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Sweetest Obsession (The Cordova Empire Book 2) by Ann Mayburn (10)


I was beat, beyond exhausted, and my whole body ached as I took the stairs up to my parents’ house just after sunset. It had been a long, long fucking day. My wet hair clung to the back of my fresh t-shirt, and I looked down at my hands as I neared the front door, checking for traces of blood from my torn up knuckles. Earlier today, after the bullshit with Joy had gone down, I’d had to dispense old-fashioned justice on one of the Santiago cartel’s men who’d attempted to kidnap the sixteen-year-old daughter of one of our madams. He claimed that they weren’t going to do anything with her, that he was only going to keep her for a little bit as a warning, but the big duffle bag full of torture tools and his video camera told a different story.

Thankfully, the girl had been taught by both her mother and stepfather, one of our lieutenants, how to defend herself, and they had drilled it into her head well enough that she was able to rescue herself. She’d managed to not only escape, but also used the military grade Taser her mother made her carry with her everywhere on her captor.

The door opened and a frowning Juanita gestured for me to come inside, her wrinkled face tense with worry.

“Welcome home, Mr. Ramón. Your mother wishes to speak with you on the patio.”

“Where’s Joy?”

“Please, Mr. Ramón. Your mother wishes to speak with you first.”

The look on her sympathetic face let me know the news wasn’t good.

I wondered if it had something to do with Joy ignoring my calls and text messages. Maybe she was still pissed at me. I thought I’d smoothed things over with her, but she had a temper to match my own. The thought of kissing her anger away soothed me, but I still worried what my meddling mother wished to discuss. It was no secret she fancied herself a matchmaker, but she was insane with boundary issues, so we never knew what the fuck she’d been up to.

The thought of her trying to manipulate Joy didn’t sit well with me, at all.

I considered making a pit stop at the nearest bar in my parent’s house, but went straight through to the outdoor sitting area instead. At this time of night, I knew she’d be by the fountain. Sure enough, she sat in a comfortable chair near the edge of the big water sculpture, but not alone. Leo sat next to her, and his grim expression didn’t bode well.

“Where’s Joy?”

Her gaze flicked up to me, and the lines around her mouth deepened as she adjusted the light blue shawl covering her shoulders. “Sit down, Ramón.”

Fuck, I knew that voice. That was her ‘I’m done playing’ voice.

I sat a few spaces away from her place on the giant U-shaped outdoor couch, a move that had her glaring at me.

“Where is Joy?”

It was more of a demand than a request, and my mother held up her hand, the large ruby ring she favored throwing off bursts of light from the dozens of candles illuminating the patio. This place had been designed to mimic an old world El Salvadorian outdoor sitting area, giving it an aged feel, even if it was almost new. Lush desert greenery created a privacy screen all around us, and the soft sounds of a Spanish guitar came from hidden speakers. It should have been a relaxing environment, but right now it was about as soothing as being in a lion’s cage. Tension crackled in the air, and I had a sinking feeling in my gut that my already shit day was about to get a lot worse.

I wasn’t staring at the kind, sweet mother who’d been just about the best mom any kid could ever ask for. I was looking at the daughter of a drug lord, a woman who built an empire with her husband through blood and terror, then held it with willpower and determination. When I was a kid, she’d hidden this side of herself from me, sheltered us all from cartel, but as soon as I entered the family business at the tender age of fourteen, she’d let me see the coldness that she’d kept from me. To say I’d been a little shocked that my devoted mother was a crime lord was the understatement of the century.

The coldness that allowed her to rule with an iron first burned in her dark brown eyes now as she said, “It’s time to bring Joy into the family.”

I knew what she meant, and it wasn’t her way of saying I should marry Joy. No, she was telling me that it was time for Joy’s programming, something I was increasingly opposed to. She wasn’t ready, the trauma of her beating still fresh on her body and in her mind. She needed time to heal, time to be normal. With a start, I realized I no longer felt like she needed to be programed in order for me to trust her.

She was Joy, my Joy, and I knew to the depths of my soul she would never betray those she loved.

Something clicked into place in my heart, and confusion flickered across my mother’s face. “Ramón, are you all right?”

I realized I was rubbing my chest, and smiling in a way that was creeping my hardened mother out. “I’m fine, but Joy isn’t ready.”

“Ramón, it is time.”

“Why? Why now? What happened?” I drummed my fingers on the arm of the sofa, my gaze going between my mother and a haggard Leo. “You were fine with my courting her without interference yesterday. What’s changed?”

Her nostrils flared and a minor tremor went through her, breaking the ice and showing the anguish she hid beneath. “Fernando...he hurt himself on a piece of glass. The sight of his blood sent Joy into a panic. An absolute panic. From what Leo tells me, that is as out of character as I thought it was.”

“Why the hell was she with Fernando?”

“Joy wanted to see Hannah, badly,” Leo spoke up, his voice thick with grief. “Unfortunately, Hannah isn’t…handling things well.”

“She’ll get better,” my mother soothed as she leaned over and rubbed Leo’s big shoulder. “Just give her time.”

Shaking his head, Leo rubbed his face then sat up and stared at me with haunted eyes. “We think Fernando told Joy some things, things she shouldn’t know.”

“What did he tell her?” My gut clenched as I considered the millions of different things he could have said that would damn me forever in her eyes.

Fuck, I should have bound her to me when I still had a chance.

The wind rustled through the palm trees as my mother adjusted her silk shawl. “He said enough about Jason to let her know the public car crash story was a lie. And he said some other things that upset her as well. When we wouldn’t let her see Hannah, she broke down and we had to sedate her.” My mother took a quick breath, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them and continuing. “Joy is all right, safe and sleeping in your room, but I am worried about her. Now would be the perfect time to ease her burden.”

It took everything inside of me not to choke the shit out of my mother. “Ease her burden? Are you fucked in the head?”

Wrong thing to say.

She was up like a flash, slapping me hard enough that it stung, but didn’t hurt.

Between her and Joy, I’d never have not sore cheeks again.

“I am trying to save her. You don’t understand. I fear for her, Ramón, and I don’t want her to end up like Hannah.”

Though some may find it strange, my mother was hurt at Hannah’s rejection of her efforts to help her. It was as if my mom didn’t understand why Hannah would be upset when she found out her boyfriend was a criminal. My own worry over Joy’s reaction had my reply coming out sharper than I intended.

“What the fuck did you think would happen? She got beat to fuck because she couldn’t say Leo’s name, couldn’t save herself from harm because of your programming.”

Leo let out a pained sound while a single tear rolled down my mother’s cheek, and I felt like a right bastard.

I shook my head and clasped my hands together. “I mean seriously, Mom. You and Leo played God. Did you think it was going to turn out okay? And now you want to do the same to Joy? Maybe you don’t give a fuck about her, but I do, and I’m not letting you experiment on her.”

Instead of arguing with me, she closed her eyes and nodded. “No, you’re right. We made a mistake with Hannah, despite our best intentions. It was a mistake that won’t happen with Joy.”

For a moment, I considered telling her that Joy was off limits, that I didn’t want her programmed, but I knew my mother would do it anyway. It was her nature to be as ruthless as she deemed necessary in order to protect her family, and I could tell she truly thought she wasn’t harming anyone with her programming. The best I could do to help Joy in this situation was mitigate the damage, and control this clusterfuck as much as I could.

“You’re damn right it won’t, because no one does Joy’s programming but me. Understood?” Her lips tightened, and I inwardly sighed at the sight of her getting ready to say no. “Mom, she is going to be my wife, the mother to my children. I understand your need to protect me, to protect the family, but I’m the only one that will do this. Agree now, or I’ll take off with Joy and you will never see us again without a fight.”

To my surprise, she rolled her eyes. “So dramatic. You must get it from your father.”

“Promise me.” Like all kids, I knew how to play my mother and pulled out all the stops. “Consider it an early wedding present. Please.”

I could see she hated it, but she spat out, “I promise.”

Relaxation filled me and I tipped my head back, taking in the clear night sky above. “Thank you.”

“But please, Ramón, don’t wait too long.”

“I won’t. When she’s ready I’ll do it, but not until then.” Leo watched us with a hard to read expression, but I had a feeling he had my back on this. “Promise me you’ll leave her alone.”

“You know I can’t do that. I care about her as well, Ramón, and if she needs someone to talk to, I’ll be there for her.”

“Fine, but don’t take up all her time, and don’t manipulate her into seeing you. Give her space.”

She clenched her jaw, but nodded. “I won’t rush a relationship, but I will let her know that she is welcome in our family.”

“Mom, that’s rushing.” My mom was wise enough not to argue with me and merely shrugged. “I mean it. Leave my relationship with Joy alone. If I find out you’ve done anything to meddle in it, did something to manipulate her, I’ll be furious.”

Instead of responding, she fiddled with her ring, her tell that she was keeping something from me.

Something I wouldn’t like.

Praying for patience, I gritted out, “What did you do?”

She lifted her chin at me, the picture of defiance. “Nothing that will harm her.”


Leo leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at my mom as she looked defiantly at me. “Just a small dose of D128, only enough to…distract her. Don’t worry, I was very precise.”

“What? You drugged her without my permission? Have you lost your mind?” I stood up from my chair and began to pace. “Fuck! God fucking damnit!”

My roar was loud enough to bring my father racing out onto the patio, dressed in a pair of black lounge pants and a clean white t-shirt that stretched over his still solid frame. “Ramón, what the hell is going on?”

“Mother,” I spat the word out. “Gave Joy D128 without my permission.”

My father’s eyebrows climbed up his forehead, then he turned on my suddenly meek mother as Leo stood and joined us.

“Judith,” my dad snapped. “Tell me you didn’t.”

My mom must be crazy. Even I knew that was my dad’s ‘super pissed’ tone of voice, yet she was indignant as she said, “It wasn’t much. Just a drop. Enough to make sure it works. Besides, she was sedated, so she’ll sleep most of it off.”

“You don’t know that for sure.” My dad said, running his hands through his mostly silver hair, frustration deepening his wrinkles. “You have no idea how it will affect her.”

Giving my dad an imperious look, my mom said, “I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

Leo spoke up from next to me, “Security just alerted me that Joy called a cab from her phone, and is trying to find a way out of the house.”

My dad laid a hand on my shoulder. “Go, find Joy. I’ll deal with your mother. I promise this will not happen again.”

They started fighting as I left, my mother sounding more petulant than apologetic, but I didn’t give a shit.

Joy was on D128, awake, and no doubt pissed.

Sure enough, my suspicions were confirmed when I found her tugging at one of the locked doors. As soon as I saw her, I made the motion to the security camera to go black. What I was about to do to this feisty little girl wasn’t for anyone’s eyes but my own. Wearing a pair of black yoga pants and what looked like one of my old t-shirts that reached almost to her shins, Joy gave the solid wood door leading to the garage a kick, then cursed as she hurt her toe.

I dropped to my knees beside her, drawing a startled scream from her as I grabbed her foot. She almost lost her balance, wind-milling with both arms before I caught her. Looking at her, I could tell she’d been crying, a lot, and I felt like such a bastard. I should have been with her today, but I couldn’t put off my responsibilities. Not with both Fernando and Leo out of commission. I was relying heavily on Mark and a few of my lieutenants to cover for my absent brothers, and we were stretched dangerously thin. Once things calmed down, I’d have to look into advancing men through the ranks that deserved more responsibility.

I had this sweet beauty in my life now, and I wanted to be able to spend as much time with her as I could, which meant cutting back at work.

Instead of feeling guilty, like I was letting my parents down, I felt a sense of relief settle through me as I let out a slow breath.

Her face was bare of any makeup, and her cheeks when red before she yelled, “Put me down!”


She started to struggle, so I flipped her round ass over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold. Her shrill screams and foul name calling echoed through the house as I carried her. To my shock she took a good bite of my butt through my pants, so I gave hers a couple hard slaps in return. That turned her into a thrashing little wildcat. I told her if she didn’t settle down, I was going to paddle her ass but good.

By the time we got to my room, Joy was nearly incoherent with fury, a side effect of her body trying to process the D128 without a sexual outlet.

There would be no talking with her, no reasoning, until I gave her what her body so desperately needed.

My cock.

And let me tell you, my dick was more than ready to fuck this mouthy little girl into submission.

I won’t lie, I enjoyed fighting her as I used my ties to bind her, spread eagle, to my bed. She resisted the whole time, hurling insults at me that barely made any sense, and often had me hiding a grin. I have no idea who or where this girl learned to swear, but she had a vocabulary that would make a trucker blush. She called me names I’d never even considered using as an insult.

After I finished knotting the last burgundy tie around her wrist, I let out a sigh of appreciation as I leaned back and examined Joy, spread out before me at last.

I couldn’t help that my mother had drugged her without my permission, but I could make it up to Joy by giving her everything she needed.


I widened my legs, the evidence of my engorged cock straining against my black dress slacks. All pink cheeked and disheveled, she presented a decadent treat. I ran my hands along her legs, marveling at the way the fabric hugged her every lush curve. With her legs spread like this, the fabric was stretched tight over her pussy and I had a craving to place my mouth there and see if she’d soaked through her pants yet with her sweet honey.

With anger still burning in her gaze, she panted out, “Untie me, you mother fucking dick sandwich.”

Pondering what a dick sandwich could be, I tested her responses by stroking my hand along the inside of one of her bound arms, the golden skin shimmering beneath my touch like it had been gilded.

She continued to rant at rave, but at a lesser volume, and a light pink blush spread from her chest and up her neck, eventually turning the apples of her round cheeks a dusky rose.

With a slow, slow touch I ran my hand beneath her shirt, letting it rest against her soft skin, feeling the gentle give of her slightly rounded belly.

Unable to help myself, I gave her a good squeeze, making her squeal in protest as I groaned.

“Stop that! Get your hands off me right now and untie me.”

Forcing myself to ease up my grip on all her delicious softness, I gentled my touch to a slow stroke, silently apologizing for being so rough with her. “I’m sorry you had a bad day, baby. I should have been here with you.”

“Ramón,” she obviously strained for patience as I leaned back then took off my shirt, her gaze hungry on my flesh. “You and me need to have a serious talk. Untie me.”


I swear I heard her teeth grind before she lifted her head from the bed and glared at me. “What do you mean? Nope.”

“I’m going to fuck you until you remember who you belong to. Then we’ll talk, and I’ll tell you what really happened to Fernando’s wife and child…and why it isn’t public knowledge.”




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