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Smart Baztard (Baztards MC Book 1) by N.S. Johnson, Ines Johnson (25)

Chapter Twenty-Five

Gabby's head rested against a soft chest. Someone was stroking her hair. The last thing she remembered was being in Prince's arms. He'd told her how much he loved her, that no one would ever hurt her again, that he'd never leave her side. She wasn't sure how much was real and how much was her mind coloring in the edges of a dream.

She'd always known that Prince loved her; never doubted it. He was just finally realizing how much and how differently he loved her in this day and time than in the early years. She'd always known that he would never allow anyone to hurt her. And now he included himself in that mix of perpetrators. She knew he'd never purposely abandon her again. But she also knew that their time together was coming to a temporary end.

The case was solved. He'd be going back to D.C soon. She'd be going back to school at the end of the week. They'd have miles and time between them for a while. But just for a while. They had forever before them. They just had to get over this little bump in the road first.

Waking up in Prince's arms now, Gabby noted that his chest had more cushions than she remembered. And his nails were longer. And he smelled of Chanel. Gabby lifted her head and met the gaze of Judge Obademi.

"Just rest, sweetheart. You're safe."

Gabby had never heard the judge use such dulcet tones. She'd always heard the judge's voice as a commanding bass, not a soft and lilting woodwind.

"Where's Prince?" Gabby asked.

"He had to go back to the scene, to make sure everything was being handled properly; you know him. He asked me to stay with you."

"Did you call my parents?"

"I did," Mrs. O said. I told them you were fine, and we were taking care of you. They'll be back tomorrow."

Gabby couldn't be sad that her parents were ending their trip a bit early. She wanted her mother's arms around her, but the judge's firm caress was nice. She'd never thought of the judge as maternal. She'd seen the woman play catch with her boys, and race alongside them. But she couldn't remember ever seeing Oluyemi give out hugs and kisses.

"Did you know I used to hold you when you were a baby?"  asked the judge. "Not often. You were a crier."

"I'm sorry."

"You would settle when you were in Yohaness' arms."

"I love him," Gabby said simply.

"I know," the judge replied.

"I'm going to take care of him," said Gabby into the judge's chest.

"I know."

Gabby straightened, coming face to face with the only other roadblock in her way of a happily ever after. "I'm going to make him very happy. I'm good at it. It's what I'm best at. That may not be changing the world, but it's important work. And it's liberating because he makes me feel like I can do anything, which just makes me want to love him more and harder and better. He can be the one that changes the world. I'll be the one making his world better."

Oluyemi pushed a stray curl back behind Gabby's ear. "Being a wife and a mother is the most important work that I do. It's the reason I leave the house every day. It's the reason I work as hard as I do. I want them to have the best." 

Mrs. O sighed, but the sound wasn't one of exasperation. It was content and full of light. She leaned in and smiled conspiratorially at Gabby.

"I'm the only one who didn't bet on you," she said. "I misjudged you, Gabrielleia."

"So, you'll accept me as your daughter-in-law?"

She leaned her head back and laughed. "Don't you think my son should propose first?"

Gabby raised an eyebrow. The judge let out another chuckle.

The front door opened to reveal a tall, dark, handsome commanding presence. Prince strode in. Gabby leapt up and into his arms.

"Hey, monkey," he said pulling her close. He pressed his lips to her temple, and then he turned to his mother. "The Henchmen crew is in holding for assault and kidnapping on both state and federal charges."

The judge came up and clapped her son on the shoulder. Then she cupped his face in her hand. "Good work, son."

After the judge left, Gabby turned to Prince. He traced the outline of her face. Then he rested his head against her forehead. His arms came around to her back and he pulled her into him until their fronts fit like pieces of a puzzle.

"You headed back to D.C. soon?" asked Gabby. Her voice was small inside the cocoon of his love.

Prince pressed his lips to her right eyelid and then her left one. "No."

Gabby jerked her head away from him. "You're not?"

He took a step forward, forcing her to take one back. "I accepted a new position here."

Home. The word on his lips made Gabby's heart flutter like the wings of a butterfly taking its first flight. She even felt herself ascending.

"I'll be consulting with local law enforcement and working out of the justice department to forge a local hate crimes division. It's going to be needed now more than ever with the political climate in the city."

"You're staying?"

"I'm sorry." Prince's eyebrows rose to his hairline as he continued to guide her backwards. "Did I have a choice in the matter?"

"No." Gabby chuckled. Then she noted they were at the door of her bedroom. "How did we get here?"

Prince grinned. "I learn from the best."

"Yeah?" Gabby toed off her shoes. "Because there are a couple lessons I was hoping you'd teach me."

"What's the subject?"

"Love." Gabby fell back on the bed. Ever the insightful tutor, Prince taught Gabby every lesson he could think of while they were between the sheets, on top of the sheets, on the carpet. For these lessons, Gabby applied herself and she aced his examination.

The End

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