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Mountain Daddy's Nanny by Samantha Leal (22)


As the sun came up that morning, Lexi lay back as King explored her with his tongue. She lay sprawled out beneath him as he licked every inch of her and pleasured her in ways she had never thought possible. There was something between them that was so strong and powerful, she knew that they wouldn’t be able to leave each other alone. He licked her nub and flicked his tongue up and down her slit before powering it into her, and she came hard and fast again. He seemed to worship her and her body, and when the sounds of other men in the house suggested that they were stirring, she cuddled into him and fell asleep in his arms.

Later in the day, she awoke to find herself alone. King’s clothes were gone and Lexi sat up and reached out for her jeans and underwear. She dressed quickly and opened the door to the room cautiously. She stepped out into the hallway and waited for a moment. She could hear voices and she waited to see if she could recognize King’s.

“Hey,” he suddenly said from behind her.

She jumped and gasped. “You scared me!” She slapped him playfully on the arm.

He looked incredible, and she had to steady herself as she saw him dewy with water from the shower and his hair flopping down around his eyes. His skin was so perfectly tanned and decorated with ink, he looked like a work of art himself.

“Come here,” he growled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. She could feel him growing hard and she wanted nothing more than for him to ravage her again, but Tammy would be sick with worry and she knew she had to get home.

He pulled her back into the bedroom and closed the door.

“Last night,” he said, “was one of the best of my life.”

Lexi bit her lip. She couldn’t keep the grin from her face and all she wanted was to live it over and over again. 

“Mine too,” she kissed him softly.

She could hear the voices downstairs getting louder, and it wasn’t long before they were calling for King.

“Busy day,” he said with disappointment.

Lexi pouted and kissed him again.




When they were ready, King led her downstairs by the hand. Compared to the night before, the house seemed alive and there was action in every room. She wasn’t the only woman. Girls were draped over the beds of other biker’s bedrooms, and Lexi almost felt embarrassed until King reassured her.

“You’re more to me than this,” he said.

They walked around the galleried landing, and Lexi noticed a collection of people at the doorway to one of the rooms. The men were all standing solemnly, and King squeezed her hand.

“The old boy,” he whispered sadly.

Lexi managed to find a gap in the crowd and could see that they were around the bed of an older man. He lay there, still with a long beard to his waist, but he looked frail and very sick.

“Oh my,” Lexi said with sympathy.

King nodded and steered her away from the room. She couldn’t believe the solidarity they all had. They were taking care of him to the bitter end.

“What happened to him?” she asked as they went out into the sunlight and away from any lingering ears.

“Cancer,” he said as he lit a cigarette. “Been through all they can do, so now it’s just a matter of time.” He clicked his teeth.

“I’m sorry,” Lexi said.

“Me too,” King nodded. “He was one of the greats, a founding member. Seems so unjust that someone so strong can be reduced to that.”

Lexi rubbed his shoulder before they climbed back onto his bike and he started the engine.

As they pulled away from the clubhouse, she looked back at it and how incredible it looked out there in the middle of the desert. It was almost like a secret town in itself, there were so many buildings. The house was like a castle standing tall in the center, and she had found its King. She smirked to herself for thinking it and then wrapped her arms around him again.

He took her straight home and she asked him to leave her at the end of the street. She was feeling more confident than ever that she had made the right choice, and she had to see her mother. She didn’t want to avoid her forever, and she was going to come clean. She kissed King goodbye and told him she would see him later. As she walked slowly down her street, she felt empowered all over again. King had gotten her money for her, and she had a wonderful new man along with an exciting job.

She started up her driveway and was relieved that Dereck’s car was missing. When she got to the front door, she stopped and waited a moment, bracing herself for the onslaught of abuse.

She put her key in the lock and opened the door. When she stepped inside, the first thing that hit her was the silence. She cautiously called, “Mom?”

There was a small part of her that thought for a moment that she wasn’t going to answer, but then she heard her croaky voice coming down the hallway from the kitchen.

“In here,” she said.

Lexi wandered down and saw her sitting at the table. This time there was no gin and Dereck was nowhere to be found. Her mother looked up at her and sighed.

“I suppose you think it’s funny just running off like that and scaring me half to death?” she challenged.

“No, actually,” Lexi crossed her arms over her chest. “But I didn’t want an argument.”

“Where have you been?” she got to her feet.

“Why does it matter?”

“Because I’m your mother, and I need to know!” She was shouting now, the rage was building up behind her words.

“What do you care!?” Lexi screamed back. “I stayed at Tammy’s, and then I was at my new job! If you weren’t so wrapped up in douchebag Dereck, maybe I would have felt like telling you that Marv fired me!”

“What for?” she snarled.

“It doesn’t matter,” Lexi lowered her head and felt tears rising. She hated arguing with her mom, but it was all they seemed to do these days.

“And that fucking biker?” her mom spat.

“What?” Lexi shot her gaze up to meet hers.

“I hope you’re not going to be so stupid to get involved with them. I’ve told you your entire life to stay away from them! You better not defy me now!”

Lexi shook her head in disbelief and went to leave the room.“I am seeing one of them. His name’s King, and he’s the most sincere and loyal man I have ever met!”

Her mother’s face dropped, and she seemed lost for words.

“And not only that, but I’ve started working at The Bleeding Bullet… And guess what, there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me!”

She marched out of the kitchen and made her way to the stairs. Her mom ran after her, screaming her name until Lexi finally stopped and spun around to face her once more.

“If you want to fuck up your life, then you go ahead,” she spat, “but don’t come crying to me when your heart is broken and you’re out in the cold.”

“What are you even talking about?” Lexi shook her head, completely confused. “Since when has this ever been a topic of conversation?”

“Are you really so stupid?” her mom asked. “Have you really never figured out why I don’t want you anywhere near those men?”

Lexi shook her head, but the feeling of dread that was slowly crawling over her was clutching her tight.

“Your father!” her mom spat. “Your father was one of those goddam bikers, and I never saw him again after he knocked me up and ended up in jail!” She collapsed onto the floor and burst into tears. “Fucking Reid…”

Lexi eyed her furiously.

Could she be serious?

“Reid? Was that his name? You told me my father died,” Lexi said coldly. “You told me that you were going to get married and that he was a salesman from Scottsdale and that he was killed in a car accident before I was born.” She shook her head in disbelief.

“Lexi,” her mom pleaded.

“Have you been lying to me my entire life?” She couldn’t believe what was happening, but the tears bursting out of her mother were telling her all she needed to know.

Without another word, Lexi stormed up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door. She pushed the chair up against it and frantically pulled her clothes out of her closet and threw them into bags.

She was done.

She was leaving.

She could hear her mother’s sobs echoing through the house, but she didn’t care. If she had only known that her father was still alive, she could have gotten to know him. She could have had a real parent, whether he was in jail or not. She cried as she zipped up her bags and opened her bedroom window before throwing them out onto the front yard. She hadn’t climbed out of her window since she was a teenager going out to meet boys, but she just couldn’t face seeing her mom’s face again. As she worked her way down the drainpipe, she bit back the tears, and when she jumped down onto the ground, she scooped up the bags and slung them over her shoulder.

There was only one place she wanted to be and that was with King. But first she was going to have to see Tammy at the diner.