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Shake It Up by J. Kenner (17)


Some rave reviews for J. Kenner’s sizzling romances...

With Kenner's heartfelt and beautiful writing, she captures the true raw emotions of her characters as they battle with their feelings.—Michelle from Four Chicks Flipping Books on Hold On Tight

An unexpectedly gritty and raw second chance romance that’s hot, sexy and full of surprises—MammieBabbie on Hold On Tight

Holy sexual tension, Batman! Being inside the heads of these two lust-struck characters had me turning on the fan in winter!—iScream Books Blog on Down On Me

Sexy. Sassy. Fun. Down On Me is the perfect start to The Man of the Month series and I’m already jonesing for more!!—Heather from White Hot Reads on Down On Me

I just get sucked into these books and can not get enough of this series. They are so well written and as satisfying as each book is they leave you greedy for more. — Goodreads reviewer on Wicked Torture

A sizzling, intoxicating, sexy read!!!! J. Kenner had me devouring Wicked Dirty, the second installment of Stark World Series in one sitting. I loved everything about this book from the opening pages to the raw and vulnerable characters. With her sophisticated prose, Kenner created a love story that had the perfect blend of lust, passion, sexual tension, raw emotions and love. - Michelle, Four Chicks Flipping Pages

Wicked Dirty CLAIMED and CONSUMED every ounce of me from the very first page. Mind racing. Pulse pounding. Breaths bated. Feels flowing. Eyes wide in anticipation. Heart beating out of my chest. I felt the current of Wicked Dirty flow through me. I was DRUNK on this book that was my fine whiskey, so smooth and spectacular, and could not get enough of this Wicked Dirty drink.  - Karen Bookalicious Babes Blog

"Sinfully sexy and full of heart. Kenner shines in this second chance, slow burn of a romance. Wicked Grind is the perfect book to kick off your summer.”- K. Bromberg, New York Times bestselling author (on Wicked Grind)

“J. Kenner never disappoints~her books just get better and better." - Mom's Guilty Pleasure (on Wicked Grind)

"I don't think J. Kenner could write a bad story if she tried. … Wicked Grind is a great beginning to what I'm positive will be a very successful series. … The line forms here." iScream Books (On Wicked Grind)

“Scorching, sweet, and soul-searing, Anchor Me is the ultimate love story that stands the test of time and tribulation. THE TRUEST LOVE!” Bookalicious Babes Blog (on Anchor Me)

“J. Kenner has brought this couple to life and the character connection that I have to these two holds no bounds and that is testament to J. Kenner’s writing ability.” The Romance Cover (on Anchor Me)

“J. Kenner writes an emotional and personal story line. … The premise will captivate your imagination; the characters will break your heart; the romance continues to push the envelope.” The Reading Café (on Anchor Me)

“Kenner may very well have cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them . . .” Romantic Times

Wanted is another J. Kenner masterpiece . . . This was an intriguing look at self-discovery and forbidden love all wrapped into a neat little action-suspense package. There was plenty of sexual tension and eventually action. Evan was hot, hot, hot! Together, they were combustible. But can we expect anything less from J. Kenner?” Reading Haven

Wanted by J. Kenner is the whole package! A toe-curling smokin' hot read, full of incredible characters and a brilliant storyline that you won't be able to get enough of. I can't wait for the next book in this series . . . I'm hooked!” Flirty & Dirty Book Blog

“J. Kenner's evocative writing thrillingly captures the power of physical attraction, the pull of longing, the universe-altering effect one person can have on another. . . . Claim Me has the emotional depth to back up the sex . . . Every scene is infused with both erotic tension, and the tension of wondering what lies beneath Damien's veneer – and how and when it will be revealed.” Heroes and Heartbreakers

Claim Me by J. Kenner is an erotic, sexy and exciting ride. The story between Damien and Nikki is amazing and written beautifully. The intimate and detailed sex scenes will leave you fanning yourself to cool down. With the writing style of Ms. Kenner you almost feel like you are there in the story riding along the emotional rollercoaster with Damien and Nikki.” Fresh Fiction

“PERFECT for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You. Release Me is a powerful and erotic romance novel that is sure to make adult romance readers sweat, sigh and swoon.” Reading, Eating & Dreaming Blog

“I will admit, I am in the 'I loved Fifty Shades' camp, but after reading Release Me, Mr. Grey only scratches the surface compared to Damien Stark.” Cocktails and Books Blog

“It is not often when a book is so amazingly well-written that I find it hard to even begin to accurately describe it . . . I recommend this book to everyone who is interested in a passionate love story.” Romancebookworm's Reviews

“The story is one that will rank up with the Fifty Shades and Cross Fire trilogies.” Incubus Publishing Blog

“The plot is complex, the characters engaging, and J. Kenner's passionate writing brings it all perfectly together.” Harlequin Junkie