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Meant To Be Broken by Green, Megan (26)



My face is on fire, and my ribs feel like they’re protesting their very existence inside my body, doing their damnedest to break free. But, as Jaden gently lifts my shirt over my head, his touch so careful, his hands so soft as they caress my battered body, all the pain seems to drift away. My only focus is him; my only concern is the feel of his fingertips against my skin.

His arm is tender as he circles it around my waist, shifting my weight onto his hip, as he helps me to the bathroom. He bends to turn on the water, plugging the drain of the bathtub. I give him a puzzled look, my brows pulling together in confusion.

“I think you’d do better in the tub. You don’t have to worry about trying to stay upright. Plus, soaking in the warm water will help soothe your aching muscles.”

My face falls briefly. “How will I get in and out? I’m not sure my ribs will cooperate.”

“I’ll help you,” he breathes, his voice husky.

My eyes widen as he removes his shirt, his hand reaching over his head and pulling it off in one swift move.

He helps me undress the rest of the way, his cheeks blushing furiously as he removes my boxer briefs. He tries to keep his eyes on my face, but I catch a glimpse of them shooting south for just a moment. The blush deepens when he realizes he’s been caught.

“It’s okay, Jaden. Don’t be embarrassed.”

I run my fingers over his abdomen, trailing them down into the waistband of his sleep pants. He reaches down, dropping them to the floor, leaving him in only the white undergarments he wears every day.

He explained them to me once, saying they were a requirement of the church after he took out his endowments in the temple. I had no idea what that meant at the time—still don’t fully understand it, if I’m honest—but I know it’s important to him. They symbolize a commitment and promise he made to his church. Standing before me, wearing only that reminder of his vow, I wonder if it’ll be too much. I see something flash behind his eyes, and for a moment, I expect him to pull away and tell me he can’t do this.

But, as fast as it appeared, the apprehension in his eyes evaporates. He peels the tight white fabric off his body, kicking them and the pajama pants over to the corner with my own clothes.

The sight of Jaden Barker completely bare before me takes my breath away faster than any of the kicks Rick rained down on me earlier tonight.

Jaden drops a kiss to my shoulder before helping me into the tub. Getting in behind me, he slides us both down into the warm water, settling my back against his chest as his arms circle me.

From the outside looking in, I’m sure we look ridiculous. The tub in this apartment is tiny, and here we are, two grown-ass men, both trying to squeeze into it. Jaden has to hang one leg out over the edge, and my knees are practically shoved into my face, but the feel of his warm, naked body against my own is more than enough to overpower any discomfort this position might be causing.

Jaden reaches for the washcloth I draped over the faucet earlier this morning. Dropping it into the water, he runs the soft fabric up and down my arms, washing away the dirt and grime from the alley. He pays special attention to my shoulders and torso, the cloth ghosting gently over my tender skin.

The water doesn’t do much in the way of hiding the way his touch is affecting me. When he tilts my face back toward him, giving my lips a gentle swipe with his own before washing the dirt and blood off my face with the cloth, my dick all but jumps out of the water, practically begging for attention. My body doesn’t care that some asshole just beat the ever-living fuck out of me not even two hours ago. The only thing that matters right now is him.

Once the filth is washed from my face, Jaden tosses the cloth to the floor beside the tub, his hands returning to my shoulders. They knead the flesh there, his long fingers sliding down every so often to brush over my nipples.

I can feel the evidence of his own arousal pushing into my back, the hard length twitching against me as I let out a groan when he swipes his hand over my puckered flesh once more.

I twist my neck around, claiming Jaden’s lips urgently with my own. His mouth instantly opens for me, his tongue meeting mine stroke for stroke. I reach up, locking his face to mine, as I try to deepen the out-of-control kiss. I can’t get close enough to him. I could crawl inside his skin and take up residence, and it still wouldn’t be enough.

His hands caress down my stomach, and my world tips on its axis when I realize he’s not stopping. He teases around my sensitive flesh, his fingers massaging everywhere but the only place I need them.

When his hand finally closes around the thick length of my cock, the world stops. Nothing exists, except this bathroom and this man. When his fist starts to pump over my erection, I lose all ability to think. My head drops back against his chest, and all I can do is writhe against him as he works me over.

It doesn’t take long, my body wound so tight that I’m surprised it didn’t unravel at first contact. After a few more pumps of his hand, Jaden sends me over the edge, his strong grip only tightening its hold as I come.

“Wow,” he whispers against my ear when I finally return to earth.

“Yeah,” I breathe. “Wow.”

He helps me out of the tub, carefully drying me before doing so to himself. His arousal is still evident between his thighs, and after he helps me back onto the bed, I promptly return the favor.

Jaden, sprawled out in my sheets, his eyes hooded as his cock juts out from his body, is my every fantasy come to life.

I only use my hands, knowing this is his first time letting anybody touch him. I ache to taste him, to lap at every inch of his gorgeous body. But I refrain. Deep in the back of my mind, I know my own body will thank me for it later.

I settle my head on Jaden’s shoulder, the position giving me the perfect vantage point to see both his face and his cock as I run my fingers up and down his hard length. When his head falls back against the pillows, his eyes squeezing shut as his pleasure overtakes him, I take his mouth with my own. I want to taste every moan and sigh of pleasure he gives me.

After he cleans up, he pulls me against him, our positions reversed from the usual. I’m usually the big spoon, remember? But I’ve got to say, being his little spoon doesn’t exactly suck either.

I listen to his heart thump against my back, the sound hypnotizing after the shitty day I’ve had. It’s not long until my eyes drift shut, sleep dragging me under, no matter how hard I try to fight it.

I wake several times throughout the night, and each time, Jaden’s arms are still securely wrapped around me. After about the fourth time, I convince myself he’s not going anywhere, and finally, I fall into that deepest stage of sleep.

I dream the sweetest dreams.

And, when I wake in the morning, he’s gone.