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PHAELENX: Fantasy Romance (Zhekan Mates Book 3) by E.A. James (12)





Phaelenx leaned against the chill wall of his cell and shivered. It was freezing cold in the dungeons below the castle, and water had leaked through almost every stone of the wall. Phaelenx wondered how long it had been raining. The small window in his cell afforded him a little view of the outside world, other than small glimpses of the sun when it was high in the sky.


But the sun had not been out in days.


Phaelenx could barely remember what it looked like.


When the guards had left Phaelenx in the cell, that was the last he had seen of them. In fact, Phaelenx had seen almost no one during his time in the jail cell. The only person who came with any regularity was the aging warden, who slipped Phaelenx what he supposed was food – often a bowl of thin gruel, or a stew with a film of grease on the top and chunks of gristle inside.


It was just as well – Phaelenx had no appetite.


He wondered how long they were going to keep him. He wondered if anyone had told his father, or Brenna, what had become of him.


But more than any of that, Phaelenx wondered what they had told Selene. Did she hate him? Did she really think that he had tried to attack her cousins, to kill them? It was unlikely – Selene was smart and discerning. But she was also hotheaded, and Phaelenx wondered how strong her loyalties lay.


At least there was no news of the war. That was the only comfort Phaelenx took from his situation. He felt cowardly, but perhaps being locked up in a cold cell was better than being forced to march upon a ship and slaughter innocent men.


One day, the warden didn’t come at midday. Phaelenx waited anxious for the creak and clank of iron keys in the locks, but he heard nothing. In fact, his cell was quieter than ever before. Despite the thick stone walls of the castle, Phaelenx often heard normal activity – servants calling and bustling with platters of food, footmen yelling out the presence of the queen. But today had been absolutely silent, and Phaelenx felt nervous.


Perhaps it’s started, Phaelenx thought, getting to his feet and stretching high. When he stood on the tips of his toes, he could just barely see out the tiny window. He closed his eyes, listening for any hint of human activity.


But the air felt as still and silent as ever.


With a frown, Phaelenx leaned against the slimy stone wall and closed his eyes. He knew he should be hungry – his thin prison meals were barely enough to keep a child fed – but he felt nothing inside but emptiness.


Something is wrong, Phaelenx realized. Something is very, very wrong.


Walking over to the bars of his cell, Phaelenx put his hands on the iron and shook until the bars rattled in their concrete anchors. The sound cheered him – it reminded him of his own strength.


“Guards!” Phaelenx yelled.


There was no reply.


Phaelenx banged his fists against the bars. He had lost some of his muscle mass, but he was still quite large and he felt no pain. The bars rattled and shook and clanged, but still, no guard appeared.


“Guard!” Phaelenx yelled.


No guard appeared in the dungeons.


Groaning with frustration, Phaelenx gripped the bars harder than before and dug his feet into the ground. He gritted his teeth together, and using all of his strength, pulled at the bars.


To his surprise, the bars began to extend. Beads of sweat appeared on Phaelenx’s forehead and dripped down the sides of his face as he skidded against the floor, working hard in a desperate attempt to bend them further.


Phaelenx closed his eyes and channeled his energy into the task at hand. He hated the bars more than he’d ever hated anything in his life, and as they bent further and further, he was buoyed by adrenaline and encouragement. This wasn’t the same satisfaction that came in the fighting arena, but it was better – for once, Phaelenx was actually using his strength for a tangible outcome.


Phaelenx grunted and groaned, straining hard against the bars of his cell. They budged further and further apart, and Phaelenx dropped to his knees, panting. His body glistened with sweat and he took a deep breath before getting to his feet and grabbing at the bars once more.


It took Phaelenx hours to bend the bars. The whole time he worked, he kept an ear cocked, listening for guards. But no guard came, and the small patch of sun at Phaelenx’s window soon turned to chill pink evening sky.


Just as the moon was beginning to rise, Phaelenx had made enough progress to slip through the bars. He was a large man, and the task wasn’t an easy one, but he forced himself through and stepped out on the other side, free. He was just relieved he was no longer in irons – he didn’t think he had much strength left in him.


As tired as Phaelenx was, bursting free of his cell filled him with adrenaline. He glanced around quickly before darting up the stone staircase. Thankfully, he passed no guards. He kept his head low and pressed his back to the wall along the inner hallways of the castle.


As Phaelenx walked, his heart was pounding in his chest. A group of guards passed, laughing and chattering amongst themselves. Phaelenx turned his face to the wall and pretended to study a portion of the slime-covered stone. He held his breath, nervous that the guards would pounce and drag him back to the dungeons. But miraculously, they passed without even glancing at Phaelenx’s large frame.


Phaelenx stayed alert and on edge until he emerged from the castle. The castle grounds were bustling and cheerful, and the sunlight pounding down on Phaelenx’s bare head felt like a warm blessing from the gods. Stalls were laden with meat pies, cheeses, and all kinds of fruits, but Phaelenx couldn’t risk theft now – he knew he had to get as far away from the castle as possible. He was a wanted man, and it surely wouldn’t take the guards too long to notice that he’d escaped.


Phaelenx walked briskly through town. He kept his head down, avoiding the large groups of people passing by in the sunlight. It was chill outside, Phaelenx could tell that the summer was dying. When he made it back to his father’s house, he breathed a sigh of relief and pushed his way into the kitchen.


“Phaelenx!” Brenna gasped. She leaped from the table and threw her wrinkled arms around Phaelenx’s muscular frame. “We’ve been so worried!”


“I am sorry,” Phaelenx said quietly. He sighed. “I was tricked.”


“A right dirty trick,” Brenna agreed. “Your father will be so pleased that you’ve returned!” Brenna called for Darius. Seconds later, the old man appeared at Phaelenx’s side and pulled his son into a tight embrace.


“Phaelenx,” Darius said in a serious, low tone. “What have you done?”


Phaelenx shook his head. “Nothing,” he said. “Those men – the royal cousins – came to the house and challenged me. I barely hurt them – they were able to walk away. But I was apprehended regardless.”


Darius frowned. “It is too dangerous for you to stay here,” he said. “You must go.” Darius grabbed a leather sack that was hanging on the wall and began stuffing the insides with fruits and hunks of dried meats.


“I cannot leave,” Phaelenx said. Not without Selene, he added silently.


Darius stared at his son, and it occurred to Phaelenx that Darius knew exactly what he was thinking.


“You must go, Phaelenx,” Darius hissed. He pressed the bag to Phaelenx’s chest until Phaelenx reluctantly took it into his own hands.


“I don’t want to leave without her,” Phaelenx said quietly. “I cannot. I will not.”


“Then you must find her,” Darius said. There was clear pain in his eyes and Phaelenx felt a wave of shame and guilt for hurting his father. “You must find her, and leave at once.”


Phaelenx bit his lip and nodded. “I will wait until dark,” he said.


Darius sighed heavily. “You must hide until then,” he said. “And not here – here is the first place they will search for you.”


Phaelenx nodded. He pulled his father into a close hug, then reached for Brenna and embraced her tightly.


“Thank you,” Phaelenx said, taking Brenna’s hand and squeezing. “For everything.”


Brenna nodded solemnly. “Aye,” she said. A tear dripped down her withered cheek and she wiped it away with an aged hand. “This may be the last time I see you.”


“Don’t say that,” Phaelenx said roughly. To Darius, he said: “Father, I swear, I will send word when I know it is safe.”


Darius stared at his son for a long moment before shaking his head. “It will never be safe,” he said quietly. “You must go. Go and forget all of this.”


Phaelenx’s heart was heavy as he snuck out of his family’s house and down to the edge of the woods. He was starving and parched for water, but he kept to the shadows until he was well-hidden in the woods. From where he crouched, he could see the faint but unmistakable silhouette of the royal castle in the distance.


It wasn’t long before the sun began to set. It had taken Phaelenx so long to break free of the dungeons that the day was nearly all gone.


At least I won’t have to wait long, Phaelenx thought, leaning against the trunk of a tree. He opened the leather sack and pulled out a small bag of dried apples. They didn’t taste very satisfying – especially not compared to Brenna’s cooking – but compared to the gruel and slop he’d received in the dungeons, they were delicious. Phaelenx ate the whole bag without even thinking about it. He reached further into the sack and pulled out a soft flask of water. After just a few sips, the water was nearly drained.


Panic flashed in Phaelenx’s brain. If I must escape, I’ll need more supplies, he thought. Maybe Selene can bring something from the royal compound – if she’s able to sneak out without getting caught!


The moon rose in the sky, shining and white, like a beacon of hope. But as it edged overhead, Phaelenx felt nothing but dread. The stars twinkled and flickered above Phaelenx and he stared at their creamy brightness until his eyes ached.


But there was still no sign of Selene.


Phaelenx stood up and brushed his dirty hands off on his thighs. He’d barely had time to change at home, and suddenly he wished he’d brought more things. A warm cloak, some of his weapons – anything that might be sold for food and shelter when they reached a foreign land. And what of that? What would befall them?


When Phaelenx guessed it was just after two in the morning, he saw a familiar, slim figure making her way down to the docks. Selene was clad in her thickest cloak, with the hood pushed back and her dark hair rippled loose, down to her waist. In the moonlight, Phaelenx thought her more beautiful than ever before.


“Selene,” Phaelenx called quietly. “Over here!”


For a moment, Selene’s face showed alarm. But when she recognized Phaelenx’s voice, she broke into a run. A leather bag swung from her side and her feet moved nimbly over the wet blades of grass with her usual grace as she darted to the woods.


Selene threw her arms around Phaelenx and jumped against his chest, pressing her body to his. She buried her face in his neck. The warmth of Selene’s breath against Phaelenx’s neck sent a shiver of desire down his spine and he couldn’t help wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. Selene closed her eyes and tilted her face up, puckering her lips for a kiss.


Phaelenx pressed his mouth to hers gently, then more passionately as Selene slipped her tongue into his mouth. Lust and desire rose over him like a wave of heat, and he roughly parted Selene’s cloak and put his arms around her slender waist. He could feel his manhood throbbing in his leather trousers and Selene’s body against his own was like that of a mythical goddess.


“I was so worried,” Selene panted into Phaelenx’s ear. She nibbled on the lobe and gently sucked it between her lips, making Phaelenx groan with pleasure. His manhood stiffened and he tugged Selene’s cloak from her shoulders, laying it down on the grass and pulling her down on top of his muscular body.


Selene’s cold fingers fumbled with the lacing of Phaelenx’s leather trousers and she yanked them down his muscular hips. As she bent over Phaelenx, her dark hair fell in long tresses over her face, tickling Phaelenx’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a passionate kiss.


Selene moaned softly as Phaelenx slid his fingers inside her gown, fumbling with the laces until the bosom was loosened and her breasts were exposed. In the moonlight, her skin looked as pale as silver. Phaelenx pressed his face to her breasts and gently sucked her stiff nipples until Selene was writhing with pleasure. She pulled her skirts up to her waist and straddled Phaelenx’s hips, rocking and twisting until he entered her.


Phaelenx grunted with pleasure, closing his eyes as his manhood thrust deep into Selene. She was warm and wet and waiting, and it seemed like they were perfectly made for each other. Selene stayed silent for a moment, then began to rock her hips and move gently on top of Phaelenx’s muscular body. Phaelenx fondled her breasts as she rode him, pinching her nipples and rolling them in his meaty fingers. Pleasure raced through his body and he closed his eyes, arching his back as Selene moved faster and faster. Soon, the air was punctuated with little cries of pleasure and whimpers and moans from Selene. Sweat broke out over their bodies and Phaelenx found himself groaning loudly as pleasure filled his body.


“Phaelenx,” Selene murmured softly, leaning over his body and pressing her lips to his. She repeated his name over and over, resting her forehead against his own and kissing him deeply. Phaelenx felt the pleasure built into a knot in his lower belly, then explode. His manhood pulsed and twitched, filling Selene with his seed as he bucked beneath her slender body.


The motion seemed to set Selene off, and soon she was whimpering and crying, grinding her wet hips hard against Phaelenx’s pelvis. She bit her lip and threw her head back, sending her dark hair flying through the air like a powerful mane. As she arched her back and rode Phaelenx faster than ever, he knew she was experiencing an intense wave of pleasure.


Phaelenx took Selene’s face in his hands, kissing her deeply. She fumbled with the laces of her gown with clumsy fingers, drawing them tight and climbing off Phaelenx’s body. Selene lay next to him on her cloak. Their bodies were still warm and trembling from making love.


“I’m leaving,” Phaelenx said, sitting up and drawing his leather trousers back to his waist. “I’m leaving tonight, and I want you to come with me.”


To his shock, Selene stared at his face for a long time before gently shaking her head.


“I cannot leave,” Selene said softly. She swallowed and bit her lip, looking distressed. “But I am glad you are alive.”


Phaelenx narrowed his eyes. He felt dread and confusion welling up inside of his chest, erasing the happy calm of moments before.


“What are you talking about,” Phaelenx asked slowly. “Selene, why can’t you come with me?”


Selene sighed. “I am sorry,” she said meekly. She dipped her head and her masses of black hair covered her face, shielding her from Phaelenx’s sight.


“I am not angry with you,” Phaelenx said quickly. “But I am worried for your safety – for both of us! I was in the castle dungeons, and I only managed to escape earlier today. Did you know your cousins went to the queen and told them that I tried to murder them?”


Selene nodded. She brushed her hair to the side, looking miserable. “I know,” she said. “And I wish to apologize, on their behalf.”


“Come with me,” Phaelenx said urgently. He reached for Selene’s hand and twisted his fingers with her own. Against his massive palm, her hand was no larger than a child’s. “Please, Selene – why would you want to stay here? This is dangerous, for both of us!”


Selene nodded again. Phaelenx watched as tears welled up in her dark eyes, brimming over and wetting her lashes.


“Taryn is not who she says she is,” she said softly. “She is a witch – she is from Glasule, and she means to destroy this country, and my family – everyone will be dead. We have to stop them, Phaelenx,” Selene pleased. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. “And time is running out!”


“I’m a wanted man, Selene,” Phaelenx growled. “This isn’t possible – if I don’t go now, they may kill me.”


Selene began to weep. She buried her face in her hands and cried, her shoulders shaking and trembling as the sobs racked her body. Phaelenx stared, feeling helpless. Selene was the strongest woman he’d ever met, and watching her cry was more painful than the worst forms of torture. He thought back to the night when he’d first met her – her haughty strength had drawn him in, right from the beginning.


“I’m sorry,” Phaelenx said gently. He reached out and touched her shoulder. “Please, don’t cry.”


“I just feel so helpless,” Selene muttered, her voice breaking with sobs. “I can’t abandon my family now, even if they were very kind or understanding. It’s all because of that witch, she’s seduced them all!”


Phaelenx sighed. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment – what would life be like without Selene? It seemed impossible to think of – even though they had only been acquainted for a short time, Phaelenx felt closer to Selene than he’d ever felt in his life.


He thought about what his father and Brenna had said. His father, Darius, had seemed to understand just how important Selene was. Did that mean Phaelenx would regret leaving her behind for the rest of her life?


Phaelenx tried to think back, to his life before he’d met her. But the days blurred together in a frenzied mess of colors – a blend of fighting and eating and working with the other Zhekan men, joking and laughing. Phaelenx had met his share of women before, and while some of them had been very beautiful and charming – some of them had even made him lust for them – none of them had been like Selene. There was no other woman in Zheka with Selene’s charm, her wit, her biting tongue. Her fearlessness, the way she didn’t let anyone stand in her way.


That’s why Phaelenx felt so puzzled. He’d never felt this way in his life – how was he supposed to feel about everything without Selene?


He couldn’t imagine the idea of going to a foreign land to live, without the woman of his dreams.


“So,” Phaelenx said heavily. “You’re not coming.”


Selene looked at him for a long time, her face streaked with wet tears. She bit her lip and trembled, shaking her head. “No,” she said softly. “I’m so sorry, Phaelenx, but I can’t leave Zheka without figuring out a way to stop this madness. I…I can’t abandon my family, not now – not when they have no idea what is truly happening!”


Phaelenx closed his eyes and sighed. “Are you sure?”


When she spoke, her voice was trembling: “Yes. I’m so sorry.”


Phaelenx opened his eyes and reached for Selene’s hands, taking them in his own. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply, savoring the moment and the feel of her soft skin against his own. Her face smelled salty, from her tears.


“Then I am not leaving,” Phaelenx said quietly.




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