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Taming Irish by Seabrook, C.M. (24)

Chapter 24


“He’s gorgeous.” Makena coos at the newborn in her arms.

She looks natural holding him, and my chest constricts, knowing how much she wanted a child and couldn’t have one.

For half a second, I let my mind wander to what it would be like to have a family with her. For it to be our child she’s holding.

The second passes quickly as reality slams into me. In a month or two, I may be a father.

But it won’t be Makena who’ll be there making sure I don’t screw things up.

Unless I can convince her to stay.

Convince her I’ll change.

Hell, I already have.

The woman has turned me inside out and upside down, and I swear to God, I’d do anything to make her mine. And not just for a few more weeks. Forever.

“Everything okay?” Owen asks under his breath, his brows drawn down as he studies me.

“No,” I admit, knowing I can’t keep my secret from him and the guys anymore. Not when it could affect the band’s image as well.

Owen nods for me to leave the room, and we go out into the hall.

Leaning against the cold wall, I rub my palms over my face and tell Owen everything.

He’s frowning at me when I look at him. “Ye should have come to me. What are ye going to do?”

“Try to convince her that I’m not as much of a fuck-up as she thinks I am.”

A small smile tugs at his lips. “I meant about the kid.”

“Oh. Right.” I rub the back of my neck. “If it’s mine, ye know I’ll take care of it.”

Owen nods. “Ye’re a good man, Shane. I know ye don’t see it sometimes, but ye are.”

“Try telling Makena that.”

“She knows it. The woman is in love with ye.”

If she feels half of what I feel about her, then there might be a chance for us.

“I’m just not sure she’s willing to take a chance on me after everything she’s been through.”

“Have ye asked her?”


“Ye might want to start by telling her how ye feel.”

“What, like the L-word?”

“Do ye?”


“Love her?”

Yes. More than I ever thought possible. I nod. “It’s fucking terrifying.”

Owen laughs. “It is. But it’s also the best damn thing that will ever happen to ye.”

“Jeezus.” I breath out. “I thought the three of ye’d lost yer minds, but I get it now.”

“Then don’t fuck it up.” Owen smacks me on the shoulder. “At least, not any more than ye already have.”

I grunt.

Owen goes back into the room where the rest of the crew are still fussing over Axel.

Shit. I still can’t believe that’s what they chose to name the poor kid.

Axel Gallagher. I guess it has a slight ring to it.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket.

It’s my manager, and I’m hoping he finally has some good news for me. Or any news at all. The worst part of this whole situation is not knowing.

“Joey went through all the surveillance tapes of your floor over the past few weeks, and other than your cleaning lady, no one else entered your apartment.”

“Then how the hell did the letter get in there?”

“We’re working on it.”

“Work faster.” I hang up, just as Makena exits the room.

“I’m going down to get a coffee. Did you want something?”

I want you.


She nods, not meeting my gaze, then starts to walk away.

And I’m about to let her.

Screw that. I may not be able to control tomorrow, but I can control my actions right now.

“Wait,” I growl out, taking three long strides to get to her, I take her hand and spin her around so that she’s facing me. “I can’t do this.”

She blinks up at me. “I’ve already released you from whatever this is. If you want me to leave, I will.”

She really has no clue how I feel about her.

“I don’t want ye to ever leave. That’s the problem.”

Her fingers fist in my shirt and she closes her eyes. “They’re just words.”

“Words are all I have, Makena.” I move so that her back is against the wall, and I’m pressed against her, my fingers tangling in her hair. She whimpers when I brush my lips against hers. I say breathlessly, “Unless ye want promises.” I kiss her again, harder this time, full of the desperation I feel. “Shit. I’ll promise to give ye the fucking moon and stars if that’s what it takes to keep ye here, beside me.”


“I’ve lived my whole life like tomorrow may never come. I don’t want to live like that anymore. I want ye to be my tomorrow.”


“Ye don’t have to make a decision now.” I pull back slightly. “Just know I’ll do anything to protect ye. Whatever happens, whatever decision ye make, I’ll always be here for ye.”

She chews on her bottom lip, her cheeks flushed, eyes swirling with emotions I can’t pinpoint.

There’s a noise at the far end of the hall, like a woman’s strangled cry, but when I glance away from Makena and look, I only get a glimpse of red hair as the figure disappears around the corner.

I glance back, and Makena’s still looking up at me. I swear there are unshed tears in her eyes.


“What can I do?” I ask, dragging my thumb across her cheek.

“My phone…” The words come out strained, and she gives me a small smile. “The battery has been dead for a couple days, and I need to call Quinn before she freaks out.”

“I’ll go down to the gift store and get ye one. I’ll get the coffees, too.” I kiss her again, then give her my best Shane Hayes grin, before turning and heading toward the elevators.

“Shane.” Her voice stops me.

I glance over my shoulder at her.

She smiles. “I want you to be my tomorrow, too.”

With those words, I finally understand what Cillian was talking about when he said I needed to find my happiness.

Because I finally found it with Makena.