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Teach Me 2x by Nicole Elliot (4)



I was not built for this. I barely make it through the meetings at work, let alone thirty twenty-somethings who think just because they are about to get a degree, they know everything.

We have done this for years but this was disappointing. I knew I would be taking out my bad mood on the bags later today. I would rather be in the gym. I’m no meat head, but I know how to deal with my stress. Fighting.

I wanted to fight every one of these applicants; verbally, I mean. Most of them knew half of what they were saying, pitched shit we would never do and never have done, and others just waltzed in here like they had it in the bag. I shut them down very quickly. I was just trying to help them in the future. And remind them of their place.

The business world has a lot of fake it until you make it going on, but if you don’t do it right, you just piss everyone off. And I was pissed off.

I needed to spar and fuck. I gave up on dating, so most of my action came from the women at the club Logan and I frequent. It wasn’t ideal, but any woman I came across these days had pursued me because they saw me on Forbes, or know I have money. Nothing was genuine, so why not get action from the professionals?

Logan hadn’t given up though, but he wasn’t in a relationship either. We both had similar sexual tastes, back in college we found out sharing a woman is a lot more fun than being obligated to do all the work yourself. Tired? Not ready to go again? Just tag someone else in.

Besides, it made for a better rush. I was going to get him in the club whether he liked it or not. I was about to seal the deal when I noticed someone else was in the room.

Not just anyone.

Our next applicant.

Suddenly, I didn’t care what the hell she had to say. I just knew I had to work with this girl. I had to pursue her.

She covered herself up in a suit, but I knew she was hiding a delectable body underneath. That skirt couldn’t hide her hips, especially not when she bent over. Her jacket curved over her breasts, the swells peeking out from underneath her dress shirt. She had her honey brown hair pulled back in a braid. I wanted to grab it and pull her onto me.

It had been years since I got hard in a business meeting. She broke my dry spell. What was her name? I looked on the paper; Madeline Jackson. I took my pen pad and wrote her name on the ‘yes’ side, and slid it over to Logan. He shook his head in annoyance.

He doesn’t always agree with my methods, obviously.

“Ready?” I asked her. She blinked rapidly, trying to hide how she was sizing us up.

She was the first girl of the ten or so to actually look at us. I felt human again, and she had quite the wandering eye. For both of us. She was perfect.

“Yes, thank you.”

She started by introducing herself and I leaned forward, all ears. And it was a super fucking bonus that I liked her idea. It matched what we had been doing for the past few years, and she referenced our environmentalism enough times, I knew she did her research properly. As she turned her back, I wrote a note to Logan.

She’s ours.

He arched a brow and mouthed what.

We’re taking her. Boardroom and bedroom.

He chuckled and played it off as a sneeze. She looked over from the graphic and went back to the screen. I could already see the vision. Young, hip college students hopping on the compost train. So much so that universities get involved, and that could increase our reach and revenue big time. Government tax breaks and reimbursements for our company, brilliant. It was set, we had to hire her.

I didn’t want to buy her out, because then she would be gone. She needed to run the show, so I could be around her for the next twelve weeks, maybe more. She caught my eye like no one else; I watched her every move. Her slender fingers as they pointed to the screen, the flick of her wrists and the vein of her neck that sliced through her sinuous, creamy skin. Her voice was like a fucking Disney World princess, it echoed in the room and washed over me.

I knew Logan was attracted to her too because he kept cricking his neck, one of his only tells. He wrote back finally.

Yeah. She’s ours.

“That’s all I have.” She giggled nervously.

I paid attention for the most part, and I had a few questions. But she answered them so well I was already sold.

“Is this something you want to sell?” Logan asked.

Her thin brows creased as she pursed her lips.

“In all honesty, no. I want to run it. With your help, of course.” Her small hand reached up to curl the stray hair behind her ear. Thank goodness she said that.

“Give me one moment.” I stood up and went to Jana outside.

“Hey, tell the rest of the applicants the position has been filled. If they still try to come inside…just try and make sure they don’t.”

She frowned. “That isn’t fair. You should at least listen.” That was Jana for don’t be absurd, you aren’t doing that.

I rolled my eyes and went back inside. We still had to pick buyouts anyway.

I was so set on this girl, I was ready to go.

Back in the room, Madeline looked very poised as she packed up her things, and the look on Logan’s face told me he was thinking the same thing. We wanted her.

It had been a while since we shared someone, we’d been busy; I guess. But now, things were calming down. The team was taking care of the more time-consuming shit so we could just focus on the big things, like this damned interview session that had gone on for almost three hours.

I sat back with Logan, as Madeline finished gathering her oversized graphics I took the opportunity to discuss things with Logan.

“What do you think?” I whispered to Logan. He shrugged.

“I liked the presentation.” He murmured, though he was talking so quietly he was practically mouthing.

“Yeah, obviously.”

“We’ll make her the CEO offer. But we’ve got to keep things separate to avoid a scandal.” He said.

That was pretty much code for he was on the fence about it. He liked to keep things separate or he loses it, it may be a condition or something; I don’t know. Even if his food touches, he doesn’t like that very much.

He cleared his throat and took the lead. It was better that way anyway, I wasn’t very good at being subtle.

“Miss Jackson, we want to make you an offer.”

She stood before us, eyes wide and lips full and pursed. I could imagine hundreds of tasks for those lips of hers. She had a distinct look to her; those clear green eyes and brown hair were in such a contrast. The thick braid she pulled her hair back in would be perfect for pulling, tugging

“Really?” her plump, peachy lips hinted at a smile.

“Yes, our first one today.” Logan said. I heard the anticipation in his voice. He could try and hide it as much as he wanted, but I know he wanted her too.

“Whoa, I’m honored. Thank you.” A beautiful smile found her face. She lit the room up, making things very hard. Particularly my dick.

“No problem, we enjoyed your presentation. And think it is a good fit for our company. We have a few more applicants to see, but we want to offer you the CEO Mentorship position.”

Her big round eyes widened even more before she composed herself. Her eyes glinted over to me and I realized I was inadvertently staring. I managed a reassuring smile that looked less like ‘I want to fuck you’ and more like ‘welcome to the team.’

“Okay, thank you. Thank you so much.” She smiled at the both of us.

I deftly nudged Logan under the table to hint at the other offer. Though we couldn’t hint at it quite yet, we didn’t want her thinking that’s the only reason she was chosen. I did like her idea, and she was qualified. But she was fucking gorgeous and has a body I just couldn’t let go.

“If you don’t mind waiting for a little bit, we can discuss more after we’ve seen the other applicants.” Logan added.

She nodded eagerly. “Of course.”

“Jana will show you where to wait.”

She nodded and grabbed her things before leaving. I took a deep exhale and leaned back. I rubbed my face in frustration; professional and sexual. The last thing I wanted to do was sit here and listen to more presentations.

“There are only six more, toughen up.” Logan teased.

“How are we going to convince her?” I asked pointedly.

“What do you mean?” He scribbled on his notepad.

Jana sent the next one in, a guy dressed in a tailored business suit. Who has a suit that nice in college? The nicest thing I had back in college was my motorcycle.

“I mean, how will we get her in bed? She doesn’t look like the type to have done it before.”

Which made her all the more appealing, but more of a flight risk too. The last few times we did this, we met the girls at membership clubs, places where you would expect the women to be down for it. I didn’t know what to think about Madeline, she was almost impossible to read.

“I guess not. Maybe it will help if you don’t do any of the talking.”

“You know, you’re a professor at the school so technically, you can’t even sleep with her.” I said, to try and make him see just how interested he was. I didn’t know why he would want to play it off, or pass it up.

“Nice try. I’m not her professor, and I only teach one class.” I rolled my eyes. So, he was interested.

I glared at him until he cracked a smile. We listened to the next applicant, and then another, and the last few until I was completely drained. Devoid of any interest in all things business. We ended up picking the tailored business suit to buy his idea on sustainable water fountains in the city. It would be a long production and have a high budget, so we could reasonably stretch it out into the next production period. He would get the credit of course, and a very small share.

After about a half hour of discussing—no, arguing with Logan, we decided that would be it. Usually we choose two more to buy but we finally agreed that they just wouldn’t be worth the investment. Not this year.

“Get Jana to send Madeline back in.” Logan barked.

“Can I get a please?” I stood up and he shot me a look. He was as irritated and done with the day as I was.

I think we both needed to get laid.

I peeked my head out, and saw Madeline sitting with Jana. She was smiling, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. If Madeline looked this good in neutral, professional clothes; I could only imagine how good she would look in no clothes. Better yet, lace and the sheets from my bed.

“Miss Jackson, were ready for you.” I announced myself. Of course, I meant that in more ways than one.

She stood up, and smoothed her hands over the skirt covering part of her legs. I was jealous of it. Madeline looked right into my eyes as she walked towards me, I managed a smile, but it wasn’t the innocent one I was cracking earlier. And I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering to the exposed, creamy skin from her blouse, and the swell of her breasts swaying as she walked. When I looked back at her in the split second before she entered the room, her cheeks were flush and her eyes elsewhere on my body.

This would be easier than I thought.