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Strip Search by Erin McCarthy (5)


Axl wasn’t sure what had changed Leighton’s mind about having sex with him but he was not going to question it. He had asked her if she was sure, she’d said yes, and now it was go time. She actually looked determined. Like she had made up her mind and now she wanted to grab him with both hands.

He wasn’t usually so aggressive with women. Out of his group of five friends, he was the least likely to have a one-night stand. He had in the past, but not nearly with the frequency of his buddies. It just wasn’t his thing. He felt fucking awkward expecting a woman he just met to take her clothes off for him. But with Leighton it had been lust at first sight and he couldn’t wait to get her naked.

Following her out of the bar, he thought about her attempts to be flirty with him when she thought he was a stripper sent to entrap her and he had to grin. “Hey, big boy” comments just weren’t her style. He wasn’t sure what her flirtation style was. Maybe straight forward, just like his.

Leighton was fast-walking, which was fine by him. He had a long stride and he wanted to get her alone as soon as possible.

She took him to the elevator. When the doors opened, he put his hand on the small of her back again and followed her inside. She hit the button for the third floor and turned to say something to him. Whatever it was going to be got swallowed by his mouth dropping over hers. He kissed her hard, deep, dragging her up against his chest so he could feel the press of her luscious tits. He buried his other hand in her wavy hair, kissing her intently.

She gave a little moan and threw her arms up around his neck. She rose to her tiptoes. Axl lowered his arm behind her firm ass and hauled her up even tighter against him. They kissed like the end of the world was minutes away. Like everything depended on this kiss. With depth and passion and urgency. It was like with each press of their lips they were resuscitating each other.

He wasn’t sure where that thought came from.

He just knew that he felt alive and in this moment.

Axl lifted her completely off the ground. She gasped.

“Oh, my God, put me down!”

But he ignored her. “Wrap your legs around me.” He had her easily. He’d been working out since he was twelve. It wasn’t a hardship to hold her up, his hands under her ass. He gave her a little bouncing lift to get her higher up on his hips. She was holding onto her shoulders and giving him a look of wide-eyed horror.

“Kiss me, Leighton,” he murmured into her ear, before turning to meet her lips with his.

She kissed him obediently, her fingers trembling on the back of his neck. “This is insane,” she whispered, pulling back slightly.

“Insanely hot.”

“I can’t argue with that.”

He pursued her lips with his and they both got lost in the wild passionate embrace. Her curves were pressed everywhere against him, her tight ass resting on his forearms, her full tits crushed against his chest. He had a rock solid hard-on already.

The door swung open and he knew they should exit the elevator but that meant ending their kiss and he didn’t want to do that.

“Oh, my God!” a strange voice said in shock.

Shit. They’d been caught. Axl dragged his mouth off of Leighton’s and turned to see who was witness to their elevator intimacy.

It was two women in their sixties. Great. He was keeping it classy. “Sorry, we’re just getting a room.”

“I should hope so,” the one with enormous black glasses and rich red lipstick said. “Maybe you should have ten minutes earlier.”

She didn’t actually look offended. She and her friend, who had short white spiked hair and a stylish scarf on, exchanged amused looks. “Are you a cop?” the second woman asked.

“Yes, ma’am. Off-duty, obviously.” Why the hell hadn’t he changed? This was not helping his current problem with his chief. There were most likely surveillance cameras in the elevator.

“I may need to get arrested,” the first woman said and they both laughed.

Axl cleared his throat. He was mildly embarrassed, mostly amused. “Pardon us, ladies. Enjoy your evening.” He reluctantly set Leighton back down onto the floor. She wobbled a little and he steadied her with his hands on her waist.

She tossed her hair back off of her face, her cheeks tinged pink.

The elevator door kept trying to close and Axl kept sticking his arm in front of it. Leighton darted past the women and he shifted, still holding the door until the pair of ladies moved inside the elevator.

“Have fun,” one said.

“I can guarantee that, ma’am.”

They both seemed to think that was hilarious. But he meant it very sincerely.

Leighton pressed her hands to her cheeks as the doors closed, leaving them alone in the hushed hallway. “I should be embarrassed.”

“Don’t be.”

“I said I should be.” She gave him a sly smile. “But I’m not totally embarrassed because I think they were jealous of me. What woman wouldn’t be?”

Now he was the one who was actually mildly embarrassed. He cleared his throat. “Which way?”

“Left.” She pointed and started walking. “Three twelve.”

It was a short way which helped because his cock was rock hard and he wanted her naked yesterday.

Leighton fished her key card out of her purse and waved it in front of the touchpad. The green light went on and she opened the door and quickly stepped inside. Axl followed her, taking out his service revolver and setting it on the counter by the coffeemaker. Handcuffs went next to it.

Her eyes widened.

He realized he had probably just scared her. That looked sketchy as hell. Like he might do something threatening or abusive. He was about to tell her he would take them back down to his car when she sat down on the edge of her bed and started undoing her sandal strap.

“I’ve never been handcuffed before this afternoon,” she said.

He wasn’t going to lie. He was happy to hear that she wasn’t getting cuffed on a regular basis, either criminally or sexually. But he wasn’t sure whether she was freaked out right now or not. “I promise not to handcuff you tonight.”

She actually gave a nervous laugh. “Oh, geez, that never entered my mind. I’ve led a very, uh, vanilla life.”

Her sandal fell to the floor and she moved on to the second one, working at the buckle.

Axl felt a wave of tenderness toward her. Hell. He didn’t know if she wanted this or not. Fuck. “I’ll take the gun and the cuffs to the car. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, Leighton.”

But she shook her head. “That’s okay. I think it’s kind of hot, actually. I mean, just sitting there. Not, you know, in use.”

All right then. Fuck yeah. Every time he thought he was going to have to rein it in she surprised him.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” she said, her hand fluttering over her chest.

“Do whatever you want,” he said. “There are no rules.” Yanking his shirt out of his pants, he undid the buttons. She was perched on the edge of the bed now, just waiting for him to make a move. Fine by him. He moved in between her thighs, forcing her knees apart. She stared up at him, her chest rising and falling rapidly with her excited and anxious breathing.

Bending over, he cupped her cheeks and kissed her deeply. Instantly she wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed him back with enthusiasm. Axl eased her back down onto the bed, running his hand over the bare skin of her thigh. Her blonde hair fanned out on the mattress and her t-shirt was caught beneath her hip, stretching it so that her cleavage was on full display. It was a gorgeous sight. He couldn’t resist caressing up her side and lightly brushing over that swell of pale skin peeking out at him before burying his hand in her hair.

He kissed her lips, her neck. Leighton tasted sweet like the wine she’d been drinking and he stroked his tongue over hers, wanting even more. Having her splayed out like this before him was an unexpected gift he hadn’t even known he’d wanted until the second he’d seen her at Tap That. She was making little soft sounds of encouragement, her nails digging lightly into his arms.

Axl explored her every soft inch with his hands, teasing at her nipples through the fabric of her shirt, and dipping briefly between her thighs to stroke at the front of her denim shorts. Her waist fascinated him. She had such a full chest, curvy hips and tiny waist, that the S shape gave him endless entertainment. He could run his hands over that all night.

Her tank top gave under his sharp tug and he exposed her bra, a basic pink cotton that was straining against the volume of her tits. The bounce they gave at his movements made him groan just a little before he lowered his head to suck at the swell spilling out of her cup. It tasted as good as it looked. She gasped. Axl flipped both cups down simultaneously. Freed the nipples. Fuck yeah. The raspberry buds were taut and he drew one into his mouth, enjoying the sharp intake of breath from Leighton. He sucked and lathed it with his tongue, before moving to the other to give it the same treatment. Testing the weight of her tits, he cupped them, and felt his cock harden even further. Her chest was amazing.

He had to see her without the tank top and bra interfering. Sitting back, he shoved at the wrap thing she had on over her shirt. It was a sheer fabric and caught behind her. There was the unmistakable sound of a rip. “Fuck. Sorry, Leighton.” Sometimes he didn’t know his own strength. He had big hands.

She gave a soft laugh. “It’s okay. Now I can say I’ve had a man rip my clothes off of me.”

Damn. She’d let him off the hook and turned him on even further. “Is that a fantasy of yours?”

“It is now.” She looked excited by the idea.

Holy. Shit. Axl didn’t even hesitate. He ripped the wrap thing from both shoulders so that it was nothing to ease it off.

“Oh, my God,” she murmured, sounding scandalized and aroused.

He took the neckline of her tank top and gave it the same treatment, turned on by the gesture. It was probably a first for him too, that he could remember. But damn, it was hot, just to tear that shirt apart and give himself full access to her luscious tits.

Shrugging out of his own shirt, he tossed it aside and went for the snap on her denim shorts. Those had to go. He tugged, she wiggled, which gave him a view of her tits he would remember to his dying day. He wanted to frame that perfection and hang it on his fucking living room wall.

Once her shorts were down, he shifted her thighs apart and lowered his head.

Every inch.

He was going to taste every inch of her.

Leighton was in a haze of desire and shock. First he had taken her teasing about tearing her clothes literally and had torn her tank top like it nothing more than thin paper. His hands were huge, something she had noticed before, but not thought about what they were capable of. He had been using them so tenderly, stroking over her body. Then bam. Shirt gone.

It was very, very sexy.

She had never realized she would be so turned on by a manly man throwing his strength around. But first him picking her up in the elevator and now this? She wasn’t sure her panties had ever been this damp. But it didn’t matter because he whisked those off too and he had all her important parts freed of fabric.

It would be nice to feel his rock-solid chest, but before she could make a move to do that Axl was between her thighs placing a teasing kiss on her clit. She moaned, instinctively drawing her legs together a little. This wasn’t something she did on the regular, have a man go down on her. It was the one time she felt a little self-conscious about her weight, which made her annoyed with herself. But the men she had dated had always been on the skinny side and seeing them buried in her full thighs brought to mind thoughts she didn’t want to be having in the middle of sex. Her last boyfriend had been happy to be let off the hook. He had always offered it reluctantly, the way Zach did when she asked him for some of his fries. There was no way to say no without looking like a dick, so it was the world’s most lukewarm yes.

Axl was different. When she started to draw her thighs together in an attempt to hide herself, he used those big ass and strong hands to ease them apart again. Then he kissed her like he meant it. First one side, then the other, sliding his tongue over the soft skin.

She shivered and relaxed a little. One glance down did not show her thighs swallowing him. It showed his dark hair, and his broad muscular shoulders spanning beyond her. When he glanced up at her, his nostrils were flared and expression intense.

“You taste so good,” he said.

Oh, my. Leighton didn’t even know what to say to that. Other than she loved Minnesota and its fresh air that grew giant men who made her feel like this. Wanton and delicious.

He dipped his head again and did things that she didn’t even understand. He was everywhere down there, licking and stroking, his tongue driving her wild. The pads of his thumbs massaged her inner thighs, then her labia, teasing her apart so he could taste her more thoroughly. No man had ever shown so much dedication to her pleasure or enthusiasm for the one-sided gesture. But he seemed like he was enjoying almost as much as she was.

All Leighton could do was lie back and withstand the assault on her senses. He took her to the edge, and as if he sensed it, pulled back, pausing to blow gently on her.

“Don’t stop,” she begged because she was right there. “Please.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said. “But there’s no rush either.”

Easy for him to say. He wasn’t being destroyed like she was. “I just need…”

He was leisurely teasing a finger at her opening and understandably, she was very wet. He was watching her, settled in between her thighs like he’d taken up permanent residence. “What do you need, baby?”

His tongue. His finger. His cock. An orgasm. In whatever order he preferred. Leighton didn’t know how to express that to him so instead she just rocked her hips forward to encourage him to do something. Anything. It was torture. Delicious torture.

She wasn’t used to asking for what she wanted. She couldn’t force the words out now.

He slid a finger deep inside her and hooked it. Leighton shuddered in pleasure. Then he leaned forward and sucked gently on her clit. There it was. A sharp, intense orgasm sweeping her under as he continued to stroke inside her. “Axl,” she breathed, gripping the bedding on either side of her hips. She needed something to hold onto as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her.

When she finally relaxed her tense thighs and gave a sigh of satisfaction, he drew back and smiled up at her. It was a dirty, arrogant smile, and he rubbed his thumb and forefinger over his bottom lip. “Good?”

She nodded enthusiastically. “Good.”

Axl rose to his feet and put his hand on the button of his pants. Leighton scissored her feet frantically to rid herself of her shorts entirely. They had still been trapped around her ankles. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Axl looked like a stripper. He really did. His chest was broad and defined. His abs were rock solid and as he took his work pants down she saw a thick erection straining against black briefs.

That was promising.

She couldn’t say she was picky. A man couldn’t help what he was born with and she figured as long as someone knew how to use it, size didn’t matter. But that didn’t mean that she wasn’t just a little curious and excited to feel Axl’s hard and probably large cock inside her. Because yeah, she was. Swallowing hard, she was about to divest herself of her shredded kimono wrap when Axl removed his briefs and she saw all her convictions were about to be tested. Maybe size did matter because what she was looking at made all its predecessors pale in comparison.

Axl rolled on a condom he’d dug out of his wallet and turned back to her. He ran his hands over her, slowly, from her shoulders to her breasts, teasing at her nipples, making them harden. Leighton gave a soft moan, goosebumps raising on her flesh. He moved past her belly button, outlining her hips with both hands, before moving to cup her sex. “I love everything about your body,” he said. “You’re so gorgeous.”

She felt his desire. It was reverberating off him, making her aroused even more if that were possible. It meant everything to her that he seemed happy with her just the way she was, instead of wanting something different or more. He didn’t want her to perform. Just be herself. The feeling was definitely mutual. “And you’re hot. I want to touch you.”

She did. She wanted to run her hands over all those many muscles, including that thick erection.

“In a minute,” he said.

Then without warning he grabbed her ankles and yanked her to the edge of the bed then raised them. “Put your feet on my shoulders,” he urged. “I’ve been fantasizing about that ever since your co-worker mentioned it last night.”

The sudden movement robbed her of breath, but it made a lightning bolt of heat shoot through her pussy. Not to mention the visual she now had in her head. At the time he’d said it, Jackson had mortified her but in the twenty-four hours since it had played in her head over and over to major distraction. “Me too. I’m looking forward to it.”

She wasn’t sure why she said that other than it was the truth but Axl gave a soft laugh. “So polite. But I’m glad to hear it.”

“Jackson said by midnight but I think we missed that deadline.”

Axl leaned over and glanced at his phone he had dropped on the nightstand. “11:52. Damn, I’m good.”

She laughed, feeling giddy right along with turned on. “I’m impressed.”

He lifted her feet so they rested on his shoulders. God, she needed to go back to yoga. She couldn’t hold herself up but Axl seemed undeterred. He clapped an arm across her legs and held her solidly against him. The blood rushed to her head and she felt dizzy. Or maybe that was just the anticipation. With his other hand he used his fingers to test her dampness and to ease her apart.

Then he was there, teasing at her opening with the tip of his hard cock. He moved in torturous circles, slicking up his cock, easing it over her clit, then back to dip inside her again. Leighton moaned. “That feels good.”

“I haven’t even done anything yet.”

“You’ve done a lot in my book.” The oral sex, the orgasm… whatever she might have said was lost on a gasp when he pushed into her with a hard, driving thrust.

To her complete and utter shock she had an orgasm. All that teasing with his tip, then feeling him fully stretch her, bumping her G spot, sent her over the cliff. She gave a cry of shock and pleasure and met his intense gaze.

“Holy shit,” he said.

Her feelings exactly.

Axl hadn’t expected Leighton to come again so quickly and he had to say it was the hottest fucking thing he’d ever seen. Paired with the way her pussy was hot and tight around his cock he was just about drowning in pleasure. Her tits were bouncing with each hard thrust into her welcoming body and her plump lips were parted as she gave her cry faded into a low moan.

Her orgasm had her inner muscles clamping down on him, and a rush of warm moisture made for a slick, tight passage for him to bury himself in. He had been expecting something amazing with Leighton and fuck, this did not disappoint. Her hair was spread out around her head and above it from when he had dragged her down the length of the bed, her shirt torn open. Her bra dangled on her wrist and her nipples were pert and begging for his touch. He reached down with his free hand and teased one of the buds.

“Oh, shit, stop, Axl, I can’t…” Her eyes were wide, her head turning back and forth like it was sensory overload.

He just held her legs tighter as she tried to escape and fucked her harder. She had the absolute perfect body for pounding into and he wanted her to take all his intensity.

“I can’t,” she said again. “I’m going to come…”

She said it like it was a bad thing. “So come, baby. Come again with my cock inside you.”

Leighton’s cheeks and her chest were stained pink and she looked dewy and sexy and stunned. Her eyes drifted closed when she let go. This time she exploded silently, head back, mouth open, tits arching up toward him.

It was amazing to watch. Everything he could have asked for. He held himself back, needing to make it last. He slowed down his tempo, wanting to enjoy her tight hot channel forever. This wasn’t about anything other than right here, right now, with this woman. This fascinating, delicious woman who came apart so easily under his touch.

He drew out his pleasure, enjoying every stroke.

Then Leighton gave him a look. One that was so sexy, so beautiful, he lost his hold on his control. She looked fierce. Like he was fucking her so good she had gone next level.

Giving up the fight, he let go and exploded deep inside her pussy with a low growl. Man, she was so fucking good.

He gripped her hard as he plunged in and out, milking his pleasure, before he finally slowed down his rhythm. Axl relaxed his grip on her legs, easing them down onto the bed. She was breathing hard and he was more than a little stunned.

“That was crazy,” he told her.

Caressing his hands over her legs, he eased out of her and sat down on the bed. “Damn.”

“I second that.” She tried to shift her torn shirt over her bare breasts but it was a futile effort. She only managed to cover one nipple.

Teasingly, he flipped the fabric back and forth. “Sorry about your shirt.”

“I asked for it.” Her eyelashes dropped demurely, as if she were shocked she said that.

“For which I am forever grateful.” Axl eased her hair back off her cheek. “You have amazing tits, in case you didn’t know that. An amazing body, all the way around. I may have mentioned that once or twice, but it bears repeating.”

She looked mildly uncomfortable with the compliment, but she didn’t protest, which he liked. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Then every minute I’ve spent in the gym is worth it,” he said, and he wasn’t kidding.

“Oh, I mostly meant your cock,” she said. “It’s magnificent.”

Axl almost choked on his tongue. He started laughing. “Thanks. Magnificent, huh? Wow.”

“I mean, the rest of you is great too. What woman doesn’t appreciate muscles? But yeah, you were given a gift with, you know.”

Apparently saying cock twice was too much for her. “Dat dick? Is that what you mean?” He grinned at her.

“Something like that,” she said. “But whatever you want to call, I really like it.” Her cheeks turned pink.

Damn. Talk about an ego stroke. He couldn’t ask for anything more.

Besides round two. “You want some water or a soft drink? I can go to the machine down the hall and get you something.”

“I’ll take a Diet, thanks.”

With renewed energy he pushed himself up off the bed and dragged on his pants, not bothering with underwear. Sex always rejuvenated him and this had been sex on steroids. “I’ll be back in a minute. Can I have your room key?”

“It’s on the dresser.”

Leighton looked like she didn’t want to move anytime soon so he grabbed the key card and felt his pants pocket for his wallet and went down the hall. He found the soft drink machine and got himself three, plus one for Leighton. He was thirsty. He was hungry, but ordering a pizza at one in the morning to a woman’s hotel room seemed like he might be pushing the boundaries of familiarity.

Of course, they were supposed to be getting married.

It was a crazy scheme for a couple of people who weren’t particularly crazy.

But if tonight was any indication, he was going to get a hell of a fake honeymoon before they split up.

Balancing three of the bottles under his arm, he twisted the cap off the fourth and drank half of it walking down the hall back to Leighton’s room. When he went back into the room she was emerging from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her.

“Did you shower?” he asked, impressed. That was a lightning quick shower for a woman, even if she clearly hadn’t washed her hair.

“No. I just used the bathroom.”

He set the bottles down next to his gun and handcuffs. “Then why are you wearing a towel?”

“Because my shirt is torn. I need to find a T-shirt in my suitcase.” She clutched the towel tightly, like if she let go she’d expose herself to a roomful of children not the man she’d just had sex with. She looked nervous.

So basically, she didn’t want to walk around naked. That was insane. If she really was his girlfriend he would beg her to wear as little clothing as possible at home. She really had a banging body. Considering where his mouth had been modesty seemed unnecessary but he wanted her to be comfortable so he didn’t tease her about it.

Instead, he pulled her into his arms. “Before you get dressed, can I do something?”

“What’s that?” she asked, looking up at him with a mixture of curiosity and desire.

Axl undid the knot she’d made of the towel between her breasts and tugged so it all came free. She was gloriously naked, warm still from sex. With his hands on her waist, he brought her up close against him so he could feel her full round tits pressed against his hard chest. “This. I wanted to do this.” He brought his head down and kissed her. Not softly, but with possession.

His cock was hard and he wasn’t done yet for the night. Axl let his hands drift lower so he could grip her sweet ass and bump her against him. She gave a soft moan and it was the most gratifying sound he’d ever heard.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered.

While he kissed her deeply, sweeping his tongue over hers, he shifted one hand so that he could stroke over her soft folds. She leaned into his touch, which was immensely satisfying. He teased her apart and massaged over her clit and then eased a finger inside. Three strokes and he had her body damp for him.

Thank fucking hell his wallet was in arm’s reach where he had just tossed it by the coffeemaker after getting the soft drinks. One handed he flipped it open and found a condom between the folds. Leighton was making delicate sounds of pleasure in the back of her throat, her head rested on his shoulder. He drove his finger deeper inside her.

“Oh, Axl,” she said. She rocked a little onto his touch.

“Can I fuck you, Leighton? I want to fuck you against the wall.”

She gasped, her head lifting up. Her eyes were glassy.

For a brief second he thought he had offended her, but she nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes. Yes, you can do that.”

He didn’t hesitate. He slapped a condom on, turned her body, and thrust his cock up deep inside her.




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