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One to Chase by Tia Louise (10)

Chapter 10: On a Boat



Amy flitted around the office all week avoiding me, leaving my door open, turning down my invitations to lunch. She’s made a complete one-eighty from yes we can be together, no strings, to stay the fuck away. I know why, and I have every intention of exploiting my advantage. I know what she wants—I just have to gently lead her to accepting it.

It’s a perfect day on the lake. Dad has a light-blue Azuree 33 cruiser. It’s his hobby-boat—Merrit * Ocracy—a thirty-foot, three-cabin bowsprit, and the love of his life. I can’t say I blame him. I’m onboard at nine with enough supplies to last through Sunday. Yes, I have more in mind than photography. Again, you’re smart.

Conditions couldn’t be better—clear skies, winds at seven to ten knots. The waves will be calm enough for photography, but we should get enough speed to have fun. In the cabin below, I stash two bottles of wine, one sparkling, chicken salad from Stella’s, strawberries from Sherry’s and for fun, cold Lou Malnati’s pizza. Bottled water and coffee are on-hand of course.

Dropping my duffel in the extra bedroom, I unzip it and pull out two shirts and a box of condoms just in case. We graduated past safety pretty fast, but I don’t want to give her any potential excuses.

“Permission to come aboard!” The sound of her voice makes me ready to get as far from shore as quickly as possible.

“Coming up.” A sturdy silver ladder leads from the cabins below to the deck, and the sudden breeze pushes my white blazer open. I pulled on long pants, but I didn’t bother with a shirt.

It was the right call. Amy’s green-hazel eyes widen a bit, but she covers. Come on, beautiful, we’re past pretending not to notice each other.

“Permission granted.” I smile and reach for her hand. She’s wearing cropped jean shorts that put her long, tanned legs on full display, and a long-sleeved grey Henley with a wide neck showing off her beautiful shoulders. Her hair hangs over one in a loose braid, and I spy an aqua swimsuit strap peeking at her collar.

“Once we get out a bit, you can swim or sunbathe.” She’s onboard, and I prepare to embark.

“The photos shouldn’t take long. I’ll take them as I see shots.” She walks across the narrow deck and drops her bag on a bench. “Nice rig.”

“Edward doesn’t play much, but when he does, he’s here.”


“Yeah,” I laugh. “Pretty silly, but you know. Boats have to be named or it’s bad luck.”

Her nose wrinkles adorably. “Where’s your father now?”

“Iowa. Deposing a client, wishing he were here.” She laughs, and I’m feeling better already. “Have a seat or go below while I steer us out of here.”

“Afraid I’ll fall overboard?”

Running my eyes down her body, “Your sea-legs are amazing, but safety first.” I don’t miss her flush, and I’m ready to get the party started. “Crack open the brut and pour us each a glass.”

A little smile teases her lips. “First let me get a few shots.” Digging in her bag, she pulls out an old-school Canon 35 millimeter and holds it up to her eye.

I glance from the lanes to her clicking “People still use cameras like that?”

“I beg your pardon.” Her head pops up from behind the lens, eyes narrow. She’s so damn cute, I’m wondering why I didn’t suggest a quickie before disembarking. “You wanted professional. Canon makes the best cameras on the market.”

“Stop rewriting history.” The wind pushes my coat open again, more rapid clicking. “You wanted professional. I wanted you.”

The clicking stops, and I wait, wondering how she’ll respond. Nothing. Photography resumes, only now the lens is turned away from me, back toward the harbor rapidly moving away from us.

“I only need a few shots of you for the website, maybe a future publication or bio.” She looks down at the camera, scrolling through the images. “Here’s one.”

She steps to me, holding the device so I can see a stunning profile image. I’m not smiling, which is a surprise. I feel like I haven’t stopped smiling since she boarded the yacht. Behind me is a fuzzy blend of colorful mainsails, masts, and the skyline.

“Damn, girl. That’s good.” Blinking up at her, I can’t believe her cheeks pink.

“I have a good subject.”

A compliment? We’re far enough out that I can set the self-steering and step away from the wheel. She cups the back of the camera, still scrolling through the shots.

“So you’ll be with us another week?” I lean beside her watching. Her expression doesn’t change. “To photograph the other guys and upload these new shots, I mean.”

“It shouldn’t take more than a day to finish up.”

Catching her hips, I pull her back to my chest and look down, over her shoulder at the camera. Her breath quickens, and the sexual tension between us ratchets through the roof. We haven’t been together since Tuesday, which hit me harder than I expected. I’m ready to remedy the situation.

“Maybe we’ll figure out a way to hire you full-time.” Pressing my lips against the base of her neck, I feel her pulse racing.

“You’re moving awfully fast, aren’t you?” She’s breathless when she answers, but I don’t let her pull away.

“Baby, we’ve been flying since Day One.” My mouth moves higher. Slipping out my tongue, I taste her warm neck. This time when she speaks, I can hear her resistance melting.

“You don’t need a full-time PR position. You only want me in the office.”

My hands have moved from her hips under her loose shirt, and I slide them over her bare stomach. The muscles tighten under her skin, and I swear, I’m hard as a rock. “It’s true.” My voice is rough now, as my hands travel higher to the line of her bikini top. “Still, you’re the best. We’re the best. You should be on our team.”

Hands under the material, I roll beaded nipples between my fingers and thumbs, and her head drops back with a little sigh.

“We need to go below.”

I release her body and take her hand. She doesn’t speak, as I pause to shut off the autopilot, park the cruiser, and drop anchor. Thank modern technology for ease of operation. We quickly descend the ladder, and once we’re in the cabin, she’s in my arms. The camera is on the table.

* * *


I expected the question of sex to come up at some point. What I didn’t expect was Marcus to take my breath away the moment I arrived.

He'd stood on the deck of that beautiful cruiser in only loose white drawstring pants and a light blazer. No shoes, no shirt, full-service. The breeze pushed the thin fabric away from his lined torso, and I could see a string of ink rising over his hipbone. Words I couldn't quite read followed the line of the muscular V on his left pelvis. Heat flooded every part of my body at the sight, and I was ready to get the pictures taken and get below—so I did.

Now he lifts the grey Henley over my head, the light touch of his fingers against my skin causing my breath to catch. Standing before him in my bikini top and denim shorts, the old anxieties try to creep back into my mind.

He’s too close. I’m not in control when I’m with him. It’s dangerous. The boat rocks. My body tenses. I shouldn’t let him consume all of my thoughts and desires this way. My freedom...

“What are you thinking right now?” His eyes hold mine, and I know he sees.

“Nothing,” I lie.

“You’re tense.” Warm hands move to my shoulders. The low vibration of his voice wrestles with my fears. “You’ve been tense since you got onboard. Why?”

I don’t want to say what’s on my mind. He’ll argue. He’s a fucking lawyer. His entire career is built on arguing, and I know from this past week at work, he’s used to winning.

“I can’t seem to relax.” I’ll give him that much.

He watches me for a moment. We face each other blinking. The boat rocks again, and I hold his arms for balance, but he steps back. The sight of his semi tenting the thin pants almost tips the scale to forgetting, letting go.

“I have an idea.” Turning away, I hear him digging in a drawer. When he returns, he’s holding a cloth napkin folded long-ways.

“What are you doing?” I don’t really have to ask.

“Blindfolding you.” One knee on the bed, he wraps the cloth around my eyes, pulling it tight behind my head. “Hmm...” I flinch when his beard scuffs my face. He’s right at my temple, speaking against my skin flooding my bikini bottoms with heat. “Looks better than I expected.”

Anticipating the light touch of his hand, I inhale sharply when he roughly cups my breast without warning, teasing and pinching my nipple the same way he did on deck moments ago. From there, his hand moves to my hips, and he grasps them firmly, giving me a tug.

“Easy—I can’t see.” I whisper.

“Don’t overthink it, beautiful.”

The wooden bed frame is at the back of my calves, and I bend my knees to sit. He’s right beside me, directing me to the center. I lie back on the soft sheets in darkness, waiting. All the thoughts warring in my mind are quiet. Everything in me is focused on where he is, what he might do next.

“Stay here while I get something.” He kisses the top of my shoulder, and I feel him leave the mattress. The sounds of drawers opening and closing, the scoop of ice in a cup, I’m on edge, listening to every noise in darkness, until I feel the indentation at the foot of the bed again. He doesn’t come closer, though. He stays at my feet, and my nerves tighten as I wait for what's next.

“Do you trust me?”

I can’t move. I can barely breathe. His voice is too direct, asking the very question I can’t answer.

“Amy?” It’s gentler now. A warm hand slides over the top of my knee, behind it, bending my leg. His lips touch the inside of my calf, and electricity snakes up to my core.

“Oh,” I gasp as he moves my knee over his shoulder. My other leg vibrates in anticipation until at last he touches it, sliding a finger up my inner thigh to the crotch of my shorts.

I’m spread in front of him, and that finger weaves under the cloth, past the elastic of my bikini bottoms, into me. I can’t help a small whimper. In the darkness of the blindfold, every sensation is heightened, my back arches.

“Hmm,” he rumbles. “Nice and wet.” That luscious finger makes a slow circle then leaves, moving to the front of my shorts. “We’ll get these off soon enough.”

He lowers my leg, and goes away. I’m confused until I feel him touching my bikini top. It’s a network of strings, and he shoves the triangles of fabric covering my breasts to the sides. I gasp. My breasts are exposed, but the string is still tight around my ribs.

I feel him right above me. “So beautiful,” he whispers, his breath tickling across my skin.

“Marcus...” My voice is so tight it cracks, then turns into a cry when the freezing shock of ice touches my nipple. Again my back arches up and wetness floods my pants. “Oh, god!”

Sensations ricochet through my body as he slowly circles it over the stiff bud, not taking it away as it gradually turns painful. “Ow!” I wail, and just like that, it’s gone, replaced with the intense heat of his mouth, made hotter by contrast to the freezing ice.

I’m squirming now, so wet I’m sure I’ll orgasm from his touch alone. His lips are still pulling at my beaded nipple when I feel the ice lightly touch the other one. Another little yelp scrapes from my throat. Everything is gone in that instant except his mouth on my body, the ice on my breast, and the aching need between my legs.

He holds the cube over my nipple until again it’s almost unbearable, and it disappears, replaced by his hot mouth. I’m moaning and writhing in the sheets. So many sensations assault my body, I don’t know if I can take much more.

His hand touches my cheek. His thumb slides across my lips and I part them, catching the thick digit in my mouth and sucking it firmly. He pulls it back, replacing it with his mouth, and his tongue plunges inside, finding mine. Lifting off the bed, I meet his kiss, threading my fingers into his thick hair and kissing him back with equal passion. His lips move to my chin, to my throat, quickly making the journey between my breasts and down my stomach as I fall back again.

Fingers on the button of my shorts, they’re open, and he jerks them down, rising up to remove them in one swift tug. Two pulls and the strings of my bottoms are untied. Everything is off, and my legs fall open to him. His face hovers over my clit. I can feel his breath on my skin, but he doesn’t touch me. Agony, twists in the center of my pelvis. I need him to touch me. I don’t care about those other things any more. I don’t care if he overpowers me or if this is dangerous. All I know is if he doesn’t finish what he’s started, I’ll die.

“Please, Marcus... Please.” I’m twisting, and reaching down with my hands, fingers curling and uncurling.

“Please what, beautiful?” I hear the smile in his voice, and I’m both embarrassed and desperate. He’s making me beg.

“Please finish.”

The bed rocks forward and his mouth covers my pussy. A low moan rises from the depth of my stomach as he sucks and pulls at my clit, plunging two fingers deep into my throbbing wetness, pumping and curling them.

“Oh, god... oh, yes!” Beneath the blindfold, I’m certain I have tears in my eyes. My body starts to shudder. My orgasm is rocking through me harder than ever before. The pleasure is overwhelming, and I feel his mouth moving higher, not breaking contact with my skin, following the line up between my breasts, to the base of my throat, skimming his teeth along my jaw until it covers mine.

In the haze of orgasm, I don’t hear him removing his clothes. I only jump when the head of his cock touches me. Moaning deeply into his mouth, he plunges his tongue into me at the same time his cock sinks deep inside, soothing my need, blowing my mind.

We’re rocking together, and I’m riding the waves of orgasm back up as I feel him start to come. “Amy...” He groans, his thick shaft pulsing all the way to my core. “My beautiful Amy.”

My hands are on his shoulders, holding onto the only thing anchoring me to this bed. He’s thrusting and coming, filling me hot and deep, making me want him so badly, I don’t know how I’m going to handle this. I don’t know what I’m going to do with this.

His hips eventually slow. A tug and the blindfold is off. The light is too bright, and I squint and blink into his face above mine. His warm hazel eyes trap me. He’s looking at me with so much emotion. I’m still trying to get my mind around what just happened. I’m shaken and off balance, rocking like the boat.

He leans down and kisses me again, possessive and firm. Our tongues unite, slide together, then he pulls away, feathering tender kisses across my cheekbone and higher.

“You seem less tense now.” His breath tickles my lashes.

I can’t help it. I start to laugh. It’s very possible I’ve lost my mind.

* * *


“What do you want?” Looking down at her beautiful face, something I’ve never felt before pulls in my chest.

She was so beautiful coming apart just now. She completely surrendered to me in a way I never dreamed she would. She trusted me. Looking at her beautiful body naked on the bed, blindfolded, I tried to think of every way possible to blow her mind, to make her never want to run, to seal her to my side. I never expected such passion. I never expected my own response to having her that way.

Now I’m above her, holding her securely in my arms, wanting to know what’s inside her. I’ve got to find the skeleton key that will unlock her to me.

“I want to know what your ink says.” She has a sexy little smile on her lips, and I can’t resist kissing her. My tongue sweeps around hers, and I’m up, reaching for the champagne and pouring us each a glass. I want to celebrate.

A light touch on my hipbone, and she reads aloud. “Uncertainty is essential.”

Sitting beside her on the bed, we do a quick clink before taking a sip.

“What does it mean?” Right now as she watches me, she seems so young. I can’t take my eyes off her beautiful face breaking with a smile. “Tell me.”

I shrug. “Just something I got in law school.”

“Were you feeling uncertain?”

The boat rocks gently with the waves, and the sounds of water lapping outside makes it feel like we’re the only people for miles. It’s possible we are. We’re at a safe location on the lake, the anchor is down, and I’m ready to spend the rest of the night loving her, exploring her, getting behind the wall.

“Up to that point, everything in my life had felt out of my control.” I set my glass on the sideboard and return to my place beside her in the bed, resting my head on my hand as I think about that day. “I knew I was taking the reins on my life, but I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, if I would be successful, where I even wanted to go. I read that quote, and it resonated.”

“It’s the law of attraction.”

“You’ve heard of it?” She smiles, and I trace my finger across her prominent collarbone as I continue. “I liked the idea that it’s necessary to feel out of control sometimes. Feeling uncertain is something we all share, but you have to take that step anyway. Otherwise, you stop moving, and you stagnate.”

“If you’re a shark and you stop moving you die.” Her green eyes sparkle, and I know what she’s referencing.

“I see you’ve heard the old lawyer-shark analogy.” 

“Someone reminded me.” She glances down at the silicone champagne flute in her hand then takes another sip. “This is good,” she says.

“Tell me what you want most in life.”

A small line pierces her brow, and she’s quiet. After what I’ve just shared with her, I hope she’ll open to me. I know how she withdraws, and all I can do is hold on, hope. I have to see if she’ll take a chance with me, and when she answers, warm satisfaction floods my stomach.

“Freedom.” Her expression is serious.

I’m so fucking pleased, I want to kiss her, but I keep my face steady. Tracing my finger along the line of her lips, I watch as her breath slowly swirls in and out.

“Me, too,” I answer gently.

“Yes, but I want it all my life, as long as I live.” She rolls to the side and places her glass on the sideboard before returning to face me. “In life it seems you always arrive at the point where one person has to give up their freedom, has to sacrifice what they want for the other. It’s always the woman.”

I slide my hand over her cheek, smoothing back the tiny strands of hair that came loose with the blindfold. She’s opening to me, and I have to be careful how I answer her.

“You’re right,” I say. Her full lips press together, and I lean forward to kiss them lightly before continuing. “What can we do about it?” 

“You can’t do anything about it. I’ve decided never to get to that point.”

Sliding my hand up, I press the pad of my thumb to her bottom lip and pull slightly. Her teeth are so white and straight. I remember her sucking my thumb, and heat stirs my cock. “What about children?”

She lifts her chin. “If I decide that’s something I need, I’ll figure out what to do about it.”

“Amy.” It’s a hushed statement. My arms move back around her, gathering her to me. “Being in a relationship doesn’t have to be that way. What if I promise not to let it?”

Her fingers trace the line of my jaw. “In the beginning it’s easy to say that. Every man I’ve been with has said something like that, but after a while, six months or a year, it’s forgotten.” She’s not fighting me; she’s only stating her experience.

Dipping my chin, I pull a fingertip between my lips and give it a suck. I love the way her breathing changes when I touch her. It tells me so much more than her words will allow.

“How do they forget?” I ask.

“A million different ways. From deciding where we’ll live to accepting job offers without discussing it with me to buying my clothes or cars.”

“Sounds like you’ve been with a string of assholes.”

She stretches up and kisses me. “It’s the way we’re wired, darling. We can’t help thinking of ourselves first. The problem is when you’re tied to someone she goes where you go. Or in my case, she doesn’t, and it ends.”

The words twist anger in my stomach. She will go wherever I go—or vice versa if that’s what she wants. This woman can have everything she wants. As long as I can have her.

“Maybe it will, but maybe it won’t.” I keep my voice controlled, steady. “What’s stopping us from giving it a try?”

“Marcus.” Pushing against me, she sits forward in the bed, her smooth back curving as she leans her breasts against her thighs.

I sit up next to her, running my lips along the top of her shoulder. “Why are you afraid?”

Her shoulder rises, and she places her chin on it. I kiss that mouth again, but I want her to tell me. “Why won’t you let me show you I’m different?”

Blinking rapidly, she doesn’t answer right away. When she does, it’s not exactly what I want to hear, but I’ll take it.

“I want you to fuck me like you did in your office.” Her arms loosen over her legs, and she straightens beside me.

“I don’t feel like I did in my office.” I reach for her, leaning down to kiss the top of her breast. “I’ll make love to you.”

“No,” she whispers. “I want to fuck.”

My dick twitches, growing harder, but I want to take my time. I want to love her like I did when she was blindfolded, only this time I want her to see who is making her fall apart. I want to kiss every inch of her body and run my tongue along the places I know make her scream—her nipples, her stomach, her clit.

“I’m going to take my time.”

Her body stiffens and she tries to struggle out of my embrace. I only tighten my hold. Catching my cheeks, she looks straight into my eyes. “See? It’s already starting.”

God dammit. She struggles more, but now I’m pissed. “Fine. You want fucking? I’ll fuck you.”

Lifting her, I toss her back against the mattress.

“I’m not in the mood anymore.” She’s on her knees attempting to crawl out of the bed, but I catch her ankle and pull her right back. “Stop!” She shouts, trying to kick, but she’s on her stomach exposing her cute little ass. I give it a sharp slap.

“Marcus!” She squeals, trying to turn over. I hold her a moment, rubbing my palm over the red mark appearing on her skin. I’m feeling it again. My erection starts to ache, and I loosen my hold. She flips onto her back, but I’m on her just as fast.

“I said I’m not in the mood,” she pushes against me, but it’s less forceful.

Her arms are at my chest, so I catch her wrists. “Then I’ll have to get you back in the mood.”

“You can’t control me!”

Both hands are pinned over her head now, and she’s breathing rapidly, her breasts rising and falling against my bare chest. I lean down and look straight into her gorgeous eyes. “Yes, I can.”

Our mouths crash together, and she twists in my arms. My leg goes between her thighs, and she moans. I don’t need my hands for this. Making my way to my knees, I release her mouth and move lower pulling a tight nipple between my lips, nipping it with my teeth.

“Oh... stop it!” She gasps, twisting her arms, trying to get her wrists free.

“No.” My mouth moves lower, to that birthmark, and I pull it in a hard kiss, sucking and biting, marking her. “No fucking angels. You’re mine.”

“I’m not anybody’s!”

The spot flames red, and my stomach fills with hot satisfaction. I release her wrists and grab the back of her thighs, so I can dip down to do the same to her lower stomach.

“Oh, god! Stop!” Her hands are in my hair, but she’s not fighting me. She’s pulling my face closer, moaning as I suck and bite her soft skin. I pull back, and another red mark blooms right at her hipbone.

She sits up, and our faces are close. Her eyes flash, and I reach for her cheeks, pulling her mouth firmly against mine. A little whimper comes from her throat, and she scoots onto my thighs, straddling me. My erection points straight up between us, and I feel her frantically grasping me, pumping my shaft. I groan in her mouth, and she moves higher positioning me to be inside her.

She lowers, plunging my dick into her hot wetness, and we both groan loudly. She’s on her knees straddling me, rising and falling fast as she rides my cock. I reach down and grab her ass cheeks in both my hands, kneading them before I give one another hard slap. It makes her jump higher against my chest, moaning as she wraps her arms around my neck, bucking faster against my hips.

Her eyes close, and I slide a hand up her back taking a firm hold of her hair. I give it a sharp pull. “Marcus...” Her voice is a low gasp, and with one more firm pull, her insides break into convulsions around my dick. 

Dropping us back on the bed, I lift her knee and drive deeper into her clenching core. She’s moaning, and I’m rocking into her harder, harder, deeper, fucking her.

Her arms go out to the sides before rising over her head and pushing against the headboard. Our skin slaps together, and I’m losing the ability to focus. Pressure burns so tight in my pelvis, I know this is going to be huge.

Three more rock hard thrusts, and I’m gone, exploding and groaning, filling her as she moans in the sheets. I have to reach out and hold the wall to steady myself. I’m shuddering and pretty sure I’ve left my body.

“Fuck, Amy. Fuck.” My forehead drops onto my arm as I hold still, buried inside her, pulsing as the aftershocks shimmer through my hips.

I’m not sure I can move, but she unwinds herself from my embrace, rising onto her knees and cupping my cheeks with both hands. Her kisses are feather-light against my mouth, and I gather her in my arms. Lowering us both onto the mattress, I hold her tight in my embrace.

“That was...” I don’t have words for how this woman makes me feel. “Something.”

Her body moves in response, and I hold her tighter. We only breathe into each other for a few quiet moments.

Finally, she whispers. “You should give me what I want.”

Lifting my chin, I kiss her jawline into her hair, savoring our ability to come together so spectacularly. “Baby, I’ll give you everything you want.”

Reaching for my hands, she laces our fingers and inhales deeply. Then she turns in so her back is against my chest. I spoon her, holding her tightly around the waist. Her hands are firm against my arms, and we drift.

* * *

We’ve been naked for almost twenty-four hours. Yesterday was a haze of lovemaking, drinking more wine, talking, feeding each other chicken salad for dinner, more fucking, more wine, cold pizza, skinny-dipping once the sun set, more fucking... finally we collapsed to sleep all night, only to wake up and start all over.

Now Amy’s lying on her back in the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I’m watching her from where I’m cooking us eggs for breakfast, wondering if it’s possible for us to never leave this boat.

“Some people sell all their belongings and just sail full time,” I say absently. It’s not something I’d do, but the idea has always fascinated me, even more so now.

“What do they do for food?” She rolls onto her side, head on her hand watching me, morning light shimmering in her hair. It takes me a moment to remember what I said.

“Oh, I suppose they keep some money in the bank.”

Slipping out of the bed, she picks up my blue shirt and pulls it over her naked body, buttoning the two center buttons. Then she takes a band and ties her hair up in a high ponytail. I’m trying to figure out how everything she does is so supremely sexy.

“But eventually that would run out.” She drops a pod into the coffee machine and slides a mug in place. “So they must work somewhere.”

The eggs are cooked, toast popped. I prepare two plates and hand her one. “You’re right.” I smile, watching as she blinks up at me. “But I bet finding jobs around the islands is pretty easy.”

Going to the table, she picks up the napkin that yesterday served as a blindfold. I’ll never look at it the same way again.

“The ultimate freedom. I bet...” She slips into the booth and takes a bite of egg. “Mm—this is good!”

“Thanks,” I grin at her surprise. “I’ve been cooking for years.”

“Oh, right. Because of your mom.”

Guilt flashes across her face, and I quickly squash it. “I actually enjoy cooking, so win-win. Now finish what you were saying. You bet...?”

She leans back and sips her coffee. “I was just thinking I bet you start to know people, build a network.”

“Always thinking like a marketer.” She blinks at me over the rim of her cup, and it’s too much. I look around the cabin. “Where’s that camera?”

“You want to see your pictures?”

“No.” Standing slightly, I lean over and pick it up, turning the lens on her. “I want to photograph you.”

“Marcus!” She holds a palm out in front of her face. “I look terrible. I’m all... mussed.”

“You’re fucking sexy. I want to preserve this image.”

Slapping her hand on the side of her seat, she leans forward and makes a cross-eyed face. Click-click! The camera goes off fast. Her eyes narrow, and she sits back. “It’s my camera. You’re not preserving anything for you.”

“Maybe I want to watch you through the peep hole.”

“It’s called a view finder.”

“Don’t be so technical.” Leaning to the side, I glance down at her breasts. “Give us a little something for the boys at home.”

Her eyes narrow back at me. “What boys at home?”

“This boy at home. Don’t be a prude.”

A loud laugh. “You know damn well I’m not a prude.”

“Show me what you’ve got, sexy.”

She grins, setting her cup on the table. “You asked for it.”

“I most certainly did.”

Straightening again, she moves a finger to the button on her shirt, circling it.

“Yes,” I murmur, pressing the button. Click-click! “What else?”

She slowly unbuttons one, then the next until the fabric hangs loose over her naked body. My morning wood is raging back, and watching her body sway through the viewfinder feels like a true peep show. Her slim hands slide up to her breasts, fingers parting, allowing her nipples to peek through.

“Shit, Amy.” My cock is straining in my pants, and I watch her eyes move to my lap. They darken, but she doesn’t say a word.

She drops her head back and arches her chest up so her tight nipples point straight ahead. Fuck me. Straightening again, she puts a finger in her mouth then glides it down her chin, down the center of her chest, past her small navel, all the way between her legs.

“Hell.” I almost drop the camera as she circles her clit right in front of me. Somehow I remember to press the button Click-click! before I reach down to stroke my aching cock. “You’re killing me,” I groan.

A little sigh, and her hips rotate in time with her fingers. She’s moving it faster, massaging herself more and more. A bead of wetness coats my palm, and I’m about to blow. Putting the camera down, I scoop her up by her arms and quickly lay her back on the bed. Her thighs fall open, and it only takes a moment for me to get into position. I’m standing, ramming deep into her dripping pussy.

I’m thrusting so hard, I have to lean forward, bracing myself while her hand continues circling her clit faster. “Oh, yes!” she sighs. The deep clenching starts, and she moans and bucks against me.

“Jesus,” I hiss, finding her mouth and kissing her deeply as we rock together. One more hard push, and I blow with a loud groan. Her slim hand moves around my waist to squeeze my ass, and I thrust again.

“Ohh,” she moans, thighs trembling. “Give me a little more, Marcus.”

I thrust into her a few more times, feeling the deep satisfaction of my second come of the day.

“Mmm,” she sighs as her movements slow.

My shirt is open around her, and her body is spread out in front of me, blonde hair rippling over the sheets. She’s a fucking goddess, and I’m thinking crazy shit like proposing marriage, then kidnapping her when she says no.

I pull out slowly then climb onto the bed, pulling her with me. “What the fuck are you doing to me?”

A lazy laugh moves through her gorgeous body. “You started it.”

Lifting a lock of her hair, I thread the golden strands through my fingers. Her leg is over my waist, and she’s lying on her side facing me. “And you fucking finished it. Damn.”

Tracing a finger down my chest, she follows the lines across my stomach. It’s so familiar. God, I love lying here beside her, holding her, having her touch me. I don’t want to talk about the future or how she feels about relationships or anything serious. I just want to preserve this moment of us lying in bed together after the most fantastic weekend on record.

“What are you thinking?” Her voice is soft, and her finger is still lightly touching my skin.

“Hmm,” I rumble, teasing her. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“That would be precisely why I asked.”

With a chuckle, I place my hand on her thigh, stroking her soft skin. “Shall I tell you?”


“Flying or invisibility?”


Another laugh. “That didn’t take any thought.”

Her palm is flat on my stomach, and she spreads her fingers wide. “I’ve thought about it before, and actually, it’s a pretty easy decision. You?”

Wrapping my fingers around her slim arm, I slide my palm up her skin as I think. “Invisibility would be better for my job.” Her fingers curl and her nails bite against my skin. “Still, I’d really love to jump up and just... fly.”

I feel her cheek rise against my skin. “Where would you go?”

Wherever you are. I don’t say that, of course. “Everywhere—Paris, Bora Bora...”

“I’d visit the desert then Australia...”

“The Tahj Mahal...”


My arms tighten around her. “You think living on a boat is ultimate freedom. Try flying.”




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