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Siefer: Warriors of Milisaria (A Sci-Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Celeste Raye (36)

Chapter 17:

The planet was stunning. The atmosphere mimicked the world she had come from but the way it had been centuries before. The air was clean and fresh. The grass was green. The river they stood before was wide and clear and brimming with life. The wind blew soft and scented from the tall stands of trees. The flowers grew in profusion along long fields that held no life but for her and Renall.

Clara said, “I can see why you wanted it so badly.”

Renall smiled as he watched birds take flight, winging their way upward into the clear sky. “I hope you do. I know it is primitive. There are no halls.”

“And no re-circulators.”

He chuckled. “No major docks.”

“And no interference from the Federation.”

His lips curved upward. His eyes danced. “No medi-centers or food printers. No fabrics on hand. We have to start all the way over. We will be a primitive people living off the land of a planet.”

Clara drew a cleansing gulp of air into her lungs. “I read, in an old book, that that was how it was many centuries before on my homeland. That people lived sparsely and that they had to build things with just their wits and whatever they could fashion.”

Renall said, “Well, we have the good fortune of also having quite a lot of credits to bring things here that will make it much easier. I have already had several shipments brought here and a structure built that will house us for now. We’ll learn how to live here.”

“And we won’t have to worry about a bill for resources at the end of the day.”

Renall’s eyes danced. “Oh now, you know you will miss being charged extra to breathe fresh air.”

Clara let her head tilt back. She pulled in a might gust of air. “Um, no. I won’t. I think I am going to love it here. I think we all will.”

His face darkened. “I hope so. None of us can really leave again now. Talon’s taking the ship with him. “

Clara knew how worried about his sibling Renall was. “He’s a hell of a fighter and a hell of a pilot. And he has not just his crew but Jessica with him. She’s just as skilled at combat as any I have ever seen.”

Renall’s eyes went up to the belly of the ship hovering overhead. His concern showed in his visage. “I wish he could let go of the past, but I understand how hard it is to do that. Especially for him. He was the one who was subjected to the worst of the abuse, and he was the one who truly worshipped our father. He took it as a personal strike against him when Father was killed. I understand that too. He is determined to eradicate the Gorlites and if that means his capture he is at peace with that decision.”

Her eyes surveyed his face. “But you are not.”

His dark head shook from side to side. “No. I understand his need for revenge, but I no longer share it and have not for a very long time.”

“I can see that.” Clara dipped her hand down to touch the petals of a pretty flower. It was a ruby red color, and the petals were velvety soft. She had no idea what it was, but she found herself marveling at it anyway. “I am sorry, about Lois I mean. I had no idea she was a cycle spy.”

“How clever of the government.” Renall’s voice dropped lower. “Her own father sent her to suffer to pay a political debt and planting the cycle spy circuit was done so his foes and debtors could watch her shame and misery. I have to wonder about beings who are so cruel.”

Her eyebrow rose. “Not all humans are so.”

Renall took her hand in his. “This I know. I was just…it is astounding, that level of cruelty. It was not lucky for me that they also happened to catch me and the others in the act of stripping.”

“You know what? Lois was very happy in the hall. Dana had no idea that Lois was not her daughter and Sanara had no clue she was not her sister either. They had no idea that they had had a memory implant. They still do not know that. I only hope they never discover that or what really happened to Lois.”

Renall said, “I shall never tell, and I know none of the rest who know will either.”

Clara frowned. “Do you think there might be a chance that their wipe and memory implants might falter?”

“I don’t know. If they do, then we will tell them the truth, but only then. And only if we have to.”

Clara said, “That is something I can agree to.”

She looked over her shoulder at the others. Several hundred beings from various planets and systems were laughing or exploring or just standing still, heads back and their eyes on the blue skies.

Three people broke off from the group and came toward her and Renall. Clara’s heart lifted even higher as Joshua said, “It’s so beautiful.”

Megda echoed that sentiment then added, “Renall, you said that there is housing of some sort already?”

He nodded. “A very large commune type structure. It will be difficult at first but the ship has brought us enough food for now, and we can grow things and…” His head lifted to the sky. His eyes scanned the horizon. His head dropped, and his eyes met Clara’s, “live and love in peace.”

She took his hand. Overhead, Talon’s ship hovered for a moment and then lifted away. Happiness filled Clara. She was helping to build something new and a world worth living in, and she was doing it with Renall and her family beside her.

Renall peered at her. “What are you thinking?”

Her lips curved even more widely. Her laughter rang through the air. “I’m thinking that this is worlds away from the place I thought I’d always be, and how glad I am to be here.”

He said, “I was thinking perhaps we should name the planet, but I don’t know what to call it, exactly.”

“Of course you know,” she said softly. “It’s Revant Two.”

He took a breath. His eyes held hers. “But there’s more than my race here.”

“One day our races, mine, yours, and all the others on this place, will have whatever remains of your race’s blood in their veins. They should have the right to the name.”

He swallowed hard. “You’re right. Revant Two it is.”

His smile was equally wide. He swept her into an embrace and kissed her. Hard. Then they set off across the grassy fields of the virgin planet, hand in hand.