanted to touch it, to kiss you, for so long.”

Her hand slowed, and he said, “I’m sorry for distracting you. It’s not fair to the horse or to us. I just can’t resist you.”

“If I promise not to stop brushing, will you keep kissing me?” she asked softly.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to deny you a thing, darlin’.” He lowered his lips to her neck again, and he opened his mouth, giving her neck a little suck. Her eyelids fluttered closed, and he drew back. “Too much?”

“No,” she said breathlessly. “Please…”

“Remind me never to offer to brush someone else’s horse again, okay, darlin’?”

As he lowered his mouth to her neck, kissing and licking, she breathed harder, swallowed several times, but she never stopped brushing the horse, and that tugged at his heart. He put his hand on her hip, holding her against him as he moved the collar of her sweater to the side, baring her beautiful shoulder, and kissed her there. Desire welled up inside him, throbbing through his veins like fire. He opened his mouth wider, grazing her neck with his teeth, and pressed his hand to her waist, then higher. His thumbs brushed the sides of her breasts, and she inhaled a ragged breath. His hands moved over her stomach, down the front of her thighs, as he continued his exploration of her soft, warm shoulder, tasting his way up the column of her neck, until they were both barely breathing and Rachel was trembling all over.

“I’m sorry,” he said half-heartedly. “You’re supposed to feel a connection with the horse.” He lowered his hands to her waist and stepped back.

“I feel a connection,” she whispered. “With you both.”

The horse looked back at them, as if to say, I’m good. You two can go now.

“This isn’t fair to her—or to us.” He took Rachel’s hand and left the stall. They kissed as he hurriedly put away the brushes and secured the barn, and then they ran back to the truck, holding hands and laughing. When they reached it, he couldn’t wait another second. He took her in his arms and crashed his mouth over hers. She grabbed his shoulders, and her legs circled his waist as they ate at each other’s mouths. She tasted hot and sweet, and she felt like heaven in his arms. And those noises she made totally wrecked him, but they were standing outside Luke’s house, and there was no endgame, not here.

He tore his mouth away and said, “We’re at Luke’s.”

“I know. We should have thought to bring two cars. We have to take his truck back.” A spark of heat shone in her eyes and she said, “Drive fast.”

RACHEL WAS SO nervous on the drive back to the fairgrounds, she could barely breathe. She had a feeling that was going to happen a lot around Cal. He kept her close, driving with one arm around her, his big hand palming her shoulder. The air around them vibrated with sexual tension. At the stoplights, there were no words, only hungry kisses and mournful noises when the light changed and they were forced to part. By the time they reached the fairgrounds she was a tingling bundle of desire. The fairgrounds were dark, and the parking lot was empty, save for a few cars, which Rachel recognized as belonging to Emily and her relatives. She’d sent a quick text to Emily earlier asking about Callie, and Emily had said she was still in labor and that it might be a while. She promised to text as soon as the baby was born. Rachel couldn’t help but think how serendipitous it was that she and Cal’s relationship was coming to life the same day Callie was giving birth.

They parked Luke’s truck near the other cars, and as they hurried toward Cal’s truck, he hauled her against him.

“Is your car here?”

“No. Emily drove me over.”

He gazed into her eyes, and the silence stretched between them until it pulsed like a heartbeat.

He touched his forehead to hers and said, “I don’t want to pressure you, but I don’t want this night to end.”

She didn’t know if she could muster the courage to say what she felt, but she was afraid not to. When she opened her mouth to speak, the truth came easily, and she knew it was not only the right thing to say, but it was the only thing. “Then take me home with you, because I don’t want it to end, either.”

Twenty heart-pounding minutes later, they were carrying their candles up Cal’s driveaway. She glanced at Cal. His strong features looked even more handsome against the moonlight spilling over the crest of the mountains in the distance. He tipped his face toward hers, and her stomach went a little crazy. Maybe it was the way her emotions swelled every time he looked at her, or the way his kisses turned her inside out. Or maybe it was how he made everything sound romantic and lovely. She didn’t know if it was Cal, or the night, or both, but she had lived in Trusty all her life and she’d never seen such an incredible view as the one before her.

“Having second thoughts?” he asked carefully.

“Not on your life,” she said honestly, earning a toe-curling smile.

He draped his arm over her shoulder, and the vanilla scent of the candle coalesced with the unique scent of Cal. She didn’t wait for him to draw her closer. She turned to him, ready for his kiss. His mouth was soft as silk, his kisses insistent, but it was the sounds of desire rumbling up his throat that sent a rush of heat through her core.

“Come with me, darlin’,” he said against her lips, and continued kissing her as they made their way up the front steps and into the screened porch.

He broke their connection only long enough to tuck one of the candles between his arm and his side and unlock the front door. Her gaze landed on the metal sign hanging above two rocking chairs on the porch, which read LONG AFTER THE WIND LEAVES MY SAILS, MY LOVE FOR MY FAMILY WILL STILL PREVAIL. Her heart skipped a beat.

“You have the sign I had made for your father.”

He followed her gaze to the sign above the chairs. “You had that made?”

She nodded. “I saw him at the park with your mother right before he got sick. We sat on a bench chatting for a long time that afternoon. Your dad told me stories about when you and your brother and sister were younger. It was like he was reliving those memories, and I could see how much he enjoyed sharing them. He said that to me, that quote on the sign. I loved it so much, and I thought it said a lot about him, and your family. That’s why I had it made when he got sick. I was going to paint it, like I do with all the others, but paint chips, and I thought, if he couldn’t live forever, at least his thoughts could. My friend’s father works with metal, and he made it for me.”

Cal put his arms around her again, and longing rose in his eyes. “He gave it to me shortly before he died. That sign pulled me through some really tough times. Thank you.”

He held her close as they went inside, and her senses filled with the woodsy scent of his home. It felt rustic, with dark hardwood floors, a wide stone fireplace, and rough beams lining the high ceilings. Two wall sconces sprayed light onto the stones around the fireplace, and a plush brown couch and leather chair sat atop a thick beige throw rug. On the far side of the room, a door was open, through which she saw the foot of a bed. Her nerves tingled, and she shifted her gaze to a stairway in the corner of the room, which led to a loft with a desk and a chair. Just beyond, an open barn-wood door led to another room. As she walked into the room, she noticed bookshelves littered with family photos off to her left and a tastefully decorated kitchen. She’d never wondered what Cal’s house might be like, but now that she was there, she saw it suited him perfectly. Neat, masculine, and cozy. The deep couch beckoned to be curled up on with a good book.

“I like your place,” she said as he set the candles he was holding on the mantel.

“Thanks.” He smiled and took her candles from her, placing them on the hearth. He lit the candles and turned off the lights beside the fireplace. “I like it more now that you’re here.”

He pulled his cell phone from his pocket, focusing on that for a minute, before placing it next to the candles on the mantel and gathering her in his arms. “We missed the band at the festival.”

The song “In Case You Didn’t Know,” by Brett Young streamed from his phone, and she melted against him. It was one of her favorite songs, and she knew that every time she heard it from now on, she’d remember this moment. Cal was a magnificent dancer. She’d longed to be in his arms every time she’d seen him dancing with their friends. She finally understood why he’d never asked her to dance. She’d never know what might have happened if they’d gotten together sooner, but she took comfort in knowing that Cal knew himself well enough to wait until the time was right. And when she gazed into his eyes, the emotions swimming in them made her fall even harder for him.

“Every word of this song is for you Rachel.” He sang the lyrics word for word, telling her how crazy he was about her and how he couldn’t live without her.

His voice was laced with honesty, and when he said she’d had his heart a long time ago, she said, “You had mine, too, Cal.”

His mouth came down over hers as they swayed to the music, their bodies pressed tightly together. Her hands moved down his back, to the butt she’d been gawking at for so long, it was etched in her mind. He smiled against her mouth, and she slid her hands into his back pockets, keeping him close. His arousal pressed against her belly as their tongues tangled, and his hands moved up her body and into her hair. Oh, how she loved his big, strong hands on her. His fingers threaded into her hair as he took the kiss deeper. She felt their connection snaking through her, and she lost herself in his taste, the feel of his body, and the love winding around them like a bow.

She was vaguely aware of the song ending and the next beginning as their kisses turned hungrier, their hands more possessive. She rocked against him, and when one of his hands clutched her bottom, she heard herself moan. She didn’t think as she pushed her hands beneath the sides of his shirt, feeling his muscles flex and bunch against her palms. His hips pulsed, his cock temptingly hard, and those sinful noises he made amped up her arousal. When his hand moved down her butt and his long fingers played at the seam between her legs, she felt herself go damp.

She’d waited so long for this, wanting to kiss him, to touch him, to be his, she threw caution to the wind, not even caring that she was making herself into a liar, and said, “Love me, Cal. Make me yours.”




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