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Nate's Fated Mate: Aliens In Kilts, Abduction 2 by Donna McDonald (18)

Chapter Eighteen

Nate was reading the summary of her father’s notes that Sheena had sent him when the call from his mother came through. The door to his office was closed so he took the call on his desk com.

“Greetings, Provost. Thank you for approving my request for Brianna’s reassignment to the AAS airship. She is very pleased… as is her sister.”

“I couldn’t pull Captain off, but being Commander MacNamara should suffice for her duties there. I hope you know what you’re doing in taking her on. Brianna was a good agent, but my one complaint was that she did not have the self-discipline to pull back when the odds were against her. It’s been a lot of work keeping her alive.”

“If she can meet a shuttle without waking me up to help, I’ll be satisfied. I need someone to handle things so I can have a break. I may not look it, but I am on my second century of life. The last hundred years has taken a toll.”

“You don’t have to convince me. I’ll be rolling over into another century in a few years myself.”

His mother lifted a hand to her hair and said nothing else for several long moments.

“What’s wrong, Mother? Is there something else you need to talk about?”

Nate watched the woman who’d molded him tamp down her shock over his personal question and pull herself together. She sighed and closed her eyes, showing the first real weakness to him he could ever remember.

“You’re absolutely right. I need to talk to my son a moment, Admiral Tiberius.”

Nate straightened in his seat. “I’ve never been as good as you are about separating my work life from my personal one. Ask any of my wives. You can always talk to me, Mother. What’s wrong?”

“Your father…” She stopped and then started again. “Your father contacted me yesterday, and then came to see me at my office. He asked me for an official divorce, but said he intended to get an unofficial one if I refused. I had no choice but to grant him his request. The dissolution will be registered this week. I’m sorry to have to tell our child this news over a com line. I’m being as cold about it as he was.”

Nate shrugged. He should have felt more guilty about not telling her the whole truth, but he didn’t. “I’m sorry that you’re sorry, Mother. He came to see me too, but didn’t stay long. How did he seem to you? I thought Father was acting rather strangely, but then he and I have never been close.”

His mother sighed over that too. Was that grief manifesting over losing the man she loved? Or just a resistance to change like the kind he had? He felt like sighing himself because he knew now which parent he’d emulated most. It was yet another thing Sheena had been right about.

“Your father has become a stranger to me. The man I bonded with to create you has never in two centuries been that cold and distant with me. Even in our estrangement, when he sought out my company, it was always like the beginning of our relationship again. This time he left as quickly as he came. It was all very odd, Nathaniel. Did he talk about his work while he was there? My instincts were saying that was the source of his strange behavior.”

Nate nodded. “Yes. Father said he came to check on the matchmaker clones, but in the end, he didn’t even talk to them. Once he found out Sheena was staying to study Angus and Erin for the long term, he just left. He did have a concussion and some mental confusion from some accident he had. I hope he takes care of himself. He needed more healing attention than he let me give him.”

His mother shook her head. “When I met your father, I was so proud to be a part of the Tiberius family that I had my name officially changed to it. Almost no New Earth woman does that.”

Nate smiled. “I love Sheena like the sun, but that would be too much for me. I promise you I’ll never become a MacNamara.”

His mother chuckled. “Good. It’s bad enough you want to sleep with one. Have you two discussed having my grandchild yet?”

Nate sighed and leaned on an elbow. “We haven’t even discussed getting married again, but I’m going to wear her down. She’s my wife—my real wife—in every other sense of the commitment. I want it official everywhere.”

“I believe you, son. And I agree. I’m glad your father and I haven’t ruined your optimism about relationships. You get that from your Grandfather Tiberius.”

His mother let her smile drop slowly away. “So back to business for a minute. How are the clones doing?”

Nate raised his eyebrow. Instinct warned not to trust her innocent shift. His mother was and always would be married to her work. His father was right about that. He would feel no regret for protecting Angus and Erin from her, even if it meant telling a hundred lies.

“Angus and Erin are making trouble as usual. Bri and Sheena do seem to have a calming effect on them. I hope their ownership gets approved. The latest thing is that the matchmakers have applied to talk to the Guardians. I have my hands full here.”

“Yes, John told me about Sheena’s ownership request just before it passed over my desk. I sent it on for Guardian approval.”

“Thank you for that,” Nate said sincerely, watching his mother nod.


“Yes, Mother?”

“Don’t turn into your father or me. I never wanted that for you. I still don’t. And I’m glad Sheena is staying. You two—well, you two have something special that most never find in their lives. None of our advancements on New Earth have helped us have stronger relationships. Do what you have to. Don’t lose her.”

There had a been a time when such a statement would have meant the world to him, but he simply wasn’t that trusting anymore. Maybe his mother wasn’t lying, but how could he ever be sure?

“Sheena is staying for the clones. I may just be someone to pass her time with while she’s here,” Nate said, smiling softly as he waited for her answer.

His mother snorted. “Don’t turn into a stupid male about this. This is the time to be smart. If Dr. MacNamara’s request is granted, and I’m assuming it will be, Sheena will be able to take the new matchmakers with her if she ever leaves the airship. That is not an acceptable situation for the AAS program. She’s still in love with you. I’m fairly sure of it. Use that leverage to keep her there.”

And that revelation of thought, Nate decided, was the real truth he’d been so unwilling to see before Sheena showed up. This wasn’t about him or Sheena being together and happy again. It was about the Provost maintaining control of all the changes that were happening.

Nate could see going forward, he was going to be lying to his mother as much as she had ever lied to him. Maybe in a hundred years, they’d be even.

“I hope you’re right, Mother. I hope Sheena does love me. She stayed away a century last time.”

“Grovel a little, son. It won’t kill you. Women like to see a man on his knees.”

He started to make a crude joke about men liking women that way as well just to see the look on his mother’s face, but Nate laughed instead. Angus was obviously having a negative effect on his sensibilities.

“I love you, Mother. Are you going to be okay as a divorced woman?”

“Of course, I am. I would never lie to you about something like that. Duty calls though. Let’s talk again soon. Keep me posted on your remarriage. I’d like to attend the ceremony. Being a MacNamara, I’m sure Sheena will want a big showy one.”

Nate shook his head slowly in disbelief after the screen faded to black.

A knock on his door drew his attention. “Enter,” he called, and saw Angus poke in his head.

“If yer not busy Admiral, I have something for ya. But ya need to take a walk with me to see it.”

Nate rose from his seat, shelving thoughts of his Mother’s vulnerability and Sheena’s success at convincing his father to do what she wanted. Both were equally alarming and messed with his peace of mind.

Fortunately, the one thing Angus was always good for was in providing a distraction.

* * *

“A perfect fit, sir, if I do say so,” Evan declared.

Matthew draped the sash over the Admiral’s naked chest. “Who else could say so, Evan? No one else has your impeccable sense of style.”

“I adore you, Matthew” Evan said.

“And I you. Now he’s finished. What do you think?”

Nate rolled his eyes as both master clothiers stepped back to admire how he looked.

“I think manscaping is fine for special occasions, but I for one am very glad the Admiral is still au naturel from the waist down. The black combat boots really bring out the sheen of the dark hair on his legs.”

“They do, Evan. They really do.”

When Matthew turned him toward the mirror, Nate laughed at what he saw. He’d never looked more ridiculous in his life.

Angus stepped up behind him and glared. “I put ya in my family’s plaid and ya laugh at it? Yer an unfeeling, heartless bastard of a man, Admiral Tiberius. I don’t know what my sweet Sheena sees in ya.”

Nate’s gaze fell to the brightly colored fabric now wrapped around Angus’s girth. Angus even had a fuzzy white bag on chains hanging down the front. He had no idea what purpose it served except to make the man look more ridiculous.

“I’m bare chested and wearing a skirt. Everything manly about me is swinging loose under it. Why do you get a fucking white shirt and I don’t, Angus? I’m all but naked.”

“Because I’m doing ya a fecking favor—not that ya can appreciate it. And just so ya know, I’m having Evan and Matthew here make kilts for all the lads. There’s no use trying to stop me. I’ve made up my mind. Not even Erin can talk me out of it.”

“All the lads? What lads?” Nate asked.

“Why are ya being dense today? The aliens,” Angus said loudly, rolling his eyes. “We’re going to be holding the highland games of my fecking grandfather’s day and now we can be properly dressed for them. I’m going to have to thank John personally for sending the kilt makers. Maybe he can come to dinner at the castle sometime. There has to be some furniture there sized for normal people. I’ll put Carleton to work on it when they go home.”

Nate’s chin dropped at all of Angus’s ramblings, but the one he’d heard loudest flabbergasted him. “You’re intending to dress the aliens in kilts? Angus, you’ve lost your fucking mind. The aliens are nearly all warriors on the planets they hail from. They’re not going to want to wear a man skirt.”

Ignoring him, Angus looked at the kilt makers. “Pay no mind to the Admiral’s lack of vision and his poor understanding of what makes a real man. Fine work on the kilts, fellas. I’ll bring ya some ale before ya have to make Darcone’s. His growling won’t seem so bad after a couple drinks. But I advise ya to just take measurements while under the influence because yer fecking seams won’t be sewn straight until ya sober back up.”

Watching the kilt makers’s heads bobbling on their necks, Nate wondered when he’d lost control of… well, everything.

“Come on, eegit. Let’s go see the women. Yer the type who always has to be convinced the hard way. I’m tired of talking.”

“You? Tired of talking? That would be a fucking first,” Nate said tersely. “And I could have you thrown into a holding cell for your disrespect to me.”

“And I’d be out of it faster than ya could blink yer eyes. The lads know who has their best interests at heart.”

Nate didn’t bother disagreeing. He wasn’t in the mood to lose this particular argument.

* * *

Darcone stopped at the entrance to the women’s common area, a place he almost never entered. Nate knew it was because Darcone understood all too well that his appearance frightened them. He felt sorry for the alien, always had. Brianna MacNamara was the only female who didn’t seem intimidated. He’d sort of hoped… but no, he wouldn’t go there. That was crazy stuff and he liked to think reuniting with Sheena hadn’t robbed him of all his faculties.

Angus walked into the area and all the women clapped and catcalled. Angus grinned and yelled something that had the women all giggling.

“Admiral, get yer reluctant arse in here. I want to show ya off. Sheena’s been visiting with Erin this afternoon and is waiting to see ya.”

Sighing with mortification, Nate jerked at the strange noise Darcone made. “Are you laughing at me?” he demanded.

“Much to learn, you have. Chin up.”

“You’ve barely spoken to me in a hundred years. Now you’re giving me advice? Why didn’t you just volunteer to be a matchmaker? Then I wouldn’t have to put up with Angus.”

“Stupid, I am not,” Darcone said, holding open the door. “Go. Grab man stick. Easy to find now.”

The alien pointed at the kilt and showed Nate all his pointed teeth.

“You and Angus both need to accept that I still run this fucking airship. I go when I want to go. And I don’t have to dress like an idiot for the general population’s fucking amusement. I look ridiculous in this fucking… kilt.”

Their heads turned at the sound of a woman’s strong voice. It was impossible not to hear her or listen when she spoke.

“I thought you said Nate was coming with you.”

“He’s afraid to come in here, Sheena. I think he’s uncomfortable with his manliness on display. There’s no hiding it in a kilt,” Angus said from within.

“Shut up, wind bag. I am not afraid. I’m embarrassed, you irritating bastard,” Nate said through gritted teeth.

Sheena’s laughter told him she’d heard his snide comments. Angus making him feel foolish in front of the woman he loved was more than Nate could handle. He narrowed his eyes, lifted his chin, and walked inside. A female murmur of admiration echoed all around him. Women made comments and whispered that he was the Admiral.

Angus bumped his arm as he passed by him. “Are ya getting it yet?”

“Shut up, Angus,” Nate said, but without any venom this time. It took all his concentration to keep his face from flushing from all the very interested gazes turned his way. Why did that slang slinging bastard always have to be right?

Sheena stared at him for what seemed like hours before turning her head to the smiling women. “Back off, ladies. The Admiral’s already taken.”

“I am?” Nate said stupidly.

“Aren’t you?” Sheena demanded.

Erratic breathing over her claim swelled the sash against his recently resurrected pectoral muscles. He could suddenly hear his own unsteady breath because every female in the room was holding hers and waiting for the next words he spoke.

He hadn’t felt this kind of pressure from any alien encounter. Hell, he hadn’t felt it dealing with either of his controlling parents. This woman indeed owned him. It was the one thing he was never going to be able to lie about, even if he got good at lying one day.

“Yes, I’m yours, Sheena MacNamara, for better or worse or both. I’ve always been yours. I never want not to be yours again. Will you marry me and be my wife until we die?” Nate asked, walking close.

“Don’t you think it’s a little unfair of you to be asking me such a question in front of all these women who don’t have anyone of their own?”

“I’m working on that… or rather Angus and Erin are,” Nate said in his defense.

“Come on, Sheena. Ya can’t be blood of my blood and not fall for a man who looks that good in a fecking kilt, especially when ya know what’s under it is yers for the taking,” Erin teased, poking Sheena in the back. Her gaze went over her kin’s head. “Ya cut a fine figure in a kilt, Nate. There must be a majestic Celt somewhere in yer ancestry.”

“Thank you, Erin. Tomorrow you’ll have to tell me what that means. I can’t think well enough at the moment to guess.”

“Why? Has the blood left yer head and travelled south, Admiral? Ya might want to add a sporran to yer ensemble. It sort of holds ya down in moments like this. Or do ya also think it’s unmanly to wear a purse with yer skirt?”

“One day I swear I’m going to kick your ass,” Nate promised to the sound of Angus’s laughter.

“Well, ya know where to find me when ya feel ready. Until then, I’ll just be helping Erin match up all yer aliens with proper brides.”

Until a man heard fifty women giggling over an old blow-hard making bad jokes at his expense, Nate didn’t think that man could sincerely understand what true humility was. He was getting a daily dose lately.

“You do look good. Erin is right about that.” Sheena smiled, reached out, and ran her fingers under the edges of his sash. There was no one like him. No one. Looking for another hundred years wasn’t going to change that fact. “Marrying you again can only be asking for more trouble, but I guess a smart woman would focus on the benefits, like the one rising under that kilt you’re wearing.”

“No need for jealousy today. It won’t be rising too far in this crowd, but you are a very smart woman—hopefully smart enough to know how deeply and sincerely I love you,” Nate said, cupping her cheek with a hand.

“Yes, I am a smart woman… and I do know,” Sheena said clearly, lifting her gaze from Nate’s kilt to his eyes. “So yes, Nathaniel Tiberius, Admiral of the Alien Abduction Services airship. I bow to my fate today. I will marry you again. I will be your wife. ”

The clapping and squealing in the room was deafening, but Nate barely heard it over his own laughter when Sheena stepped into his arms and hungrily put her lips on his.

— The End —