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Preach by K Webster (5)


Lacy: Tacos make me happy.

Lacy: Running makes me happy.

Lacy: OMG…Chris Pine makes me happy. Swoon.

Lacy: Looking at old pictures of my dad and I make me happy.

Lacy: Music makes me happy.

Lacy: Thinking about our kisses make me happy.

“What are you so happy about?” Dane asks me, a smirk on his face as he sips his beer.

I stuff my phone in my pocket and shrug. “Just helping one of the church members.”

He arches a dark brow. “By the smug look on your face, I’m going to assume this member is a chick. Am I right?”

Laughing, I tilt my beer up to my lips and speak before drinking. “You might be right.”

“Fucking right, I am,” he says with a crooked grin.

“What are you so damn happy about anyway?” I counter.

“I’m seeing someone.” His gaze drifts out the window. “It’s serious.”

“I figured after your divorce, you’d be ready for anything but serious.”

He scratches his jaw and pins me with a firm stare. “This is different. This is real.”

As he rambles on about a client of his, my mind drifts to Lacy. She’s definitely different. And my God is she real. I can’t get her scent out of my nose or her laugh out of my head. It’s been five days since I’ve seen her. With school and running track, she stays busy. I’m supposed to see her tomorrow morning per usual but suddenly I don’t want to wait.

“I think I’m going to head out,” I tell my friend. “Catch you for lunch one day this week?”

“Quinn’s going to meet me Tuesday for burgers. You should come then.”

I slap some bills on the table beside my hardly touched beer and saunter out of the bar to my bike. After I straddle it, I text Lacy back.

Me: You make me happy.

The dots move as she replies.

Lacy: Seeing you would make me happy.

Me: I don’t think your mom would approve.

Lacy: Mom is at a movie with my aunt and nephews. They left about thirty minutes ago. You could come visit…that is if you wanted to.

My heart thumps in my chest. I miss her and want to hold her.

Me: I’m on my way.

Twenty minutes later and I pull up to her fancy house on the outskirts of town. The lawn isn’t as neatly kept as the neighbors’ but the home itself is. My loud Harley rumbles through the streets making me feel extremely out of place. I guess a middle-aged preacher calling on a teenage girl is what seals the deal though.

Once in front of her house, I kill the engine, leave my helmet sitting on the seat and trot up to her front door. Before I can raise my hand to knock, it swings open.

Jesus, give me strength.

Standing before me is an angel. An angel I want to undress and worship. One I want to taste and touch.

She’s wearing an oversized sweatshirt that hangs off one shoulder baring her creamy skin and no bra strap. But what has my cock waking up and interested, is the fact that she doesn’t seem to be wearing pants. The sweatshirt barely covers the tops of her thighs. If she were to lift her arms, I wonder if I’d be able to see her panties.

“You going to stand there staring all day?” she teases, her hand on her hip and a smirk tugging at her plump juicy lips.

Okay, so coming here was a bad idea.

A very bad idea.

“Come here,” I growl as I reach for her hand. I pull her to me for a friendly hug. But there’s nothing friendly about the way my hands cup her ass over her sweatshirt. She hugs me tight and I squeeze her bottom tighter.

“Getting a little handsy there, Preach,” she teases, her voice light and playful. “You’ll give all the neighbors a reason to want to come to church. I mean, if you’re giving that kind of show…”

I pop her on her ass with both hands before pulling away. “Does that mouth ever get you in trouble?”

Her lips twitch. “Only always.” She reaches for my hand. “Come on. I want to show you something.”

She leads me inside and heat seems to burn from the place she’s touching me. I groan when we head upstairs toward a bedroom. As soon as we step into the girly room, I know it’s hers.

“Sit down,” she says softly. “I won’t bite. You look nervous.” She laughs. “You haven’t sinned yet, Preach.”

I let out a deep breath and sit on the edge of her bed. She walks over to her desk and pulls out a notebook. When she comes back, she sits close enough to me that our thighs touch. I’m thrown back to when I was fifteen and had a girl in my bedroom for the first time. I keep listening for sounds—just waiting to get caught by my parents.

“I made this. For Mikey.” She swallows and looks at me with teary eyes. “It’s…It’s probably stupid but it helps.”

I take the notebook and lean forward to press a soft kiss at the corner of her lips. Her breath hitches. I want to kiss her hard but I want to see what’s in the book more. She’s revealing a part of herself to me.

Leaning away from her, I open the book. As I start to read, I quickly discover she’s written a fictional piece about a boy and his mother. He’s clever and funny and rowdy. She adores him. Reads him stories and they pretend they’re dinosaurs. It’s both heartbreaking and beautiful all at once. She’s written many chapters. I read them quietly for a good half hour as she sniffles. Every now and again, I reach over and squeeze her hand. Once I reach the end of her story, I regard her with a solemn stare.

“This is really nice, Lace.” And it is. Not only is it emotional and powerful but it’s well-written too. Her handwriting is neat and I can tell she took great care in writing this story. “Are you going to finish it?”

She takes the book from me and nods. “I started it after you and I met that first time. I wanted to honor Mikey doing something I love.”

“I didn’t know you liked writing,” I admit. It’s another piece of her that she has shielded from the outside world.

“Mom says you can’t make a living writing,” she says with a laugh.

I shrug. “I don’t know. I read some pretty stupid books while in prison. They weren’t half as good as this.”

Her cheeks turn pink and she gives me a shy smile. “Really?”

The self-doubt she carries around with her like a mountain of armor is something I want to help her drop. She’s beautiful and smart and funny. There should never be any doubt whatsoever about her talents.

“Really.” I slide my palm to her throat and run my thumb along her jaw. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

She laughs as my lips connect with hers. The kiss is playful and flirty at first. But soon, our tongues are dueling for control. I grab her narrow hips and drag her into my lap. She straddles my thighs while my palms grip her bottom. The way she grinds against me has me needing more from her. My palms slide up under her shirt and I’m met with bare flesh.

“Lacy,” I growl. “Where are your panties?”

She moans against my mouth. “Last time they were in the way. I didn’t want them in the way this time.”

With this girl, all sanity is gone. I’m betraying my oath to live as sin free as possible and instead turning all that off to be with her. I’m not strong at all. I’m weak. I’m also a convicted felon with a rap sheet a mile long. Just because I’m a preacher and friends with the sheriff doesn’t mean I should be flirting with the law and chasing what’s illegal.

And yet, I want her.

In this bedroom, just the two of us, it’s easy to forget that there are rules that prevent two people like us from being together.

“God, you’re beautiful,” I murmur against her plump lips. “So tempting and perfect.”

She whimpers when I squeeze her ass. I want to touch her—all of her.

“This shirt has to go,” I snarl a little harshly. I grip the bottom and pull away to stare at her blazing blue eyes. “I’m going to take this off and touch you. If you don’t want that, now’s the time to tell me, vixen.”

She bites on her bottom lip and nods. “I want you to touch me.”

The sounds coming from me are feral and animalistic. My morals have taken a back seat as this starved man attempts to devour this young woman. I pull her shirt away from her body and toss it away. Fat, juicy tits stare me in the face. Her nipples are hard little stones, the softest pink I’ve ever seen.

“Just look at you, dammit,” I growl. “An angel.”

She looks down between us and a smile plays on her lips. “I could get on my knees—” A shriek rips from her when I flip us around and lie her on her back on the bed. With her legs spread, I’m able to control the friction between us.

“I like you beneath me for the time being. You can get on your knees later,” I murmur as my lips find her throat. A low moan purrs from her as I suck on her flesh.

Lord, forgive me for what I’m about to do.

“Are we going to have sex?” she asks, her voice breathless.

“Right now we’re just kissing,” I growl and nip at her skin. “Don’t rush me, vixen.”

I bite her and kiss her slowly down her neck to her collarbone. The moans coming from her are loud and ragged. I’ve barely touched her. I bet she’s a screamer. My cock strains against my jeans at the thought of her shouting my name in ecstasy.

When my mouth begins kissing the top of her breast, she squirms. Her movements get wilder the moment I latch on to her nipple. I suck hard enough to make her cry out and then I lazily tease the flesh to calm it down.

“These nipples taste delicious as hell, Lacy.”

She grips at my hair. “You’re teasing me.”

I meet her gaze as I pull her nipple between my teeth and tug. I pull hard enough to make her cry out before letting go. “Teasing is half the fun.”

Slowly, I kiss and suck her sweet skin down her tight stomach past her belly button. When I reach her pubic bone that’s been shaved bare, I growl against her flesh. “I like this. I like this a helluva lot.”

She doesn’t have a chance to respond because then my mouth is on her. Damn is she ever sweet. Her clit is hot against my tongue and I’m about to make it burn. Slowly, I rub circles around it as I tease the opening of her pussy with the tip of my finger. My little vixen is dripping with need. I love how wet she gets for me. It makes me want to bury my nose against her clit and drive my tongue deep inside her to lick it all away.

“Oh, God,” she moans. “Oh, God.”

I suck her clit into my mouth as I push my finger into her tight hole. Her body lifts from the bed as she screams. My cock is throbbing almost painfully with the thought of driving deep inside of her. I’ve been with few women since my release but none have had such a ripe body as Lacy has.

“My cock is going to feel even better stretching your pretty pussy out, Lace,” I murmur before nipping at her clit.

She cries out and thrashes and then my sweet girl is coming hard. As though she’s possessed by the devil, she convulses with jerky movements. Her pussy clamps tight around my finger and I know she’s going to feel so damn good when I come inside of her. Juice runs from her body and my finger makes a slurping sound as it slides in and out of her. When she’s done losing her mind, I suck on her tender clit once more before pulling away.

I stare at her for a long moment as I slip my finger from inside her. Her cheeks are rosy red and her throat matches the color. Wild blonde hair is in messy tangles around her. And the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen regard me with wonder beneath her thick, black lashes. I roam my gaze over the swells of her perfect young tits down to the pussy I just devoured. I’m admiring the way her sex glistens in the overhead light when I hear her sniffle.

Jerking my gaze up to her face, I’m confused to see her lip trembling. I practically pounce on her and cradle her cheek with my palm. Tears well like tiny blue lakes ready to spill past their dams.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I press a kiss to her nose that’s now pink. “Did I hurt you?”

A sob escapes her and she shakes her head. “N-No. It was perfect. Nobody…I mean…”

I kiss her mouth before frowning at her. “Nobody what?”

Glassy tears slide down her temples like a waterfall. “Nobody has ever pleasured me before. And they’ve certainly never looked at me the way you just did…as though I’m perfect and beautiful and desired.”

I stare at her as I study her gorgeous features. Lacy is beautiful inside and out. She deserves someone who will be good to her all the time. I want to be that man, despite the timing. I want her to know how she should be treated. With adoration and respect.

“You’re all those things and more. Those other guys were assholes,” I growl.

She laughs and runs her fingers through my hair. “I was so giving. I…” Another tear slips out as shame dances across her face. “I was a skank.”

I scowl. “You weren’t a skank.”

She swallows. “I’m embarrassed for you to know how many boys I fooled around with.”

“I’ll kill them all.” I’m only half joking.

Her lips curl up into a smile. “I only ever slept with Sean though. But…”

I press my thumb to her lips. “I don’t care if you gave everyone at your school a blow job. People can change, Lace. You’ve changed. Life threw some pretty hard stuff at you and you survived. Here you are living—and doing one helluva good job at it I might add. Stop beating yourself up over your past and start living for your future.”

She pulls me closer and our mouths meet again. I devour her in a desperate way. This girl does things to my mind—things no other woman has before. Our relationship isn’t right, I know this. I’m supposed to be guiding her through her rough times, not guiding my dick roughly into her. I need to be the adult. The responsible one. The Godly one. And yet…I don’t want to, dammit. I want to claim her and worship her. I want to throw everything away for a few stolen moments with her.

“Easton,” she whimpers. “I need you.”

I tear away from her mouth that is red and swollen from my attack. Christ, she looks hot with my mark on her. I growl as I fumble with unfastening my jeans. They get shoved down my hips but before I can get my boxers down, the craving to kiss her mouth wins out. I pounce on her again and our lips connect as though they were made to fuse together one day. But now without my jeans in the way, I can feel every curve of her wet pussy through my boxers. We both groan at how good it feels.

“Take them off,” she begs. “I need you inside me.”

I’m dizzied with desire and desperate to push my cock inside of her. “The pill. Tell me you’re on the pill.”

She whimpers. “No. I’ve never been able to take the pill or any birth control for that matter. I get sick from them.” Her blue eyes are wild and frantic. “Tell me you have condoms.”

I close my eyes. A slew of curse words are barely contained in my mouth. “No. I’m not exactly sleeping around with anyone and haven’t been for a while.”

“Nooo,” she whines. “No.”

I laugh against her lips. “This is messed up.”

“Completely,” she agrees.

“I guess I’ll just have to make you come again like this,” I breathe against her mouth. I rock against her in a way that makes her moan.

“Yes,” she chokes out. “Just like that.”

With each stroke against her, my boxers slide further down my hips. The tip of my cock touches her flesh causing us to both hiss out air.

“Rub it against me, Preach. Without your stupid boxers in the way. You can come on my stomach,” she says, her tone desperate.

She doesn’t have to tell me twice. I shove my boxers down my thighs and free my throbbing dick. When I slide it against her clit, we both make strangled sounds of pleasure.

“T-That feels good,” she cries out. “Don’t stop.”

I thrust against her slowly, careful to run my length between the lips of her pussy along her clit. I’m dying to slip it lower and push inside her but I know myself. I wouldn’t stop. I’d drive into her until I came all up inside her. That would screw both our lives up in an instant.

“You’re worth it,” I grunt out as I buck against her. My teeth tug at her bottom lip. “You’re worth whatever consequences come after this. Worth straying from my calling.” I bite her lip again. “You’re mine, Lace. Not that kid from church. Not the asshole who hurt you. Mine.”

My words send her over the edge and she shatters beneath me. The way she shudders without any control to her movements is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. With a roar, I spill my seed all over her lower stomach. My sticky cum soaks her and the bed below her as it runs down her sides.

One day I’m going to come inside of her.

The thought is feral and possessive. I don’t know what to make of it. What I do know is that I want that. I want to spread her apart and mark her from the inside. The very thought of anyone touching her ever again is enough to make me want to kill every asshole who she comes in contact with.

I want her to come home with me.



Her phone starts buzzing and her eyes widen. “Oh, crap! What time is it?”

“Almost ten,” I say after a quick look at my watch.

“Oh, God. That’s Mom. They’re probably on their way home,” she squeaks.

I roll off her and watch her tiny ass jiggle as she scrambles to answer her phone. Her cheeks are bright red and my cum runs down the crease of her pussy. Damn, she’s hot.

“Hey, Mom,” she chirps. “Oh. Ohhh. Umm…” She waves at me and her eyes are panicked. “I like Rocky Road. Cherry Garcia is my fave though. No, you don’t have to turn back. Mom…Mom.”

She mouths to me. You need to leave.

Disappointment that matches the look on her face ripples through me. I slide off the bed and tuck my flaccid, wet cock back into my boxers and jeans. She’s chattering to her mom as she tries to turn her sweatshirt inside out to put back on. I take it from her and fix it.

“See you in a few. Bye.”

She hangs up and yanks the shirt over her head. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry. They are at the corner store not far away picking up some pints of ice cream. She’ll be here any minute. I can’t believe I lost track of time.” Her bottom lip juts out and I know I need it. Stalking over to her, I grab her jaw in my grip and kiss her hard. When she’s calm and breathless, I pull away.

“Tomorrow. We continue this tomorrow.”

I’ve never seen her smile more beautifully.




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