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Meeting Dr. Feelgood by Riley Baxter (5)


~Chapter Five~



The next morning, waking up with a start, Kayla had to pry her tongue from the roof of her mouth. Groaning from the pain of her pounding head, she looked down to see she had slept all night in her clothes from the island. “Damn, my head hurts.” She groaned as she made her way to the bathroom, stripping out of her clothes along the way.

Just as she was about to step into the shower, somebody knocked on her door. “Shit, coming!” she yelled toward the door. Snatching the robe off the hanger, she tied the sash. Opening the door, she peered down to make sure she’d tied the robe tight.

“Hey Honey Bee, just came to check on you and bring you some breakfast with hangover essentials,” Myles said.

“Myles, why have you started calling me Honey Bee?” she inquired.

Looking her in the eyes, he admitted, “Well, I imagine you will taste as sweet as honey, having the ability to produce enough goodness between your legs to leave me addicted to your flavor forever. And like your namesake, you repeatedly sting when provoked.”

Gulping, Kayla was at a complete loss for words, as she couldn’t seem to move past him imagining her tasting as sweet as honey. But damn, she needed to say something, “Ok.”

“I’m glad we got that resolved Honey Bee.” Myles grinned as he entered the room with a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, and sausage, alongside that was some orange juice, and a bottle of aspirin.

“Thanks for this Myles, you didn’t have to do it, but I appreciate the gesture.”

He placed the tray on the table in the room and sat down in the chair. “No thanks needed, it was my absolute pleasure, now why don’t you sit down and eat for me.”

Reluctantly complying with his request, Kayla sat down as he handed her the plate and fork. Where did this man come from? He’s still sexy as hell, still yummy, but he isn’t Mr. Asshole anymore. She might just be in some serious trouble here. Slowly eating while conscious of Myles watching her, she worked through the food. Once she was done eating, she took two of the aspirin and drank her orange juice.

“I just remembered that you’re in your robe. Would you like for me to leave, so you can get in the shower? If you want company, I can join you and wash your back for you.”

Not surprised by his comment this time after the last one he made to her a few moments ago, she replied, “Myles I think we need to establish more of a connection, and I’m just not ready to explore that possibility just yet. It’s bad enough that I let you feel me up on the Serenity Deck.”

Seductively, Myles informed her, “I think we’re moving towards more of a connection than you’re willing to admit Honey Bee. Besides, I got up extra early to make sure you were taken care of, so I could benefit from the shower just as much as you.”

Laughing, Kayla chose to ignore his suggestion registering his seductive tone as she held the robe tighter to her body.

“Baby, trust me that robe is no match for me if I wanted to get to you,” he advised her in a low purring tone.

Damn, the man’s voice could produce instant wet panties. “Ok Myles, how about we agree to disagree here, and I see you out, so I can get in the shower.” Although she wanted to give him the option of staying and taking a walk along the ship with her because she was starting to enjoy his company.

Myles walked towards the door as he chuckled. “Okay, I’ll give you a reprieve for now.”

“I really appreciate what you did for my sisters and me yesterday and what you did for me this morning, Myles.”

“Listen, I didn’t do anything to receive a pat on the back nor do I expect a returned favor unless that favor is more time in your presence.”

“Now that I can do.”

Giving her a dazzling smile, he walked out the door.

Getting into the shower, Kayla contemplated what she would do the next time Myles offered to share a shower with her and wash her back. “Humph, maybe I’ll let him wash more than my back.”



Myles decided to check on Grandpa since he hadn’t seen him since he was committing lewd acts in the hall outside of his room. Knocking on his door, Myles waited for him to answer.

Instead of his grandfather, the door opened to the older woman he’d caught a quick glimpse of last night. Revealing her toothless mouth, she smiled. “Hey hot stuff, are you looking for Harte?”

Taking small steps backward, Myles heard his grandfather snickering just behind her.

“Pearline, let the boy in will ya,” his grandpa said from just behind the woman.

“Gramps, umm, uh, I was just coming to check on you. Didn’t want you to think that I had neglected you.”

Grandpa Feelgood shrugged him off. “It’s ok, and Myles I assumed that you were busy following behind that gal like some lovesick puppy. In my day, you put it all out there. You kids today play too many damn games. Just tell that girl that you want to get to know her better.”

Shaking his head, Myles backed up towards the door finding his grandpa was doing just fine without him. “Gramps, if you need me, you know where to find me.” Heading to his room to get a quick shower, Myles’ thoughts turned to his Gramp’s advice. How he could get Kayla to lighten up and relax more around him?

Twenty minutes later and freshly showered, Myles decided to head to the gangway to exit the ship as they had made it to La Romana in the Dominican Republic. He wasn’t a fan of most ports in the Dominican Republic, but he wanted to get off to explore the port area. Just off the ship, he took pictures with the group of islanders greeting the passengers. Pocketing his camera, he proceeded to the area a few feet past the boat. It looked like most people were arranging transportation into town to beaches, shopping, or excursions. None of those things appealed to Myles, but he’d promised to bring his assistant back some souvenirs, so he wanted to see what they had here.

Taking a step, Myles stiffened as he felt someone hug him from behind and attempt to block him from turning in their direction. “If I were you, I would take two steps back and remove your hands.” Looking over his shoulder he saw Kayla and her sisters laughing at his expense.

“I’m sorry Myles, but Rachel thought that since she wasn’t having any luck in finding someone to have a fling with, we could share you.” Kayla laughed. “Let me introduce you to my sisters, starting from left to right… this is Caressa and Reia. You have already met Rachel and Jocelyn.

“Nice to make your acquaintance ladies. As much as I want to be with you, Honey Bee, a fling is not in my plans for you, and when I see you in my dreams, there isn’t anyone there but us. I’m a bit of a selfish lover and choose to give myself to just one woman.”

Rachel hesitantly removed her arms from his waist and stepped back, “Shit, I’ve said it before and let me remind you again, if she doesn’t know what to do with you, I’ll gladly take you.”

Myles never acknowledged her words as his eyes never left Kayla’s, silently communicating that he only had eyes for her. Breaking their connection, he waved. “I’ll catch up with you later, Honey Bee.” He made his way to the market.

Watching Myles’ fine ass walk away, the girls began to talk loudly expressing their thoughts about what they just witnessed.

Jocelyn expressed the views the rest wanted to say, “Sis, inquiring minds want to know what your intentions are for that hunk of a man.”

Kayla felt embarrassed at having this difficulty hiding her growing attraction to Myles, so she turned her head away.

“Nope, don’t try to ignore the question, we are waiting for an answer,” Reia said.

Caressa tired of being quiet chimed in with, “Spit it out already, Kayla.”

Rachel brought up the rear and grunted. “Listen if she doesn’t want to sop his delicious ass up with a biscuit, I will step in and take him off her hands.”

Laughter ensued in the group

“Tuh, that man only has eyes for Kayla,” Caressa stated. “He tried to be polite in his rejection of your offer. Now find your own man and leave Sis’ alone, thirsty ass.”

Laughing uncontrollably, Rachel replied, “Now Sis, you know that I’m not moving in on Kayla’s territory. I just wanted to get a reaction out of her because she’s trying to convince us that she’s not interested in him.”

“Wait, Kayla, come to think of it, you never answered Jocelyn’s initial question,” Reia yelled at her.

But Kayla refused to answer her sisters or their nosey ass inquiries into her feelings. “Come on sisters, let’s head to the excursion waiting area, so we don’t miss our scheduled snorkeling excursion.”

After leaving Kayla and her friends, Myles wondered why he was wasting the gift of unwind time this vacation was meant for. This thought made him want to find a last-minute adventure. After all, his grandfather intended for him to let his hair down, so why not? He walked over to the taxi area and inquired about the experiences that the island had to offer. After being intrigued by an opportunity to ride an ATV, he headed to the booth to pay the fee and wait for the bus to take him to the ATV base.

Fifteen minutes later, Myles had strapped on his helmet and waited for the adventure to begin. After a short briefing and information on the places they were going to stop at, the tour guide started his ATV and took off with Myles hot on his trail. He was interested in seeing the sugar cane plantations and the Haitian villages called Bateyes. As the mud flew up on his tires and splattered on his shorts, he had a quick minute of regret with his choice of attire for the day. His camel colored shorts weren’t going to make it through the end of this tour. He would have to shower once he returned to the ship.

Cruising through the town and observing the native people, Myles was reminded of the luxuries that were often taken for granted. “Wow, gives a new meaning to making the best of every situation,” he softly spoke to no one. As they continue riding along, he noticed that people waved and smiled as they passed.

In no time, it seemed, they approached the sugar cane plantation and he was anxious to walk through the area. Parking beside the guide, he got off his ATV and walked through the gates, mesmerized by the beautiful scenery in front of him. “Wow, this is pretty cool,” he expressed to the guide.

An hour later, Myles felt happy to be getting back on the ship. He was muddy, in need of a shower and hungry. The fruit and sample of sugar cane provided on the tour only served to tease his stomach. Waiting for the elevator, he wondered if Kayla enjoyed her excursion, turning to take a quick look behind him, he saw his grandpa walking towards him. “Hey Gramps, what did you do today? I took an unplanned ATV adventure. It was very enlightening and cool.”

“Yeah, I wondered if you got off the ship and hoped that you would let loose a little bit. Don’t worry about me. We might have come together, but we don’t have to spend every minute together. I was busy with Pearline anyway, she and I hung out at Catalina Island, enjoying a day on the beach. I’m actually heading to my room for a little siesta, that water and sun zapped me.”

“Alright sounds good, I’m heading to my room to shower and then to grab something to eat,” he told him as they entered the elevator.

Three hours after they departed, the girls were making their way back to the ship. They all had a great time snorkeling. But feeling the effects of being in the water for a long time was causing them to be exhausted. A nap was in their futures.

“Ok, so how about we head to Guys Burger for some lunch and then take a nap until later?” Kayla spoke exhaustedly. “I’m tired as hell, but I didn’t expect to see so many things under water. All in favor?”

Four “I’s” were collectively muttered.

From the looks at the line, most of the passengers had the same idea of re-boarding the ship now. Guess nobody wanted to become a “pier runner” in the next two hours when the ship was due to leave La Romana.

Swiping their room keys at re-entry and going through the metal detectors further zapped their energy, as it was a long process. Deep sighs arose from all five women as they approached Guys Burger to find a line wrapped around the deck. A nap was going to be needed even before this.

“Man, if I didn’t need some food before my nap, I’d skip this foolishness.” Caressa groaned.

“I totally agree with that for real, this is ridiculous,” Rachel said sounding irritated.

A long line of waiting later with Burgers, fries, and lemonade in hand the women began searching for a table to accommodate all of them. Looking around the dining room, Kayla’s eyes met a familiar set of blue orbs watching her intently. Myles was staring at her so intensely that her feet moved towards him of their own accord.

The other four women began snickering behind her, as they knew their sister was slowly losing the battle of wills with the sexy Dr. Feelgood.

As Kayla approached the table, Myles got up and waited for her to reach him. “Hey Honey Bee, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. I missed your beautiful face today.”

Feeling the heat coming from his words, all Kayla could do was stare at him.

Throats clearing behind them broke their connection.

“Hi ladies,” he greeted her sisters. “Would you like to share a table with me? Looks like there’s room for all of you. And if not, I’d be happy to let Honey Bee sit on my lap.”

Looking around the table silently counting chairs, Kayla stammered out, “Uh—that w-won’t be necessary Myles, there’s enough chairs for all of us.”

Reia looking amused whispered, “I think he already knew that but would prefer you on his lap, Sis.”

Everybody but Kayla and Myles started laughing, amused and enchanted at the battle of cat and mouse between the two.

Not feeling the need to respond, Kayla sat down with her eyes on her plate and began eating.

Rachel finally broke the quiet eating, “So, what is with Honey Bee thing?”

Myles raised his head and locked gazes with Kayla as he grinned.

Kayla shook her head as her cheeks burned while remembering his explanation. She just couldn’t tell them. It was too much and if she admitted the truth, too personal.

Rachel huffed after not getting an answer. “Fine, be like that.”

Her sisters all sniggered.

Myles watched her like a hawk staring a hole in her as she ate.

Kayla felt his eyes on her, yet she refused to acknowledge him and give her sisters more to talk about. She quickly ate her food and proceeded to get up to leave. “See you later sisters, I’m going to shower and take a nap. Call my room if you need me.” She walked away so fast, no response could be made.

Turning to look at the remaining women, Myles asked, “So, how can I get her to stop running from me and lower her guard? I know we had a rocky start and my mouth and attitude caused her to put up a brick wall where I’m concerned, but I would really like to change her mind about me and allow me an opportunity to redeem myself.”

At first, the women just stared at him and then they huddled together in deep discussion for about five minutes.

“If we give you some pointers to woo our sister, what are your intentions with her?” This time, it was Reia speaking on behalf of the group. “We don’t know you, and we’re very protective of her as well as each other. With that being said, we want you to know that a brick wall will be the least of your problems if you mess over her. So again, what are your intentions with her?”

“Ladies, I respect where you’re coming from, and I respect your positions. You have my word that I will treat her with the utmost respect. What I am willing to tell you all is that my intentions will be honorable. Outside of that, I’d like to leave the rest between Kayla and me.”

After another huddled discussion, Caressa as the new spokesperson informed him, “We’re satisfied enough to tell you this… Kayla deserves to be wooed as well as loved in abundance. She has been hurt before, yet she is a hopeless romantic, but you better be ready to handle her level of passion, cause she’s a bit on the freaky side. We say this with nuthin’ but love too.” She chuckled and they all joined her. For “Now, that is all that we will share with you. But we wish you the best of luck and you’d better use a damn bulldozer cause those walls are built like Ford truck, tough.”




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