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The Baby Project (Kingston Family #3) by Miranda Liasson (15)

Chapter Fifteen

Liz was doing paperwork in her office early the next morning, decaf tea at her side, when Paula walked in.

“I’m a little overbooked,” Paula said, scrolling through the texts on her phone. “I asked Carly to move a few of my patients over to you.”

“Um, that’s not going to work for me today, Paula. I have a doctor’s appointment this morning.”

“I know, but your doctor’s appointment is right here in the office. Look, just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you get time off.”

“I scheduled this morning off a long time ago.” Liz sat up a little straighter in her seat. She was determined to make some changes in her life, and she might as well start right now. “I’m not taking your overflow today.”

That got Paula to look up. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. You’re not my boss, you’re my partner. I don’t work for you, I work with you. I’ve been thinking I need to slow down a little, to have time to take care of my patients and to have some time for my life. And we could really use a fourth doc.”

“Don’t even think about slowing down. We need all the revenue we can generate in this small town or our practice won’t survive.”

Liz frowned. Maybe she would have let a statement like that go a few weeks ago, not because she was a wimp, but because she always put her patients first. She’d always thought of herself as hardworking, the type of person who would do whatever it took to get the job done right, to help people as best she could. But now she saw another way. “Actually, I want to negotiate taking Wednesday afternoons off. And some Friday afternoons, too, especially after call.”

“This group doesn’t take time off like that.”

Liz set down her pen. “Then maybe I need to find another group.”

Panic seized her. What the hell was she doing? In a few months, she would be a single mom. She needed income. She needed to stay in town to be close to her family. This had been her dream. Why was she fucking it up?

“We’re the only show in town,” Paula said. “What are you going to do, move?” She crossed her arms. The satisfied look on her face indicated she knew she’d won.

Paula was right, of course. A town this size couldn’t support two OB practices. Never before had Liz understood how important it was not to burn bridges.

“She’s not leaving town, just the practice,” came a familiar voice at the door. Liz looked up to see Brett standing there. He tossed her a little wink. “And I’m going with her. We’re going to set up our own practice. And hire two more docs. We’re too damn busy.”

Liz stopped her mouth from dropping open.

She almost ran across the room and hugged him. Instead, she sat there and beamed. “We even found the perfect building. Dr. McGregor’s office is on the market. It’s old and pretty, and I think we can make it really cheery and homey for moms-to-be.” Said the woman who owned one chair until recently. Well, she’d always been a quick study.

She had no idea how they were going to do this, but from the smile on Brett’s face, she knew he was on board. Together they’d figure it out.

It was all part of the new her. Things with Grant hadn’t worked out the way she’d dreamed they would, but she would create a life. A good one. For herself and her child.

“Cheery and homey?” Paula dropped her phone into her lab jacket. “Whatever. It’s clear you both want a much softer lifestyle than I do.”

“I love working hard,” Liz said. “I just think there are other things in life besides working.”

“Funny,” Paula said, “last I heard, your man left. So you should have plenty of free time on your hands.”

That made Brett push off from the wall and come to stand next to Paula. “That was inappropriate,” he said.

“It’s okay, Brett,” Liz said. “I got this.” She turned to Paula. “Maybe ‘my man’ is gone, but I have my friends. And my family. And…and my dog. I love taking care of my patients, too. I’ll be more than happy to see them today. Right after I’m done going out to breakfast with my family.” Liz glanced at her watch. “It’s time for my ultrasound and I don’t want to be late. Good-bye, Paula. I wish you the best.” She smiled sweetly, ignoring Paula’s scowl.

“Well, good luck leading your small-town life,” Paula said. “I can find better opportunities in Charlotte anyway.” Then she stalked out of the room.

“All righty then,” Brett said when they were alone. “Looks like we’re both out of work.”

“What made you decide to leave?” Liz asked Brett.

“I saw you throw yourself under the bus and I just couldn’t stand it.”

She grinned. “A true friend. Tossing yourself under with me. Why’d you really do it?”

“I thought about what you said. Work is too hard as it is to have to come here and put up with a confrontational, oppositional partner who isn’t ever going to compromise on anything.”

She hugged Brett on the way out. “What do you really think of us buying the old McGregor property?” she asked.

“It’s nice. Big trees in the front, enough exam rooms for sure. It might need some remodeling, though. But yeah. I can sort of see us working there.”

“We can make it ours,” Liz said. “I’m excited about that.”

Carly stuck her head in. “Dr. Stevens, Parker and Daphne are here for their appointment,” she said.

“Thanks, Carly. Bring them back to the exam room, okay?” Brett said. Then he lowered his voice for Liz’s ears only. “You seriously owe me for this.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just finish up with them and come see my ultrasound, okay? It wouldn’t be the same without you.” She paused. “Would it help if I told you I thought it was a great idea to let Kevin do the decorating in our new place?” Liz asked.

Brett half scowled, half smiled. “Fine,” he said. “He’d love it. But you don’t have to try and sweeten the deal. I’m all in. See you in a few.”

Brett left to get something from his office. Liz walked out into the hall to head to the ultrasound room but ran right into Parker and Daphne.

“We just had an ultrasound,” Parker said. “Everything looked good.”

“That’s great,” Liz said. “Congratulations.” She meant it.

Liz said her good-byes and started to walk toward the ultrasound room when she heard her name. It was Parker, calling from down the hallway. She stopped and turned around. “We’re having a boy. I—wanted you to know.”

Liz looked at her ex. For a flash, she saw him as he was in high school, when she’d first met him. The cute quarterback, boyish, flirty, sweet. How they ever thought that was going to work next to her sarcastic braininess, she couldn’t guess. She’d loved him, but not in the way of true connection that she’d felt with Grant, who challenged her in so many ways. Who made her laugh and seemed to get her in ways she knew Parker never would.

Either way, she felt different. The heartbreak was gone. Maybe she’d finally forgiven herself.

“That’s great, Parker. I wish you both the best,” she said.

“Thanks,” he said, sounding surprisingly sincere, and turned to go. Daphne had already entered the exam room. Liz stopped him with her voice. “But one thing.”

He turned back. “Sure thing, Liz. What is it?”

“Be sure and treat her better.”

He gave the slightest nod. She was certain that was all she would ever get in terms of an apology, but that was all right. She really didn’t need one anymore. “Gotta run,” she said. “Have a good day.”

“Okay, sweetie, are you ready?” Carly asked, already in her seat, the ultrasound probe in one hand as she adjusted settings on the machine.

“You bet,” Liz said. Excitement flooded her heart. She was lying down in the dim room, trying to be a good patient. “Anybody show up yet? I think my parents and sisters are coming.”

“Oh, you’ve got plenty of people showing up, and they’re all waiting outside. Shall I let them in?” She walked toward the door, pausing with her hand on the handle. She opened the door to a gaggle of people.

Her parents and sisters flooded in. And Derrick and Jenna, and her brothers-in-law, all excitedly talking. Happy to be here. Happy for her.

“Okay, let’s get this show started,” Carly said.

Liz greeted everyone. Put one arm behind her head so she could see the screen better. Tried to look as relaxed as possible with so many emotions whirling through her. Carly did a great job, chatting away, preparing everyone for what they were about to see.

For the first time today, Liz’s excitement was tempered by equal measure of heartache. While she was so grateful for her family being here for her, she couldn’t help but think of Grant. She’d tried to be upbeat and positive—and realistic. She knew she was capable of going this alone. At least, she thought she could with her family rallying at her side. That didn’t stop her outward bravado from momentarily flagging.

She wanted him here as they saw their baby for the first time, but he hadn’t even bothered to call since he’d been gone. It was truly over, and somehow she’d have to come to grips with that. The sting of tears suddenly burned behind her eyes. Cat somehow must have sensed what she was feeling, because she took her hand and squeezed tightly.

“We can’t wait to meet the baby,” Cat said, smiling reassuringly, which made Liz feel even more emotional.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” her mom said, pushing aside family members until she was right next to Liz. “Here.”

Her mother held out a slightly yellowed business-size envelope. Liz took it and looked at her questioningly.

“Go ahead. Open it,” her mother said.

Liz pulled out a solitary square piece of paper. It was an ultrasound image. Dated over thirty years ago.

“That tiny white speck is the first glimpse we ever saw of you. You turned out to be an extraordinary woman—strong and capable—and you can do anything by yourself. Even this.”

“Oh, Mom.” She hugged her mom, and the waterworks really let go.

“We love you, sweetheart,” her father said.

Derrick cleared his throat. “I hate to break this up, but I’ve got to get to work.”

“Okay, folks, here we go,” Carly said, getting out the ultrasound gel.

Just as she started to position the probe, a knock sounded on the door. Loud, determined. “Hey,” a man’s voice called. “Is it okay to come in?”

Liz frowned. The voice sounded familiar. Like, world-famous-baritone familiar. With a British twist. Impossible.

“Just a minute,” Carly called.

Suddenly the door burst open. There in the doorway, in the bright light of the hallway, stood a very flustered, out of breath Grant Wilbanks.

“Am I too late?” he asked, scanning the room.

Liz propped herself up on her elbows. Her dad, Derrick, Nick, and Preston all moved a little closer to Grant, blocking him from advancing into the room.

“Why are you here?” her father asked.

“I need to talk to Liz,” Grant said. His voice held an edge of urgency. The men formed sort of a wall between her and Grant, but between their heads Liz could see his hair was mussed. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, and he looked thinner and wan. Basically, he looked like shit. That small realization filled her heart with hope.

From what she could see, the men were all giving Grant the eyeball, but to his credit, he stepped forward until he was directly across from the other men. As he did, she noticed something. In his camera bag, sticking up from one of the pockets, was a little blue stuffed bear.

“I came to see my family,” Grant said, looking directly at her.

“We’re her family,” Derrick said. “And you haven’t even bothered to call since you left.”

“I was thrown in jail,” he said, his gaze never wavering from her face. “I got here as soon as I could.”

“Let him through,” Liz said, her heart thudding wildly.

“You sure, Lizzy?” Her father hadn’t called her that since she was six.

“Yeah. I’m sure, Dad. Please let him through. And, guys, don’t hurt him.”

Liz struggled to sit up on the curved leather-covered exam table. As Grant pushed his way through the wall of her relatives, he never let his gaze drop from her face. Her pulse hammered wildly inside her ears and her brain clawed frantically at what he’d just said, words like jail and family that made no sense but made her cry. In that moment, she saw it all—everything he was feeling, written plainly on his face. Her heart heard it, before he even said a word.

He looked desperate, disheveled, sorry. And she forgave him, God, she forgave him everything because he came back, because he was here.

He took up her hands in his big, long-fingered ones, and they were warm and his grasp was firm and strong and tight. No one’s touch had ever felt so right.

“All right everyone,” her mother said. “Let’s give them some privacy. C’mon, everybody, out we go into the hall.” She swept her sisters, the big burly guys, and even Carly out with the same ease as if she were sweeping dust out the door. Thank you, Mom.

“Jail?” Liz said. Had he said he’d been in jail?

“I’ll explain later.” He waved the topic off. “But first—I screwed up,” Grant said as soon as they were alone, twining his fingers together with hers. “I only know one way of life. I thought it was the life I was destined for. To be on the go, always running. I suppose I’ve been running my whole life, ever since my parents died. You finally made me realize I couldn’t outrun love anymore.”


“Let me finish. My parents seemed only to look for accomplishments, like love is conditional. I was always trying to impress them in some way, as if that would make them love me more. But I know now that real love isn’t like that. It doesn’t depend on accomplishments. It just…is.”

“Grant, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re here.”

“Please, let me say what I came to say. I’ve never had a real home, but I want to learn to have one. I want you to be my home. You and our child. If you’ll have me, Elizabeth.” He dropped to one knee. “In the beginning I told myself I came back here just to do my documentary, but the truth is, I’ve never been able to get you out of my mind. I love your wit, your intelligence, your kindness. Your work ethic, too, but only if it includes time for me. I will forever spend every day of my life proving to you how much, if only you’ll do me the honor of marrying me.”

He reached into the breast pocket of his shirt and pulled out a tiny box. “I love you. Marry me,” he said. “Make me the happiest man alive.”

He opened the box, but she couldn’t see the contents through the blur of tears. She reached for him, pulling him close, and suddenly she was in his arms, he was wrapping his big arms around her and pulling her to him, kissing her, whispering that he loved her, begging her to marry him. And she knew with all her heart that she was exactly where she belonged.

“I told myself I didn’t need anybody,” she said. “I worked all the time so I didn’t have to think about anything else. You saw through all of it. You made me stop and realize there’s a whole life out there to be lived. I love you.”

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and kissed him. He took his time, placing his mouth over hers, kissing her long and deep and hard.

Finally, someone knocked on the door. Carly cracked it open and cleared her throat. “I hate to break up this love fest, but I’ve got another patient coming in fifteen minutes. Do you all want to see this baby or not?”

Liz lay back again, and Grant stood by her side, holding tightly onto her hand and staring at the monitor. Everyone crowded around.

The screen lit up with black and a lot of indiscernible staticky white lines. Suddenly, the probe located a tiny round black bubble with a fuzzy little white speck inside.

“And here he or she is,” Carly said. “There’s your baby.”

A tiny flicker of white in a circle of black. Moving. Beating.

Emotion welled up and brimmed over. Liz had no words. She looked at Grant, completely overwhelmed. He beamed a smile at her. A smile she knew came from his heart. He squeezed her hand hard.

“The baby is five-point-six mm long and has a heart rate of one hundred and twenty-nine beats per minute,” Carly said.

“Hey, I think my grandson looks like me,” her father said.

“Dad!” she said.

Another knock sounded, and Brett walked in. “Sorry to be late. Those—ahem—patients were a real pain.” He walked around to the front of the monitor.

“Well, what have we got here?” Brett asked, examining the screen.

“Gestational sac right there,” Carly said, pointing.

Brett leaned closer to examine the screen more carefully. “Wait a sec,” he said. “Carly, move the probe more posteriorly.”

He pointed to something. “There’s another one.”

“What?” Liz said. Surely she did not hear that correctly.

“I beg your pardon,” Grant said. “You mean—twins?”

Brett turned around and flashed them a big grin. “Twins.”

“Oh my God,” Carly said.

Grant bent down to his camera bag and pulled out both bears. “Good thing I brought two.”

That, of course, made Liz cry even more.

“Somehow, I don’t think life with you two is ever going to be boring,” her dad said.

Grant leaned over and threaded his fingers through Liz’s. “It won’t be,” he said quietly, his perfect mouth turning up in a smile. And then he kissed her again.

As she kissed the man she loved back, she realized that just a short while ago, she never thought that things would have ever worked out for her like this—that her life was full of good fortune she wouldn’t have ever imagined even a few months ago.

More than she ever would have counted on.

Double what she’d hoped for, actually. Okay, make that triple, counting Grant.

“Can we handle twins?” she asked when the kiss ended.

“We can handle twins,” he said, smiling that world-famous smile. “Together.”




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