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Tempting Dusty (Temptation Saga Book 1) by Helen Hardt (8)

Chapter Seven

Dusty awoke, nestled in the crook of Zach’s arm. He was breathing steadily, and his eyes—those amazing, beautiful, unique eyes—fluttered beneath the lids. She smiled. He was dreaming.

She moved gingerly, the soreness between her legs more pronounced than she had expected. Perhaps he had been larger than normal. Not that she would have known the difference.

Absolutely wonderful. A mistake, of course.

But a wonderful mistake.

She got up quietly and shuffled into the bathroom. Gazing into the mirror, she was startled. Her hair was a mass of waves, yet it looked sexy. Her cheeks were flushed and her nipples a deep crimson. She looked well used and well loved. She felt the same.

Looking down to the triangle between her legs she noticed a few rust-colored smudges on her inner thighs.

Her virgin’s blood.

She moistened a washcloth in warm water and cleansed herself. The warm dampness soothed the sting of her tissues.


She looked up. Zach stood in the doorway, naked and regal. Oh, he was beautiful. His broad shoulders glimmered in the fluorescent light of the vanity, the lines of his muscles a pleasure to behold, and the patch of dark hair on his chest was so rugged. So manly. Between his legs, his sex hung loosely, surrounded by a nest of black curls. And those eyes… She wanted to melt into them.

“Darlin’?” He spoke again. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No.” Warmth crept up her neck.

“That wasn’t your—”

“My first time.” She rinsed out the cloth. “Yeah.”

“I didn’t know.”

“I know. It’s okay.”

“But how? Why?”

She turned and walked into his arms. “I never wanted anyone enough. Until now.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I’m honored.”

Okay, now she was embarrassed. “It’s no big deal.”

“Are you kidding?” He grasped her shoulders, pushed her away, and bored his eyes into hers. “It’s a huge deal. And if I had known, I could have made it better for you.”

“No, you couldn’t have. It was perfect. Thank you.”

“Aw, hell, I’m the one who should be thanking you. You gave me a priceless gift. I’ll always treasure it, darlin’.”

Dusty didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.

“And it’ll be better next time. Just wait and see.” He winked at her.

Of course, there wouldn’t be a next time, but she didn’t want to tell him that yet. She wanted to hold him and pretend nothing else in the world existed.

His voice breached her thoughts. “If you weren’t, you know, active sexually, why are you on the pill?”

“What? Oh, yeah, the pill.” Dusty cleared her throat. “Irregular periods.”


“Let’s go back to bed,” she said.

“You’re sore. We should wait—”

“I didn’t mean it that way. I just want to lie with you. In your arms.”

He smiled down at her, took her hand, and led her back to the bed. She snuggled into him, sighing. “You smell good.”

“Like honey and milk?” His eyes twinkled.

“Kind of.”

“That’s what I put in the bath.”

Dusty giggled softly. “Somehow you don’t seem the milk bath type.”

“What a man’ll do for his woman.” He squeezed her breast playfully.

His woman. Wow. She did like the sound of it. If only it could be. “It’s not just honey and milk. You smell fresh, and musky.”

“That’s you, darlin’. I smell like you.”

“Oh.” She heated.

“It’s the smell of sex. Of our scents mingled together.” He inhaled deeply. “There’s no sweeter perfume.”

She breathed in and had to agree with him.


“Yeah?” She winced. She already knew him well enough to know that when he used her name, instead of calling her darling, something was up.

“What was going on with you earlier?”

“I’m hungry.” She wasn’t, but she had to change the subject.

“I’ll call room service.”

“No, I should go… I’m barrel racing tomorrow.”

“Oh. Shoot.”


“I’m one of the judges for the barrel racing. I guess I’ll have to disqualify myself.”

“Why? You’re not even a real judge. There’s no subjectivity in barrel racing.”

“Still—” He pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. “I can hardly be impartial when I’m sleeping with one of the contestants.”

“There’s no impartiality. You just record the time and watch if any barrels get knocked over. I trust you to be fair.” She smiled. “I’m going to win, anyway. Sydney Buchanan’s the only one who has come close to my record time, and I already know I can beat her.”

He kissed her again. “Just the same, I’m recusing myself. But I’ll be there to cheer you on.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Woman, I want to. Now if you’re hungry, I’m calling room service, and we’ll have dinner together up here. And we’ll talk.”

He stood and went into the living area.

Talk? Why did he want to talk? Weren’t men supposed to hate talking?

He came back in with the room service menu and tossed it on the bed. “Order whatever you want.”

“I’m not really hungry.”

“Damn it, Dusty, you just said you were.”

“Oh. Right.” She had to get out of here. “I should go, though. I haven’t given Regina a workout today, and we’re competing tomorrow.”

“You know as well as I do that a day off before a competition is good for an animal.”

“Not everyone subscribes to that viewpoint.”

“But I’m willing to bet you do. With your love of animals.”

She sighed. He was right, of course. “I should get back though. I’ll need a good night’s sleep…”

“Dusty, it’s six o’clock, and we spent half the afternoon sleeping.”

“I need to call Sam.”

“So call him.”

“I don’t have a cell phone.” She grimaced at the look of surprise on Zach’s face.

He pointed to the phone on the nightstand. “So?”

“Fine.” She quickly dialed the hotel and left Sam a message.

When she was finished, Zach took the phone from her.

“This is suite twenty-five hundred. I’ll have the Chateaubriand for two, please, with green beans and garlic mashed potatoes. Oysters on the half-shell for an appetizer.” A pause. “Yeah, that’d be great. And a chocolate soufflé for dessert.” He started to put the phone down, and then spoke again. “You still there? A bottle of your best Bordeaux. Thanks.”

Dusty’s mouth dropped open. He had just ordered about three hundred dollars’ worth of food. That was her and Sam’s grocery budget for a month. At least, it had been while they were saving for this trip to Denver. The steak dinner the previous evening must have set him back about a hundred and fifty, but this was plain crazy.

“Uh, Zach?”


“You don’t need to spend that much money on dinner for me.”

“For you?” He grinned and touched her chin, forcing her to look at him. “I thought I might eat some, too.”

“Of course, but—”

“You said you’re hungry, and you need to eat a good solid meal so you’re at your best for competition tomorrow.”

“And the wine?”

“Goes great with the meat.” He gave her a lazy half-smile.

“What I don’t need is a hangover.”

“You won’t have one. I’ll take good care of you tonight. I promise.”

Dusty sighed and smiled. Why not share a meal with him? She had shared her body, and she had no regrets. She wanted to let him take care of her. She wasn’t ready for it all to end.

“You want another bath?” he asked. “It’ll help the soreness.”

It did sound heavenly. “Yeah, but I need to wash my hair. So I’d better take a shower.”

“Nah, a bath.” He grinned at her. “And I’ll wash your hair.”

Now why in the world did the thought of Zach washing her hair completely turn her on?

“Only if I get to wash yours.” The idea of threading her fingers through his black silk thrilled her.

“I won’t turn that down, darlin’.” He started for the bathroom. “I’ll run the bath and call you when it’s ready.”

“Mmm,” Dusty purred, and then lay back on the bed. She missed him already, and he was only in the bathroom. She ran her hands over her breasts, cupping them, squeezing them, making her nipples harden. She moved one hand down to her triangle of curls, imagining Zach’s silky head between her legs, his hot mouth pleasuring her.

“Now that’s a lovely sight.”

Zach stood in the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom, his eyes smoldering.

Dusty warmed and redness crept to her breasts. She stilled her hands.

Zach grinned. “Your bath is ready, darlin’. Though I think I’d rather join you.”

Though embarrassed, she couldn’t help but chuckle. How she wished she could forget everything about her life and stay here in this room forever, making sweet love to this phenomenal man.

“Come on,” he said. “I promised you a scalp massage.”

“A scalp massage? I just need my hair washed.”

“There’s more to hair washing than shampoo and conditioner.” He winked. “It’s an erotic art.”

She smiled. He was so damned adorable. “An erotic art, huh? This an invention of yours?”

“Yeah. As of five minutes ago. Come on.”

Erotic art, indeed. Zach’s strong and talented hands reduced Dusty to a pool of jelly by the time he had rinsed and conditioned her. As an added benefit, her hair felt extraordinarily clean.

“Your hair is beautiful,” he said. “And so long.”

“I’ve been growing it out for a while. Almost five years.”

“You used to wear it short?”

“Yeah. Real short, actually.”

“I can’t imagine that look on you.”

“Trust me, it’s not flattering. Luckily my hair grows really fast.” She threaded her fingers through his black waves. “Now I get to do you.”

“Oh, I’d love that, darlin’.” He gave her a playful smirk. “But I’ll settle for you washing my hair for now.”

She gave him a good-natured splash and lathered his thick, dark hair. Her hands weren’t as strong as Zach’s, so she hoped her scalp massage felt as good to him as his had to her. His soft moans indicated she was successful.

When they had washed and caressed each other’s bodies and the water turned lukewarm, they toweled off and dressed in the fluffy robes.

“Feel better now?” Zach touched her gently between her legs.

“It never felt bad,” she said, “but yes, it’s better now.”

Their dinner arrived soon after, and Dusty ate heartily, allowing the food to replenish her body. Eating with Zach was becoming a habit that would be difficult to break. Though not as difficult as the other habit she had just begun with him.

The wine he had ordered complemented the meal, and Dusty was nearly too full to try the chocolate soufflé, but Zach insisted.

“Oh,” she groaned. “I don’t need to eat for another week.” She looked around the room. “Where are my clothes, Zach? I need to get going.”

“They were filthy with hay and dirt. I sent them down to the laundry.”

“Oh, no. When will they be ready?”

“In the morning.”

“Great. What do you propose I wear back to my hotel? This robe and a pair of your boxers?”

“Sure.” He reached into a dresser drawer and threw her a pair of red silk shorts. “You’ll look adorable in these.”

Okay, the thought of putting his silk boxers on her bare skin had possibilities…but no. “I’m serious, Zach. I have to go.”

He leered at her. “You’ll just have to spend the night here, darlin’.” He pulled her into a hug.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Well, Sam…”

“I think I’d rather it just be you and me,” Zach teased.

“You know what I mean.”

“Why do you need to leave, Dusty? Don’t you want to be with me?”

“It’s not that…” God, no, it isn’t that.

“Please stay with me. I want to hold you and wake up next to you.”

Her heart melted inside her chest. What could it hurt? One night. One wonderful, incredible night in the arms of a wonderful, incredible man. What a perfect memory to get her through the rough times.

“Okay, Zach. I’ll stay. But I need to be at the barrel racing competition by nine sharp to warm up.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He saluted.

“Be serious.”

“I am serious. I’ll get you there, and I’ll be your loudest cheerer.”

She smiled. He was so, so handsome. “Zach?”

“What, darlin’?”

“Let’s go to bed.”

“I don’t know,” he teased. “You may have to twist my arm a little.”

Dusty smiled and handed him the red boxers. “Put these on, and I’ll make it worth your while.”

“I guess I can manage that.”

Zach pulled the boxers over his hips and Dusty gulped, shuddering. “You’re incredible,” she said. “You should be an underwear model.”

His wide grin sparkled, and two rosy spots appeared on his cheeks.

“I haven’t embarrassed the great Zach McCray, have I?” Dusty slowly ran a finger around the waistband of the boxers.

His response to her was immediate. The head of his cock peeked out from the fly of the shorts. “You’re killin’ me.”

“But what a way to go.”

“You said it.”

“Now, what should we do?” Dusty grinned.

“Whatever you want. I’m yours for the night.” He brushed his lips against hers.

“What do you want to do?” she asked.



“I’d like to make love to you again and show you how good it can be. If I’d known it was your first time…”

“We’ve been through that. I loved it.”

“I’m glad. But this time’ll be better. I promise.”

“Okay.” Dusty slipped her arm around his back and stroked the cheek of his bottom through the silk. She smiled when he groaned. “Make love to me, Zach. Do whatever you want to me.”

“Oh, darlin’”—his sexy voice flowed over her, into her—“I want to show you everything, teach you everything, experience ecstasy with you.”

His mouth found hers, and he took it gently, easing her open and kissing her with his lips, his teeth, his tongue. Dusty moaned as her skin tingled, her heart throbbed. If she lived to be a hundred, she’d never tire of Zach’s kisses.

He gently nudged her onto the bed and covered his body with hers, continuing his assault on her mouth. His erection pushed through the red silk into her thigh. She moved her hands down the strong sinewy musculature of his back and eased the sleek fabric down. He wriggled out of the boxers and covered her body with his again. Dusty loved the feeling of his weight on her. Of his hard muscled perfection blanketing her with warmth and joy. They continued to kiss, their lips meshing together in white heat. When Zach finally left her mouth, Dusty was panting.

He kissed a trail over her cheeks, her nose, and kissed her eyelids as gently as a butterfly. He nibbled on her ear and whispered to her how beautiful she was, how hard she made him, how much he wanted her. She ran her hands over his shoulders and neck, his muscular back, the firm male shape of him a pleasure to touch.

“You’re so damned beautiful,” he said. “I can’t get enough of you.”

He continued to trail fluttery kisses down her neck, over her chest, and then lifted his head for a moment to stare at her breasts. “Beautiful,” he said. “So beautiful.”

As he sucked a nipple between his lips, Dusty gasped and writhed, tangled her fingers in his silky black hair and urged him on. He nipped and bit at her, tugging on her nipple.

“The other one, Zach. Please, the other one.”

Zach released her nipple with a soft pop and turned his attention to the other. Was it possible to climax just from breast stimulation? Before she could find out, he was licking her belly, pausing at her blond curls.

“So beautiful,” he said again and buried his nose in her. “So sweet.” When his tongue darted out and flicked her, she bucked beneath him. He spread her legs and gazed at her. “Hold still, darlin’. I’m gonna show you a real good time.”

“Oh, God.” Dusty hardly recognized her own voice.

Zach clamped his mouth down on her and thrust out his tongue, kissing her as though he were kissing her mouth. His tongue swirled over her slick folds, licking them, tugging them between his teeth. Then he pushed his tongue into her opening again.

Dusty wanted to squirm, but he held her still. He licked her, sucked her, pushed her thighs forward, and slid his tongue over the sensitive skin of her buttocks.

“Zach…” she said tentatively.

“Hush, darlin’,” he said. “Just enjoy it.”


He looked up, his chin and cheeks shining with her juices. “Yeah?”

“If you don’t come inside me soon I think I’ll go crazy.”

His gorgeous smile warmed her. “I want to make you crazy.”

“My God—”

He thrust two fingers inside her, and within seconds he had found a secret spot that made her explode inside. The orgasm shattered her and took her off the bed, seemed to levitate her over the mountains. She heard herself screaming his name. When she finally came back to earth, he began again, sucking her and massaging the inside of her with his clever fingers. Soon she slid back into euphoria.

Dusty lost count of how many times she climaxed. “Zach,” she pleaded. “No more. No more. I want you now. You.”

“One more, darlin’,” he said. “Fly for me. I want to make you soar.”

With his words she burst outward, outside her body once more. She was flying, just like he said. So high above the snowcapped mountains. Soaring like an eagle. Her body spasmed with the flight, shaking, trembling, the physical sensations mixed with heady emotion. When Zach lifted his mouth from her, she plummeted downward, still convulsing against his fingers, which he circled slowly inside her.

Limp and sated, she closed her eyes as Zach trailed his lips and tongue up her belly, her breasts, her neck. When he got to her mouth he stopped, leaving no more than a few inches between them.

“Open your eyes.” The breath from his words was a soft caress against her lips. “Look at me.”

Her eyelids fluttered as she obeyed his command and gazed into his beautiful unique eyes. So wonderful, this man. She expected him to kiss her, but he didn’t. They just stared into each other’s eyes. Her heart melted, her skin tingled, her mind melded with his. And just as she thought their very souls had joined, he took her mouth with his and thrust into her.

The sweet caress of his tongue, the urgent stabs of his cock, his hard body against hers—Dusty thought she had died and gone to heaven. She couldn’t imagine being closer to anyone. Ever.

As he joined with her, made love to her, she felt they were one body. And when she climaxed, he groaned and pushed into her, filling her. Zach had been right. It was better—perfect and amazing and absolute bliss.

He rolled them to the side, his sex still embedded inside her, and pulled her into his arms.




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