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Rhythm (Smoke, Inc. Book 3) by Gem Sivad (20)

When ultimate impulse collides with maximum control…

It’s all about taking charge. Luke Danvers has his future planned to the nth degree—until he steps on an IED in Afghanistan. Bitter, angry, and emotionally adrift, he returns to the States, ready to spend the rest of his life pissed off at the world.

Kiley Endicott has never been a poster child for moderation. Married and widowed young, she’s raising twins on her own. Since impulse has always ruled her life, it’s not easy being a sedate parent under the critically watchful eye of her family.

A Friday night moment of insanity, leads Kiley to a hook up with Luke Danvers. Even in the cab of a truck, he’s an awesome lover. She wants more. But she’s got to be circumspect, nobody can know.

Luke hasn’t had fun in—forever. But he can’t stop grinning after he meets Kiley Endicott. It’s more than her being a totally uninhibited lover, but God knows he can’t get enough of that either. She makes him laugh.

She says nobody can know. Okay, he’s trained in stealth. He sets up a call system, a taboo frequency, guaranteeing her twenty-four-hour access in every way. But he’s not just waiting for their secret meets. He’s planning a take-over.

An Excerpt:

On the trip back to Doug’s place, Luke’s uninhibited partner sat on the seat, her hands folded primly in her lap. Even though he’d aired out the cab, he still inhaled the erotic mix of sweat and sex.

Other than that, it was hard to believe that they’d both gorged on lust moments before. He couldn’t tell if she was regretting what they’d done or was too sated to talk.

He didn’t have a clue what to say, so he didn’t say anything until they’d almost reached her car.

“I’d like to see you again.” As soon as he said it, he wanted to retract the words. “But, I don’t really have time for a relationship.” The man who had nothing but time on his hands tried to make his life seem busy. “When I’m not working I’m thinking about working.”

That sounded pompous as hell and he floundered, knowing he was blowing the moment and dammit, he didn’t want to. He looked at her sideways, before pulling her closer, sliding his arm around her shoulders so her body rested against his.

Risking a quick glance from the road to look at Kiley, he took in her swollen lips and flushed cheeks. She laid her hand on his thigh, and he liked the feel of her palm there.

“I’m busy, but that doesn’t mean I’m a eunuch,” he amended.

“Noted,” she agreed, patting his leg as she gave him a speculative look. “I’d also like to do this again.” She squeezed his thigh and it didn’t surprise him when his cock stirred, already half aroused and ready for more of her.

“Maybe we can help each other,” she said looking up at him. He didn’t know what she had in mind, but he listened to find out.

“I’m a single mom. I don’t have a steady man because I don’t want one hanging around my two kids who are right now with my mom. She doesn’t babysit often and aside from Marcie, I don’t leave them with anyone else. I have a full-time life that includes a job and no time for a relationship.”

“And?” He squeezed her shoulders, urging her to make an offer he wasn’t going to refuse regardless of what it was.

“And—I have certain biological needs I’d like to satisfy with something other than plastic.” She closed her eyes, her blush denying the intimacies they’d just enjoyed at the same time her hand stroked his thigh, promising more.

“Well as to those biological needs—seems like we can find a way to get them satisfied. When you’ve got the time, I’ll find the place.” He pulled up next to her car and put the truck in park, idling in front of her sister’s house, waiting for Kiley’s answer.

When she remained mute, he decided coaxing was in order. “You do the calling,” he said, switching on his truck’s overhead light to search in the glove compartment for paper.

“I’d just as soon the whole town not know we’re carrying on,” Kiley murmured, her blush turning her pink cheeks to ruby.

“Carrying on?” After the uninhibited fucking they’d just engaged in, her old-fashioned description made him smile.

His quick rummaging turned up no paper, so before shutting off the overhead light, he held her hand and wrote his number on her palm. “If you change your mind and don’t call, it’s okay. I’ll not bother you. If you do call, I’ve marked your number a TF.”


“That’s military speak for taboo frequency—an open line strictly for emergencies. You call when you’re able to get free and I’ll make sure we get together.”

He let her get half out the door before he added his last addendum to their deal. “As to the plastic, you might want to bring it along for a ride or two. No sense in letting it feel neglected.” He liked a little variety in the sheets and he figured he’d let her know up front, he wasn’t all vanilla. He had a feeling neither was she.

End of excerpt