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Perfect Match: Lucky in Love #5 by Lila Monroe (21)



I’ve got a spring in my step as I head out of my apartment Monday morning. Tessa is just coming out of hers as I lock the door. She pauses, her lips curling upward.

“Are you humming?”

“I, er—” I might have been without even realizing it. My nerves are buzzing with so much happy energy I wouldn’t be surprised if some slipped out.

“Uh-huh.” She folds her arms over her chest, still smiling. “I take it you had a good weekend.”

“You could say that.” My cheeks have warmed. I’m not sure whether Jack and I officially “caught up” on lost time, but by the time we left his vacation house, I’d lost track of my orgasms anyway. I guess that says enough on its own.

“I definitely need to hear all about this,” Tessa insists. “Sometime when we’re not both headed to work. Girls’ night out later this week?”

“Absolutely,” I say. “I’ll text you and Jill.”

I stop to check my mailbox in the lobby. Barb ambles by, takes one look at me, and beams.

“Oh, my dear. You’ve found someone—and someone very satisfying, I can tell.” She waggles a knowing finger at me.

I glance down at myself, blushing darker. Is it that obvious? Do I have the imprint of multiple orgasms burned into my body somewhere?

My landlady pats my arm. “Don’t be shy. It’s a good thing. I’ve been on this earth long enough to know the look. You hold onto that one, you hear?”

“I’ll do my best,” I say, and hightail it out of there before she says anything I’ll find even more embarrassing.

Apparently my good mood isn’t so blatant that strangers on the street stop to congratulate me on getting some. But when I breeze into the office, Warren’s eyebrows immediately leap up. Riley smirks, but she doesn’t say anything.

Good. It’s awkward enough sleeping with a guy who’s sort of my boss without discussing that fact with my own employees.

“All right,” I say, clapping my hands. “Let’s get down to business.”

“You seem awfully happy today,” Riley says. Okay, maybe I’m not getting off that easy after all.

“What’s there not to be happy about? It’s a gorgeous fall day, we’ve just had a long weekend, and Perfect Match is funded.”

“Yeah, but it was funded last week too, and you didn’t seem quite this . . . shiny.”

I give her a look. “Maybe it just took a little while for the reality to sink in. All the papers are signed. I know for sure now we’re good to go. We’re going to make this amazing. So what are we waiting for?” I turn to Warren. “How are those recruitment numbers coming along?”

“Slow, but we haven’t started the big push yet. You want us up to another ten thousand, right?”

“To start, yes. And keep going through the error reports to make sure the interface is absolutely perfect. We don’t want anyone to be able to complain they had trouble using the app.” I plop down on the sofa next to Riley. “Let me see those social media campaigns you had ready to go. I think we should start at least a few today.”

“I was just waiting for the word go!” Riley says. She pulls up the info and graphics on her tablet. “This is the one that did the best in preliminary testing. And this image got a huge response, I just need to tweak the targeting a little more.” She grins at me. “I took your advice and nabbed one of the stars from downstairs for a little modeling.”

The bare-chested hunk on the screen is definitely stunning. I guess it says something about how far gone I am that I don’t feel even a twinge of attraction. All my senses are totally keyed to Jack, Jack, Jack.

Well, there are worse fates.

I all but bound into my closet of an office. There’s so much we can do that I hadn’t been sure would ever be possible. I could even hire someone new who’s more specialized in the areas the three of us don’t cover on our own. Or an additional programmer to help out Warren.

Wait, why or? I could do both! We’ve got a million bucks worth of breathing room now.

It’s happening. It’s really happening. I didn’t quite believe it until this moment.

The day passes in a blur of research and phone calls and checking over code.

“I’m just going to finish a couple more things up,” I tell Warren and Riley when they stop at my door to say goodbye. And I really do mean to get a little more work done. But as I’m turning back to my desk, my phone chimes. I’ve got a text from Jack.

Hey, darling. I know my apartment isn’t quite as spectacular as the house in Montauk, but I’m hoping I can tempt you over anyway.

I smile to myself. Maybe. What are you offering to sweeten the deal?

I know a restaurant we can order in from that I guarantee will make you moan. Also two hands just dying to massage the stress of a long day of work out of you. If either of those appeal.

He does know how to tap my buttons. I wet my lips. I should probably talk some of our new plans for the app over with him anyway. We . . . didn’t exactly get a whole lot of actual work done yesterday. And if more happens afterward, well, who can complain about that?

You make a compelling case, I reply. I’ll head right over.

I splurge on a cab and manage to only feel a little bit guilty over the expense. In Jack’s building, the elevator seems to take way too long gliding up to the penthouse. Funny how different this feels from the first time I visited him here. Then, I was worried it was going to be some kind of one-on-one come-on. Now that’s exactly what I want.

Jack opens the door with his usual boyish grin. It sends a rush of heat straight through me. I keep my hand clamped around my laptop. Business first. I can’t go completely off the rails.

“I brought those marketing plans we, ah, didn’t quite finish going over,” I say, brandishing the computer.

Jack chuckles. “I’m sure those can wait another day. Come on. I’ve got something to show you.”

He leads me into the living room with an eager bounce in his stride. The first thing I notice is the original Nintendo system set up in front of the TV.

“Hey!” I say. “You didn’t tell me you have one of these too.”

“I didn’t, but Jake managed to track it down. Along with something else.”

He produces a cartridge from his pocket. I stare at it for a second, only blinking. That’s . . . That’s really . . . My heart leaps.

“The Star Fox special edition. Oh my God! How did he find it—and so fast?”

“Jake works some kind of magic I don’t understand.” Jack slips his arm around my waist as he guides me over to the console. “So what do you say? Shall we give this blast from your past a whirl?”

“Yes, please.” I laugh. “This is going to be so weird. I haven’t played this game in almost twenty years. I hope it’s as good as I remember, or you’re going to wonder why you bothered.”

“Oh, no.” He leans in and kisses my cheek. “It was already worth the bother for the way you lit up when you saw it.”

I sit down on the floor with my back against the couch and grab one of the controllers. “You got two. Good. There’s a multiplayer setting. And you don’t even need to worry about me kicking your ass like I did in Tetris. We’ll kick the bad guys’ asses together.”

Jack pops the cartridge in and hunkers down beside me. Being pressed shoulder to shoulder with him makes my heart race faster for a completely different reason.

I start up the game. A familiar digitized space ship appears on the TV. It looks more blocky than I remember, probably because TVs with this resolution didn’t exist in my childhood, but I get an ache of nostalgia anyway. I glance over at Jack.

“Thank you so much. You have no idea how awesome this is.”

He kisses me gently, for just long enough that my stomach flutters. “Why don’t you show me?”

“Okay. Here we go!”

We blast off into a galaxy filled with enemy combatants. Jack has obviously handled a Nintendo controller before, because he picks up the button functions with almost no instruction from me. I dodge laser fire and asteroids, giddy to find my reflexes are just as good as they used to be. Jack isn’t quite as practiced, so I shoot down the worst of his attackers too.

“I’m not sure I’m actually helping here,” he says after a bit, sounding amused.

“We got past two levels together. That’s pretty impressive for your first time playing. And you’re keeping me company.” I smile at him, and he leans his shoulder a little closer against mine. Warmth spreads down my body.

When his ship blows up into smithereens a few minutes later, I have a sneaking suspicion he let that happen on purpose. He sets down the controller. “I think I’ll just watch you play for a while. That’s why I got the game anyway. And I did promise you a massage.”

“I’m not going to argue with that.” I scoot forward so he can settle behind me. He grips my shoulders with a confident pressure.

I have to say I might like this way of playing together even better. Any tension in my body loosens under his thumbs as I speed toward the level’s big boss.

I’m just trading blasts with a hulking, crab-like ship when Jack’s fingers ease up under my shirt. The skin to skin contact makes my breath catch. He rubs my back up and down my spine. Then his hands venture around to graze the sides of my breasts.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I ask, a little breathless.

“Upping the difficulty,” he says with a grin. “I’m sure your concentration can overcome any distraction if you put your mind to it.”

Maybe so, but he’s going to make me work at it. Another breath shudders out of me as he cups my breasts completely. His fingers trace over my nipples through my bra. They perk up at his touch, eager for more. A whimper works its way out of my throat as he teases them harder. The controller wobbles in my hands.

“Steady now,” he says by my ear. Evil, evil man. With a quick tug, he’s undone my bra. His hands slide right up under, tweaking my nipples and stroking my breasts. I can’t help pressing back against him. His cock is hard against my back. I squirm a little, hoping to pay him back with a little teasing of my own. Jack hums in encouragement.

Despite the pleasure coursing through me, I manage to land one final shot. The boss explodes. I move to set down the controller, but Jack shakes his head. “Keep going. I want to see just what it takes for you to lose it.”

I make a noise of protest. Then his hand slips down between my legs. My eyes roll back with a moan as he strokes my clit. Just like that, my panties are soaked.

He dips his fingers under the fabric while I try to keep playing. But I can hardly find the buttons anymore. I tip my head back, and he kisses my neck. One hand stays in my breast, teasing every possible ounce of sensation from it. The other slips into my opening. One finger, then two. I sigh around a groan. My hips arch up to meet him. His thumb circles my clit, over and over. My nerves are sparking, my legs shaking.

“Let go,” Jack murmurs. “I’ve got you.”

He kisses the sensitive spot behind my ear at the same time as his fingers plunge a little deeper. Bliss spirals through me. I cry out, shuddering against him as the waves roll through me. Jack holds me tight, his lips lingering on my skin. When I’ve sagged boneless against him, I feel his smile.

“Now for round two,” he says, and lifts me onto the couch. I grab his face and yank his mouth to mine. The clink of his belt coming off is the most wonderful sound I’ve ever heard. I don’t know how I managed to stumble into this heaven, but there’s no way in hell I’m letting it go.