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Marrying a Prince (A Fake Marriage Series Book 4) by Anne-Marie Meyer (18)

Chapter Eighteen

After breakfast, Leo jumped at the opportunity to help Bernardo with his chores. Marianna watched as he followed Bernardo out the door with a speed that rivaled NASCAR. Now alone, she studied the walls, which were packed with pictures. Some had a much younger Bernardo in them. Some of them were more recent.

Her gaze slipped from one to the next, and she couldn't help but smile. He seemed to have lived such a full life. An ache took up residence in her heart when she discovered that the more recent pictures were of Bernardo alone. There was a woman in particular who showed up in all of the earlier photos, but then disappeared.

She wondered if the woman had been his wife and if she'd died. Her heart went out to him. Bernardo was such a kind man. Just like Leo, but less stubborn.

Memories of this morning rushed back to her, and her throat felt dry. There had been so many moments where she'd wondered if he was finally going to say what his gaze had been telling her, but it had been to no avail. He was shut up tighter than a ship. She was beginning to wonder if it had all been her imagination, or if Leo was just fighting what was happening between them.

Fed up with sitting around trying to decipher Leo's actions, she pushed an escaping curl behind her ear and stood. Work seemed like the best solution for a wandering mind.

Grabbing the breakfast plates, she brought them into the kitchen and set them next to the sink. After they were washed, she moved on to the prep dishes and then to the counters and table.

She swept the floor, then dusted her hands off as she glanced outside. Leo was helping Bernardo move some hay from behind the shed over to the barn. The mid-morning sun was heating up the air. Leo's t-shirt was dark with sweat.

She wondered what Mrs. DeLuca would think if she saw her son right now. She'd probably faint from shock. The Crown Prince of Caro, helping a common man with his chores.

Marianna leaned against the counter and watched him, mesmerized by his movements. How could he doubt that he would be a good ruler? He was kind and didn't think of himself as above anyone. He was humble and…sexy.

Okay, so that last one wasn't a requirement to rule a country—but it didn't hurt. Not when his tan skin barely contained the muscles underneath. Her fingers tingled as she wondered what it might feel like to touch them.

Clearing her throat, she turned her attention back to how great of a king he would become. Whoever this Ermes was, he had nothing on Leo. It was what he was born to do. Marianna could see it. As plain as the nose on her face.

She just needed to figure out a way to get Leo to see it. Then they could pack up and head back to the castle. He needed to learn to stand up to his mom and all the people who thought that they could control him.

Marianna had her share of people who believed that about her. Who believed that they could act however they wanted and she'd just go along with it.

A burning feeling grew in her gut. She was tired of being walked on. She was tired of rolling over. Samson was going to be the last guy who had any power over her. She was going to take charge of her destiny. Starting today.

And starting with the prince.

Before she chickened out, she marched out onto the back porch and across the lawn. Leo was talking to Bernardo. They were laughing about something, but Marianna didn't care. She walked up to him and grabbed his hand. "Come with me," she said.

Leo hesitated, but then allowed her to drag him across the field until they were hidden behind the barn. The soft lowing of cattle could be heard from the field just behind them. Fear gripped her chest, but she pushed it down. Strength. She was going to be strong.

Turning, she met Leo's gaze with as much confidence as she could muster.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

She nodded. Her gaze slipped down to his lips. "Kiss me," she whispered. Great. Such confidence. She was off to an amazing start.

Leo's smile faltered. "What?" he asked, leaning in.

Whoops. This had been a major mistake. What was she thinking? Marching out here and demanding that the prince kiss her. Man, she was an idiot.

She pinched her lips shut and turned. "My mistake."

His hand surrounded her arm, halting her retreat. He tugged gently as if asking her to turn around. "Marianna," he said. His voice had turned husky. Just him saying her name made her knees weak.

Mustering her remaining strength, she forced a relaxed expression and turned, meeting his gaze head-on. "Yeah?"

He quirked an eyebrow. "Did you ask me to kiss you?" It might have been her imagination, but she swore she saw him inch closer to her.

Her heart fluttered in response. "Um, no." She scoffed.

He studied her. "Are you sure? I'm pretty sure you said, ‘kiss me.’"

Nope, it hadn't been her imagination—he had moved closer. Now, he was reaching up and brushing a curl behind her ear. Tingles erupted across her skin from his touch.

"I—um—" Words were not coming to her. It might have been because she couldn't form coherent thoughts in her mind. All she could focus on was how close Leo's lips were to her own. The way he was looking at her as if she was everything he’d ever wanted.

"Because I want to kiss you." He leaned closer.

Her heart took off galloping in her chest. She felt dizzy and excited at the same time. Leo wanted to kiss her? Had she just imagined that?

"You do?" Her voice sounded far away.

He nodded. His hand had slipped from her cheek to the back of her neck. He cradled her head in his hand as he lowered his lips. The moment his lips touched hers, fireworks exploded throughout her body. His lips were tender and patient, only lingering for a second before he pulled back.

Her lids felt heavy as she glanced up at him. His gaze searched hers, as if he were looking for permission to continue. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled herself to him, crushing her lips against his.

That seemed to be the response he needed. Dipping down, he pulled her up. She responded by wrapping her legs around his waist—bringing her body closer to his.

He turned and pressed her against the wall of the barn, as if he needed that extra support. Joy exploded through Marianna's body as he deepened the kiss. Every point of contact heated from his touch. They had both been holding back for so long, and they were finally allowed to express what had been bottled up.

When he pulled away, Marianna tried not to groan. All she wanted was for him to kiss her again. To never stop touching her.

His breath was heavy as he peered into her gaze. A smile played on his lips. He lowered her down onto her feet. With his now free hands, he cradled her face as he leaned down and rested his forehead against hers.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time," he said.

Marianna's eyes widened. It felt so good to hear that he’d wanted her just as much as she had wanted him. "Really?" she asked.

He nodded and pressed his lips against hers. He lingered for a moment before pulling away. "And you?"

She chewed her lip and nodded.

A smile spread across his lips as he kissed each of her cheeks and her forehead. "Thanks for asking me." He pressed his hand on the barn behind her and leaned in. "Where did your confidence come from?"

Her stomach twisted. She wanted to tell him it was because she was tired of being pushed around. That the confidence that he tried so hard to hide had inspired her. That she wanted him to go back to the castle and take his rightful place as king—running from his problems wasn't in his nature.

But she didn't want to ruin this moment. She was pretty sure that mentioning his home or responsibilities would push him away. So she just ran her hand up his chest, reveling in the feeling of his muscles under her fingertips and smiled. "I was tired of waiting for you to kiss me first. Thought I'd take charge."

He leaned closer, pressing his lips against the tip of her nose and then back down to her lips. This time, he filled their kiss with more passion than she'd ever experienced. Her toes tingled as he pressed his body so close to hers that she wondered if she would ever be whole without him.

When he pulled back, he studied her. She glanced up at him. Her lids were heavy and her lips felt puffy. He winked at her.

"How's that for taking charge?" he said.

She nodded. "It was good."

Bernardo appeared from around the barn. When his gaze landed on them, he took a step back. "Scusate," he said, turning to leave.

Leo laughed, stepping away from Marianna. She almost grabbed onto him to pull him back, but then realized it would be crazy, so she pressed her hands behind her.

"What did you need, Bernardo?" Leo asked, glancing back at Marianna and winking.

Bernardo turned. "I needed help moving some more bales. But if you are busy, I understand."

Leo reached out and squeezed Marianna's arm. He leaned in and brushed his lips against her cheek. "I'll be back," he said as he pulled away and smiled at her.

She nodded and watched as he walked over to Bernardo and disappeared around the side of the barn.

Now alone, she wrapped her arms around her chest and blew out her breath. She turned her face up toward the sky as if the clouds held the answer to her questions.

What the heck was she going to do now? Breaking the dam that kept her feelings at bay hadn't been the smartest thing she'd ever done. And now that she'd jumped in with both feet, she was pretty sure she wasn't coming back from this in one piece.

On her way back to the house, her gaze found its way over to Leo and Bernardo. Leo caught her eye and winked. Her heart quickened, and she dropped her gaze to the ground in front of her. Once she was back in the kitchen, she shut the door behind her and collapsed on the chair in the corner.

She needed to get her head on straight. Sure, they'd just shared a mind-blowing kiss, and Leo had pretty much told her that he cared about her—and, if she were brave enough to admit it, he might actually love her. But she couldn't focus on that or how she just might feel the same in return.

No. She needed to get him back to the castle and then head back to America. She was crazy to think that they could ever be anything more than just a contractual relationship. Even if they wanted to be together, there was no way Mrs. DeLuca or Gisella would allow them to marry.

She was a common woman. A nurse. He was royalty and had an obligation to his country to do the right thing. And the right thing was to be their king no matter what the personal cost. He was a good man, and good men didn't come around that often. He truly cared about this country and the people in it.

He was the rightful king, and she couldn't mess that up for him. Her heart squeezed at the thought of telling him that they needed to go back. So she clenched her fists, gathering her strength about her. She could do this.

There was no way she was going to stand in his way anymore. It had been all fun and games until their feelings complicated things. Now, if she cared about him. Truly loved him…

She swallowed. Loved. Her stomach lightened. Could she love him? She'd only known him such a short time. But she'd known Samson for three years and had never felt like this. Ever.

Still, she wasn't sure she was ready to admit that she could have deep feelings for anyone, even Leo. So she shoved the four-letter word to the back of her mind.

If she truly cared about Leo, she would put him first. He was never going to be happy as a common man, toiling away just to make ends meet. He was destined for greatness, and she wasn't going to be the one that pulled him down.

No, she would lift him up and help him to be the king he was on the inside. No matter how much it broke her heart. She would have to do it now, before she didn't have the strength.