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Tempted By Trouble: The Doctor and The Rancher (Bad Boys Western Romance Book 1) by Susan Arden (6)

Chapter Six





Open-mouthed, Carolina stared up at the man who was her newest employer. Matt’s spite and then seeming concern mirrored how she felt. Antagonized to the brink of getting right in his handsome face, she spluttered, “If you’re intent is to shock or confuse me, try again!”

“It isn’t,” he said. “Truce, Dr. Professional. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to find an answer.” Anger no longer rolled off him in waves. It was replaced by something simmering just below the surface.

She was a professional. It wasn’t a dirty word and she tore her gaze from Matt. Carolina wondered if his offer to listen was just that, an offer with no real backup. Heck, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that they both fueled each other into overdrive.

“Then for the sake of the next two weeks, I’m glad that we’re finally on the same page,” she admitted, not wanting to continue this verbal sparring they both seemed ill-equipped to avoid each time they spoke. “Do you want to tell me about what the land-grant college uncovered or do you plan on staying out here all evening? I hear that time is money, Mr. McLemore.”

“This isn’t only about money, this is my family’s reputation. I need professional answers to why my herd is dwindling as we speak.” His weary smile tore into her indignation.

Whether her newest boss realized it or not, he’d struck a highly volatile chord. Carolina refused to overreact but it was hard. Damn hard!

Out of habit, she shored up her anger in the only way she knew how, by being overtly polite. “Come on, we can at least eat and talk. I read the reports you sent. That’s why I suspect it isn’t actually an endemic infection that’s the root of your problem,” she whispered, then gazed around the room filled with unfamiliar faces aside from her family. “Is there anyone here interested in your business?”

“Not a soul, from what I can tell. As I said, I know Rob from Columbia, along with a couple of other guys.”

“You’re a rancher with a New York city education?”

“Don’t act so surprised. I earned an MBA for the business side of what I do. I learned ranching from my father and uncles. Two entirely different schools. Both are the best of their collective worlds.”

“Who oversees the breeding of the herd?” she asked.

“Ranch manager by the name of Brock Jenson. His father worked as the manager before him. Why?”

“Just curious if it was an off-site company.”

“Only in part. We’ve gone with local Texas breeders when needed. We started to use a sample provider from Clarkesville for the shipping. They act as a distributor. But I keep up-to-date computer spreadsheets of each breed. This isn’t exactly a backward operation. I’ve got mobile applications and can get you into our data base right now, if you’d like.”

“I’m trying to get a feel for how your ranch is set up. What happened to the carcasses of the dead cattle?”

“Disposed of off-site, as I said. They’re incinerated.”

“I don’t suppose you kept tissue samples.”

“You mean fur, hoof, muscle, and blood. Not for each. The land-grant college may have some samples. We can use the bull sperm samples linked to each cow that died. That information is part of the spreadsheet. Not an exact genome study. I’ve got a couple of tissue samples and then there’s the dead cow from today. I can collect those samples when I return home.”

“That must have been some education Columbia provided. I’m impressed.” She stalled, thinking about the fact that this would be the first job in a long time when she wouldn’t have her mobile office.

Matt sighed, “Truthfully, I’ve got teenage nieces who watch CSI and can spout off about forensics. It’s not exactly cutting edge and something I want to set up to run as routine. It’s about time my family joined the 21st century.”

At the side of the table, she stopped and laid her hand on Matt’s arm. “I haven’t thought for one moment that you’re less than a businessman who’s concerned about his family.” Something inside Carolina quickened. His taut muscles flexed under her fingers.

Matt’s face relaxed and he smiled. “It’s about time, you cut me some slack.” He held the chair for her. “If there’s one thing I need, it isn’t a battle. Even though my father is stubborn in not wanting to admit that we’re in need of a solution, I for one have no such problem. If we don’t stop more cattle from dying, our ranch will be pegged as problematic. If our stock is downgraded, I don’t have to spell it out, do I?”

Now, Carolina completely understood why this rancher was in dire need. She’d accepted the job, which necessitated an ASAP arrival. Frankly, she’d been surprised when she’d provided a start date of Monday. Now, hearing how urgently her services were required, she couldn’t beg off, claiming to need to arrive by van.

“You don’t,” she replied softly. “I’ll be there as soon as possible. Maybe I can get a flight out on Sunday.”

“Monday, will be soon enough,” he assured her. “Especially after a family wedding of this magnitude.”

“Tell me about it,” she quipped.

Matt laughed and she couldn’t help but join him. A waiter came by and filled their wine glasses.

“You had me going, Carolina. I won’t lie.” He raised his glass. “To Monday and new beginnings.”

“To Monday and finding answers.” She held his gaze as they clinked glasses.

Throughout dinner, they discussed the history of his family’s ranch. He made her laugh with stories of his five brothers, of which he was the eldest. Matt relayed that all of them worked at the ranch. His sister, Corinth McLemore, was something of a princess as the youngest. He talked about her as if she were made of spun sugar.

Each time Carolina asked a question about the cattle, he had the data to back up his answer. As they spoke, he dexterously used his smartphone. Matt sent her files via the Internet or Dropbox. What must it be like for a man so capably at ease with technology to have faulty Wi-Fi holding him back? “You’re a wiz when it comes to digital information,” she commented.

“I’ve had to learn. I’m a jack of many trades and wear more than a few hats. Not that I’m complaining. Ranching is a team effort. My brother Miller is equally up on technology. He doesn’t live on the ranch but works in the office, part-time dealing with the paperwork. My other brother Stephen is also part-time. By part-time I mean they take weeks off, here and there, to pursue other interests.”

“Sounds like you all give each other space.”

“We do and it can’t be helped. The ranch is spread out and we’ve all found what we’re good at. It’s why we’ve stayed.”

That’s what Carolina longed to find. She was good at what she did. But so far, she had not found a place where she felt at home. By the time Sam was ready to throw the bouquet, there’d been dancing and entertainment. Yet, cloistered in their own little microcosm, both Carolina and Matt had remained sequestered. A private corner of the ballroom at a table draped in linen, swathed in candlelight, and their own bottle of champagne.

Early on, Matt had removed the other chairs. Each time someone approached their table, they looked up in surprise but refused to be distracted. They chatted for hours, totally engrossed in conversation. She told him things about her work. Trials and tribulations of what it was like to work as a woman in her field with a mobile lab. He seemed to be genuinely impressed that she worked out of a van. In turn, Matt shared the love of the land and what it meant to be a rancher in Texas. It was like they could see through each other’s eyes. As if they’d known one another for years.

“How about a dance? I’d like to take you for a spin around the floor.” Matt stood and held out his hand. His collar was unbuttoned, his jacket off, and his sleeves were rolled up.

Carolina had removed her gloves, but the rest of her ensemble was intact. She started to refuse. “Oh, I don’t know.”

“It’s a dance, Carolina. Nothing nefarious.”

That brought a tiny quirk to her lips. “Is my cynical nature showing?” A resurgence of longing, beyond sexual, was heightened by this connection that they shared. It was easy to laugh with Matt and be herself, and she wanted to say ‘yes.’

“You can trust me. This evening, I haven’t done anything outlandish, nor do I plan on it. One dance and I won’t step on your toes.” Matt suddenly halted and glanced over his shoulder.

A handful of bright red nails crept around his bicep. Then a woman in an elegant navy lace gown appeared. “Hey, sweetheart. I’m thinking, later on tonight. In your room here in the hotel.”

“I’m all tapped out,” he said pleasantly, retreating a step. The woman, who had to be in her late thirties, followed not letting go of him.

“I don’t believe that for a second. Take this.” From an expensive clutch, the woman took a business card and pushed it into Matt’s shirt pocket. “You don’t even have to whistle. Text me, handsome.” She laughed and sauntered away.

Matt turned to Carolina and shook his head. “Well, now I’m truly ready for that dance.”

“How nice. I’m sure if you hurry, you can catch her.” Fuming, Carolina picked up her gloves and purse. “Our chat has been extremely enlightening, Mr. McLemore. I can see you’ve got other people to attend to and I don’t want to stand in the way of your hot date.”

Matt laughed. “What are you talking about. I don’t know that woman. This is the first time I’ve set eyes on her.”

“Right. Do I look like I was born yesterday?” Carolina tried to edge past him but he took hold of her elbow.

“I don’t melt every time a woman throws herself at me.”

“Well, this woman isn’t about to throw herself at you. I’ve complied with your request to have a talk, shared my insights, and don’t need to hear any excuses on how you plan to spend the rest of your evening. Good night, Mr. McLemore.” She bolted toward the ballroom exit.

Strange gazes from her cousins weren’t enough to stop her hasty retreat. Instead of speaking or explaining, she held up her hand, warning them off as she rushed by. Two more feet, and she’d be free. The lobby was right there and Carolina picked up her pace, almost running. Before she made it to the large ornate doorway, strong fingers clamped around her arm. The pressure made her whirl around.

“Stop, Carolina. Stop running away,” Matt growled.

She glared up into his handsome face and demanded, “Let. Me. Go.”

“Why? Has your ability to bolt ever gotten you what you’ve really wanted? Other than the last word.” The look in Matt’s eyes was hot enough to liquefy steel.

“Is this how you get your dates?” she hissed, her fingers balling up.

“We aren’t through talking or otherwise.”

Even though standing here was like being set on fire, Carolina smiled. “For tonight we are.”

It was ridiculous that one man could get her this riled up. Not only was she spitting mad, but a sharp sting hit the back of her eyes. If she started to cry, Matt would never see her as a professional. Even if he was right about running, so far it was her game plan. Old habits die hard! In an effort to bolt, Carolina jerked her arm—not that he let go.

“All I’m asking for is ten seconds,” Matt said, holding both of her arms now. “If you’d care to take a look, you can see for yourself. That woman is doing the same thing to every man in the place.”

It was hard to nod, but Carolina did. Afterwards, she spun around. Oh dear. It was true. The woman had had too much to drink and was making the ‘rounds.’

Carolina spluttered, “I’m…”

“Yes?” Matt prompted. “Besides a professional.”

She gave a little shake of her head. “Okay, I’m moderately uptight and very sorry.”

“Caro, being uptight doesn’t bother me. It’s who you are. I’m not some dog who wants to do you in a back alley. Trust me, when I say, I respect you. Very, very much.”

There was no greater aphrodisiac. She relaxed, leaning into Matt. “I owe you a dance and more.” Their eyes met, neither looked away. She knew he wanted to kiss her and still she couldn’t stop either of them from where this was headed.

“How much more?” he asked.

Her mouth went dry. “I’m not sure.”

“Come with me.”

Matt guided, not back into the ballroom but out into the lobby. When he bypassed the bank of elevators, she no longer feared whatever was coming next had jumped the rails.

“Where are we going?” she whispered.

He softly laughed. “Hush, Carolina.”

She allowed him to pull her to a hall. At the end, there was a doorway marked as the ‘business center.’ “You’re a strange, strange man, Mr. McLemore.”

Matt pushed inside. Of course, it was empty. He shut the door and didn’t let her go. “What are we doing here?” she asked.

“It isn’t to send a fax,” he said, locking the door. “But it’s your decision.”

“Is it?” Carolina knew she should protest but that’s not what her body desired. Instead, she leaned closer to Matt unable to stop herself. Not even when his hands bracketed her hips could she back away. It was a sexy, masculine move and she laid her palms over his large hands.

Just like the first time they’d touched, their connection was so very powerful. Dressed in a gown and heels, Carolina had the urge to climb this man as if he were a jungle gym. She shifted her face and scraped her cheek against the rough surface of his jaw. His mouth seared against her temple. He kissed a path, downward to her neck. His breath a heatwave moving over her skin, hotter with every exhalation.

“What do you want? From me?” she whispered.

“To start, I want to kiss your lips until they’re swollen and red. Afterward, I’d strip that dress off your shoulder.” Matt’s words crept past Carolina’s defenses and smoothed her ragged feelings into warm caramel.

“And then?” she asked, staring into the eyes of a man she wanted to get to know on several levels.

“Slowly, at great length, I’d touch and taste every inch of your skin.” His hands and the heat of his body saturated Carolina to the core until she melded to him, clinging as though she might collapse if he let go.

Her heart was going to blow up in her chest. Never had she been so near to something this explosive. And Matt held the key.

Carolina’s desire liquefied and screamed for release. “But what about Monday?”

“It’s two days off. Let’s go up to my room. We’re both adults. We both want this.”

Matt’s mouth parted her lips. His tongue followed suit as he kissed her, taking what he wanted in an exquisite, passionate dance of tongue and lips. The air rushed from her lungs. Their kiss was both rough and raw, in short absolutely delicious. For the first time, Carolina was so close to imploding.

She clung to him, aching and longing, awash with piping hot desire. His kisses where driving her to think the unthinkable. Tonight, the all-too-familiar cold iron wall didn’t encase her desire. With Matt, she wanted to let go. How their bodies fit made Carolina forget the reasons why they couldn’t go up to his room. Her desire sweltered and grew. Never had a man turned her on so much.

On fire, she groaned, “You’re playing unfair. Tempting me. Making it impossible to think. I don’t know anymore.”

“Our deal doesn’t have to start until you come to Texas.” He was the devil speaking to her dark desire.

Matt’s warm, wet mouth on her neck scattered her thoughts. He sucked the tender place right above Carolina’s shoulder, making her gasp, her senses reel. A pressure point driving her into submission.

She wanted to throw back her head and scream, let go, and stop thinking. Matt’s body was hard and demanding. The Aramis cologne he wore smelled incredible. She’d been good for too long. Was it so wrong?

Her thoughts shifted like cards thrown up into a gale force wind.

Lost, she murmured, “Our deal?” Knocked for a loop, she couldn’t remember much for a second, or two.

Matt cupped her chin and raised it. He swept the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. His heat burned into her. The intensity in his eyes wrung the sanity from her warped brain and she nodded. “That’s right, our contract.”

That’s right. She was supposed to be a professional. God, she almost hated the sound of that word.

“Aw, don’t frown, Carolina. Just tell me what you want?”

He was making it seem so simple. She traced a finger along Matt’s lower lip. How could one man’s mouth feel so powerful? “I don’t want you to stop.”

“Baby, let’s go upstairs.”

“Upstairs?” she echoed, running a finger down Matt’s carved torso to his engorged erection. A bolt of raw excitement shot straight to her sex. He was built for pleasure. Her pleasure. The Earth wasn’t just moving, it spun full-tilt.

Matt cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushed across the cups of her gown, making her nipples spring to life. Her stomach muscles contracted and she writhed as if ensnared in a trap.

“Carolina, we could be naked. In bed,” he whispered.

If he made her feel this undone fully dressed, what would happen when they were naked in a hotel room? A searing thought lurched and took hold, burning through her mind like a red-hot poker. Pretend girlfriend! Their official job contract might not begin until Monday, but she couldn’t face him and act unaffected if they went to bed. Not in how he engulfed her in singeing flames. He was the first man who made her want to combust from passion. He was also her soon-to-be boss!

Carolina’s whole body wanted to rear up in protest. This over-the-top desire of theirs wouldn’t just stop on command. If anything, it’d get hotter, harder to resist. She kept seeing herself splayed on top of some computer desk at his ranch and someone walking in, witnessing their madness. Because that was what this felt like. She needed to keep her cool, starting now! Keep her distance to get the job done, then afterwards ... That made sense. With a plan in place, the scales started to tip, her sense of control resurfaced.

“We can’t continue in here. Matt, we’ve got to stop.” She pushed him back, gaining an inch or two between their bodies.

He didn’t release her. Only lifted his head a bit and said, “In here or this?”

“Both,” she breathed. “What we want isn’t possible. The timing is wrong. You need my help. Well, I need yours, too. I need to find out what to do with my life besides settle. All this, isn’t helping me decide. It’s only getting in the way.”

Matt leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers. “This isn’t a lifetime commitment. Just one night, sugar.”

Of all the words possible to utter, he’d chosen those three. Was this karma or fate, or goddamn destiny? Really, it didn’t matter. Carolina had a job to do and do it, she would. Nothing and no one would stand in her way to help her client—not even said client!

She shook her head. “McLemore, I’m not looking for forever, but I’ve already had too many just one nights.” She failed to mention all those just-one-nights happened with the same man. Instead, she said, “I can’t. I just can’t sleep with you.”

Matt stiffened. He was as rigid as a plank of carved wood.

His face became hard. Human chiselled marble. “So, it’s turn me on and then turn me off? Carolina, I’m not a robot. It’s been months since I’ve dated a woman, if it matters. You’ve got me so worked up—”

“Please, I know. But it wasn’t my intent.”

Matt let go of her. He didn’t retreat but tunneled his fingers through his hair, heaving a lungful of air. “You’re stronger than me. A helluva lot, stronger. Playing the part of my pretend girlfriend should be a cakewalk for you, Dr. Rodriguez. Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me, and to think, I’m the jackass who suggested it. Guess from your vantage point, I’m getting my just deserts.”

“Please,” she whispered, wanting to tell him why a one-night stand wasn’t in her wheelhouse. “That isn’t it.”

“Oh no? Ya could’ve fooled me, darlin’.” Matt squeezed her waist and left without another word.