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Morgan (The Buckhorn Brothers) by Lori Foster (9)


“OUCH.” Misty bumped her head as she knelt and crawled beneath the desk. “You’re sure she went under here?”

Jordan sounded slightly strangled as he said, “Yeah, she’s under there.”

In the farthest corner, against the back wall, Misty saw a curled calico tail. “Ah, I see her. She’s a little thing.”

“I found her abandoned.” Anger laced Jordan’s tone, and that was unusual because Misty had never heard this particular brother sound anything but pleasant. “I brought her home to heal, and your sister sort of bonded with her. Usually she’s in bed with Honey, but today, well, I think she knew it was a day for shots and that’s why she’s running from me.”

Misty bumped her head again when she tried to look at Jordan. All she could see was his feet. He’d been chasing the cat to take it to his clinic when they’d run into each other in the hallway. The cat had scurried away while Jordan kept Misty from falling on her behind.

Misty had been hoping to leave the house before Morgan. According to Honey, he’d been looking for her last night and had been disgruntled when he couldn’t find her. But she wasn’t yet ready to tell him where she’d been. Dodging him this morning was the only way she could think of to buy herself some time.

“So do you like your new job?” Jordan asked her as she crawled deeper beneath the desk.

“Actually, I do.” She reached out her hand and the small cat, hissing at her, managed to inch a little farther away.

“That’s good. I gather Morgan is behaving himself?”

“Morgan is Morgan. He never really behaves. You know that.”

“Uh, yes, I see your point.”

Morgan was the most forward, outspoken man she’d ever known, but he kept her smiling and sometimes even laughing. And he always made her very aware of her own femininity. The man could scorch her with a look, and in the short time she’d spent with him, she’d become addicted to the feeling.

But the entire week had been a series of near misses. Though she worked in his office, he was seldom there. She’d had no idea he kept such a horrendously busy schedule. After hours wasn’t much better. When Morgan was free, she was gone. When she was free, Morgan got called away. His plan to make them look like a couple wasn’t quite working out as she’d assumed. She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she’d been looking forward to his outrageous pursuit. And she missed him.

Jordan coughed suddenly, then suggested, “Uh, maybe you should just come on out of there?”

“No, I’ve almost got her. She’s worked herself into a tiny little ball. Let me just scrunch in here a bit more.”

“No, wait. I’ll pull the desk out.”

Misty was sure she heard repressed laugher in Jordan’s voice, but the sound was muffled because most of her upper body was wedged into the seating area of the desk. “No, if you do that she’ll just run off again. At least this way I have her cornered.”

Jordan made a strangled sound.


“Never mind.”

Misty tried wiggling her fingers at the cat. She had hoped to be gone already, out the door before Morgan awoke. Working with him was more enjoyable than she’d thought it would be. She liked getting to know everyone in the town, and it was so obvious to her how they all adored their sheriff. He was treated with respect and reverence and a bit of awe.

“So your arrangement with Morgan is working out?”

She snorted, wondering which arrangement Jordan referred to. The work or the personal relationship. “Yes, things are fine. Although Morgan does like to complain a lot.”

“Well, as to that,” Jordan said cautiously, “I think he complains because things aren’t going quite the way he planned.”

“Things aren’t going quite how I planned, either.” She laughed, then added, “Morgan gripes because it’s a habit, just like scowling at everyone.” Misty thought of all she’d learned about Morgan in the past week, how he reacted with the various community members who liked to stop by and offer suggestions or complaints or idle chitchat. His patience was limitless, and why not? He usually controlled everything and everyone without anybody even realizing it. He was careful not to offend, strong and supportive, understanding. But the final word was his, and they all respected that about him. In fact, she often got the impression that they brought their minor gripes to him so he would take charge, saving them the hassle.

Overall, she admitted he made a pretty wonderful sheriff.

“You know, Jordan, Morgan would like the world to think he’s a real bear, but Honey’s right. Deep down he’s just a big softy.”

There was a choked laugh, then a loud thump. Jordan cursed under his breath.

“Now don’t tease, Jordan. You know I’m right. Even though you all harass each other endlessly, you know your brother is pretty terrific.”

Jordan’s voice was lazy. “I think you and Honey are sharing that particular delusion. She’s as misguided about him as you are.” Then: “Just think. With you two singing his praises, Morgan will be known as a real pussycat in no time at all.”

Laughing, Misty said, “I wouldn’t go that far!”

Her laugh startled the cat, and when she tried to run, Misty reached out and scooped her up. “I’ve got her.” She started crawling backward, inching her way out. The cat didn’t fight her. Instead, it purred loudly at the attention.

Misty held the small calico close to her chest and scooted until she bumped into a pair of hard shins. Startled, she turned and looked up to see what Jordan was doing, and was met with Morgan’s blackest look. He had his big feet braced, his hands on his hips and his jaw locked. He didn’t move.

Jordan stood behind him, grinning.

For some fool reason, Misty felt her face heating. How long had he been there? What had she just been saying about him? She pulled her gaze away from his and frowned at Jordan. “You could have warned me.”

“Warned you about what?” Jordan asked innocently.

Morgan reached down and caught Misty’s elbow. “Come on, Malone, quit abusing my brother.”

Judging by the way Jordan rubbed his shoulder, Misty had the suspicion Morgan had already done enough abusing, but she had no idea why. Jordan didn’t seem bothered by it, though. He looked entertained. She frowned at Morgan. “What do you want?”

He didn’t appear to like her question. “We need to get to work.”

Misty stood, attempting to ignore Morgan’s nearness and Jordan’s attentive presence. “We’ve got a few minutes.”

Crossing his arms over his chest, Morgan said, “Is that so? Then why were you trying to hightail it out of here so early?”

She couldn’t very well explain with Morgan’s brother standing there, so she turned to Jordan and handed him the cat. “Hang onto her this time.”

“Thanks, sweetie.” Jordan leaned forward and kissed her cheek, grinned at Morgan one more time, then left them. Misty could hear his soft crooning voice as he spoke with the cat.

She had a feeling Jordan had kissed her just to provoke Morgan, and seeing the way Morgan clenched his jaw, it must have worked. They stared at each other for a long, silent moment. Finally, Morgan shook his head. “You’ve been avoiding me all week.”

“That’s not true! We’ve just had conflicting schedules, that’s all.”

“Your only schedule is working with me. Yet I haven’t had one single second alone with you. That’s avoidance.”

She didn’t want to admit that she’d missed him, too, or that she did, in fact, have another schedule. “It’s not my fault that you work all the time.”

“I knocked at your door at six yesterday.” His gaze softened. “I expected to find you in bed still, all warm and sleepy. But you were gone already.”

Misty wondered what he would have done if he’d found her in bed, and the thought wasn’t at all repulsive. She cleared her throat. “Maybe it was a good thing I wasn’t there.”

“There you go with those lecherous thoughts again, Malone. I was just going to offer to take you to breakfast.”

She winced at the very idea. “If you’ll recall, Morgan, mornings are a little rough for me. I like to walk down and sit by the lake. The fresh air settles my stomach some.”

He scowled over that, and his voice sounded gruff, more with concern than annoyance. “I’d forgotten. Has the morning sickness been bad?”

Oh, when Morgan was being so sweet, it was all she could do to resist him. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to anymore. Thoughts of being with him had consumed her lately. When he was around, she could barely take her eyes off him, and when he wasn’t, her thoughts centered on him.

Misty realized he was watching her, and she coughed. “Actually,” she said, deciding to give him a small truth, “it’s been better lately. Usually, as long as I don’t eat, my stomach settles down fairly quick.”

“So you’ve been skipping breakfast?”

“I was never much for big morning meals, anyway.”

His frown was back, more intense than ever. “You weren’t at dinner last night, either.” He looked her over, then shook his head. “You know how important it is for you to eat properly right now.”

“I have enough mothering from Honey. You don’t need to start, too.” And before he could protest that, she added, “Besides, I’m not starving myself. I ate in town last night.”

He went still, then he flushed and growled, “With who?”

This was exactly the subject Misty had hoped to avoid, but now it looked as if she had no choice but to tell him. Exasperated, she pushed past him and headed down the hall. Morgan followed. “If you must know,” she said over her shoulder, “I was working.”

“You got off work at three o’clock, Malone. I watched you leave.”

Yes, he had. She shivered just remembering. Morgan had been watching her with a brooding frown as she’d gathered her things. He was stuck talking with an elderly woman who claimed her neighbor mowed his grass too early in the morning to suit her. Misty had known by the look on Morgan’s face that his patience was about at an end. If she hadn’t been required to be elsewhere, she very well might have hung around just to see what he’d do. “I left the station at three o’clock. But then I went to the diner.”

“To meet someone?”

Her temper snapped. Did he always have to think the worst of her? “That’s none of your concern.”

She kept walking, but he had stopped. She didn’t mean to, but when she turned to face him and saw his expression, her heart almost melted. He looked angry and frustrated and…hurt.

She’d never thought she’d see a look like that on the inimitable sheriff’s face.

She didn’t like it at all.

She stomped down the hall to glare at him, thrust her chin up and said, “No, I wasn’t meeting anyone. I went there to work.”

His confusion was almost laughable. “You’re working at the diner? Since when?”

“Since yesterday. Ceily hired me.” His mouth opened and she said, “Before you ask, yes, I told her about my record.”

“Misty.” He said her name so softly, like a reprimand, and she felt a lump gather in her throat. He took both her arms, his thumbs rubbing just above her elbows. “I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“Bull. You had that look on your face.”

“What look?”

“The one that’s full of doubt.”

“That was just me trying to figure you out.” His mouth tipped in a small smile. “What did Ceily have to say?”

“I told her the truth, that I was innocent but couldn’t prove it, and that the whole thing had cost a lot so I needed to save up more money now. She believed me.” Misty twisted her hands together, once again caught in a worry. Ceily was a very pretty, petite woman with long golden brown hair and big brown eyes. She looked to be around Gabe’s age. She’d been very warm and welcoming to Misty from the onset. “She didn’t strike me as the type to carry tales. She even warned me about telling any secrets to Howard or Jesse. She said they’re both horrible gossips.”

Morgan laughed. “She would know. Jesse is her grandpa.”

“I hadn’t realized. They don’t look anything alike.”

“Considering Jesse is old and cantankerous and Ceily is young and cute, I’m not surprised you didn’t see the family resemblance. But you’re right about Ceily, she doesn’t gossip. You don’t have to worry about that.”

Without meaning to, Misty frowned at him. “You know her well?”

He shrugged. “As well as I know anyone here. Ceily and Gabe went through school together, and she used to hang out at the house when they were younger. They’re both water fanatics. She’s a good kid.”

Misty relaxed the tiniest bit. It appeared her secrets were safe with Ceily, which had been her only concern.

Morgan asked, “Do you mind telling me how you figure on doing both jobs?”

“I knew you wouldn’t understand,” she muttered. He was strong and capable and respected…and it would have been so easy to lean on him and let him help her, to follow suit with the entire town and let Morgan handle her problems. But she wanted to regain what she’d lost on her own. It was the only way she could think of to restore her self-respect.

He let her go reluctantly and fell into step beside her as she headed for her room. “Tell me what I don’t understand, babe.”

She shook her head. “What I do for you can barely be considered part time, Morgan. It’s only six hours a day.”

“I didn’t want you to overdo.”

Why, oh why, did he have to say things like that? “I’m not breakable, you know.”

“I would never suggest such a thing.” He kept pace with her easily, then paused when she reached her door. “No one would ever doubt your strength or determination, Malone. If that’s what this is about…”

Flustered, Misty shrugged. “There’s no reason I can’t work for the diner in the evenings, right? Ceily agreed to put me on at four. That gives me time to grab a bite to eat and then get in four or five more hours. Last night, I made fifty bucks in tips. It’s a good job.”

Morgan propped his hands on his hips, dropped his head forward and paced several feet. When he finally faced her again, he looked grim. “I’m going to let all that go for now.”

“How magnanimous of you.”

He didn’t appreciate her dry wit. “I want to talk to you about something else. Will you ride into work with me?”

She regretted the need to refuse him. “I can’t. I’ll be going to the diner again after we finish at the station. I’ll need my car to get home.”

“I’ll pick you up when you get off.”

“That doesn’t make sense, Morgan. You never know when you might get a call, and I don’t want to interrupt things for you.”

He did a little more jaw locking. Misty wondered why he didn’t have a perpetual headache.

“All right. Then let me take you to my house tonight. I’ve been wanting to show it to you, anyway.”

The idea was tempting. From afar, his house looked wonderful. It wasn’t quite as large as the house he shared with his brothers, but it had just as much character. The exterior appeared to be cedar, and few of the mature trees had been displaced during the building. Every morning when she went to the lake, she looked at his house. Its position on the hill would prove a stunning view. “Why do you want to go there?”

He shrugged. “I just want your opinion, to see if you like it. No other woman has seen it yet, except for Honey. But the two of you are so different, I thought it’d be nice to get your reaction, too. The house will be done before much longer. Gabe works on it off and on, and I get up there whenever I can. All the major stuff is done, now it just needs the finishing touches.”

Misty chewed her bottom lip. She wasn’t stupid; she knew if she was alone with Morgan for any length of time, they’d probably end up making love. She’d honestly believed no man could ever tempt her again, but she hadn’t counted on a man like him. She’d thought him incredibly sexy from the moment she saw him, and since then, she’d also discovered what a wonderful man he was, inside as well as out.

He was always honest with her, and she knew deep in her heart she’d never meet another man like him. She was through with lasting relationships, and as soon as she could save up a little money, she was going to move away. By the time she returned for a visit, Morgan might well be married and on his way to having his own children.

She shook her head, saying mostly to herself, “I don’t know….”

His hands cradled her face. “I won’t lie to you, Malone. I want some time alone with you. I want to be able to talk to you without one of my damn brothers nosing in, or someone at the station staring at us.” He looked at her mouth. “And I want to kiss you again. We’ve barely seen each other all week. At this rate, no one is going to believe we’re involved. Already I’ve had people questioning our relationship.”

He said the last with a growl, and she almost laughed at him. “What people?”

His frown deepened. “No one you need to know about. I made it clear you weren’t free—like we agreed, right?”

“Uh, right.” Morgan was in a very strange mood, she decided. It was almost as if he was…jealous.

“It’s Nate’s fault. He’s running around telling people we hardly talk, much less act involved.”

“Nate, your deputy?”

“Yeah.” Morgan looked suspicious. “And that reminds me, has Nate been flirting with you?”

Startled, Misty shook her head. She’d met Nate her first day on the job. He was a good-looking young man, not a whole lot taller than she was, with brown hair and green eyes and full of smiles. He’d asked her to lunch during her break, but she’d declined, choosing instead to eat at her desk—an apple and a peanut-butter sandwich she’d packed. After that, Nate usually brought a bagged lunch, too, and visited with her while they ate.

Morgan generally had appointments during that time and ate on the road. The amount of community work he did astounded her.

Morgan gave her a long sigh. “Are you sure?”

She scoffed at him. “He’s only a boy, Morgan.”

“He’s twenty-two years old, Malone, old enough to be my deputy, and only two years younger than you.” Morgan’s tone was exasperated. “Would you even realize it if Nate was flirting?”

“Well, I assume so.”

Morgan put one arm on the wall beside her head. “For some reason, I think you’re just oblivious to the way you affect men.”

“Maybe that’s because, so far, you’re the only one claiming to be affected. That only makes you the oddity, Morgan, not the norm.”

He didn’t look at all insulted by her comment. His large hand spread out over her middle, making her suck in her breath as a shock of awareness rolled through her. His fingertips, angled downward, nearly touched her hipbones. His palm was hot and firm against her.

Very softly he asked, “Now, how can that be true, when I know for a fact at least one other man chased you down? You didn’t get pregnant all by yourself.”

She couldn’t reply. So many feelings swamped her at once, it was difficult to sort them out. In the past, every relationship she’d shared had started because she wanted someone to call her own, because she’d believed women were supposed to share their lives with men. It wasn’t because she found a man irresistible and craved his company.

She no longer felt she needed or wanted a man in her life, and she’d decided she was better off on her own. But how she felt around Morgan was so different from those other relationships. She did crave him, and ignoring Morgan was like trying not to breathe—impossible.

By reflex, she put her hand over his, intending to pull it away, but instead, she held it tighter to her. “Kent…Kent was like most men, saying the right things to get my attention. I wanted to believe that he cared, so I did. But he never really wanted me, not like—” She stammered into silence and blushed.

Morgan gave her a satisfied smile. “You mean, like I do?”

How could he expect her to answer that? “All he really wanted,” she said, ignoring his question and her embarrassment, “was the convenience of being with one woman. He never really cared about me.”

“He was obviously a goddamned fool.”

She looked up at him, then felt snared in his gaze. “Men flirt by nature. It doesn’t mean anything. And it doesn’t matter who the woman is or what she looks like.”

“There’s flirting, and then there’s flirting.” Morgan gave her a small smile. “You can believe I’ve never disabled another woman’s car, or dragged her into a gazebo.”

Misty managed a laugh. “No, probably it was the women dragging you into private places.”

Morgan’s fingers on her abdomen began a gentle caress that made it difficult for her to remain still. “Let’s try this from another angle, okay? Forget Kent—he’s not worth mentioning. And he’s hardly a good example of the male species. Agreed?”


“So. Has Nate been hanging around your desk? Talking to you a lot? Has he asked you out?”

She could barely think with his palm pressed so intimately to her body. Her khaki slacks weren’t much of a barrier. And she could feel his breath on her cheek, could smell the delicious scent of cologne and soap and man. His wrist was so thick where she held him, her fingers couldn’t circle it completely. “Um, yes, yes and no.”

He nuzzled his nose against hers. “Yes and no what?”

“Yes, he talks with me, and yes, he stops by my desk. Just about everyone who comes into the station does.”

Morgan dropped his forehead to hers. “I need to put a paper sack over your head. I hadn’t realized it, but I’d have been better off hiding you away here at the house.”

Misty couldn’t help but smile. “No, he hasn’t asked me out. He invited me to lunch once, but that hardly counts as a date. That was just a friendly visit between employees. I think he gets lonely at lunchtime, because now he usually eats at the station with me.”

Morgan looked at her like she was a simpleton. “He’s flirting, Malone.”

“No, he’s not.”

Morgan drew an exasperated breath and shook his head at her. “I’m going to put a stop to it.”

“Jesse and Howard are always there. And don’t you dare suggest they’re flirting, too.”

He tipped his head back and groaned. “I’m surprised every single male in the area isn’t there hanging on your damn desk. From now on, I’m going to make sure I’m around to take you to lunch. And stop shaking your head at me!”

“Morgan, you’re being unreasonable.” But deep inside, she was pleased by his jealousy. She had to admit that maybe, just maybe, she was fighting a losing battle.

“I want to make sure you eat right.”

“Uh-huh. I can tell that’s your motivation.” Misty quit denying him. “If you want to take me to lunch, that’s fine with me.”

“Then it’s settled.” Triumph shone in his gaze. “And about damn time, too.”

“You know, Morgan, if everyone found out I was pregnant, that’d likely put an end to any interest—imagined or otherwise.”

Morgan kissed her brow, then her nose. “Don’t count on it. It didn’t do a damn thing to make me want you less.”

He was about to kiss her again, and she was about to let him, when Sawyer emerged from his bedroom and glanced at them.

“A little rendezvous in the hall?” he asked.

Misty felt like kicking Morgan. How did she always end up in these awkward situations when he was around? “Did we wake you?”

“Nope, I had early appointments this morning. The honeymoon is over now that a flu bug has started making the rounds.”

That sounded innocuous enough, and Misty sighed. “Well, I need to get going, anyway. I was just on my way out.”

Morgan tipped his head. “Didn’t you need something from your room?”

She closed her eyes. She’d come to her room just to escape him, but she wouldn’t admit that in front of Sawyer, who showed no signs of giving them any privacy. With a weak smile, she said, “Whatever it was, I’ve forgotten.”

She darted around Morgan and made a beeline past Sawyer. She was almost out of hearing range when Sawyer said, “You’ve got her on the run, Morgan. I just wonder if that was your intent.”

* * *

MORGAN GLARED at his brother. “I know what I’m doing.”

“And what exactly is that?”

They both left the hall in the direction of the kitchen. The smell of coffee was tantalizing, and Morgan needed a shot of caffeine to boost him. Unfortunately, Jordan was still there, the cat on his lap.

“You,” Morgan said, effectively distracted, “were ogling Misty when I walked in.”

Jordan shrugged, then said to Sawyer, “She’d climbed under the desk to get the cat for me.” His grin was unholy. “She has a damn fine bottom.”

Morgan felt ready for murder. “Keep your eyes off her bottom.”

“Why? You sure didn’t.” He rubbed the cat and said in an offhand way, “Sawyer, I meant to mention it to you earlier. I think there’s something wrong with Morgan.”

Sawyer filled his coffee cup then sank into a chair. He blew on the coffee to cool it, showing no interest in Jordan’s gibe.

Which of course didn’t stop Jordan. “Yep, I think he must be sick. Half the time I see him, he’s got this glazed look in his eyes. And once or twice, I’ve actually caught him smiling.”

Sawyer laughed. “No! Morgan smiling? That’s absurd.”

Morgan came half out of his seat, and Jordan held up a hand, grinning. “No, don’t throttle me. I’m on my way out the door right now. I just hung around to tell you…goodbye.” He stood, the cat tucked under his arm, and grabbed his keys hanging by the door. “I’ll see you all later.”

As the door closed behind him, Morgan muttered, “Good riddance.”

“Quit being such a grouch, Morgan. I survived, so I’m certain you will, too.”

“Survived what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Falling in love.” Sawyer added quickly, “No, don’t give me all your excuses. I’ve heard them all and even made up half of them. It’ll do you no good.”

Morgan felt like an elephant had just sat on his chest. He wheezed, then managed to say, “I am not in love.”

“No? Then what would you call it? Lust?”

“What I’d call it is no one’s business but my own.”

“I think Honey might disagree with you there. She loves her sister more than you can imagine. I think they spent the longest time with no one but each other. Right now, Honey’s convinced you’re an honorable, likable gentleman. But if you hurt Misty, she’ll take you apart. And I can tell you right now, there’s not a damn thing I could do about it.”

“I keep telling you that you should control your wife.”

“Spoken like a true bachelor.”

“Besides, I’d never hurt Malone.”

“Oh? You think having an affair with you won’t hurt her? She’s been through enough, Morgan. Did you know she went to her father and he offered not an ounce of comfort? Honey told me about it. It seems he was more disappointed with her than anything else.”

Which, Morgan assumed, pretty much guaranteed she wouldn’t bother him with her arrest and conviction. She’d known without asking that her father wouldn’t assist her, or even take her side. Morgan shook his head, feeling that damn pain again. Misty had come to the only person she could really count on: her sister. And thank God she had.

Sawyer frowned at him. “She needs some stability, Morgan, not more halfhearted commitments.”

Morgan downed half his coffee, burned his tongue and cursed in the foulest of terms. Sawyer never said a word. “Look, Sawyer, she doesn’t want a commitment, all right? She told me that herself. She’s sworn off men.”

“Hate to break it to you like this, Morgan, but you’re a man.”

“That’s not what I meant! What we feel—well, it’s mutual. Only she doesn’t want to get overly involved.” Almost as an afterthought, he added, “Any more than I do.”

“I thought you wanted to get married?”

He shook his head, wondering if Sawyer was rattling him on purpose. “I want a wife like Honey.”

Sawyer spewed coffee across the table. Morgan gave him a look then handed him a napkin. “I said a wife like her, not Honey, herself. I want someone domestic and settled and sweet….”

“You don’t think Misty fits the bill? What, she’s not sweet? She’s got a nasty temper?”

“I never said that,” he ground out between clenched teeth. He thought Misty Malone was about the sweetest woman he’d ever met, even if her temper rivaled his own. Or maybe because of her temper. He almost grinned. “You keep forgetting, Misty doesn’t want to get married. She’s told me that plain as day.”

Suddenly Sawyer’s eyes widened. “Good God. You’re afraid.”

Morgan slowly stiffened, and he felt every muscle tense. In a low growl, he asked his brother, “Are you deliberately trying to piss me off?”

Sawyer waved a hand, dismissing any threat. “You’re afraid you’ll ask her and she’ll turn you down.”

Even his damn toes tensed. “You’re a doctor of medicine, Sawyer, not psychology. There’s a good reason for that, you know.”

Sawyer started to laugh. “I don’t believe this. Women have been chasing you for as long as I can remember, and now here’s one you’ve got cornered, keeping her as close as you can get her, but you’re afraid of her.”

“Honey’s not going to like you much with a bloody nose.”

Morgan hadn’t actually raised a hand in anger toward any of his brothers since his early teens. He assumed that was why Sawyer so easily ignored his warning.

Sawyer was still laughing, and Morgan decided it was time to change the subject. “She’s taken another job.”

That shut him up. “Misty quit working for you?”

“No, she took a second job. But should she be doing that in her condition?”

“Her condition isn’t exactly debilitating,” Sawyer pointed out, then with curiosity: “What job did she take?”

“She’s working at the diner.” Morgan knew he sounded disgruntled, but damn it, he didn’t want her working two jobs. And he sure as certain didn’t want her out there where anyone and everyone from town would be able to look her over. The woman didn’t know her own appeal. Before she’d even be aware of it, she’d find herself engaged again. Morgan wasn’t about to let that happen.

“From what she said, I gather she plans to work there an additional six or so hours, all in the evening. I think it’s too much.”

Sawyer frowned in thought. “She’s a healthy young woman, and her pregnancy is still in the early stages, so it probably won’t bother her right now. But when she gets further along, there’s a good chance her ankles will swell and her back will hurt if she stays on her feet for that long.”

“Maybe you should try talking to her.” Morgan thought it was a terrific idea, and his mood lightened. “You’re a doctor. She’d listen to you.”

“I’m not her doctor, so it’s none of my business. Come to that, it’s none of your business, either.”

“Hmm. She hasn’t mentioned seeing a doctor at all. And shouldn’t she be taking vitamins or something?”

Sawyer gave it up. “Why don’t you ask her about it. I can give her the vitamins, but she should have regular checkups with an obstetrician. Being she’s new in the area, I could recommend someone.” As an afterthought, Sawyer asked, “How far along is she?”

“I think she said around three months. Why?”

Sawyer finished his coffee and stood. “No matter.” He looked his brother over carefully. “I’ve got to get to work. Are you going to be okay?”

Morgan immediately frowned again. “I’m fine, damn it.”

“Just asking.” He turned to go, but hesitated. “Morgan? At least think about what I said, all right? If you wait too long to figure things out, you could blow it. And I can only imagine what a miserable bastard you’d be in that case.”

Morgan watched him go, thinking that marriage had made Sawyer more philosophical than usual. Then he thought of Misty at the office, with Nate and Jesse and Howard all sucking up to her. He saw red.

Howard and Jesse were old enough to be her grandfathers, and she was right when she said Nate wasn’t much more than a kid.

It was a sad day when he got jealous over the likes of them, but Morgan admitted the truth—he was jealous. Viciously jealous. He didn’t want anyone looking at her, because he knew good and well that any red-blooded male, regardless of his age, would be thinking the same erotic things he thought.

Jealousy was new to him. He’d been dating women since before he was Casey’s age, and never once experienced so much as a twinge. If a woman wasn’t interested, he moved on. If she was, they set up ground rules and had some fun. The twist with Misty was that she was interested, but she’d rather deny them both because she’d been burned and she didn’t want to get involved. Morgan had thought that the promise of an uninvolved relationship might suit her, but so far she’d turned that down, too.

Was Sawyer right? Was Misty only trying to protect herself from being hurt again? He knew having a record wasn’t something she’d ever be able to accept, so he’d set things in motion on that front. He didn’t believe she was guilty, but he had a hunch who was. He’d hired a few men to check into it, and now it was only a matter of waiting to see if he was right.

Maybe once that was taken care of, she’d stop holding back on him. If he could only get her to see how good things would be between them…. What? He’d get her to marry him?

Morgan thought about that, then nodded. Life with Misty would be one hell of a wild ride. He grinned with the thought. She was spicy and enticing and sweet and stubborn, and he wanted her so bad he couldn’t sleep at night.

Morgan stood and picked up his hat, then snatched his keys from the peg on the wall. It was well past time he got a few things clear with her. Tonight, when he took her to his house, he’d stake a claim. He’d show her that they were a perfect match and when she got used to that, he’d reel her in for the permanent stuff.

In the meantime, he’d shore up his cause by showing her how gentle and understanding he could be. He’d even make a point of not frowning and maybe, just maybe, she’d stop fighting him so hard and then he could quit feeling so desperate, because he sure as certain didn’t like the feeling one damn bit.




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