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Snowed In & Set Up by Whitley Cox (16)

Chapter Sixteen

By the time Hunter and the rest got back to the chalet, they were all stuffed full of Mrs. Wright’s gingerbread cookies and a wee bit tipsy from Mr. Wright’s hot toddies. Rowan and Juney wandered into the kitchen as if drawn by an invisible magnetic force.

“I’m not even hungry,” Juney said. “And yet for some reason I feel the need to cook.”

“My passion rubbing off on you?” Rowan asked, joining her in the kitchen and pulling out a cutting board and his new knife.

“Must be.” She grinned. “Though with you, I think it’s more of an obsession.”

“Gotta impress the boss with my culinary skills. Whip up some spectacular dishes so she doesn’t take back her offer. I’ve already started working on my Canadian accent. Don’t worry aboot it, eh. I’ll help fix your chesterfield and buy you a new toque, eh. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.”

Juney shook her head and smiled. “We do not sound like that.”

“Left my Marrs bar in my caarr and it melted.” His body shook as he struggled to contain his laughter. “Am I fired?”

“Damn straight.” She giggled. “Though I seem to remember a contract of sorts. So, consider this a stern warning.”

He came up behind her and spun her around, his big hands cradling her slender frame. “Do I need to remind you of our binding contract?” he purred, dipping her low. He gripped the back of her neck and angled her head up so she was looking straight at him. But her gaze shifted from his to directly above his head. Rowan looked up, too.

Was that mistletoe new?

Jesus, that shit had been popping up all over the place. Hunter figured it was Juney sprinkling it around when she and Rowan woke up early in the morning. A bubbly elf trying to make everyone else just as happy as she and Rowan were. Fat chance of that. At least for Hunter.

Rowan and Juney smiled at each other. He lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers. Juney let out a faint whimper as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Hunter grimaced, followed by a groan.

“Gross,” she said under her breath.

Amber and Will chuckled from their spot on the couch.

“Look, I’m happy for you guys and all,” Hunter said. “But come on.”

Rowan helped Juney to her feet. “Sorry, I just can’t help myself when I’m around this woman.”

Hunter glared at him. “I hate you.” Then she stalked off toward her bedroom, happy that Austin was nowhere to be seen. He was probably out chopping wood. The man seemed to have found his inner lumberjack this holiday and looked for every excuse on the planet to leave the group and go outside to either replenish the firewood or shovel the driveway. Was he doing it to avoid her? Or did he actually enjoy it?

Fuck. It was probably both.

And after the clusterfuck from last night, it was almost definitely avoidance. When he’d turned her down for karaoke, her last-ditch attempt at getting him to give her the time of day, Hunter had gone into full-on mean-girl mode. She’d flirted and danced with other guys, let them buy her drinks and laughed at every stupid thing they said. Meanwhile, deep down all she wanted to do was sit in a corner booth with Austin and chat quietly about their hopes and dreams. Fantasize about a trip to Cambodia or plan a dinner date before the Arkells concert. But no, he’d turned her down, so she got drunk and did her best to make him jealous.

He’d been a mumbling, delirious fool by the time they were all ready to head home. Will and Rowan were forced to carry him down the hill, as Juney, Hunter and Amber led the way through the falling flakes. Rowan and Will had heaved him onto his bed muttering “good riddance” or something equally bitter before grabbing their women by the hand and leading them to bed. Hunter had stood there for a moment and just glared at Austin. How dare he do this to her? She was a CEO, for Christ’s sake. She ran her own company, was the big boss, didn’t take shit from anyone. And yet for some reason she took it from Austin. Let him be a jerk. Why?

Her big heart betrayed her brain, and she peeled off his jacket and boots before tugging a blanket up over his prone, snoring body. He shifted and hugged his pillow.

“I like you, Austin,” she whispered. “And I wished you liked me.” She turned to go but stopped and held her breath when Austin hummed and turned again on the bed.


“Yes?” It came out as a squeaky whisper. She swallowed a couple of times to coat her dry throat.

“Hunter, I like you. Fuck.” His words were so garbled she had a hard time making them out. “Jesus. I like you. You’re so pretty. I’m so stupid.”

She swallowed. Was he dreaming? Or was he trying to have a legitimate conversation with her? She couldn’t tell.

“You’re too good for me. I’m not worthy.”

“What? Austin, no.” How could he think that? Of course he was worthy of her.

“Not worthy,” he practically wailed, his face scrunching up as if he were in pain. “You deserve better.”

She still couldn’t tell if he was sleeping or not, but she had to ask. “Why are you being so mean to me?”

“Have to.” He bunched his pillow case in his fist and winced.


“Don’t want you to waste your time with me.”

Her throat clogged up, and tears pricked the backs of her eyes. “It wouldn’t be a waste.”

“Waste your time. Waste of time,” he mumbled again, followed by a ridiculous giggle. “Waste time. Waste. Time. Time.” She was losing him; he was passing out completely. Shit. She wanted to smack his cheek and get to the root of what he’d just been saying, but a soft snore rumbled through the room, and his chest rose and fell in even deep breaths. He was out.

Giving him one last look of longing, she turned off the light and slipped out, letting the door softly click closed behind her.

But that was last night. She wanted to banish all memories of last night out into the blizzard. “Stupid Austin,” she grumbled. She approached her bedroom door with heavy footsteps and an even heavier heart. The sound of happy couples in Christmas bliss, cackling and canoodling in the living room, propelled her forward. What did he mean, she was too good for him? What the hell was wrong with the guy? He had degrees up the wazoo. If anything, he was too good for her.

She gasped as she approached her bedroom door. What if that’s what he meant? What if in his drunken state he got confused, but what he really thought, what he meant to say, was that he was too good for her? He wanted a smarter woman, one with an education. Her heart hit the pit in her stomach. That had to be it. He’d just been confused last night.

Then just as quickly as the melancholy gripped her, fury replaced it. Fuck him. If he wasn’t interested in her romantically, couldn’t they at least be friends? Friendly? Couldn’t he pretend to be nice to her for a few days just to make the group dynamics a little less uncomfortable? Or did all of his friends have to have a string of letters behind their name, too? Fancy diplomas and degrees. Certificates and awards.

She went to grab the doorknob and stopped. There was a small brown envelope wedged in the doorjamb. She grabbed it, turned the knob and walked inside, shutting the door firmly behind her and plopping down on the bed in a huff. It wasn’t sealed.

Dear Hunter,

I’d like to apologize for my behavior. Though, I’m guessing it’s too late. Understandable. I’ve been a complete and total ass to you—to everyone, and if you stopped reading now and crumpled up my note, I wouldn’t blame you one bit.

Still reading? Thank you. There’s no excuse for my behavior. None. But I just want you to know that I really like you. I find you immensely successful, incredibly beautiful, intimidating, and so far out of my league, I can’t even begin to imagine or believe that someone as wonderful as you could ever be interested in someone like me. And if you were, it would only be fleeting. I wanted to save us both the time and embarrassment of even trying to be your “match,” because in my mind, we’re not. You’d be wasting your time with a guy like me. You deserve so much better. You’re too good for me.

I know it’s probably too late, and again, I’m very sorry. But if you’d like to be friends, I’m willing. I can’t say I’m a very good friend. I don’t have many to use as references. But based on how I’ve treated you these past few days, you at least deserve that. You deserve so much more. You deserve the world.

I’m sorry.


Hunter sat there for a moment, reading and re-reading the note. Read it again and again and again, until she memorized it. Burned it into her brain forever. Only then did she get up and fling her door open and fly back down the hallway to the living room.

“Did you know about this?” she asked, stopping directly in front of Amber, waving the note in her face.

“Know about what?” Amber leaned back in the couch. “Get that thing out of my face. I don’t want to get a paper cut on my nose.”

Something inside Hunter snapped back into place, and she pulled the paper away, bringing it down to her side. “Sorry. But did you know about the note Austin wrote me? Did you say something to him while the two of you were alone here?”

Amber nodded slowly. “We talked, yes. But I had no idea he was going to write you a letter. What does it say?”

Hunter handed her the note. Will was cuddled up next to Amber, and the two of them read it. Juney and Rowan wandered over behind the couch and read over their shoulders.

“Short and sweet and to the point,” Will said.

Hunter nodded. Her skin tingled as if she’d jumped into the hot tub after rolling around in the snow. “What did you say to Austin?” she asked, turning back to Amber.

“I told him he’s being an idiot. Behaved like an even bigger idiot last night and that he can’t keep using the whole ‘socially awkward’ label as an excuse not to talk to you. He’s used it as a crutch for so long. He was always the baby in school and work, never able to relate to his peers, so he’s struggled socially. But now he’s twenty-seven, with his peers and needs to start playing catch-up and acting like a decent human being.”

Everyone was nodding.

“Sound advice,” Juney said. “I said a few similar things when we were out on the chairlift. But I think last night’s antics were the tipping point for him. He was a jackass.”

“A huge jackass,” Will said with a grunt. “I’m still not happy about how much fucking tequila he ordered.”

The corner of Hunter’s mouth crooked up. He wouldn’t be nearly as pissed if he hadn’t lost so badly at pool and been left with tab. By the end of the night, the bill had been over a thousand dollars. Not that Dr. Colson couldn’t afford it, but still.

“What should I do?” she asked as her pulse thudded in her ears. He liked her. He didn’t think he was better than her. How could she convince him she wasn’t out of his league? She was a normal girl and wanted a normal relationship with a normal guy.

“Are you willing to forgive him?” Juney asked.

Hunter sucked on her bottom lip for a second. She had always been a very forgiving person. Maybe it was growing up in the system or just a part of her genetic makeup, but she always tried to see the good in people. Give them second, sometimes even third chances. No one was inherently bad, were they?

“I think so,” she said slowly. “I mean, even if nothing romantic happens, I’d like to be his friend. He’s willing to be friends.”

“Then go out there,” Will said with a snort, shaking his head as he wrapped his arm around Amber and pulled her close. She went into his embrace willingly, looking up at his face, beaming.

“And do what?” Hunter asked, fighting an eye roll.

“Go put on a sexy skirt, your ski jacket, and demand that he take you up against the woodshed.” Amber grinned. Her hand fell to Will’s thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Will’s eyes went wide, as did Rowan’s.

“Yeah! Do that!” Will said finally with a big nod. Rowan nodded as well. “Do that. Go put on a skirt and demand he fuck you.”

“Or at the very least kiss you,” Juney joked.

Will nodded again. “If the guy turns you down after that, then write him off. I mean, I like him well enough, but come on, you’re fucking hot and into him. Unless he’s gay, a eunuch or saving himself for marriage, he’s got to be fucking insane not to want you.”

Amber’s eyes flew back up to Will’s face. But he placated her quickly with an ephemeral kiss to the temple. “Don’t worry, you’re the only woman here who I want to take up against the woodshed.”

“Damn straight,” she muttered.

“He likes you.” Juney smiled. “He just needs a bit of a nudge.”

“Or a big nudge, like you in a short skirt, no panties, and a ski jacket.” Rowan snickered.

Will and Amber both laughed. Juney rolled her eyes. Hunter gave them all a steely glare, followed by a childish foot stomp and a big exasperated huff.

Were they right? Would that push Austin to reveal his true feelings? She’d never put herself out there like that before. Sure she’d had partners and been adventurous over the years, but Hunter hadn’t had to work at getting the attention of a guy, never had to throw herself at a man to get him to notice her. This was uncharted territory.

The other four were still laughing as she stalked off to her room.

Bunch of twitterpated fuckers, having found their match the first night, fucked the first night, and been having holly jolly orgasms for the last four days. They would have someone to kiss on New Year’s Eve and most likely a new budding relationship to start off the new year.

And all Hunter had was the female equivalent of blue balls.

She flung her bedroom door open and started ransacking her suitcase.


One last-ditch effort to get Austin to admit he wanted her, then she was throwing in the towel, tossing on some snowshoes, and heading the twenty-one miles back down the mountain to her car. She’d had enough of this Christmas cheer, happy fucking couples, and talk of new beginnings. She wanted her own new beginning, and if Austin wasn’t going to take a stab at their match, then she was done with him. Friendship smendship, she had enough friends. Hunter was lonely. Tired of dating jocks and meat-heads. She wanted brains, she wanted heart, she wanted love — she wanted Austin.

She pulled out her indecently short skirt. It was red and black plaid, with a belt around the waist. She normally reserved it for kinkier nights with whatever man she was currently getting frisky with, but during the holiday season, when paired with black tights and a bright red sweater, it actually looked quite nice. She drew her yoga pants down her legs, peeled off her underwear, and slipped into the skirt. An involuntary chill ran up her backside from the sheer thought of going outside with her bare ass hanging out. But she was going to try. When she and Austin talked when they had their moments alone, she was drawn to him; she liked him.

Why is this so hard?

She stuffed a condom into her coat pocket, pulled her black toque on her head, and headed out the door, deciding to go through the garage rather than having to walk back through the kitchen and living room, parading her ass in front of the dopey lovebirds. They were probably having a high school makeout party on the couches, anyway.

Wrapping her arms around her body, she made her way down the cobblestone steps. Austin had been very diligent shoveling several times a day, making a clear path to the hot tub and woodshed, down the driveway. He was no slouch or freeloader, that was for sure. She heard the faint sound of wood being stacked, mixed with the odd male grunt of exertion.

Hunter bit her lip, took a deep breath through her nose, and rounded the corner.

* * *

“Fuck!” Austin said with a snarl, grabbing a big piece of wood and slamming it down on the pile in the wheelbarrow. “Fucking fucker!”

Had she read the note yet? Did she think he was an even bigger ass? Probably. He would never be enough for Hunter. He knew that much. But he owed her an apology, and he owed her civility. He’d been ignoring her for days, and she’d done nothing wrong but wind him with her beauty, amaze him with her success and humble him with how down-to-earth she was. Only all those things just made her all the more intimidating. Not more approachable.

Stop hiding behind the label. Listen to Amber. She’s right.

Austin heard the back door close followed by the quiet stomping of booted feet making their way down the cleared path. At least he was pulling his weight around the place. He may not be pulling a girl, but he was pulling his weight. Unlike Will. Was Amber going to talk to him about it?

He spun around to put another log on the stack, and there she was, standing in front of him, an amber-eyed vixen. The wind whipped her hair around her like golden flames, while tanned and toned legs peeked out from beneath her big ski jacket. Was she in a skirt?


Hunter ran up to him, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed.

“Do you like me?”

He swallowed.

“Do. You. Like. Me?”

He nodded.

“Then why won’t you kiss me?”

“Hunter, I—”

She cut him off and lunged at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and slamming her mouth against his, capturing his words, his gasp, his excuses. Then something happened. Something inside Austin clicked or snapped or finally woke up. This woman wanted him, and unlike the other women that had thrown themselves at him, he wanted her just as much, and he was willing to risk revealing his lack of experience, risk her tiring of him quickly, just to get a taste.

He opened his mouth against hers, welcoming her tongue and encouraging her to explore. She hummed a response and pressed her body against him. His hands instinctively made their way down her torso to her butt. She was naked!

He pulled his mouth away from hers. “You . . . You don’t have any underwear on!”

She grinned, pitching forward and tracing his bottom lip with her tongue. “And what would you like to do about that?”

Austin’s eyes went wide. “I’d like to fuck you senseless.”

Hunter’s gaze was challenging as she dug a hand into her coat pocket. “Here.” She passed him the condom. “I need you to know that I’m not too good for you, or out of your league. And getting to know you is not a waste of time.” She bit her lip before speaking again. “I want you, Austin. I like you. I hate that I’ve had to throw myself at you, but if that’s what it takes . . . ”

He took the condom from her, his eyes roaming across her face. He’d never seen such a mix of emotions painted across such beauty before. There was lust, of course, but also fear and embarrassment, maybe even a touch of anger. She was frustrated with him, and rightfully so. But had she also been worried, afraid he would turn her down? Probably. And she was probably embarrassed that she had to resort to accosting him in the woodshed wearing nothing but a miniskirt. Fuck, he was such a moron. He’d forced her into this, he’d forced her to throw herself at him.

He shook his head. “No more throwing. I’m sorry. I’ve been an idiot. I want you too, so fucking much it hurts. I just . . . I haven’t been with many women. I’m not kinky, but I’m willing to try. I am curious.” The strain of his erection against his jeans was painful. The way this woman made his pulse race was enough to make him think he was having a heart attack right then and there.

Her eyes were wide and beseeching. “I don’t care about any of that. We can learn together. I’m not that kinky.”

“Learn together,” he said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I’d like to learn everything about you. Every square inch.”

Something above them caught Hunter’s eye, and she looked up. His gaze followed hers.

Holy shit!

More mistletoe.

Their eyes locked, amber to green. Finally, they understood each other. Finally, he would let his body do the talking rather than that stupid big brain of his.

Without another word, Hunter went to leap up on to his hips, but he stopped her.

“Can I at least do one thing properly?” he asked, giving her a small smile. He wasn’t going to fuck this up with her, at least not more than he already had.

Her throat bobbed on a heavy swallow as she nodded.

He released her hips, and his hands traveled up to cup her cheeks. Gazing into her eyes, those beautiful, deep, soulful amber eyes, he leaned in and gently brushed his lips against hers. “I know this isn’t the first kiss,” he whispered, his lips coasting across her cheek, then to her temple, only to retrace his path to the other cheek. “But I—”

She shook her head and pulled away slightly to look at him, her eyes bright. “No, it’s perfect.”

Austin let one hand drift down to her waist, and the other cupped the nape of her neck. His fingers wove their way into her silky golden tresses. Dipping her low, until all she could see was his face above her and the gray sky, he ducked his head again and kissed her. He’d never wanted to be romantic with the other women, never wanted to please them and make them feel special. They’d been orgasms offered up on a silver platter. He’d been too stupid, too young, too consumed with work to even attempt a relationship with any of them. But Hunter, Hunter was different. The light had finally come on inside his brain, and he wasn’t about to turn it off. He wanted to give her everything. Even if it was only for a short time.

She blinked up at him when he pulled away, her eyes so full of wonder and contentment. She was happy. He hadn’t seen this look on Hunter since that first day, and he was the cause. He’d caused her to shed her smile, shed her happiness. Well, not anymore. Snowflakes fell on her lashes and sweet little nose. He continued to look down at her. She was perfect. And for some crazy reason, she wanted him.

Heat and need whipped into a froth inside him. Before he knew what he was doing, he hauled her up, and with a flick of his wrist, lifted her up onto his hips. Then with the force of all his pent-up self-loathing and years of frustration and social awkwardness, he ploughed her over and up against the wall. His hands kneaded her tight, cold butt while his mouth crashed down on hers and his tongue demanded its way past her lips. She groaned against him, her fingers working their way into his hair, pulling him down to her. One of his hands made its way around to the front of her body between them. He ruffled up her jacket and skirt, searching for her heat. Was she wet for him? Oh God, just the thought of Hunter wet made Austin rage against her, pushing her back harder against the unforgiving, unfinished wood wall.

His fingers continued to search. He growled low in surprise and appreciation when he found her hairless. She chuckled against his lips and bucked into those fingers, encouraging him to explore. Austin pulled his mouth away from hers and let it travel down along her jaw and throat until he found that sweet spot where the shoulder meets the neck. He nipped her lightly until she crooned, riding his fingers as they drew delightful little circles around her wet and swollen clit.

His pulse raced hot and fierce as his mouth feasted on her flesh, licking and nipping her silky-soft skin. The erection in his jeans pressed eagerly against her bare cleft. Hunter tipped her head back against the cold wood wall of the lean-to shed, and Austin took that as an invitation and tucked his head in tighter, nibbling and sucking, licking and nuzzling her slender neck. She smelled fucking fantastic. Like spice and heaven. He hardly knew the woman, and yet nothing else had plagued his thoughts the way Hunter did. He craved nothing else but her lips, her body, her heat since the moment he’d met her. She consumed his every thought in some form or another, most of those thoughts dirty.

They were so much alike.

Two lost souls searching for a purpose, for adventure. Why hadn’t he seen it before?

He’d been too busy thinking he wasn’t enough for her. Well, he could be enough. He wanted to be enough. He had to be enough.

“Yes,” Hunter sighed when he slipped one finger inside her, finding her hot, wet and ready for him. She squeezed her muscles around him and began to bob up and down, mewling when his thumb worked her clit and his teeth grazed her neck.

“Hunter.” Austin growled low in his throat, making sure her thighs were safely wrapped around his hips and her back firmly against the wall so that he could move his free hand from her butt and inside her coat. “Oh, God, Hunter . . . ” One hand slipped into her tank top.

Oh fuck, she was braless too.

He groaned again when a diamond-hard nipple pricked the pad of his thumb. The woman had perfect breasts, big and full, rounded mounds, creamy and soft. Since that first night when she’d taken off her sweater and sat playing games in the living room, wearing nothing but a tight white T-shirt, he’d been a goner.

“Austin, c-condom,” she stammered.

Lifting his mouth from her neck, he paused his hands and looked at her.

One blonde eyebrow lifted up half an inch. “Condom?”

He shook his head. “Oh. Oh yeah, right. Uh . . . ” He started looking around on the ground. He must have dropped it. “I, uh, I must have . . . Shit. Uh . . . ” Finally, his eyes landed on the little black and gold foil packet lying in the snow, half-buried by new flurries. Shit, how was he going to get it without dropping Hunter or letting her go and pulling himself from her decadent heat?

She laughed. “It’s okay. Get the condom.” Instead of motioning to slip off his hips, she squeezed him tighter with her thighs, wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head toward the ground. “Use your legs, not your back.” Her giggle made his cock grow longer and thicker by the second, and the sweet and spicy smell of her was driving his senses wild.

He smirked before slowly moving them away from the wall. Still attached, he gently bent down in an awkward squat next to the condom and snatched it up, only to rush them both back over and against the wall in less than a second.

“Sorry about that,” he murmured.

She blinked a few stray flurries off her lashes and shook her head, more sweet and girly giggles bubbling up from her ample chest. “Don’t be. It was funny and dorky and sweet.”

Dear God, the woman was fucking incredible. Her cheeks and nose were a rosy pink, and her amber eyes shone bright and eager at him, welcoming him to make the next move, encouraging him to show her he felt the same way.

Swallowing hard, he quickly tore open the condom, doing some serious sex ninja moves, where he kept her pinned against the wall but still managed to get his zipper and belt undone. He pushed his pants and boxers down to his ankles, rolled on the condom, then grabbed her, sheathing himself to the hilt immediately. He’d wasted enough time dodging Hunter’s advances, ignoring his feelings and making excuses. He wasn’t wasting any more time now. He had to have her, and he had to have her now.

Hunter’s eyes flashed wide from the impact. She let out a grunt of pleasure when he hit her deep and hard. His hands came up under her arms inside her coat and around her ribcage, the pads of his thumbs brushing her nipples overtop the thin fabric of the tank top, her dusky areolas visible beneath the sheer white. He needed them in his mouth. He needed to bite and suckle her, feel her squirm and moan as pain and pleasure commingled inside her body. He needed to make the woman lose all control because he’d already made her wait, made her make the first move. But no more. Now he was going to make the moves, and all Hunter had to do was sit back and enjoy.

Dipping his head low, he used his cheeks to push her jacket open. His hands drew her tank top up past her belly to expose her breasts. He tugged one crimson bud into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue, then he took it between his teeth and pulled. She inhaled from the bite of pain, and he grinned with her nipple still in his teeth, all the while continuing to buck into her, desperate to be deeper, to possess every inch of her.

She whimpered next to his ear, her hands unwilling to release his hair. “Oh, God, Austin.” Her moan was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard in his life. His cock grew harder from the husky tenor of her voice. She sounded like a fucking porn star.

Grabbing her fingers from his hair, he clasped them together and brought her arms above her head and pinned them there so she couldn’t move. His hips slammed into hers until all she could do was balance on his waist and take everything he gave her. He was all over her. Hands on her body, mouth on her body, cock inside her. He needed it all. He’d gone to bed the last four nights dreaming of nothing but taking Hunter in every way, in every position, and now that he finally had her, he didn’t want to disappoint.

She tensed in his arms and her breath hitched. She was close.


Pinching her eyes shut, she tossed back her head and let the orgasm break free of her body with a rattled gasp and a sharp cry.

“Yes, Austin . . . Oh God, yes.”

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt such pleasure. And not just from how good it felt to be inside Hunter, because the woman was incredible, so tight, so sweet, her skin was like silk; but the way she threw her head back, called out his name, wriggled against him, he was on Cloud 9.

“Hunter,” he groaned as she clenched around him. God, he loved her name. Loved saying it. It was so strong, so powerful, so her. He wedged his free hand between them, still keeping her arms pinned above her head with the other one, hips still bucking wildly. He flicked his finger back and forth over her engorged clit, loving how wet and swollen she was for him.

She was exquisite. The flush of pink on her skin, her long lashes feathered out against her cheeks as she perched on his cock with her eyes closed, exhausted from his lovemaking. He’d graduated top of his class with each and every degree, been given countless awards and honors, and yet nothing compared to the elation of knowing he was able to make Hunter come so hard. He may have made her scream, may have made her lose her mind, but he’d lost his heart to her the moment she found him out there in the snow. He couldn’t wait to spill himself inside the beauty he’d been too afraid to kiss, too afraid to touch. Well, those fears were no more. The way she reacted to him, squeezing his cock, milking him, welcoming him. He was going to take Hunter as often as she would let him, make up for lost time and the days he’d wasted letting his head do the thinking.

Hunter’s entire body was on fire. What the fuck had he been talking about—little experience? Not kinky? The man was a fucking sex machine. It’d been ages since a man had made her feel this good. Made her skin prickle and flames dance along her arms and deep in her belly. Sweat misted her brow as Austin continued to ram into her, the look of pure passion and masculine triumph etched across his face in a surly scowl and pinched brows. He was concentrating fiercely on the task at hand, the way his body molded to hers, his lips searing hot on her skin. His touch made her cry out for more. He was a prodigy in every sense of the word. They were going to be fine.

“Austin,” she whispered again, another orgasm brewing in her core with every harsh plunge of his cock.

Her clit and channel still hummed from the first climax. It had been intense. Incredible. Life-changing. And he still wasn’t through with her. The man was insatiable. Her pussy quivered and squeezed him on each draw as he swept past her walls, only to slam back in, deep and ruthless.

“I’m close again.”

Unable to recall the last time an orgasm this big threatened to unleash inside her, and even though climaxing consumed nearly every thought at that moment, she was also a tad frightened. It was going to be huge, bigger than the last two, she just knew it.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned against her nipple, his tongue swiping across the tender bud before he clamped down with his teeth again and pulled.

“Fuck. I . . . I can’t. I can’t hold on. Oh . . . Oh Jesus . . . Oh fuck!” She strained against him as he hammered her into the cold wall of the shed, her entire body going rigid with the brutality of her release. Snow continued to fall around them, the wind whipping flakes into their faces and against their bodies inside the shelter of the lean-to. But the snowflakes melted on contact from their heated skin. Both flushed. Both on fire. She arched her back and pressed her breasts into his face, desperate for more, to prolong the pleasure, prolong the orgasm. Austin responded and took the other nipple into his mouth and sucked, ferociously striking it with his tongue until she silently pleaded for more.

Every muscle, every nerve ending, every cell in Hunter’s body was a full-on inferno as the orgasm continued to pinball around inside her. From the tips of her hair and down to her curling toes, the pleasure just unfurled and unfurled over and over again, rolling right into another before she even had a chance to come down from the first. It hit her like a sniper bullet, from out of nowhere, without warning and right on target.

“Fuck. Austin . . . ”

Holy mother of God, I’m going to pass out.

But he continued driving into her, his pelvis a battering ram against her clit, his hand holding hers captive above her head and his lips tirelessly roamed across her scorching flesh.

“Austin,” she whispered again. “Please come. I think I’m going to pass out if I come any more.”

He buried his head between her breasts, his words a mumble that made her gasp. “No. More. You need to have more.”

“Aust . . . ” Her head lolled to the side, and she tensed around him one more time as the last orgasm unraveled. Lifting his face from her chest, he kissed her hard, shoving his tongue into her mouth, challenging her to a duel. Languidly, she stroked his tongue with hers, but she was exhausted, sated, completely and utterly gone. Too tired to open her lips, to move her tongue more than just back and forth. She pulled away from his mouth. “Aust . . . ”

“One more.”

She shook her head. “No. I can’t.”

“You will.” Before she could blink, Austin pulled out of her, set her bare bum down on a pile of wood, spread her legs wide, crouched down, and dove in face-first.

She gasped, inhaling the surrounding scents: fresh snow and yellow cedar, with the faintest but most divine smell of Austin. He smelled minty fresh but also manly. She laced her fingers in his hair and pulled on the ends, loving the way he groaned and responded to the pain by just giving her more pleasure.

His tongue was hot velvet against her tender flesh, and the way her body ignited to new life had her moaning and bucking into his face. He drew her sensitive clit into his mouth and tugged before sucking viciously and twitching his tongue over the hood.

She wriggled on the cold wood. The bark was rough under her buttocks, but the chill was welcome on her searing skin. “Oh fuck. I—I’m close again. Inside m-me . . . NOW!”

The man didn’t even have to touch her, and that smile, that primal growl that rumbled at the back of his throat would have been enough to catapult her over the edge. His eyes were hooded with feral need, and as he gripped her hips again and lifted her up on to his waist, Hunter was gone. She was Austin’s for as long as he would have her. He rammed his cock inside her, and she let go one last time.

“Oh my God!”



His teeth found the soft spot of skin in the divot of her collarbone, and he clamped down hard. She sucked in a breath through clenched teeth and groaned, her pussy tightening from the bite of pain. He let out a grunt against her skin, stiffened and then let go. The pulsing of his release against her walls was divine, but Hunter was too exhausted to coax out another orgasm. So instead, she tightened and released, tightened and released, drawing him deeper inside her to heighten his orgasm.

His breath was warm against her skin as he finally let out a sigh, his body going lax with the end of his climax.

Hunter giggled. “I’m not sure what you’ve been worried about.”

Austin’s shoulders lifted and then dropped, his lips traveling lightly along her neck and chest before he finally lifted his head and he looked her in the eyes. “Me either. I’m so sorry. I . . . You’re unbelievable, and I just . . . I just didn’t believe I could ever be enough for you.”

“But you are,” she said softly, loving the feel of him holding her, inside her, close to her.

“God, Hunter, I’ve wasted so much time, too much time being afraid that I wouldn’t be enough for you. Thinking you were out of my league.”

She pressed her finger to his lips. “Shh. Don’t dwell on it. You’ve smartened up now, and that’s what matters. We’ve got all night and tomorrow morning. And then . . .” she trailed off, not wanting to assume too much or count any chickens.

“And then I’ll do it properly and take you out on a date once we’re back in Seattle. Do you like the Arkells? I have tickets to their January concert. The seats are pretty good.”

Her chest tightened, and a smile that could melt snow erupted onto her face. “I’d like that.”

Austin leaned forward and rubbed his nose against hers. “And I like you.”




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