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Sweet Devil by Lois Greiman (20)

Chapter 21

“I am sorry for the trouble we caused you,” Carlotta said. Two days had passed since Santiago’s death. The KWPD had questioned, with irritating thoroughness, everyone involved. But Shep’s little-known military commendations paired with Eddy’s hard-ass attorneys had made their subsequent release a given.

They stood now near MIA’s luggage conveyor. Carlotta was clutching her singular bag. Sofia stood surrounded by a trio of oversized cases, somehow managing to look both pissed and sad. Apparently, young Rafael hadn’t been quite prepared for the excitement associated with becoming involved with an Osorio woman and had taken the first flight to Cartagena.

Shep nodded, not certain what to do with his hands, with his emotions. Carlotta was safe, unharmed. Surely, that was enough. “Don’t worry ‘bout it,” he said.

“That is your advice to me?” she asked. “Do not worry about…” Her voice broke. “You could have gotten…” Her expression cracked, and in that moment, he almost reached for her, but she cleared her throat and soldiered on. “Well…I will say my goodbye then, Linus Shepherd.”

He nodded, failed to speak for a second and rallied. “Be safe.”

,” she said and turned away.

“That’s it?” Sofia asked.

They scowled at her in unison.

“He almost gets us all killed!” Sofia glared at Shep before turning her rancor on her sister. “And you apologize to him?”

“Be still, Sofia!” Carlotta rasped.

“No. I won’t be still. Santiago only came because of him. We would have been free from the old man’s web if your stupido American hadn’t gotten involved. We’d be free, and Rafael and I would still be together.”

“Do not speak that heathen’s name in my presence!” Carlotta snapped.

“He’s not a heathen!” Sofia countered. “He’s my life, my heart.”

“If he cared so much for you, where is he now?”

“Ask him!” Sofia snarled, tossing a hand at Shepherd. “He’s the one who scared him off.”

Carlotta’s loquacious brows flew upward. “Is this true?”

Shep shrugged. Damned if he knew. Okay, maybe he’d suggested that the kid back off a little if he knew what was good for him, but he didn’t expect the little dweebster to hightail it for home. Not with the love of an Osorio woman on the line.

Carlotta’s lips curved up the slightest degree. Her eyes were alight with something that might have been gratitude, but she turned back toward her sister, expression stern again. “If he truly cared for you, Sofia, he would not be so easy discouraged.”

“Easily discouraged!” She tossed her head at Shep. “He threatened Rafael’s life. I know he did.”

“Threatened his…” Carlotta began then coughed a laugh. “You joke! Linus Shepherd would do no such thing. He is the hero. He could have been maimed. Could have been killed. Yet he protected us.” She didn’t turn toward Shep, but kept her gaze on Sofia as her voice faltered. “Even though I lied to him. Even though I failed him.”

“Well…” Sofia said. “You must be a better lay than I realized.”

“Sofia! How dare you!” Carlotta gasped.

“How dare I?” snarled her sister. “You fuck an American you barely know all the while condemning me for sharing my love with—”

“You will use no such language!”

“Fine. You were sleeping with an American you barely knew.”

“I know him well,” Carlotta argued, but her voice had softened. “And we did not sleep together.”

“Seriously?” Sofia asked, obviously taken aback, but she found her balance when Shep shook his head, confirming Carlotta’s words. “Well then, he hung around because he wants to fuck you.”

Anger infused Carlotta’s face. “Just because your foolish boy has no honor, does not mean others do not.”

“Jesus!” Sofia hissed and rolled her eyes.

Carlotta stiffened at the blasphemy but continued on. “Linus Shepherd is all that is good,” she said softly and turned toward him, eyes wide and wet.

“I ain’t really—“ he began, but she shook her head and took a step toward him.

“You are courage itself,” she said. “And kindness and wisdom and loyalty.”

“Listen,” he began uncomfortably, but suddenly, she was in his arms, face lifted toward his.

“Forgive me,” she rasped.

He couldn’t resist tightening his arms around her. Couldn’t resist reveling in the feel of her pressed against him though he told himself he should let her go. He had no right to allow her to feel obliged to him. She’d spent her life believing she was indebted. “There’s nothin’ to forgive, Lotta.”

“That is because you are all that is good.”

“That’s not quite the way’a—“ he began, but reaching up, she slipped her hand behind his neck and kissed him. His lips caught fire, setting the rest of him ablaze.

“You can forgive me? Truly?” The words were little more than a breath of air against his lips. But he felt them in the core of his being, in the depths of his soul.

“Forgive you for what? For bein’ too loyal? Too brave?” He touched her face reverently, gently. “For bein’ the most beautiful woman in the world?”

Her lips curved with happiness, with hope. “This you believe?”

“Yeah,” he admitted. “This I believe.”

“Then perhaps you would not so much mind if I stayed for a time?”

Shep stood immobile, balanced on the edge of uncertainty. He should send her away, he knew. Let her go. Maybe to find someone who deserved her, but he wasn’t that strong. Wasn’t that selfless. “I’d be the happiest bastard in the world if you stayed,” he said and kissed her.

Behind her, Sofia cleared her throat. Shepherd managed to raise his gaze just long enough to see her mouth the words, “You owe me.”

You bet your ass, Shepherd agreed silently, and sank back into the kiss.