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Sleighed (Severton Search and Rescue Book 1) by Annie Dyer (11)

Chapter 11

It was past midnight when Zack drove up to Litton Manor. It was embraced in darkness; the only glimmer the light Sorrell had placed outside that illuminated the sign.

“From tomorrow it’ll never be dark,” she said, opening the door to climb out. “I have at least two rooms booked from now until Christmas.”

“You’re closed over Christmas?” he said, rushing around to the side to help her down. The way she looked at him when he offered her his hand was different to how he’d ever been looked at before. There was amusement there at the old fashioned manners, but he also saw a delight in accepting them, that she took them for what they were. No show, no grandeur or attempting to be a charmer like Jake, when he definitely wasn’t. She seemed to get that.

“Closed from Christmas Eve morning until Jan second,” she said. “And January would’ve been the quiet season, except there’s some form of mystical convention who have booked the place out for two weeks; then there’s a yoga retreat and after that it’s romantic getaways for Valentine’s day. I did do some special offers which seem to have worked. And Christmas Day your chefs are taking over the kitchen.”

“They’re familiar with it. And you don’t have to be around. Just come spend Christmas dinner—the non-work one—with us at the farm. It’s a nice respite after the mania of serving up to nearly a hundred residents,” he said. He walked her to the door, the security light flicking on.

The place was too still, too silent. He felt weird leaving her alone although he knew she’d been here by herself for a good three months. “Can I see you in?”

She laughed, the noise fracturing the quiet. “Zack, I’m used to this: it’s going to be strange sharing this place with people staying here. I’ve gotten used to being here by myself—and occasionally Gwensi.”

“I’m not used to seeing it this quiet,” he said. “I’ve only ever known it awake, during the day and at night—Mr Montgomery would wake up at two each morning, put a shirt, trousers and braces on, and come down for a brew and to read the bits of the Severton Weekly he’d forgotten about.”

“I thought you were always the manager,” she said, unlocking the door, lights automatically coming on as soon as they entered. That detail made him feel slightly better about her coming home alone after a night out, not that the idea of her on a night out was appealing. Zack had never had a problem before asking a woman out; he’d rarely been turned down, if ever, and he’d never had to try that hard. Unlike Jake who had never had to try at all. Or Scott, whose grumpy fuck-off-if-you-get-too-close vibe generally had women trying to break his bedroom door down.

“I was. But that meant if we were short staffed, I’d come in and cover. Or be here in three minutes flat if there was an emergency. Night shifts were when emergencies happened,” he said. “I could tell you stories, but then you wouldn’t stay here tonight.”

“You like your job, don’t you?”

He nodded, following her through to the bi-fold doors that were new, and out across the garden to the small cottage that he had used as his own home for a couple of years.

“I didn’t think that you were living here,” he said.

She put the key in the lock and turned, opening the door to an area that he remembered but was very different to how he’d left it.

“There’s a bigger building—you’ll know it—that I’m hoping to renovate and then live in eventually. I’m thinking this could be used as a suite or something more special, especially if I can get a licence to hold weddings here,” she said, leading him through to the lounge area. “Do you want a cup of tea? Or a beer? I don’t know what time you’re working tomorrow and I didn’t ask.”

“If you want a wine or a beer I’ll have one too. If you’re wanting to get off to bed then we’ll call it a night,” he said. It felt different, being here in her personal space rather than the manor in an area far more public. More intimate. More personal. His chest felt a little tighter and his breathing shallower.

“I can always have another wine. I’m not sure if what I’ve got in is as nice as what I had at the pub though,” she said, a little tipsy.

He followed her into the kitchen, a film reel of other times he had been in there playing in his head. “Sorrell,” he said.

She turned around suddenly, almost into him and he threw out his arms to catch her round the waist. “Sorry,” he muttered. “You feel…”

Then she put her hands up on his shoulders and pulled herself up to meet his lips with hers.

She tasted of the wine she’d drunk and the sweetness of the cake she’d eaten. Her mouth was soft against his but there was still demand. She wanted and she took and he felt himself being pulled into her like a boat into a storm.

The kiss ended; his hands had crept up her sides, under the sweater she wore, to the sides of her breasts. Zack wasn’t sure how they’d stopped or why, but he was looking into the moss green eyes and seeing a world he’d never contemplated.

“Do you want to stay?” she said. Her words were unsure, tentative.

He shifted his hands to cup her breasts, feeling their fullness and weight in his hands. Her bra was lacy beneath his fingers, her nipples hardening under his touch. His body had already reacted and he knew she’d be aware of it, his cock hard against her stomach.

“Yes. But I don’t think I should yet,” he said.

“Okay?” Her word was a question, unsure why he was turning her down.

“You’re not a one night, Sorrell. And you’re still working out whether you’re over your dickhead of an ex. Let me take you out and not just to bed,” he said, licking his lips, finding his mouth dry. “Give me a chance to be more than just a one-night stand.”

She looked up at him, moss green eyes darker than he’d ever seen. “Why?”

“Because you’re more than that,” he said. “You’re more than me just fucking you in your bed and a few orgasms. I want to be more than just your rebound, Sorrell. Let me have that chance.”

Her grip was tight on his arms and he tensed his biceps purposely, bringing a smile to her swollen lips. “I’m not sure I’m ready,” she said. “I don’t know…”

“Then I’ll let you call me,” he said. “Think about it. And then I’ll plan a date.”

She gave a small nod and took a sharp inhalation. “What if I want to plan one?”

“You can do the second.”

“You’re confident.”

“I have reason to be.”

She was quiet, regarding him seriously. Then she pressed her mouth to his and he swore his balls turned a darker shade of blue.

This time, she was in control, her tongue probing, her mouth demanding. He let her have her way for all of ten seconds before nipping her lip and taking over, one hand on her ass, the other cupping her breast, pinching her nipple through the lace.

Their lips pulled apart, bodies still close. “What night can you do?” he said. “When can I take you out in town?”

She laughed, holding his eyes with hers. “I have guests every night this week, but maybe for dinner one evening? Can I text you with when will work?”

He nodded. “You’re a bed and breakfast at the moment. I’m just glad there’s no evening meal. Otherwise I’d have to book a room to see you.”

She lowered her head down so she could press her forehead just under his chin, making him feel ten feet tall and like some kind of hero. Her kind of hero, he hoped.

“There will be time,” she said and he heard the steel in her voice. “I’m a planner and I have staff lined up. Let me text you about something later in the week. Gwensi’s here at the weekend though.”

“I’d like to meet her.” And this time he heard the steel in his tone.

Sorrell nodded. “I’ll plan a night out. Saturday’s quieter at the moment and Abby’s doing a shift for me on reception, so I think we’re going to go out in Severton. She wants to meet the locals.”

Zack smiled, holding her as close as he could, his dick throbbing. “Scott’s band is playing at his bar on Saturday. You should come to that.”

“I’ll try. But maybe we can see each other before then. Even if it’s just for a quick dinner,” she said.

He felt a wave of relief collide with him; a battle won. “Then we have a plan. I’ll take you out on an evening that’s good for you.”

“What about your shifts?” Her eyes were wide, concerned.

“Sorrell, I’m manager and this will be one of the first times I’ll use my position to make sure I can do something important.”

He saw her expression, the turning over in her mind of the word important.

“Okay,” she said. “We have a date.”

“Yeah,” Zack confirmed, his heart sprinting. “I just have to work out how to stop touching you.”