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Prophecy (Soul of the Witch Book 2) by C. Marie Bowen (32)

Nichole Harris-Shilo

Nichole inhaled the crisp, clear morning air as she stepped onto the porch and pulled on her leather riding gloves. Cloudless blue sky stretched west to the mountains.

She wore her rust-colored riding skirt and jacket. She had misgivings about getting back on a sidesaddle, but her legs were completely healed. She’d meant to ask Merril to find her a pair of denim trousers, but with all that had happened in the last few days, she’d forgotten about the pants until today.

Across the yard, near the barn, Timothy and June were seated on the buckboard, ready to head out. Merril stood beside the rig and spoke with Timothy. The young man nodded several times, and then Merril slapped the side of the wagon and stepped back.

Timothy shook the reins, and the wagon pulled around the yard and headed for the road. He tipped his hat to Nichole as they passed the porch.

June had her nose so far in the air, Nichole doubted she could see the road in front of the wagon.

Good riddance to the old biddy.

She met Merril at the corral. “I’m glad she’s gone.” She pulled the parasol from beneath her arm and opened it to shade her face. “When will Timothy be back?”

Merril leaned his arms against the top rail and rested his boot on the lower. “A couple of days. He intends to drive straight through to Denver.” Merril chuckled. “I don’t blame him. I wouldn’t want to camp with June, either.”

“All day in a wagon would be bad enough,” Nichole agreed.

“I told him which boarding house would be best for June. Inexpensive, but with no bar or stable attached. Less chance for her to have a run-in with Highlands’ wranglers.” Merril smiled at Nichole. “He’ll return the wagon and livery team, and bring back Midnight and the other horses.”

“Did you tell him to stay at the house?”

“I did, but he declined. Said he wouldn’t feel comfortable.” Merril shook his head. “So I gave him extra money for a hotel. He’ll spend one night, then head back.” Merril looked into Nichole’s eyes. “I suggested he stay in town until whatever happens here with Amy’s family is finished, but he wants to come back and be near Lawna.” He touched Nichole’s face. “I can’t say I don’t understand how he feels.”

The dust on the road had settled when Amy and Jason came out of the house.

Nichole and Merril turned and watched them cross the yard.

“Are all three of you going?” Merril looked from Jason to Nichole.

Nichole nodded. “I want to watch.”

Jason ran a hand through his hair and reset his hat. “I thought I best go and see what they intend to teach my wife.”

“Uncle Bay told me he would ride one of the horses back to set protective wards at The Highlands while we train,” Amy told Merril. “If Cookie and Jeanne would be so inclined, he could use their help.”

Merril nodded. “I’ll mention it to them, as well as Lawna and Henny.” He chuckled. “I’m sure he’ll have plenty of questions and advice from everyone once he arrives.”

Kelly looked out from the barn, and Merril held up three fingers. Kelly nodded and disappeared back inside.

“You're not coming?” Nichole asked.

Merril shook his head. “No. I’m going to help Lloyd house all the animals. After that, I’ll ride over to the branding site. I know we can’t shelter the cattle, but I want to see how many head are still close by.”

Kelly walked three tacked horses over to the group.

Merril helped Nichole mount Sugar and arranged her skirt. He ran a hand down the gelding’s neck as he looked up at his wife. “Be safe, sweetheart.”

“I will.” Nichole reset her parasol on her shoulder. “I’m not sure when we’ll be back.” She blew him a kiss and followed Jason and Amy down the drive to the road.

The beautiful day made the ride between ranches pass quickly for Nichole. Jason and Amy were unusually quiet during the trip.

Probably nervous about mage training.

As they rounded the house and turned into the yard, Nichole spotted Bayard seated on the bench beside the corral.

His head was down as he wound twine around white sage leaves. Bay paused in his work and looked up at the riders when they pulled their mounts to a stop. “Good morning.” He set the fragrant bundle aside. “Leave one mount saddled, if you would.”

Jason nodded to Bayard and led the horses into the corral.

Nichole picked up a sage bundle and smelled the fragrance. “What is this for?”

“It’s a smudge for cleansing the house.” Bayard shielded his eyes and grinned up at Nichole. “Sage restores balance and releases bound negative emotions.”

“Oh.” Nichole glanced at Amy. “Did you know this?”

Amy lifted her shoulders. “Mother never made these and only spoke of them occasionally. I have other uses for sage.”

Jason joined them from the corral. “Are you going back straight away?” Jason asked as he pulled off his riding gloves.

Bayard shook his head and pointed to the house. “Alyse said she heard a man cry in the night. She believes there’s a lingering presence in the house. We’re going to cleanse the house first. Make sure the fellow is sent happily on his way. I’ll head to your ranch after we’re done.”

Alyse swept dust from the entryway out onto the porch. When she saw Amy in the yard, she waved, then disappeared back inside.

“While Alyse sweeps the house, Bernard is setting up the altar.” Bay stood and picked up the sage bundle. “This is what they’ve been waiting for.” He took a step toward the house and paused. “Oh, and Alyse wants Nichole to walk through the house before we start.” Bayard grinned at Nichole. “She says you’re sensitive to spirits.”

Nichole blinked at Bayard. “Why would she think that?”

Bayard shrugged. “Alyse can sense things about people. She calls it truth-reading, but it’s more than sensing a lie.” Bay shrugged. “She felt something in you when the girls healed you. She mentioned it again yesterday.” Bay pointed toward the house. “We can get started, if you like.”

“Should I wait out here?” Jason hesitated by the bench outside the corral.

“You can,” Bay said over his shoulder. “This won't take long.”

Nichole hadn't been inside The Shilo ranch house since her carriage accident. She walked past the library and glanced inside. Empty. The bare windows looked over the porch and side yard. She glimpsed Jason seated on the bench. She followed Bayard and Amy into the dining room.

The heavy table stood in the center of the room. The chairs were lined up against the walls. A black altar cloth covered the middle third of the table. Bernard had arranged several items on it: a water-filled chalice, a bowl of salt, a white candle, a box of matches, and a small cast-iron cauldron. In the center of the cloth lay a well-worn book, open to a page midway through it. A red silk ribbon lay along the crease.

“Good. You're here.” Bernard acknowledged Amy and Nichole with a nod. “And you have the smudge done. Excellent.” He took the smudge and arranged it on the altar with the rest of the items. “Alyse, take Nichole through the house and tell her what you heard last night.” He glanced at Nichole. “If she can convince the spirit to leave on his own, it will go much easier on the poor fellow.” Bernard turned to the altar. “I'll set the wards and bless the cleansing.”

Nichole half expected to find them in ceremonial robes, but the men wore their usual dark slacks, light shirts, and vests. Alyse wore a blue checkered day dress with light stocking and low-heeled shoes, her hair brushed and braided in one long strand down her back.

Amy and Nichole removed their hats, set them on a chair, and followed Alyse upstairs.

“Bay and Bern slept in these rooms.” Alyse pointed.

Nichole knew those were Philip's and Merril's old rooms.

“I slept in the one down the hall.” Alyse walked to the last room and opened the door.

Nichole stepped past Alyse and into room. This was Kevin’s room. A heavy melancholy filled her chest, and a chill touched her to the bone. “You slept in here?” She turned to Alyse in amazement. Nichole could hardly tolerate standing in the room.

Alyse nodded. “Nothing happened until the middle of the night. I woke to hear a man weeping. You feel something, don’t you?”

Nichole nodded and turned to survey the room. She crossed to the dresser. A wooden box held two sets of cufflinks. An empty picture frame lay on its back beside the box. Her dread of Kevin crawled up her spine, and she turned to Alyse. “What should I do?”

Alyse shook her head. “I don’t know. I have no spirit magic. What I heard last night, anyone could have heard.” Alyse studied Nichole for several moments. “You didn't like this man. He frightened you.”

“You can sense that, or you see it in my face?” Nichole rubbed her arms.

“Both, actually.” She stepped from the doorway and into the room beside Nichole. “This man was your husband's brother?” Alyse asked.

“Yes.” Nichole nodded and swallowed. “Kevin Shilo. He lost his mind after their father died, and he... he did some terrible things.” Nichole turned to leave, but Amy stood in the doorway.

“He wasn’t always so cruel, was he? Can you remember a pleasant time with him before he lost his father? Think of positive things—good things,” Alyse suggested.

Nichole shook her head. All she could see when she thought of Kevin was Toma's bloody back, and his cruel hands on her breast. She exhaled in frustration, and was startled to see her breath. “He's here.” She spun and searched the room. An indentation had appeared on the bed. Nichole pressed her hand to her throat as a figure began to coalesce. The color of his clothes was muted, and the outlines of his body blurred. Kevin sat on the bed, elbows on his knees, as he wept into his hands.

“You can see him?” Alyse took Nichole's hand, and she turned toward the specter.

Nichole exhaled frosted vapor through clenched teeth. “Yes,” she murmured.

Kevin turned and looked at her. “Who are you?” Alarm radiated from the apparition.

“It’s me, Kevin. It’s Nichole.” She tightened her grip on Alyse's hand.

“No.” Kevin shook his head. “You’re not her.” He rose to his feet. Malevolent anger glared from his eyes. He took a step toward her and his voice rose to a roar. “Why does everyone lie to me?” He took another step and reached for Nichole.

Panic closed her throat. She spun free of Alyse’s grip and pushed against Amy. “Let me out!” Kevin's breath was like ice down Nichole’s neck. She broke past Amy, raced down the hallway and stairs, and out the front door into the sunshine.

Jason rose from the bench and caught Nichole in his arms as she fled into the yard.

The warmth of the summer sun and her cousin’s arms calmed her. She wiped her face and turned as Amy and Alyse hurried to her side.

Jason looked from Nichole to Amy. “What happened?”

“Kevin’s in the house.” Nichole pushed away from Jason and looked at Amy and Alyse. “I'm sorry I ran like that.” She pushed the hair out of her face. “He came at me, and all I could think to do was run away.”

Amy looked at Nichole with sympathy. “I didn’t see anything.” She looked at Alyse.

Alyse nodded. “He’s there, and he’s angry. I understand why you ran.”

Jason swore and stepped away from the women. “Kevin is dead. He's in the ground at the cemetery up that road.”

Bern and Bay crossed the porch and approached the group in the yard.

“Kevin's body is buried,” Alyse said to Jason, “but his spirit is lost inside this house. Nichole must help him find his way out.” She looked back at Nichole. “We can't have Kevin here when the demon arrives.”

“I can't go back inside.” Nichole took a step back, and her legs touched the bench. “I can't face him.”

“We could ward you,” Bayard offered. “Then you’d be sure he can’t harm you.” He smiled and held out his hand to Nichole. “You’ll be safe. I promise.”

Nichole took Bayard's hand then hesitated and turned to Jason. “Will you come?”

Jason pressed his lips and nodded. “Of course.” He took Nichole's other hand.

Together, they entered the house and continued into the dining room.

Jason gawked at the altar as Bayard drew the cousins up beside the table.

Bernard followed them across the room. “How big of a ward do you want?” Bernard asked his brother with one eyebrow raised.

“A simple call to each corner and a blessing would do, but I want all of us inside the ward.” Bayard looked to Amy and Alyse, who spoke together at the side of the room. “Ladies, if you please, we need you over here.”

“I’ve already called the corners for the cleansing. I think that should suffice,” Bern said as they grouped beside the altar.

“Put a ward of salt down, bless it, and then Nichole can call the spirit.” Bayard patted Nichole’s hand.

Nichole looked at Bayard.

Had he lost his mind?

Anxiety slammed into her chest. “I can’t call Kevin.”

Bay tipped his head and gazed at her face. “Would you rather go upstairs?”

“No way.” Nichole shook her head.

“Then it’s best he comes to us. We will all be warded. You’ll be fine.” He placed a hand on her shoulder and raised his gaze to his brother.

Bernard returned from the trunk in the corner. He held a ceramic sauceboat filled with salt. “Are we ready?” Without waiting for an answer, he poured salt from the saucer onto the floor. As he walked clockwise around the group, he intoned the blessing.

“God and Goddess, be welcome in this home.

Lord and Lady, in all aspects of your creation

Hold us in your protection and offer us

The fearlessness of our father,

And the understanding of our mother.

Ensure our work this day is true and good.

Bless us with the wisdom to know your path.”

Bernard completed the circle and set the sauceboat on the table. He placed his hand on Jason's shoulder.

The brothers' eyes met, and they nodded once in unison, then they both reached out a hand to their nieces. Amy took Bay's hand, and Alyse took Bernard's, then the sisters joined hands. They formed a circle inside the circle of salt.

“Call him now,” Bay and Bern spoke at the same time.

Nichole closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Bayard's warm hand on her shoulder fed her strength. She clutched Jason's hands with hers. She reached out with her mind, up the stairs and down the hall. Inside his room, Kevin sat alone and wept. “Kevin?”

A loud thump sounded in the room above their heads.

Nichole opened her eyes. Her gaze sought Jason.

His clammy hands tightened around hers. He nodded. “I heard that.”

“Call him again.” Bayard stared at the ceiling. “Insist he come to you.”

Nichole drew a trembling breath and looked down the hall. “Kevin,” Nichole called. “Come down here.”

A door slammed upstairs to the sound of breaking glass. All eyes were on the ceiling as the floorboards creaked in his room to the hallway then returned to Kevin’s room.

“Don’t let up. Call him.” Bernard nodded to Nichole. “Insist.”

Nichole’s legs shook as she took a deep breath and yelled, “Kevin, get your spirit ass down here and face me. Right now!”

The sound of a tornado ripped down the stairs and embodied rage entered the dining room.

“Holy Mother of God!” Jason stared at the maddened ghost of his former neighbor.

“Calm him,” Bay and Bern said. “Speak to him of good times, pleasant times.”

A photograph from the mantel flew across the room and detonated with a crash against the wall.

“Kevin, don't be angry.” Nichole’s voice shook. Her hands gripped Jason’s. The temperature of the room had plummeted, and her words hung in a frozen mist before her face.

Kevin turned and pinned her with his gaze.

She gasped as tears filled her eyes and froze on her face.

“Keep talking to him,” Bay whispered.

“Remember the barbeque two years ago? Remember when you danced with Nichole?” She swallowed, but the lump stayed in her throat. “Gary Bishop's daughter followed Merril all over the party and wouldn't leave him alone. What was her name?”

Kevin quieted and stared at her.

“Remember how hard you laughed at Merril?” The whirlwind of malice ebbed and the tight band around her chest untangled. “Remember when you danced to the fiddle player, and your father laughed so hard at Dale Green he fell off his chair? Remember laughing Kevin?”

Kevin calmed. The anger dissipated, but the sadness returned.

“Does he know who you are?” Jason whispered.

Nichole shook her head. “He doesn't recognize me.” She could see their icy breath as they spoke.

“He sees her as the person with the spiritual ability,” Amy whispered.

Jason’s stare moved from Kevin to his wife. “He sees who?”

“Urge him to move on,” Alyse recommended. “Tell him where to go.”

Nichole concentrated on Kevin.

He had his hands to his head and moaned with sorrow.

“Kevin,” Nichole said softly, “there’s a light at the end of the hallway. Can you see it?”

Kevin raised his head and stared ahead.

“Yes,” the apparition breathed.

Nichole turned her head and heard Jason gasp as she saw the hallway. It extended through the dining room wall, into infinity. Black empty doorways stood like sentinels on either side and a golden light, a beacon of warmth, glowed at its end.

“Your father is there, and your mother.” Nichole rubbed a tear from the side of her face against her shoulder. Kevin had once been like an older brother to her. She remembered. “They wait for you, Kevin. Listen. Can you hear them?”

Kevin lowered his hands and took a step. He paused, and looked toward Nichole. “Why?”

“Your parents loved you, Kevin.” She pointed toward the light. “They love you still.”

He stared ahead into the light. “Yes,” he breathed. He glanced at Nichole. “Thank you.” His voice faded as his spectral body dissipated and blew into the hallway.

No one moved for several seconds. Finally, Bay patted Nichole’s shoulder. “Well done.”

“Could you see him?” Nichole wiped her tears and turned to Bayard.

He nodded emphatically. “Oh, yes. I think we all saw him.”

Jason put his head down, hands on his knees and breathed deeply.

Amy put her arm on his back.

He stood and embraced his wife. “I have never seen anything so horrifying in my life. That was Kevin.”

“I know.” Amy nodded against his chest.

Alyse stepped out of the warded circle and looked back at her uncles. “Were you twyned the whole time?”

“Most of the time,” Bernard said over his shoulder. “Something you and Amy should practice until you can twyne with just a thought.” Bernard faced the altar. “Let’s get the cleanse out of the way so we can begin some real practice. We’ve spent far too long on poor Kevin.”

Jason and Nichole took seats along the wall and watched as the James family blessed their way around the rooms.

Bernard appointed each person an element they would represent as they removed any remaining ill-will from the home. Bayard, with the sage smudge representing air, would go first, followed by Alyse with the candle as fire. Next would be Amy, with the chalice as water, and finally Bernard, with the salt as earth.

The ritual moved swiftly as each person intoned a blessing for their element. Soon they were coming back down the stairs, saying the blessing one last time at the altar. When all four had finished, they faced Bernard for the close of the ritual.

“Blessed Lord and Lady, hear our prayers

Ensure our work this day is true and good,

Teach us with your wisdom to know your path.

And in your name, bless all who bide here.

So shall it be done.”

Bay and Alyse repeated the last phrase together.

Amy said it quickly and glanced at Jason and smiled.

Jason called from the chairs, “What now?”

Bay picked up his hat from the seat next to Jason. “Now, I ride to your place and set up defensive wards.” He rolled the bowler up his arm to his head. “I’ll see you this evening.” He paused and looked at Nichole. “Dinner at your place?”

Nichole raised her eyebrows at Bayard and laughed. She blew a puff of air to remove a stray hair from her eye. “Whew, yes,” she breathed. “Tell Cookie we’ll be home for dinner.”

Bayard waved at the group and stepped out the front door, closing it soundly behind him.

“Well, that was fun.” Bernard cleared his throat. “Now, then, shall we begin?”




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