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Night and Day (Natexus Book 4) by Victoria L. James (15)


We did everything she wanted and more over the following four days, and Berti and I took care of any situations in the media without Danni even knowing or questioning us once. Roberta decided that silence was going to be the best way to respond to the claims, and I kept Danni’s Instagram—as well as mine—up-to-date on her behalf, flooding them with carefree pictures of our Puerto Rican life. I ignored the comments and questions that were posted. I ignored anything relating to the article, acting on her behalf as if she was shrugging it off as nothing more than a fly of a story that she was willing to bat off her shoulders.

My efforts earned me a phone call from Berti, praising me for everything she’d seen me do to defend Danni’s name and protect her image.

“There’s a line in Dirty Dancing, where Baby’s dad says that when he’s wrong…” she started, not finishing as she waited for me to catch on.

I grinned down the phone. “This must be killing you.”

“Let’s just leave it at that, shall we?”

“Just tell me you love me, Berti, or lose me forever.”

“How did I resist you for so long when you know your eighties movies so well?”

“I guess you were afraid of falling so hard for me, you’d never get up.”

“Arsehole,” she muttered.

I was officially in her good books, and that felt better than I realised it would.

At the photo shoot, I’d watch Danni do exactly as she’d promised, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulder while she posed in a barely-there string bikini, the backdrop of the green forest framing her beauty perfectly. It should have been illegal for one woman to look so damn fine. Every so often, her eyes and confident smirk would find me, and I’d be hard within a minute. Less than that. I was constantly twitching around her. It was almost embarrassing how little I could control myself. Once the magazine’s photographer had left us, we’d hooked up with Natural Wonders PR who gave us a guided hiking tour through the forest. In a place where animals either had to be able to fly or swim to escape, we felt alone and protected by nature for the first time in a long time. We learned about the plants, and how ylang ylang grew there, the scented flower that they used in perfumes like Chanel No. 5—one of Danni’s favourite perfumes. We were told about the wildlife, the trees, the history and the many, many waterfalls, including La Coca falls. Then, rather naughtily, we snuck off from our tour guide, hiding in the water behind a small cove of rocks, where we made love and kissed away our troubles like they didn’t even existed.

We climbed the ninety-eight steps to the top of Yohaku Tower, my arms wrapped around her waist from behind as we stood at the top for over an hour, letting the small island breeze mark itself on our skin as we stared out at the beautiful paradise we were submerged in. We kissed there, too, getting a little carried away until a family of seven ascended the stairs to interrupt us, just as Danni’s leg was hooked around my waist and my fingers were about to disappear beneath her underwear.

The two of us walked hand-in-hand, as she’d wanted, around the Botanical Gardens, somehow managing not to get into any compromising situations that time. We ate in every restaurant we could find, tasted every cocktail we came across. We danced underneath the moon, soaking up the Puerto Rican nightlife with every ounce of enthusiasm we could. We spoke to every local we came across, and Danni made them all fall in love with her, one sorry soul at a time. We shopped at the farmer’s markets, with Danni painting a pretty picture of how she’d imagine life if we lived on the island—her buying fresh fruit and veg every day while the kids soaked up the clean air and lived the most free and cultured, passionate and colourful lives we could offer them.

Condado beach became our resting spot when we weren’t in the hotel making love, drowning out the drama of reality by breathing in a make-believe life the two of us could stay lost in for eternity.

In the darkness of one night, we visited Mosquito Bay to kayak through the bioluminescent bay. We’d seen the pictures online, but being within inches of it and seeing it for real, touching it and watching as the dark seas became luminescent around us as the organisms—dinos, as our tour guide called them—came to life whenever touched. All around our kayaks was a bright blue glow, and it was the most naturally stunning sight I had ever witnessed in my life

Right up until I glanced at Danni’s kayak and saw the beauty of her marvelled face as she reached out into the water and touched the magic with her fingertips.

I’d had many awakening moments in my life up until then. I’d looked at her a thousand times and wondered how I could make her the happiest woman alive.

It wasn’t until I saw her in that glowing bay, with the moon hanging over us, the water rippling around us, that I realised I was already doing it.

She was in the midst of an internal war with her family. She was about to go through pain, possible heartache, and disappointment. She was about to face some uncertain times

And there she was, smiling that smile, lost in the excitement of being alive. She was with me and I was with her, and as long as those things always remained, she’d be happy because of us.

The shit-eating grin that took over my face must have reached out to her shoulder, tapped it, and forced her to look around. The minute her eyes fell on mine, I knew it with all my heart in ways I’d never known it before. She was mine.

I lost my heart in Puerto Rico.

It was stolen by her smile, carried across the ocean by her beauty, and it landed in her chest to lie next to her soul. She was the most seductive thief the skies had ever seen. I was the foolish victim who smiled as she went, knowing full well that I never wanted that content little heart of mine to return to its old home.

“It’s official. I am too excited. Have you seen the amount of people lining the streets and the beach already?” she called out to me as she leaned over the balcony and looked down below.

The music was already blaring out all around us as San Juan got ready for the San Sebastian festival due to take place that night. Thousands and thousands of people were going to visit the small island just for that one night. It was the Mardi Gras of Puerto Rico, and the buzz in the air made the atmosphere electrifying.

I pulled on my short-sleeved black shirt and fastened it up as I looked at myself in the mirror. I’d never been particularly vain, but even I had to admit there was a certain glow of smugness about me those days. If that was what love made me look like, then I was addicted and never going to quit.

“We can go down there any time you want,” I told her, casting a glance her way and watching as she bounced on the balls of her feet.

“As soon as I’ve spoken to Vincenzo.”

“Right. Remind me what he’s calling you about again…” I scowled as I realised I’d buttoned my shirt up out of line and had to redo it all again like a fucking five-year-old.

“What do you think?”

“I thought you weren’t taking calls or answering any questions about all that until we left Puerto Rico.”

I heard her footsteps approaching before I saw her, and in a flash, she’d spun me around until I was looking down on her, and she was unbuttoning my shirt for me while staring at me through those fuck-me eyes of hers.

Cue my internal growling.

Down, boy.

“Vincenzo is different.”

“How so?”

“Because he’ll give it to me straight. He’ll tell me what to do next.”

“And Berti and I won’t?”

Danni raised a single brow and held my gaze. “That’s not what I’m saying, and you know it. But you and Berti have my heart to protect. Vincenzo will want to protect my business side of life, too.”

“I think you underestimate his love for you.”

“Maybe.” She smirked.

Before I’d realised it, I was dressed how a grown-arse adult should be dressed, and right on cue, Danni’s phone rang. She skipped over to answer it, calling out his name with a genuine happy voice as she greeted him.

I didn’t hang around to listen, instead taking the time to go and stare out at the already falling sun as I watched it set for the final time of our trip. I was going to miss the place. Sometimes we go somewhere and it instantly feels like home. That was it for me. In a few days, I’d dealt with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and yet I’d come out feeling stronger. Was that the place or was it the woman?

I had a feeling it was both.

A few minutes passed before I heard her end the call and slip her arms around me from behind.

“I do love that weird little man,” she mumbled against my back.

“Everything okay?”

“Marcus, when was the last time you checked your bank account?”

I frowned, looked up at the sky and tried to think. “Erm, I don’t know. About two weeks ago. Why?”

I spun around to face her, and the minute I saw that devious looking grin on her face, I knew something had happened.

Danni…” I drew out, stalking forward as she began to walk backwards with her hands in the air.

“Hey, remember, it’s nothing to do with me.”

“What isn’t?”

“The… erm… the thing that’s in your bank account that wasn’t there a few days ago.” She tried to blink innocently, but I was too confused to be turned on by her faux angelic behaviour for a change. “Check your phone, Marcus.”

I did as she instructed, grabbing it off the nightstand and turning it on harshly. It took forever to come to life, and the Wi-Fi in our hotel wasn’t great, so by the time I’d actually logged on to my bank account and pulled up my statement, it felt like a fucking hour had passed.

But when I saw it, I almost fell to the floor in disbelief.

“Wh… wha….where…?” I stuttered like a fool.

“Something wrong, handsome?” she asked from across the room.

I peeked up at her, my eyes wide and the imprints of the figure that had been deposited into my bank still lingering in my vision.

“Danni, why the hell is there twenty-thousand pounds in my bank account that wasn’t there before?”

She clasped her hands behind her back and swayed from side to side. “Gosh. I don’t know, Marcus. What a surprise.”


“Maybe it’s a money fairy.”


“Or maybe it’s some kind of banking magic.”

I took two steps forward, freezing abruptly as she let out an almighty giggle and put her hands up in front of her for me to stop.

“Okay, okay, okay, calm down. I’ll tell you,” she said, still laughing.

“Did Vincenzo do this?”

“Yes.” She nodded, happiness pouring out of her. “It’s for your drawing work for him in New York.”

“Twenty grand for a few hours of pencil sketches?” I cried out.

She shrugged, seemingly unconcerned at the over-the-top gesture. “He likes you. A lot. And you saved him.”

“But…” I stared down at my phone, trying to blink really, really, hard and see if the numbers changed or disappeared in front of me. “Did you arrange this with him?”

“I helped him with a few minor details. The gesture and the amount were both his idea.”

“I can’t… this can’t be real, right?”

“It’s very real, and there’s more where that’s come from. He wants to make you a part of his team if you’re willing, but he doesn’t want you to feel forced into it just because of me. I told him I’d never make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

“Work for him?”

“As well as doing your own thing, of course. He doesn’t want you to lose your passion for true art.”

“Danni, I…” I sucked in a breath and held it in my chest. “Things like this don’t happen to guys like me. Ever.”

“Now they do.” She grinned. “Welcome to our new life, Marcus, where good things happen more often than bad. Take it all. You earned it. We’re one of the lucky few now, and I’ve never met a man more deserving. Karma, baby. She loves you as much as I do.”

I couldn’t help it. I had to touch her. I growled, tossed my phone onto the bed, marched across that hotel room, and I scooped her up into my embrace to kiss the fuck out of her. Sometimes, when I had my mouth pressed to hers, I felt like I couldn’t get close enough. I couldn’t be deep enough. I couldn’t express how fucking much I loved her.

When I pulled away to let her catch her breath, I was a wanting mess, wishing I could spend my life kissing her without ever having to break away.

“You have no idea how grateful I am for every bad thing that happened in my life that led me to you.”

Her lips curled into a seductive smile. “Me, too.”

“I swear this is the happiest place on Earth.”

“Or maybe it’s just the company you keep.”

By some miracle, I managed to let her leave the hotel room without stripping her naked or even suggesting sex. We had all the time in the world for that, and I knew no matter how much I got of her, I’d always want more. We only had one night left in Puerto Rico, and she wanted to have fun. Real fun. Throw your hair around, let your limbs go wild, drink for the fun of it, laugh for the hell of it, and dance around in the happiness of the moment you’re swimming in fun.

Who was I to deny her that after everything she’d given me?

We partied hard with the locals and the visitors, mixing with people we’d never met before but somehow feeling like we’d known each and every person our whole damn lives. The temperatures were unusually high, despite it supposedly being their coldest month of the year—a month that felt the same as the height of our summer back in England. So when the rain started to trickle down, nobody flinched or retreated inside. The party just grew louder, more determined to be strong and heard over the noise of the warm rain that soaked us to our bones.

Danni’s wavy long hair was drenched within minutes, and I was laughing as I pushed the longer, curlier lengths of mine away from my eyes and shook my head to push off some of the water.

“This is insane,” she shouted over the music. “Life literally couldn’t get any better than it is right now.” She dropped her chin to her chest, threw her arms in the air and began to dance, her soaked flowery sundress still fanning out, despite the extra weight it was now carrying.

She looked fucking magical.

The feelings were growing stronger day by day. The lust was becoming a monster of its own. Everything needed an outlet. Everything needed her to know what she was doing to me. My heart, my mind, my fucking body.

I stood there watching her, my hands in my hair and my grin screwed in place, a small laugh breaking free as she turned in a full circle and looked up at the rain, letting it pour down over her face.

That’s when I knew.

Life could get better for her right then, and I wasn’t going to wait another second to make that happen.

Within seconds, I’d picked her up into my arms and was carrying her down onto the beach, my strides determined as she kicked out her legs, wrapped her arms around my neck and let her head fall back. She had no clue what was about to happen. I only hoped it was everything she’d always dreamed of.

I walked us straight into the dark ocean in our clothes—my eyes fixed on hers as the light from the festival cast the perfect amount of glow on us for me to be able to see her.

“Marcus.” She said my name cautiously, everything falling into place as the red, orange, blue and green lights reflected in her eyes. “Are you…?”

“... making your life even more perfect than you thought it could be tonight? Damn right I am.”

Her smile broke free instantly, and within seconds the water was splashing around my knees, the sound of the waves gently hissing behind us as I pushed through them to lead her into the sea.

When it was up to my waist, I lowered her into the cool water, watching and laughing as she oohed and ahhed and repeated the word cold over and over again, her mouth shaped like a little ‘o’ and her nipples hardening beneath the thin cotton of her dress.

I couldn’t feel anything. It could have been minus thirty degrees in that water and I’d still have been standing there staring at her adoringly.

“This is it, Danni,” I told her calmly. “The dream you’ve always had, to stand in the ocean when it rains and feel the power of the world all around you.”

“You… you remembered?” she gasped, her eyes wide as she stared at me in disbelief.

“When a woman like you gives you a glimpse of her most secret thoughts, you never forget.”

Danni glanced back at the beach, her slow smile turning into a cheek-shattering, heart-squeezing, beaming grin before she let herself close her eyes. She ran her hands over the surface of the water, tilted her head up to the sky, and let the power of being alive engulf her.

I was mesmerised.

Fucking lost in the soul this woman had dared to show me, and completely intoxicated by everything that shone back at me.

Her hands drifted over the water, the soothing noises of the rippling around her fingers making their own hypnotic song. Danni’s smile never faded. Her breathing calmed as her body swayed, her feet no doubt sinking into the sand the same way mine were.

I wanted to experience what she was experiencing, but I also knew I couldn’t take my eyes away from hers. Not for a single second. I didn’t want to miss a moment of what was happening in front of me.

When I opened my mouth to speak, the proposal I so badly wanted to give her was on the tip of my tongue. It was waiting to be set free. Marry me, marry me, marry me. But for some reason, the words felt tainted in ways I’d never have expected them to. They felt cheap and not enough… and they felt that way because I’d said them before. Just never to her.

My lips were parted when I hitched in a breath, feeling the edge of it stab me in the throat like a sharp piece of glass.

I didn’t just want her to marry me. I wanted more than that.

“Danni,” I croaked, like saying her name was the most beautiful and painful thing I’d ever said before.

“Don’t say it, Marcus,” she whispered back, still smiling. Eyes still closed.

I stared at her, unmoving and unspeaking, my heart pounding in my chest as the night waves made my body sway in time with hers.

“This is so much more than a proposal,” she said through a sigh. “This is everything any man could ever have given me. This is profound. It’s an us thing—a Danni and Marcus moment. Something nobody else is ever going to have or even begin to understand.” Her eyes began to flutter open as she lowered her head, her smile growing impossibly wider. “Nothing you ever do can top the love you’ve just shown me.”

“Wanna bet?”


“Spend your whole life with me, Danni?” I asked her calmly. “I don’t care where we are, what we do, who we’re with, or whether we get married or not. Just promise you’ll spend your whole damn life with me, because without you, everything seems grey, and I want a life filled with colour—with you.”

The lights and the moon made her tears shine brightly as they coated her baby blues before they fell dramatically down her rosy cheeks.

“What’s the night without the day?” she asked shyly.

“Dark and miserable with nothing to look forward to.”

“And what’s the day without the night?”

“Insanely hot.” I half-smiled.

She huffed out a small laugh as another tear fell, her eyes drifting to the surface of the ocean before her fingertips reached out for mine and she grabbed them with a tender touch.

“Spend your life with me, too, Marcus.”

“Until I’m old, grey, wrinkly and forgetful.”

“And then spend the next life with me after this one.”

“All of them.”


“Lifetime guarantee.” I grinned, then I closed the gap between us and the let the rain seal our promised kiss as we stood there in the midst of her ultimate dream, bringing to life all of my wildest fantasies, too.

Reality could wait. We’d handle it. We could handle anything together. The rough seas and the smooth. The hard winters and the warmest summers. The coldest parents and the most scorching of friendships.

Side by side we were unstoppable.

And our Puerto Rican Paradise was just the start of our lifetime adventure together.

I was the luckiest man in the world.




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