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Mountain Billionaire by Eva Luxe (114)



I could feel my hips switch inadvertently as I walked back to the cabin, wringing my hands. I was used to being on commercial airlines with dozens of drinks and snacks to serve. I kind of liked having more people to serve because it kept me occupied through most of the flight. Now that I was working for Mr. Roberts though, I only had one person to attend to.

His assistant, Rachel, had told me that there may be more people on future flights but not to expect any more than four people on each of the flights. I wondered why he would even want to go through the hassle of hiring a flight attendant but, of course, I wasn’t going to complain. I guess filthy rich guys like to have someone serve their drinks on their private flights.

And these days, I was at the mercy of any employer. That wasn’t always the case. But I can remember the day that everything changed for me like it’d just happened yesterday. It began like any other normal day. 

I woke up early to pack my husband Charles’ lunch, since he was a firefighter and their shifts started incredibly early. I remember standing at the kitchen counter at two o’clock in the morning making his favorite: turkey and Swiss on a hoagie roll, with some of my secret sauce, which was just thousand island and paprika, but Charles loved it and acted as if I’d invented an award-winning recipe every time he ate it. 

He always had me pack two sandwiches, plus a spare in case he got extra hungry, but we both knew that he would likely share the sandwiches with some of the other guys at the fire house. Charles told me that he had a sneaking suspicion that some of them purposely didn’t bring a lunch so that he would feel guilted into sharing with them. They loved the sandwiches I made.

Just as I was finishing up wrapping his sandwiches, I felt him come up behind me and silently pull my pajama pants down. Charles and I were like horny teenagers and even though the fire house kept him busy, he never missed a moment to catch me spontaneously and have the hottest sex. 

He didn’t even bother to ask me or turn me around. He leaned me over the counter and plunged his hard dick into my pussy. I had to bury my face into the back of my arm to keep my screams from tearing through the house and waking our son. 

He fucked me like a porn star that morning, pushing all his weight into me, grunting with pleasure.  He came hard, keeping his dick inside of me, letting it pulse against my tight walls.

My mind was on him for the rest of the day. I sent a few texts letting him know that I was thinking of him and how much I had enjoyed having him inside of me that morning. I didn’t think anything of it when he didn’t respond, since I knew that he rarely kept his phone on him, especially if they’d gotten a call.

I’d assumed he had just been busy doing what he did best: being a hero. But, I hadn’t heard anything from him by dinner. That’s when I started worrying because it wasn’t like him to not check in during the day whenever he could even if it was just to say, “I’ll see your sexy ass soon,” or “That secret sauce was especially delicious today.”

My heart skipped a beat when I finally saw the name I had programmed for him in my phone, “Hubby”, appear on my phone screen.

“Hello, honey,” I said, in the most seductive voice that I could muster.

“Hello,” came a voice that I didn’t recognize.

“Who is this?” I asked, beginning to worry.

“Uh…this is Tom.”

I couldn’t figure out why the fire chief was calling me from Charles’ phone.

“I don’t know how to say this, Dana. But, there’s been an accident.”

All I remember after that was hearing ringing in my ears. This couldn’t be happening. Charles was always very careful. 

But, after my shock had worn off a little, I realized that it was in fact happening and of course it wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility, given his job. I’d learned that Charles had gone into an apartment building that was on fire. After he’d helped rescue a little girl and her dog, a wall collapsed, trapping Charles and the girls’ parents in the building, where they had all burnt to death.

Scott didn’t even cry at the funeral. He just stared at the picture of his father that sat in the front of the room, never letting his chubby hand loosen its tight grip on my hand. I told him that his father was gone, that he would never see him again, but at five years old, I’m not too sure how much of it he understood.

Charles had insurance through the fire department, but it wasn’t enough after funeral expenses and money to save to pay upcoming bills, so I had to scramble to figure out a way to take care of our only son. We had planned to have more children— siblings for Scott— but it hadn’t happened by the time Charles had died.

Charles and I had also always talked about sending Scott to a great private school and, despite the change in our circumstances, I wanted to keep things according to our plans, so I took a job as a flight attendant at an airline to pay the bills. After several months and putting down a hefty deposit on Scott’s tuition, I realized that I was going to have to come up with a better plan.

I’d found the ad for Mr. Roberts’ personal jet online and responded. His assistant quickly called me and set up an interview. I knew that anyone with a private jet had to have money, but I had no idea just how wealthy he was until I walked into his office building.

It looked like a spaceship, equipped with escalators and see-through elevators. What really caught my eye was the impressive amount of gold that covered almost everything, the crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceilings, and the Romanesque waterfalls that served as centerpieces for each corridor.

After a short interview, I was offered the position right on the spot, along with a salary that doubled the one I’d had at the airline. Of course, I didn’t hesitate to accept the offer.

Up until this first flight, I’d never even met Mr. Roberts. I did Google him, though. He wasn’t very hard to find since he was almost as famous as a celebrity. But, standing there, seeing him in person, was nothing compared to seeing his pictures. And the way that he looked at me hungrily, like he wanted to have his way with me right there in the cabin, made my knees go weak.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. When crossing my knees didn’t work anymore, I tiptoed to the bathroom so that I could try to calm down. I splashed water on my face and stared at myself in the mirror.

Get it together, Dana, I thought. I didn’t want to mix business with pleasure, especially when this job almost seemed too good to be true. In addition to not paying enough money, my job at the airline kept me away from Scott more than I cared to be and my son needed me. I was all that he had. 

It was decided that my mother would watch him while I worked and she told me that he would spend a lot of time alone, just staring off into space, with the saddest look on his face. He rarely ever said anything, but one day he told my mother, “I miss my dad.” 

That was all he’d said to her. She begged me to find a way to spend more time with him and I promised that I would. I knew that this would be a way for me to keep that promise. I could work less hours and make more money.

So, just then I knew that I had to get rid of my silly school girl crush on my boss or else it would cloud my better judgment and prevent me from doing the job that I was hired to do. Plus, I knew that Mr. Roberts was completely out of my league, so there was no need to frustrate myself with impossible fantasies.

But, the look in his eyes…

I couldn’t stop myself from getting excited.  I decided to give my throbbing pussy some relief. I sat down on the toilet seat, lifted my skirt, pulled my panties to the side, and began circling my fingers around my hardening clit. 

I dipped my finger into my moist vagina and a clear coat of liquid engulfed my finger. I tasted it.  A soft moan escaped my lips. I kept thinking about Mr. Roberts, imagining what it would be like to have my legs spread wide and him plunging deep inside of me. I tried to stay quiet as I imagined my fingers being his hard dick pushing its way into my wet womanhood.

When I felt the pressure building, I exploded in a powerful orgasm that almost knocked me from my perch on the toilet seat. It felt like the bathroom actually shook. 

Then, I realized that the bathroom did shake.

I thought that I’d felt a little turbulence before, but I dismissed it, thinking that it was just the jolts that I had been sending to my body with my fingers.

Something was wrong.  I quickly washed my hands and fixed my skirt, moving my way back into the cabin. 

As soon as I opened the door, my earpiece began crackling and I could hear a spotty, frantic voice in my ear. It was the pilot. After a few more steps, he came in clearly.

“Mayday, mayday! All hands-on deck! Has anyone seen the flight attendant? We are experiencing turbulence caused by a blizzard that hit the plane, and one of the engines is down!”

My tongue felt thick and I thought that I would be sick.

Somehow, I managed to stammer out a response, my hands shaking as I tried to hold down the button on my walkie talkie. 

“I’m here. This is Dana.”

“Where have you been?! Come to the cockpit right away! One of our engines has failed and we are going down. There’s an epic proportion winter storm out here that just hit us out of nowhere. Where were you, anyway?”

“I…uh…had to use the bathroom,” came my sheepish reply. It was true, although my cheeks flushed at the thought of what I had been doing in the bathroom. “My earpiece must have lost reception in there.”

I mentally kicked myself for letting my sensual thoughts keep me from being available at work when I needed to be, on the first day at that. And, of course, in the middle of an emergency. I was sure that this was going to be my first and last day, if we survived this.

I rushed to the cockpit, my heart almost beating out of my chest.

I tried to ignore the excitement that began to well up as Mr. Roberts made his way down the aisle toward the cockpit, where I was standing.

Even among all the commotion, I could feel my clit hardening again.

Well, shit, I thought. Leave it to me to be fantasizing about my new boss just as his private jet is going down. I’m about to lose my life and all I can think about is his cock in my pussy. That’s how fucking hot this guy is. And how horny I am after such a long time of going without sex, although it’s looking like I’ll never get to have sex again.




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