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Rock Hard: BAD Alpha Dads by Abbie Zanders (24)

Epilogue: Rex

Rex returned to the small room at the front of the church and began pacing, his head whirring with a whole lot of WTF.

“Take it easy, dude. You’re getting married, not up for a Grammy.”

Rex glared at his best man. “Take it easy? My mate is in the back of the church, with my cub, who just had her first shift. Don’t tell me to fucking take it easy.”

“Carly’s first shift?” Styxx grinned. “That’s awesome, man. Congrats. Bet that’s a load off her mind.”

Rex had no idea if it was or wasn’t, because he wasn’t there. But something about the way Styxx had delivered his seemingly offhand comment pierced through his inner angst and raised his hackles.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, now she doesn’t have to worry as much about disappointing you.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Nothing, man.” Styxx shook his head.

That only irritated Rex more. Styxx might be a genius, but he could be a condescending, cryptic motherfucker, too.

“Don’t give me that ‘nothing’ shit. What are you, a chick? It’s clearly something.”

Styxx rolled his eyes. “Are you really that clueless?”

Rex glared back at him, lifting his upper lip in a warning snarl.

“You need me to spell it out for you? Fine. It can’t be easy for Carly, being your kid. You’re a badass shifter who has made no secret of the fact that you believe the pursuit of higher education is a waste of time and that humans are inferior in every way. She is an introverted scientific genius who, until this morning, had never been anything other than human. You don’t think she feels like she’s a disappointment in your eyes? That you wouldn’t prefer a daughter more like you?”

What?” Rex felt like he had just stage-dived off a twenty-story building and hit the ground face first. He sank down into the nearest chair. “She can’t possibly think ...”

But of course she could. Styxx was right. He and Carly were very different. He had never understood her thirst for knowledge; couldn’t comprehend why she would want to stay cooped up in her room instead of being out somewhere, having fun. Until recently, they had never even been able to hold a decent conversation.

“Fuck. I’m a shit father.”

Styxx dropped his hand onto Rex’s shoulder. “Maybe not total shit. You did take her in when you found out about her and made sure she wanted for nothing.”

Except possibly a dad who didn’t make her feel like she wasn’t good enough, Rex thought miserably to himself.

He stood up. “I have to talk to her.”

Styxx moved slowly in front of him. “Slow your roll there, dude.”

“Get the fuck out of my way.”

“Just listen for a minute, will you? Alice is with Carly, right?”

Rex jerked his head in an affirmative nod.

“Then let her handle it. Females are way better at this sort of thing, especially with other females.”

“And you know this how?”

“I’ve got six sisters,” Styxx revealed with a smirk. “Trust me on this one, Rex. If you go back there now, you’re just going to embarrass her.”

Rex wasn’t happy about it, but he supposed it made sense.

“Don’t pout. You’ll get your turn when Alice gives you a son.”

Something squeezed deep in Rex’s chest at the thought. Of watching Alice grow round with his cubs. Of all the fun they would have making those cubs.

“The good news is,” Styxx continued, “by the time it comes to that, you’ll have this father thing down.”

Rex exhaled. Styxx was right. Again. He and Carly were making progress, and much of that was because of Alice. She was going to make a great mother. He wondered if maybe she would want to get started on that later tonight ... after the ceremony.

The pipe organ suddenly grew louder.

“That’s our cue.” Styxx clapped him on the back. “You ready?”

“So ready.”

“Then let’s do this.”

They walked out and took their places by the altar. The church was packed. Rex was pleased to see the other guys from the band in the front row.

“How did you get them to wear tuxes?” Rex asked quietly.

Styxx laughed. “Dude, they’re doing it for the pussy. Everyone knows chicks dig guys in tuxes.”

Rex laughed, too. Then Alice appeared at the back of the church and his mind went blank.

She looked gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous. He had expected the quarter-million-dollar gown to look like something in one of those bridal magazines she had been perusing, but this was so much better. The bottom was short in front, long in back, flowing behind her in a cascade of white silk and diamonds. A tight, sleeveless bodice hugged her lush curves, with well-placed slashes revealing a hint of creamy, golden skin with each step. It was hot as fuck.

Maybe he wouldn’t wait until later tonight. Maybe he would just throw her over his shoulder and carry her into the back to get started on those cubs right away ...

A swift, well-placed elbow to the ribs invaded his fantasy. “You’re growling, man. Unless you want everyone here to know what you are, I’d cage the lion. Feel me?”

Rex managed to get himself under control with considerable effort. While some trusted humans knew about shifters, most didn’t. He, for one, preferred to keep it that way.

He focused on his daughter instead. She, too, looked lovely, her gown a more modest version of Alice’s and perfectly suited to a young female.

Carly reached him first. “You okay, princess?” he asked quietly.

She smiled back at him, a brilliant smile that he felt deep in his chest. “Yeah, it’s all good.”

Carly stepped to the side, and then Johnny Prowler was there, placing Alice’s hand in his.

Rex withheld the snarl that tried to escape. Alice was incredibly fond of the guy, and had reminded Rex on multiple occasions that it was Johnny who had encouraged her to return and give him another chance. Maybe the fucking panther wasn’t so bad after all.

The ceremony went off smoothly, short and to the point, just as they had wanted. Rex kissed his new bride for the first time to thunderous applause with his family and friends right there beside him, and he knew, without a doubt, that it was his finest performance.